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Smackdown Spoilers [Taped Feb. 3]


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They all drop the ball. Even if the ball is swatted out of their hands, they still drop it.



So Vince McMahon is like the Million Dollar man, and his idea of a hilarious prank is to hand guys "the ball" then knock it out of their hands?

There was also the time DX had Jason SensAtion dressed up as Shawn and he kept dropping a ball during the interview.


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Zayn and Finn look like can't miss stars, TBH. Don't even like Finn, but the dude just looks like he's going to be over. 


If WWE booked women not like shit, Bayley, Charlotte, and Sasha Banks would all get way over, too. 

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I know I've brought it up a number of times, so I guess it is my gimmick, but what the hell are they doing giving the Miz 70% of the match against Reigns. Miz should barely be able to make a dent against Reigns.

I've hated the Bryan-Kane feud because it's unenjoyable. I dont care if it makes sense storylinewise.

I enjoyed that absurd restaurant segment for what it was. I'm just excited Kidd/Cesaro are doing something and Use used the word ignant.

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I know I've brought it up a number of times, so I guess it is my gimmick, but what the hell are they doing giving the Miz 70% of the match against Reigns. Miz should barely be able to make a dent against Reigns.


Note the date:


The biggest thing WWE does to ruin big heels is forcing them to work the same formula match as any other face. They go from dominating one week, to eating 90% of the offense in their first match as a face. Nobody wants to cheer a guy who always gets beat up. Watch Austin's run when he was massively over in 98... He's getting almost 50% of the offense in his matches, and probably the majority of the offense in some (like the Foley matches). People want to cheer for guys who can kick ass, not someone who's gonna be selling 90% of the match against David Otunga. 


I guarantee Roman's heat will dwindle if he starts being on the receiving end of a lot of "chinlock, elbow, elbow, hair pull, chinlock" spots. 


Sure there's other reasons he's not getting as much heat as they'd like right now, but it still seems relevant.

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I wish Roman would starting use "THE POUNCE".  Not just because I'm a sucka for the move, but also because he can damn well fly in the air off his two feet jumps. You saw that spear on Monday.  You see him do his dropkick from the outside to the lower rope move.


He probably won't do it because it's too close to the spear though. I would love to see him hit Brock with it just to see Lesnar sell it like a pinball.

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You'd think if there was one thing Vince would remember how to do, it would be to push someone the way he pushed Hogan. I know they want to give Reigns time at house shows, because he's still green (although having been on the road full-time for what, a year and a half, he shouldn't be as green as he is), but he should be winning in less than five minutes on TV.

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