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Posted (edited)
48 minutes ago, JLowe said:

That might salvage things some, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t Jarrett-Lethal.

I'd be way down for this. With the Trios' division taking on more of the PWG fast paced, Elite-video game style during their reign (which I also completely enjoy, for me it was second to only Danielson/Rush tonight which was king m'fin sized) I'd kinda be into a more story-based, super bloody, Memphis-style tag division centered around the likes of Jarrett/Lethal, the Gunns, FTR, Wheeler/Claudio, The Acclaimed, and 2.0 as a nice contrast. 


Edited by Zakk_Sabbath
In spite of their status as ROH singles champs, I wanna see more of Wheeler/Claudio as a team so I added them (They've had a number of good ones on Dark//Elevation)
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Incredible show. MJF/Takeshita was amazing, loved MJF's backflip landing on his feet off the top rope lariat, super impressive spot. 

Then Bryan/Rush was absolutely epic. The bloodshed, Rush looking like a proper killer, great stuff. Both matches with awesome near falls despite really only one outcome possible. Love when Rush gets a showcase like this, one of my favs.

And then speaking of near falls, Elite v. Fox Flight was insane. Loved the finishing sequence, was absolutely buying it going either way at points with Fox and Omega. Great match after great match after great match.

Hope the Bunny is ok, match was solid while it lasted. Was wondering if she got concussed going head first into the apron during picture in picture or later on the Tbone. 

Figured when the tag title was main eventing, there'd be a title change. Glad there was no Billy swerve as that felt been there done that and figured there was no way they'd cut off that merch seller. Lots of twists and turns including an all time ref bump there. Definitely could see FTR coming back for the gold now, but cool that are a lot of possible options.

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6 minutes ago, DreamBroken said:

then speaking of near falls, Elite v. Fox Flight was insane. Loved the finishing sequence, was absolutely buying it going either way at points with Fox and Omega. Great match after great match after great match.

Yeah, dude for sure. I know the style is polarizing, but Kenny and Fox were doing things in that finishing stretch that looked like they were literally out of the Matrix. I was reading earlier a bunch of you guys talking in another thread about how Slim J heavily deserves the look he's currently getting, I gotta add Fox right to the top of that list too - just awesome. Loved the new matching gear too from the Martins

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1 hour ago, StuntmanCrowley said:

I loved this show....except for the ending of the Gauntlet.

Jericho needs to take a good 6-12months off.

The Cycle of Jericho. We will all be praising his umpteenth career resurgence by May.

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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Go2Sleep said:

So where was the ref that ran out to call for replay when Jarrett/Lethal "won" the belts under similar circumstances?

The ref that called for that replay was literally present ringside when said cheating happened. There was a whole big setup with Satnam going on a rampage and refs being called in from the back to stop him, hence there were a lot more eyes on the shenanigans and the "senior official" rule got called upon to do the reverse-Dusty finish. It's melodramatic and goofy but it's logically consistent.

Edited by John E. Dynamite
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I still have to hit the main and I did the "radio" version of the trios match as I was on the move. Pretty good show from what I saw, with MJF looking great in his match (Takeshita was ok) and RUSH/Danielson being exactly what I hoped for it to be. I actually enjoyed MJF on commentary just because he was marking out for RUSH so much and because I found the Taz interplay kind of fun. They couldn't get out of that Hayter/Bunny match/segment quickly enough. I know she had a tough road back last year so I echo the sentiments that hopefully everything is ok. 

Very interesting that they announced most but not all of the Rampage matches (despite it being taped) and not a single thing for Dynamite. Last week we knew the whole show by the end of the night. I almost wonder if they're sacrificing a bit of potential Dynamite ratings to get people to tune in to Rampage to see what the card is.

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In-ring, I thought this show was damn-near perfect. Something for everyone.

But man, I'm no prude, but I hated that MJF promo. It was just gross. I'm all for a heel being irredeemable, but that was just too much, IMO.

  • Like 5
6 minutes ago, Log said:

In-ring, I thought this show was damn-near perfect. Something for everyone.

But man, I'm no prude, but I hated that MJF promo. It was just gross. I'm all for a heel being irredeemable, but that was just too much, IMO.

With you.

Posted (edited)

MJF's schtick is pretty terrible at this point, and I used to be a huge fan of his until he threw a temper tantrum and took all of the heat off of Wardlow getting his big win.  Since then, it's been diminishing returns and I can confidently say he is my least favorite/worst AEW champion and the sooner the belt is off of him, the better.


Edited to say, i still think he has awesome matches, but i'd rather not hear him talk.

Edited by StuntmanCrowley
  • Like 3
11 minutes ago, Log said:

In-ring, I thought this show was damn-near perfect. Something for everyone.

But man, I'm no prude, but I hated that MJF promo. It was just gross. I'm all for a heel being irredeemable, but that was just too much, IMO.


4 minutes ago, The Natural said:

With you.

Yeah, same. Not that I personally had a problem with the content (though, holy shit, with Mark Briscoe in the building?? Not a good look, dude) but regardless of any potential awkwardness or negative feeling with that, it was just eye rolling to me. I usually enjoy MJF's schtick a lot, even some of the more cringeworthy early-internet style trolling stuff, but homeboy can do a lot better than mining the Katie Vick angle for content

  • Like 2
2 minutes ago, Zakk_Sabbath said:


Yeah, same. Not that I personally had a problem with the content (though, holy shit, with Mark Briscoe in the building?? Not a good look, dude) but regardless of any potential awkwardness or negative feeling with that, it was just eye rolling to me. I usually enjoy MJF's schtick a lot, even some of the more cringeworthy early-internet style trolling stuff, but homeboy can do a lot better than mining the Katie Vick angle for content

Good call on Mark Briscoe. Didn't think on that till you said. Yikes.

  • Like 1
11 hours ago, Jenalysis said:

Nope, hit a lightpole, and then framed his girlfriend for it.  Crime, but not a felony, statute of limitations expired on it too, he's in the clear.

Be a hoot if she ran in at Revolution, MJF did the Casper "G-G-G-G-G-GHOST" sell and it cost him the title. Hell hath no fury like a sidepiece scorned.

  • Haha 5

I tried to edit this into my last comment (as to not be spamming) but I got an error that too much time had passed - maybe part of the latest update posted about the other day. In any event, sorry for the back to backs:

Though I didn't dig that promo, I do want to shout out two things with MJF that I did like a lot last night:

1) as @Matt D said, he was awesome on commentary and I too, loved the Taz interplay - I'd love to hear him guest in the Dark booth one day, you could even promote it as a special appearance and have him do like a Flair vs Rufus type match with someone down there 

2) I really liked him limping down to beat on Danielson with the knee taped - there's just something about a bitter, battle worn heel world champ that I enjoy a lot - maybe it brings me back to that period of childhood where we had Shane Douglas in the elbow brace and Bret in the wheelchair/on crutches around the same time

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I think the only stuff I didn't like was that MJF promo and doing some classic Vince McMahon booking by having the Acclaimed lose to the whitest tag team on the roster in February. I get Meltzer's point that a fuck finish is the only way you can beat the Acclaimed, but holy shit, how about have them not lose to the Ass Boys at all and instead drop the titles to the House of Black or something after getting misted. 

This is the shit that makes me wish they had the rankings again. After Top Flight beat the Young Bucks, they should be next in line for a shot, but instead it's the Gunns. As long as the Acclaimed wins the titles back at Revolution or something then I guess I'll be fine with this, otherwise, it's pretty fucking dumb.

Back to MJF, he's a really good wrestler and a good promo. He's better than resorting to morally gross content and screaming and that's what he keeps falling back on. He's also been the worst heel champion they've had. Both Jericho and Kenny had better heel runs with the title. Meltzer is right. This company desperately needs a top babyface again that's going to shut MJF up. That honestly should be Ricky or Hangman, but Ricky unfortunately got sucked into the Jericho booking vortex where feuds start great and then they continue on for too fucking long. And Hangman is busy with Mox as they race to see who can concuss the other the hardest.

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I'm ok with the idea of the Gunns as transitional champs for Top Flight, but that's about it. You already have MJF as the over-achieving cheating heel who's kinda flirting with "go away" heat, you definitely don't need a second division with that dynamic.

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If the Gunns don't lose the titles back to the Acclaimed, then the only satisfying and cathartic way for them to drop them would be to the Kings of the Black Throne where they just maul the fuck out of the Gunns Demolition style.

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I don't mean to sound overly-negative on a show that I liked, but the ending to the Starks gauntlet bugged me, too.

I don't have a problem with him losing, especially since it was to such egregious cheating, but I didn't like how he just laid there after he was beat and JAS just walked past him. It's more of a production issue than a booking one, but I didn't like that visual.

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Posted (edited)

It definitely felt like they had 7-8 minutes of dead air to fill across the last hour of the show, presumably stemming from the women’s match ending that early. The end of the show hung around about 3 minutes too long 

Edited by For Great Justice
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