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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/2016 in Posts

  1. There was a bully who was terrorizing the neighborhood. I gave him an Irish whip, and because there were no ropes to stop him he's circled the Earth 3 times in the past 29 years since this happened.
    16 points
  2. Coming off the juice when returning to WWE did not help Bubba Ray and D-Von in the long run.
    11 points
  3. Hulk Hogan won't even put over the legal system.
    6 points
  4. I had a friend do the "fake handshake and then punch your opponent" thing during a fight. He and a guy got into it at a party and then sort of called a truce. My friend put his hand out and when the other guy went to shake, my buddy clocked him. My friend was kind of an asshole when he drank.
    6 points
  5. Linda gave an interview to TMZ a week or so back. She's still mocking Hogan's hair and his vanity over it, The other members of Metallica were not pleased.
    4 points
  6. I hope you cut his hair afterwards.
    4 points
  7. I've got a friend who runs a record label, and a year or so ago I was at a festival helping him with some stuff backstage. Suddenly, he called me over to help repair a ricketty looking decorating table he'd been using to sell merch on. I'd barely had time to tell him it was just about fixed when he told the drummer from one of his bands to run at him, and gave him a straight-up Arn Anderson spinebuster through the table.
    4 points
  8. Per Meltzer: All of them are now out with double-torn rotator cuffs.
    4 points
  9. This whole Mania season is like a nightmare for the writers and agents. Like, a literal nightmare. "It was the road to Wrestlemania but most of the top stars were injured and nobody liked the guy we kept pushing but we hadn't built anyone to take his place and the Undertaker was fighting Shane for some reason and when I got to AT&T Stadium I was naked and all my teeth were falling out."
    3 points
  10. In unrelated news, Jimmy Hart just called Hulk Hogan with an idea to bring back Wrestlelicious.
    3 points
  11. Was one of them emo-looking and another a big samoan?
    3 points
  12. And somewhere, Toshiaki Kawada smiled.....and by smiled I meant, stared stoically toward your country of origin and exhaled slightly.
    3 points
  13. 3 points
  14. When I was, um, 20, I was in drunken high spirits at a party and DDT'd a donkey pinàta on a concrete patio, cleanly decapitating it.
    3 points
  15. Baylor player interviewed after the loss to Yale: http://twitter.com/DraftExpress/status/710599891563749376/photo/1
    3 points
  16. Just finished a long day of ugly basketball in Des Moines. Hopefully Saturday's matchups will be a little more entertaining. Also, if you like drunk, cornfed girls with their whole ass hanging out then I highly recommend Des Moines on St Patrick's day.
    3 points
  17. I hope some of this gawker money ends up going towards john graziano's medical bills.
    2 points
  18. Who would have Hogan would come out as the victor in this whole mess? It seemed like he was completely down-and-out, but somehow he came back in the last minute and won the whole thing.
    2 points
  19. The Hogan/Gawker trial should be the next season of American Crime Story. I'm only kind of kidding.
    2 points
  20. Was one of them emo-looking and another a big samoan? And was the other homeless? ...and did he master your titties?
    2 points
  21. Was one of them emo-looking and another a big samoan? And was the other homeless?
    2 points
  22. Negro Casas hitting a senton on Dick Togo on WWF TV.
    2 points
  23. I can't believe nobody made this connection sooner, but this is Drake LaRoche.
    2 points
  24. The Bossman is going in the HOF. New Day likes to dance. New Day were a black, Baptist stereotype. Slick is an ordained minister. OMG lives in Louisiana; next to Texas. It's Akeem and Slick.
    2 points
  25. We had a big couch in the basement were I could shoot myself into the corner where the armrest meets the rest of the couch and do the "Flair flip" spot, where he flips up the turnbuckles and lands on his feet on the apron. My mom saw me do it once and was convinced I was somewhere on "the spectrum" because of how perfectly I could do a lot of spots. Sometimes I'd let my sister pop up and clothesline me from the other side of the couch after I flipped. Also, I've been doing Krav Maga for about 6 yrs. now, and I've ended more than one sparring session with a Texas Cloverleaf.
    2 points
  26. I get more enjoyment out of this board than current WWE. DVDVR: Putting smiles on faces and shit!
    2 points
  27. Roman and Cena seem like they'd be cool dudes to hang out with. That doesn't translate at all into their on-screen characters.
    2 points
  28. Roman Reigns ‏@WWERomanReigns 5h5 hours ago Looks like your sex life is going to struggle!! #fool Ryan Leaf @Chief_BigCat do you hear how everyone boos you if you win the wwe championship I'll break all my fingers you're a terrible wrestler @WWERomanReigns If Reigns did more of this on TV, the hate would subside.
    2 points
  29. My argument for Bayley is very simple. She actually managed to make me feel something beyond the usual appreciation I have for good wrestling. And I guess it makes me think about guys like Cesaro and Samoa Joe and (for the sake of this poll) Pentagon Jr. Have these wrestlers entertained me? Absolutely. But did I really care about any of them beyond their inherent skill? Cesaro seems like a nice guy and all but do I ever give a shit whether he succeeds or fails? I look inside and find that despite my acknowledgement of his skill set, I don't feel as though he is a real person. Maybe that's because I'm a introverted prick with no social skills, but the fact remains that despite my gruff exterior, the Hero's Journey Bayley went on to win the NXT Women's title had stupid tears in my stupid face. No one else has done that to me in years so fuck it, I will ride this Bayley thing into the ground. Best match be damned.
    2 points
  30. Kids need to toughen up. We sharpshootered the shit out of each other constantly and goddamn that's probably why my fucking back hurts right now
    2 points
  31. Oh man I could only imagine how horrified people that worry about that would be if they saw me and my friends as kids Dustin Rhodes bulldog headlocks everywhere son Nobody gave a shit. We were so lucky the Total Elimination and shit like that wasn't around yet.
    2 points
  32. So we are giving folks credit for shoddy craftsmanship now?
    2 points
  33. A fascinating (if delivered a bit impersonally) history of the Amen Break aka the most important six seconds in all of music.
    2 points
  34. agreed on all points. this rematch boggles the mind.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Black, he wore it kinda new wave spikes in school.
    1 point
  37. Shocking news, AJ Styles is a homophobic cretin.
    1 point
  38. Now I want to see somebody do the ST Cobra Clutch or ST Crossface Chickenwing.
    1 point
  39. I tried to shoot STF a guy in BJJ class and he tapped after just the leg part
    1 point
  40. Forgot to mention that, Graves getting annoyed when Phillips kept trying to talk during Eva's entrance was classic.
    1 point
  41. It's not needed. Catching the fucking ball constitutes a catch. If it never hits the ground it constitutes a catch. Any attempt to say otherwise just to cover up for one referee fucking up, leading to years of bullshit, will be met with being fired into the sun or into Joe Buck's forehead whichever is more currently accessible.
    1 point
  42. I'm in this video doing awesome shit when he mentions his fans. Bunch of burly, manly looking fucking men When they show Bayley fans they're just little girls crying. I'll boil this down to one phrase: Skeleton ninja vs female Eugene Which did you want to be when you grew up? There's a better version of this that was done during the voting period which ended with the karate masters arranged in a pentagon at the end but I can't find it
    1 point
  43. Ambrose's St. Patrick's Day isn't complete until he chases down Hornswaggle for his pot of Lucky Charms, slashing his throat with a rusty tuna can lid.
    1 point
  44. What about The Dude? He doesn't grow up or start acting responsibly at the end of the Big Lebowski. He had a lot of crazy adventures throughout the movie but he's like, still The Dude man. Or El Doodarino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
    1 point
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