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Let's Talk Next-Gen


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With the real arrival - sorry Wii-U - of the next gen of game consoles on Friday, figured we'd get a thread going to discuss all things next gen. 


Personally, I pre-ordered a PS4 but canceled it.  Couple reasons - too big a PS3 backlog and wanting to get it at Best Buy and pay for it over 18/24 months instead of all at once.  With Infamous not being a launch title and Watch Dogs getting delayed, that backed up my decision to cancel.  Now, though, I'm thinking if there's one in stock on Friday when I go by...LOL.  We'll see.


So, in looking around at some titles:


FIFA 14 - IGN gave it a 9.1.  Looks good but doesn't really leap out as a next gen title.


Injustice Ultimate Edition - Looks pretty great but I admittedly haven't played the PS3 version.


Killzone, Infamous, and Assassin's Creed 4 all look great.


The Pinball Arcade - looks like a major improvement over the PS3 version (not hard) but has been delayed and won't be a launch title like promised.  Big shock there - not.


Knack - Lots of positive pub on this one but I think it looks boring and vacant.  It looks pretty but definitely doesn't scream "NEXT GEN!!!!" to me.



Sony confirmed that there'll be no playback of local media (mp3, AVIs, etc) content nor will there be DLNA support on launch.  They're clearly pushing people toward their digital subscription and purchase options but I think this sucks.  With Microsoft hyping the media features of the Xbone, I expect Sony to issue a firmware update that addresses this.


Game installs look like they'll be a major problem.  Knack has a 37 GB install.  Other games are supposedly going to be in the 50 GB range.  When you combine that with the gaming DVR storage, your 500 GB hard drive is going to disappear in a hurry, let alone any digital downloads.  I am still completely blown away that Sony kept the 2.5" drive size and went with a 500 GB drive at launch.  How do you not go 3.5" and 1TB at launch, at least? 


Can't say much about the Xbone as I simply don't care about it :)


Anyway, whatcha got folks?  Anybody getting a system on Friday?  Which one?  Which games?

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I'm getting a PS4 with Killzone: Shadowfall from Dell.com. Also, earlier today, Amazon did a deal for B2G1F on PS4 games. I picked up Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Knack & NFS: Rivals....I also pre-ordered Infamous: Second Son.


This is one of the few game launches where everything is on the internet....I too am surprised that Sony didn't do a 1 TB HD with PS4.

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There's a deal at Target where if you bring up $1 preorder cards to the front and scan them separately you'll receive a coupon and you can get 3 titles for under $100. Look into it.


Anyway, I also canceled my preorder because I still have a ton of PS3 games that I've barely played...  real life taking over, etc... BUT I will probably buy a PS4 once Infamous: Second Son comes out in a couple months..  It looks really good.


The rest of the launch window titles are not blowing me away yet. I will probably get Killzone: Shadow Fall, the gameplay trailer I saw earlier today was impressive. Assassin's Creed: Black Flag is another possibility. I like the potential with that... and I love the pirate theme.


One more thing, I heard the MP3 playback issue is already going to be fixed asap.

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To be honest, if/when Nintendo does another price cut on the Wii U, I might pick that up just for the Mario games and for the re-release of Wind Waker.


But, of course, the Wii was the first ever Nintendo home console I didn't own. 

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I'm excited about this launch despite the lack of titles in the early going. If you think about it, there's pretty much the launch games, the couple of games coming out the 19th and then basically nothing until February (Infamous, Thief, The Order(possibly)).


I'm currently picking up COD Ghosts, FIFA, and NBA2K. I created a Gamefly account for everything else. I'm hoping that I get shipped Killzone tomorrow.The delays definitely hurt the early release window for this generation. Sony losing Driveclub really killed a selling point for PS+ out of the gate, and Watch Dogs getting delayed was a major blow for both consoles.


EDIT: Sony apparently already plans to release a patch for MP3, DLNA, and CD support. That was quick.

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FYI - apparently on the PS4, the 500GB HD starts with about 400GB of free space.


And of course - all the killing type games (Killzone, Call of Duty) have HUGE mandatory installs

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If you upgrade the HD in the PS4, do any of you PS3 guys have any idea as to how one would go about getting that data transferred? Would it be a case of just placing all of your saves in cloud storage and then installing the games once more once the HDD is in place?

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I'm not hugely sold on either - theres no real killer looking or feeling game for me to part with my meagre savings.


Not really a fan of getting games at launch - these things are shipped with so many fucking day one patches, that you're hampered on doing anything until they've been installed. Takes away from the shine of the newness for me...


But, when the time comes, I'll probably plump for ps4 - I've got all the previous generations in the house somewhere, so the sony loyalty is strong in this one.

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I'm not getting either.  There is just nothing on them right now that screams must buy.  I waited until GTAIV came out for the PS3 before I got one, and I suspect it'll be something similar before I get a PS4 or One.  Plus I am getting married next spring and if my fiancee found out I spent $500+ on something non wedding realted, I would probably lose my testicles ;)


I did get a Wii U for my soon to be stepson last Christmas.  It's a nice system, but I wouldn't want it as my main gaming source.

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I've already preordered a PS4 months ago, but I'm thinking about canceling the pre-order ever since.

I just have so little time for gaming right now,


That's the reason why I didn't preorder the PS4, yet, as we're inching closer to the release, I find myself wanting to get one even though I hardly play games anymore, can't afford it, etc. 

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Right now, the PS4 is doing the trophy sync from the PS3 days. I would hope that there would be a patch coming where it's automatic.

If you're a PS+ member, it is automatic, even on PS3.  Mine syncs automatically every night at like 2am.

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If you upgrade the HD in the PS4, do any of you PS3 guys have any idea as to how one would go about getting that data transferred? Would it be a case of just placing all of your saves in cloud storage and then installing the games once more once the HDD is in place?

Pretty sure that's the process you'll have to follow.  The PS4 doesn't support external hard drives so you can't just do a backup to an external like you could with the PS3 it would seem.

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The reviews for Knack are starting to come in and they're not great:


IGN says it's a 5.9


Also just heard that the PS4 won't support 3D blu rays or CD playback.  CD support will be patched very quickly.  Surprised at the lack of 3D support.  Not that many people care about it, just seems weird to take out support for something that was included with the PS3.

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Also just heard that the PS4 won't support 3D blu rays or CD playback.  CD support will be patched very quickly.  Surprised at the lack of 3D support.  Not that many people care about it, just seems weird to take out support for something that was included with the PS3.

 That doesn't make much sense because IIRC, the PS3 supports 3D Blu-Ray right?

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Wait, the PS4 wont have USB slots?


What input/output ports and connectivity features does PS4 support?HDMI OUT, DIGITAL OUT (OPTICAL AUDIO), Ethernet, two USB 3.0 ports, and an auxiliary connector reserved for PlayStation Camera. PS4 also features integrated 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi for wireless internet connectivity and Bluetooth 2.1 for DUALSHOCK 4 wireless controller connectivity.

  So it has ports... it just doesnt support external HD  

Will users be able to connect an external hard drive to expand storage on PS4?No, this feature is not supported on PS4.

 Those are taken from Sony's own "Ultimate PS4 FAQ"
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C&P from the Metal Gear Solid series thread:


I'll be on the current gen for nearly all the next year, maybe longer. I don't get new consoles straight away for price mainly and if there's any faults. I got a PlayStation for Christmas 1998, a PlayStation 2 for Christmas 2002, a Wii for Christmas 2007 which I traded in for a brand Xbox 360 Elite 120GB with a choice of two games from four and I bought Batman: Arkham Asylum at the same time in September 2009.

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More PS4 reviews from IGN:


Flower - 9.5


FIFA 14 - 9.1


Resogun - 9.0


Sound Shapes - 9.0


NBA 2k14 - 8.9


Call of Duty: Ghosts - 8.8


Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag - 8.5


Killzone: Shadow Fall - 8.0


Contrast - 7.5


Knack - 5.9



Take these for what they're worth.  I have a hard time imagining Flower, which I detested on the PS3, is actually the best launch game and is better than, say, AC4.  Some of that is bias against that type of floaty/arty game but c'mon.


Anyway, there ya go, a slew of PS4 (and sometimes Xbone) reviews.

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Take these for what they're worth.  I have a hard time imagining Flower, which I detested on the PS3, is actually the best launch game and is better than, say, AC4.  Some of that is bias against that type of floaty/arty game but c'mon.


Anyway, there ya go, a slew of PS4 (and sometimes Xbone) reviews.


Flower was an okay tech demo, but no way is it close to something like GTAV.  You can get through the game in like 30 minutes.  I think it is the cool thing to do to for video game reviewers to suck indie/arty games dick in order to get street cred.  Also a lot of reviewers are annoying hipsters.  I used to follow a lot of them on Facebook/Twitter but I got sick of their pretentiousness.  I would take the word of people here 10 times over any stock I put in reviews from major sites like IGN.

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I preordered ps4 with killzone. I've been reading reviews of killzone and they've been mixed. Nearly all of them said how beautiful the game was. One review talked about the campaign and how it was too easy on the default difficulty and there being a lot of time spent walking and not enough epic large scale battles. That same review gave high praise to the multiplayer aspect and how well designed the maps were. Another review made it sounds like the campaign was too difficult and they died a lot because it wasn't clear what the next objective was. That review talked about the online multiplayer maps being nothing special.

Nevertheless I'm really looking forward to the game and the system. The fact that contrast and resogun are free is an added bonus. The only thing I'm down about is the lack of being able to use an external HD. I like to watch movies on my tv through an external HD plugged into my system. I still have the ps3 and 360 though so not a huge deal. Hope they patch some of this stuff that people came to find useful on ps3 that they decided to not include on this system though.

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