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1 hour ago, odessasteps said:

One of my friends was watching the TNT show from last week and said while people were comparing it to the Fingerpoke of Doom, it reminded him of the night Konnan beat Jericho on Nitro while resulted in the famous CRZ rant about Nash and Carlos. 

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FUCK YOU, KEVIN NASH. It only took you TWO Nitros to prove to me that it doesn't matter who's in charge, the product is STILL going to suffer. It's going to matter more who you're friends with then how entertaining/athletic/good you can be. Saying "bowdyboutit" and "wolfpack in the house" doesn't count for SHIT and it DAMN sure doesn't deserve holding the gold. And this song FUCKING sucks and there is NO good reason for it to be shoved down our collective throats like we're Monica Lewinsky looking for some Presidential action. And who plays a song without revealing the title anyway? "Konnan's Music Video." Hey Konnan, you're as white as I am, you fucking prick. You don't deserve that belt. Your music video sucks. Your "rap" sucks. Your "rep" sucks. You are neither bowdy-'boutit nor rowdy-rowdy. I hope your vocal cords get cut so I never have to hear you speak on dis EVER again. If you ever meet any REAL vatos locos, you'll be in deep shit, I guarantee it. Oh, wait, it's over? Maybe I can get on with my life. AND MAYBE NOT."


I wish I could tell how he really felt.

Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, John E. Dynamite said:

I was watching the big Budokan BattlArts show from 1998 w/ Sasuke vs. Backlund and the Road Warriors n all that, when they showed clips of this amazing looking Yuki Ishikawa vs. Mitsuhiro Matsunaga match from 10/5/98. I turned off the video and went scouring for the match and couldn't track it down until today, but I knew it existed per some old FLIK review. NOTE: This is not the Bed of Nails match, which I forgot I'd already seen.


Ishikawa vs. Matsunaga starts at 1:11:24 and I can say having only seen a clipped version that it fucking rules and that this is what I'm gonna watch as soon as I get home from work. Longer-form opinions to follow! Also Backlund/Ikeda looks good.

Alright so the match was fuckin' great like I figured. I think the most important part about being an actor in any sense, pro wrestling included, is the ability to stay in the scene and I think that's what makes great sub-10 minute hate-'n-bleeds like this one transcend. 

I didn't realize how integral a part of Ishikawa's shtick the Inoki cosplay stuff was when I was first getting into him - the Ikeda series is so based on a foundation of shocking, cooperative violence that any signifying gets buried, and his "indy dream match" tag stuff that pops up on YouTube is so rarely about him. But this was 100% a Matsunaga match and 100% an Ishikawa-as-Inoki match and it's such sweet chocolate+peanut butter that you would just have killed for Inoki/Matsunaga during Inoki's retirement series or Abby murdering a resilient Ishikawa at Korakuen during both their primes. The only time I was taken out of the match was when a Matsunaga axe kick gets no sold in the beginning, but if you haven't watched a buncha Andy Hug in K1 whadda you care. Ishikawa bleeds like mad outta his arm. Korakuen is hot. Punch punch stab stab bleed bleed, face/heel yay/boo, bite bite choke choke. It's so three-chord punk rock wrestling I just love it.

Weird side note - I didn't hate the Shayna Baszler vampire thing cause I think DEATHMATCH SHOOTER is a sweet gimmick that could use a mainstream western reboot, give her a gi and a fork and see if STOP THE SHAYNA doesn't totally work on NXT.


Backlund/Ikeda, also on this tape, might even rule harder. Bob Backlund is a very goofy dude. Histrionic is the word. His histriony~% did not really work when he was the longtime smilin' doo-good hero of a fed dying to be usurped, but I have always loveloveloved his turn into Your Weird Unbearably White Uncle Who Has The Strength of Three Horses and No Impulse Control. Watching a Battlarts crowd EAT HIS SHTICK UP for the first half of this match is heartwarming and invigorating. Another weird comparison - Kenny Omega + Bob Backlund. I'm longtime anti-Will Ospreay Squad and people always ask "well, why do you like Kenny Omega?" and the answer is I didn't always. In fact I hated his shit for a long time. But once the stakes got high enough and he kept being that goofy I realized that's just how he actually is. Yeah he's a ham but he's an honest ham. To paraphrase Billie Holiday he hams from the heart. I think that's Backlund's deal, he is just a naturally histrionic person and when he does it as an underdog babyface it reads as insincere or doofy. When he's working on top as the veteran heel or the legendary foreigner he comes off as an unhinged, dangerous manchild. And I had a good ten-minute conversation with Bob Backlund once at a RAW taping! All he wanted to talk about was his early-90's heel run where he stared at his hands a lot! And y'know what, I stared at his hands too and they're fucking huge like the apple-crushers of yore. He was a weird dude and commanded a strange awe.  Anyways Ikeda hangs and is just generally great and I didn't realize this series w/ Backlund played so much into his Crossface Chickenwing deal (I think Ikeda went over in a rematch). But yeah this is Backlund in Korakuen in 1998 and everything he does is hella over and this is one of the shortest 15 minutes you will ever watch in wrestling. 

Edited by John E. Dynamite
  • Like 4
On 8/29/2022 at 6:39 PM, odessasteps said:

One of my friends was watching the TNT show from last week and said while people were comparing it to the Fingerpoke of Doom, it reminded him of the night Konnan beat Jericho on Nitro while resulted in the famous CRZ rant about Nash and Carlos. 

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FUCK YOU, KEVIN NASH. It only took you TWO Nitros to prove to me that it doesn't matter who's in charge, the product is STILL going to suffer. It's going to matter more who you're friends with then how entertaining/athletic/good you can be. Saying "bowdyboutit" and "wolfpack in the house" doesn't count for SHIT and it DAMN sure doesn't deserve holding the gold. And this song FUCKING sucks and there is NO good reason for it to be shoved down our collective throats like we're Monica Lewinsky looking for some Presidential action. And who plays a song without revealing the title anyway? "Konnan's Music Video." Hey Konnan, you're as white as I am, you fucking prick. You don't deserve that belt. Your music video sucks. Your "rap" sucks. Your "rep" sucks. You are neither bowdy-'boutit nor rowdy-rowdy. I hope your vocal cords get cut so I never have to hear you speak on dis EVER again. If you ever meet any REAL vatos locos, you'll be in deep shit, I guarantee it. Oh, wait, it's over? Maybe I can get on with my life. AND MAYBE NOT."


What exactly is this? I’ve never heard of this. 

Posted (edited)

Here is the two hour bundle of matches from the debut episodes of TCW, the fed that Gary Hart ran as a complimentary fed to World Class.   The power of the pro wrasslin will see me through this swing shift.

The matchlist:

  • Rod Price & Steve Austin interview while working out outside
  • Steve & Shaun Simpson interview from their mattress store
  • Rod Price & Steve Austin vs The Simpson Brothers
  • Angel of Death video
  • Steve & Shaun Simpson interview
  • Angel of Death w/Sheik Farouk vs Terrence Garvin
  • Abdullah the Butcher video
  • Steve Austin & Rod Price interview
  • The American Ninja video (Cocaine is a helluva drug).
  • Tony Falk vs The American Ninja
  • Bill Mercer visits the office of Texas Championship Wrestling to interview Gary Hart & the other guy
  • Matt Borne interview Action Jackson vs John Tatum
  • Matt Borne vs Al Perez
  • Steve Austin & Rod Price interview

This Steve Austin guy may have a bright future in this industry.  One must admire the no bullshit here's what I think about this ninja bullshit tactics that Tony Falk employs before selling that enziguri like a true professional.

Edited by J.T.

In case you missed it, I talked about that with Kris P/Armstrong alley on the podcast along with a bunch of the other stuff he’s been uploading. 

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What I watched instead of any modern stuff tonight

steamboart/Youngblood v Steven’s/snuka

steamboat vs Stuka 

Steamboat vs jumbo 

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I watched the Mid-South episode with Flair, DiBiase and Murdoch the other day. The most amazing thing outside of the main angle are two women sitting ringside. One sits there for the entire match with her hands over her mouth and at the opposite end of the row a mother with a look of complete horror on her face holds and comforts her crying daughter while chaos ensues in the ring.

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"Hey Sharon, you wanna go see the wrasslin"

"Yeah, it'll be like old times"

*they see Ted DiBiase bleed near to death in front of their eyes*

MidSouth front rows were pretty stellar for having groups of fans that probably don't go to pro wrestling shows anymore. Like unaccompanied women and older women. All for the product fueled by Bill Watts' testosterone.

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some of the most fun televised wrestling involves possibly skewed crowd demographics, like how the MLW Chicago-area shows had a different kind of flare compared to other promotions Chicago shows because MLW taped in 95% Hispanic Cicero and booked luchadors.

also the time that WCW had a Clash with amazing crowd heat because they booked it at Fort Bragg in front of a bunch of drunk marines in a building with no air conditioning

  • Like 3
On 9/5/2022 at 8:04 PM, odessasteps said:

This has a match from 1974 with Jumbo vs 23/24 year old Bob Orton. 

You all owe it to yourselves, especially if you have been a good boy and/or girl in these trying times, to watch at least thee first 15 minutes of this here video treasure. Here is my listicle of some highlights from those 900 seconds ---

-the pilfered theme songs.

-the lack of music or indeed any showmanship or effects for the wrestler's entrances.

- the referee is Thee Japanese Danny Devito. 

- Abbie is quick, The Destroyer is aggro.

- Abbie has an old school plaster on his shoulder.

- Mr. Butcher also emits schnauzer-like yelps when he is selling on occasion. This amuses the crowd, who are very vocal (relatively). "The Shriekin' Abbie" will be a signature cocktail for my rassling themed Polynesian Tiki bar & grill. Lots of grenadine in that one, comes decorated with pineapple chunks speared on a fork.

- See other participants as ringside spectators as well as dojo boys that will become future stars themselves.

- Mr. Beyer totally tittatgooseganderturnstables his foe and it's great.

- Any screencap from the last 3 minutes could be a cover for a Stanley Weston mag with the title "THE VAMPIRES ARE TAKING OVER WRESTLING!!!".

- Are those not straight up rolls of TP being thrown into the ring?

**BONUS** If you stay for thee final match, you get to see Bruiser Brody manhandle cranky cobwebbed Lou Thesz.

  • Like 2
On 8/29/2022 at 10:48 PM, John E. Dynamite said:

Yuki Ishikawa vs. Mitsuhiro Matsunaga

This made me remember there's a fuckin harrowing Yamakawa vs. Katsumi Usuda match out there. 

And holy crap looking for it found me this

Whoever on here that posted it (Sebastian?) thanks! I'll give my thoughts later. 

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