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Everyone gave up on Gotham then? I'm only up to the last episode before the winter break. It's very uneven.

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I like Gotham more than most, but I have a bunch of episodes sitting on the DVR.   Planning to get caught up, but I haven't actually watched an episode since before the winter break.


To be fair, Scandal is one of my and the wife's favorite shows and we just watched the "fall finale" last night so we're way behind on that as well.



Edit: Aside from being a DC property, is there any real reason we need more Constantine?  I didn't watch every ep, but what I did see didn't strike me as something there needed to be more of.

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Everyone gave up on Gotham then? I'm only up to the last episode before the winter break. It's very uneven.


I'm still watching it. It's a bit hard to invest in the a good portion of the characters. If you thought the episodes before the break were uneven, you not going to like the first episode after it. If Better Call Saul was still on, I wouldn't even bother. I don't even care that they are an hour apart. If I had to choose one primetime show for a specific day, this is not a show I would break my schedule to sit down and watch. At this point, they should just call it "Just Stuff Happening: The Comic Book TV Show Version".


The Flash is so much better right now.

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Don't forget Titans and Supergirl.


Well lets be honest - with DC's track record


I will believe them when I see them.





DC's TV track record is pretty good. People seem to be enjoying iZombie as well.


The Flash is great and Arrow is finally getting interesting after a rather dull season.  


Gotham is Gotham, it's hit and miss. I still enjoy watching the show. I like the characters. 


And there's The Atom show coming as well as Krypton.


Edit: And Preacher!

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But Better Call Saul isn't on. Not on the telly anyway. It's a Netflix exclusive in England, like Breaking Bad was.


(Breaking Bad season one was on FX (home of the Walking Dead, Dexter, the Wire and not much else); Breaking Bad season two was on Five USA (at the time home of Sons of Anarchy, Justified and lots of old Chuck Norris movies - not home of lots of old Chuck Norris movies and nothing else), about two years after season one finished, five nights a week at 11PM. At Christmas. Subsequent seasons have never aired on British telly, but will now because Spike TV UK (which just launched this week) has bought it.)


The thing with Gotham is, Jim Gordon must be a terrible detective, because he already knows who Penguin, Riddler, Zsasz, Catwoman, Poison Ivy et al are, but in ten /fifteen /thirty years when they're all master criminals he won't figure out he should probably just arrest them all?

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Gotham has pretty much lost me with introducing every single Batman villain in such half assed ways. It's a shame too, because there are things about the show I like (in particular, Donal Logue as Bullock is spot on casting) but the bad just keeps getting worse and worse. I have about 4 episodes on my DVR and I just can't bring myself to watch them. 


Arrow has been down with all of the Thea bullshit this season, but it's starting to pick back up a bit. Hopefully they have something big planned for next season, because the League Of Assassins storyline has been pretty sub-par overall. On a side note, how shitty of a person is Maseo? Oliver saved his wife and kid like, what, 6 times and now he's helping to try and bring Oliver down?


Flash has really hit it's stride, and at this point I would say I enjoy it more than Arrow. It's nice to see a little humor injected here and there and they've done a pretty decent job of not rushing the Reverse Flash storyline. I imagine next season's big bad is gonna be Grodd, which I cannot wait for. I seriously never thought I would see Grodd in a live action series or movie.

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I was making a joke specific to the failed Wonder Woman show but was too lazy to write it out

Of course since I am old I could have referenced the Aquaman or Justice League fails (amongst other things)

Again - this is more a TV Networks being fickle on DC properties thing than actually DC itself

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Frankly I think the success of Arrow has changed a lot of that. The Wonder Woman pilot was the only one of those three that showed promise as well. It wasn't great but I can't say it was notably worse than the Arrow pilot. Just different problems. Would probably land now.

Gotham has kind of turned into a fun carnival ride. It's not well written or characterized but I can't say the last few weren't fun.

Also Constantine still isn't officially cancelled. And hopefully won't be since it was also improving toward the end of S1. Basically you can draw a correlation between how blatantly John smokes and the quality of the show.

Even if it turfs, DC should turnaround Matt Ryan for a R rated Hellblazer flick. He looks and plays it perfectly.

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Next year, we are getting a MAN EATING TELEPATHIC GORILLA as a major player on a network drama. How can this be anything but the best possible timeline?


Because he's fighting Barry Allen, not Wally West?

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Fair point, though in honesty I don't know how you get Wally into a position that he "makes sense" to a TV audience. (The fact that my two favorite superheroes are Wally and Hank Pym guarantees I will be eternally frustrated by live-action adaptations.)

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Watched this week's ep.  There was a lot I dug about the ep: Barry trying to talk Iris into giving Eddie a break, Barry wrestling with how much to trust the science kids and what to tell them, the Barry-Felicity stuff in general, etc. 


That said.  Bees? 






Barry can run fast enough to break the sound barrier.  He's run fast enough to create vortexes.  A couple weeks ago, he ran so fast, he traveled back in time.  And he's a pretty smart guy with a trio of geniuses backing him up.


He got his ass handed to him by bees.  Ugh.  I don't know what to say to that.


(Also, giving the villain of the week bad boss issues was a little too much on point.)



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