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The Board Game Thread

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You would think G&S would try to make this a little more known, but the two episodes of Tabletop that have been put up on Alpha so far have been Monarch and Tiny Epic Galaxies.

I also started watching their Escape! show on there, which is pretty fun - basically the same premise as Tabletop but four celebs in a escape room with half an hour to get out. 

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I get not advertising it outside of the service to try to limit the rage, but once I log in there is still zero mention of a new Tabletop (presumably their most popular show) without digging through the All Shows category to find it.

It's a shame but Tabletop is so completely dead already.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/1/2016 at 4:14 PM, CSC said:


This is the only thing I've seen him say about it anywhere online and yea ... he doesn't seem very happy about it.

At least it won't be impossible to find games after they come out on Tabletop since the viewership is going to drop so massively.

He finally made another comment last week


So Jan 30 is when they start on Youtube and yeah... this cements Wil not being an Alpha fan

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  • 1 month later...

I've only every played 2nd and 3.5/Pathfinder, so pretty much anything is easier to run than that.  Thankfully I'm not DMing this time since I'm a 5th ed baby.  Based on reading the PHB I like the direction they've gone.

These days my tastes run more towards stuff like Dungeon World, but I haven't had much luck drumming up interest in a game.

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12 minutes ago, tbarrie said:

Just to be anal, should we create an RPG thread? D&D is not a board game.

As little discussion goes on, I think this is fine as a general tabletop thread.


22 minutes ago, El Dragon said:

It really feels like they made 5th Edition much more accesable to new players, which is why it's grown so much in popularity in recent years. Seemingly every big Twitch star has a weekly DnD game they run. 

I'm a big fan of the move towards more accessible and rules-light systems.  I still have all my old D&D and Shadowrun books if I feel like rolling a million dice, but these days I much prefer something that I can get into and play quickly.

On that note I picked up Shadowrun:Anarchy on sale from DriveThruRPG and I'm looking forward to reading through it this weekend.

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8 hours ago, El Dragon said:

So, anyone else a D&D player here?

I've been in a tabletop group for over 25 years. Not always the same people mind you, but let's just say that "the new guy" in the current lineup has been in the group since the 90s. We started our latest 5e game earlier this year.

And I teach 5th edition character creation and gameplay basics on a play by post based RPG site.


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On 1/20/2017 at 4:47 PM, Zimbra said:

As little discussion goes on, I think this is fine as a general tabletop thread.

The low level of discussion is what worries me. If we're going to start bouncing campaign ideas off each other (and I'd like to), we could easily drown out the actual board game talk.

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8 hours ago, El Dragon said:

Nah, I'm part of (or was, I suppose) a group that would together every Tuesday for some Board Game good times. My game of choice was always LoW, which I was 8-0 at during my time there. Not nearly as good at most other worker placement games, but LoW was my jam.

8-0 is impressive, especially since I'd sort of concluded that Lords of Waterdeep, while fun to play, is mostly luck-based.

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...Legendary Digital Networks, which owns Geek & Sundry, decided to create the Alpha service, and then put the majority of our programming (including Tabletop) onto the service. Geek & Sundry didn't make a deal with anyone; the parent company made changes to the way our shows are distributed.

As far as Tabletop goes, I had (and have) no say in how it's distributed. My contract doesn't give me the right to make those decisions. However, Legendary Digital Networks promised me that Tabletop episodes from our 4th season would be released on YouTube beginning on January 30th.

Taken from a post from Wil Wheaton on reddit 12 days ago.

So theoretically, the rest of the Season 4 should start showing up on Youtube next week.  

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Side tangent - but if you were wondering why Felicia Day basically disappeared from Geek & Sundry

Turns out she is pregnant and due the beginning of Feb. (She only finally announced it shortly after the new year)

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I got a bunch of games for Christmas, like Boss Monster, Spaceteam, Oregon Trail, and Tiny Epic Western. The other night a few of us tried playing Tiny Epic Western and man are the instructions garbage. I go onto YouTube to look up how to play the game and the instructions there are WAY better. There's so much missing from the instructions with the game.

We also played Chrononauts last night and that game is fun. I love the concept of creating time paradoxes and patching them. My one complaint is that some of the cards are really, really, really overpowered to the point where if you draw one or two of them, you win the game. If you're familiar with Chrononauts, there's one that basically allows you to search the entire deck for a card and then you put it into play. No drawbacks. Nothing. I pulled that card, used it, and wound up winning because the card I needed triggered just a couple events to cause me to win. Another card gives you insane card drawing abilities and there's one or two of those in the deck. It's crazy and probably worth pulling those from the deck.

Finally, we tried 6-player Pandemic and quickly found out that I misread the instructions. If you're playing with 6 players, meaning you're using two of the expansions, then you have to play in 3 teams of 2. I didn't like that as much because it makes a fun co-op game more adversarial and if we wanted to play it with that kind of adversarial twist, we would have just played with a Bio-terrorist.

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I got Roll For it - which my Mom and Sister enjoyed so much they made me get it for them.

My son asked for (and got) Legendary (or Marvel Legendary however we are supposed to refer to it). We tried to set that up and got hella confused and realized we would need to watch a couple of videos on that.

He also got Zombie Dice but we haven't busted that out yet.

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