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The Board Game Thread

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I think he just wants to collect something. Now that I'm making all these tiles I think he wants to collect miniatures to play with. I support this idea because miniatures are kewl. My buddy does Warhammer and I don't think we'll go there right now, but the trajectory he's heading in undoubtedly runs that way eventually.

51 minutes ago, Zimbra said:

Maybe your son could try an LCG like Netrunner?  I'm not super familiar with it but it seems to be less pay-to-win than CCGs.

I'm really glad I got back into D&D but I hardly ever get to actually play since getting 5 adults together on a regular basis is like herding cats.

We actually own Netrunner. My wife and I play it every once in a while. The rule set feels a little complicated to dive into, especially since the opposing player has different rules that they play by. He might get into it, but I also think the theme might not be his bag. I dig the game. I just have so many other games I enjoy playing that we don't bust it out often. And it's one of those deals where we don't play it often to remember all the rules so whenever we break it out we always have to relearn it.... so it often stays on the shelf.

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1 minute ago, jaedmc said:

I think he just wants to collect something. Now that I'm making all these tiles I think he wants to collect miniatures to play with. I support this idea because miniatures are kewl. My buddy does Warhammer and I don't think we'll go there right now, but the trajectory he's heading in undoubtedly runs that way eventually.

We actually own Netrunner. My wife and I play it every once in a while. The rule set feels a little complicated to dive into, especially since the opposing player has different rules that they play by. He might get into it, but I also think the theme might not be his bag. I dig the game. I just have so many other games I enjoy playing that we don't bust it out often. And it's one of those deals where we don't play it often to remember all the rules so whenever we break it out we always have to relearn it.... so it often stays on the shelf.

That sounds a lot like my copy of Netrunner.  We both enjoyed Dominion, so I got it to play with the wife but she was not into the deckbuilding aspects at all.  And no one else I know plays so it just sadly collects dust on the shelf.

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1 hour ago, Zimbra said:

Maybe your son could try an LCG like Netrunner?  I'm not super familiar with it but it seems to be less pay-to-win than CCGs.

I'm really glad I got back into D&D but I hardly ever get to actually play since getting 5 adults together on a regular basis is like herding cats.

And an hour after I post this my D&D session for tonight gets cancelled because work stuff came up for the DM.

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Oh God, I love Smash Up so much.  

We probably get that to the table more than anything else in our collection.  It's so easy to teach people and with all the different decks (especially with expansions), everyone typically gets a theme that they enjoy playing with.  

Well ... until I shinobi them all and then they hate me but whatever.  

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Cave tiles done. I ended up making 61 in all. Only took four days of working on them periodically. Pretty much infinite configurations. Some tiles, like the one in the second picture, have a cool sparkle to them that makes it look like there's some kind of precious metal in the rock. Next project is between a ship or some grass areas. I'm leaning towards the grassy areas but the prospect of building trees seems both daunting and tedious to me.



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  • 3 weeks later...

God I missed DnD. 

My DM had set my group in search of a crime organization that is starting to hassle local buisnesses, and kill owners who wouldn't pay their prices. Failing leads, I mention that since one of the members of the party is literally the daughter of the the person who runs the merchants quarters, and my character was very very new to the city, that the best recourse is take one of the abandoned buildings, re-purpose it as a bar, and pretend that I'm now in charge. We decide to name the bar "The Bait Shop", with the tag line "Were you go to get your gills wet."..... all the while being on the opposite side of city from the docks. We run for one day of shitty service (we almost forgot to buy cups), before said organization drops in to try to ambush us, but we catch them off guard. The best part was playing as a Bard and using Dissonant Whispers on a man with the Whisper being "Welcome to the Bait Shop...." and then doing it another with "Come to get your gills wet"


I love DnD.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, my wife has been DM'ing for us, but tonight someone else goes behind the screen and  she will actually have a PC in game!! She is rolling her character right now, my desk phone just rang and she goes "I need to know what I want to be, where is the Player's Handbook?"

I am pretty stoked that she is enjoying the experience enough to want to join in on the PC side. We are going to fuck up some goblins as a family!! It's still all so new for all of us, but we are having so much goddamn fun, it's awesome.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/31/2018 at 7:52 PM, nate said:

I need a game recommendation, something very similar to "5-Min. Dungeon".  My daughter loves that game.

I've never played 5 minute dungeon, but looking at lists of games that are similar to it I love Escape: The Curse of the Temple.  It's dice rolling rather than cards and collecting gems rather than defeating enemies, but it sounds pretty similar.  

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On ‎4‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 7:07 AM, Tromatagon said:

Who wants to spend some fuckin' money?

Triple funded on Kickstarter in less than 24 hours.


Hasbro fucked up not releasing this themselves.

I loved the fuck out of Fireball Island. Thanks for the heads up, I will be backing this for sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With all the D&D talk, this seems right up a lot of y'alls alley.

Finally all those years of watching WWE is going to pay off as I force all my friends to come up with wrestling personas and I fuck with them all as Creative.

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Not a board game per se, but "pen and paper roleplaying done online" doesn't really have anywhere it quite fits and it feels better here than elsewhere. This isn't really a field I know much about but I will say, it seems like Twitch is opening this up to some pretty interesting possibilities. For example the idea of the patreon backers of RollPlay having command of factions inside a campaign being broadcast weekly on twitch is a concept that is totally beyond the classic home game:


Again, not really a world I am familiar with but I know a couple of the streamers doing this well enough that I will at least give it a look for a couple episodes and see how it goes. It's... interesting. Very niche, sure, but I feel like Twitch is a platform with a lot of room for "very niche".

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I realize this is the only thing I ever post in this thread, but Amazon has a gold box deal of the day on dozens of board games. 

For some reason the link is absolutely refusing to copy paste correctly.

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You know you've bought too many board games when you look at that huge list of games and can't find much you want to get because you have so many others.

Even still, I might get the Teen Titans Go deck building game for my daughter and I to play. 

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Bout to pull the trigger on King Domino and Bottom of the 9th, but I was going to use that money for something else and I have so many games already..... getting hard to click confirm


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  • 1 month later...

Warning: Dungeons and Dragons terminology incoming.

Trying to figure out the CR for custom-made NPC's in 5e is harder than it needs to be and it's bizarre no specific, clear ruleset exists within the game for this exact purpose. There are a ton of generalizations, and the charts for making custom monsters, also a few paragraphs here and there on custom NPC enemies, but nothing that specifically relates to "hey I made this evil level 8 wizard the party has been chasing down and he has all the powers/skills a normal PC would have, thus his CR = this". It's more an issue for me of "how much experience should this guy be worth" more so than "is he too weak or strong", since the party's own level make that part relatively easy. Given how many main antagonists in campaigns are going to be exactly that kind of character, this seems like a really inexplicable gap in the rules to me that I find annoying.

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Well, I can understand where the designers are coming from; a level 8 wizard whose 4th level spells are Conjure Minor Elementals and Ice Storm is obviously going to be more dangerous in a fight than one who selected Arcane Eye and Leomund's Secret Chest. But there really should be a guideline with a note to downgrade it if the NPC in question has invested heavily in non-combat abilities.

What I generally do is look for a close match in the NPC stat blocks in the Monster Manual or Volo's and base it on that. E.g., the "Mage" is a level 9 wizard and is Challenge 6, so a level 7-8 wizard is probably Challenge 5.

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Yeah, it's more an annoyance than anything. I really feel like they could have alleviated a lot of their own problem here just by making the NPC stat block section at the back of the monster manual more fleshed out in variety than going "here is the one cleric/noble/assasin block that I guess should cover you for everything? K thanks bye" so you have more really easy adjustments and less winging it. Shit, off the top of my head I don't even think there's a warlock or a druid in that section at all, though I might be wrong.

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On ‎5‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 7:17 PM, Death From Above said:

Warning: Dungeons and Dragons terminology incoming.

Trying to figure out the CR for custom-made NPC's in 5e is harder than it needs to be and it's bizarre no specific, clear ruleset exists within the game for this exact purpose. There are a ton of generalizations, and the charts for making custom monsters, also a few paragraphs here and there on custom NPC enemies, but nothing that specifically relates to "hey I made this evil level 8 wizard the party has been chasing down and he has all the powers/skills a normal PC would have, thus his CR = this". It's more an issue for me of "how much experience should this guy be worth" more so than "is he too weak or strong", since the party's own level make that part relatively easy. Given how many main antagonists in campaigns are going to be exactly that kind of character, this seems like a really inexplicable gap in the rules to me that I find annoying.

Do you ever peruse the D&D reddit? Lots of folks post all kinds of weird conversions for NPC's there on a relatively regular basis. That may not solve your problem, but it could help lead to a solution. I would imagine that here is likely a subreddit specifically tailored to running games also, but I'm not sure since I have yet to take the plunge into DM'ing.

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