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The funniest thing in Zeb's promo was the bizarrely dark view of thanksgiving:


"It represents a family sitting down to thanksgiving dinner, giving thanks that they survived another year..."


which I presume was supposed to be followed by:


"...in this fucking rabies-drenched wild west hellscape we call our home."

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I think everyone knows I am not the biggest Brie Bella fan on this board. I think Nikki is better both in looks and in-ring skill. Brie Bella has color booking acting skills and wasn't doing this angle any favors with her performances thus far (Stephanie on the other hand is REALLY selling it). However, tonight I feel she is finally on the right track. Brie Bella is the robotic line reader who makes Malin Akerman look like Meryl Streep, but as the old saying goes 'even a broken clock is right twice a day.' Even Brie's single preset facial expression worked tonight. While typing all of this I don't actually know if it was just Stephanie doing a fantasic job all around or Brie bring her 'A' Game (again- she is not winning any acting awards anytime soon) in one of the most crucial angles of her career. With that said, I am still going to give some credit as it takes two-to-tango and Brie wasn't ENTIRELY deadweight.


I have a morbid curiousity to see Brie Bella given 10 minutes on Raw. No Stephanie. No HHH. No seconds. Just Brie and a mic. Stephanie can carry the heat for this feud on her promos. I believe if that ever happens, the feud will die a swift death as Brie will be frustratingly vacant while falsely believing that her 'beauty' will 'help' her deliver her lines.


The funniest thing in Zeb's promo was the bizarrely dark view of thanksgiving:


"It represents a family sitting down to thanksgiving dinner, giving thanks that they survived another year..."


which I presume was supposed to be followed by:


"...in this fucking rabies-drenched wild west hellscape we call our home."



"...of dodging death panels in Obama's socialist nightmare."


Was I the only one bothered by the Cesaro promo? He actually went and said the World Champion couldn't wrestle. And then he went and lost a wrestling match to the guy who can't wrestle.


Bo's streak ending against TRUTH???


I could only assume this "Cosmic Key" thing leads to the Dust Brothers vs. Julie Winston & Kevin Coorigan at Summerslam.

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I could only assume this "Cosmic Key" thing leads to the Dust Brothers vs. Julie Winston & Kevin Coorigan at Summerslam.


Okay...this is a really low-percentage shot to take reference-wise, but fuck it.


Obviously the cosmic key only leads you toward one guy:








Oh yeah...Bo Dallas lost to The Truth. I forgot about that and not in a snarky 'its so dumb I choose to ignore it' forgot about it - but shoot forgot about it. Truth is such a non-factor and has been for months that him being the guy to end Bo Dallas' undefeated streak, has made the whole thing forgettable. Truth was sporting a new haircut (only took him 15 years) - but fuck! I would have loved to be in the meeting when this was decided. Bo should have lost to someone on the come up (Sami) or someone getting back into the grove of things (Henry, Big Show, etc.) and NOT  a complete non-factor who is probably going to get future-endeavour'd after the second round of Network numbers come out this week.


I think they let Cesaro ad lib and he just didn't come up with enough good cuts. I would have said "...a billboard for catchphrases, poop jokes, and poor clothing" myself, then ranked on the shoes. Not letting him respond was good though. 


The "cosmic key" thing just reminds me of this damn song every time 


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I figured the cosmic key thing would tie into Batista returning as Drax but that could just be wishful thinking.


Of all the things I never expected to hear referenced on a wrasslin' show, WOLF 359 has to pretty close to the top of the list.

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To this day, I still remember Ludvig Borga, of all people, ending the streak of Tatanka all these years later.


I wonder if years down the road, I'll still remember R-Truth ending the streak of Bo Dallas. :D


I was on the phone listening to dumb drama while watching the Goldy/Stardust segment on mute and just watching Cody's expressions was entertaining. Who knows where they're going with that but it'll be... somewhere. 


As far as Dubya in Houston goes, I guess I'll take your word for it Meanie. That airport he's named after says otherwise though


Uhhhhhhhhh.... isn't that named after his dad?

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I figured the cosmic key thing would tie into Batista returning as Drax but that could just be wishful thinking.




I'm pretty sure that Stardust at one point in that said something about it being at Ross.  Which:


1) Means it's the key to back-to-school savings for your less-than-popular types and


2) No way Batista has been near it lately.





Also...Did anyone else hear him say this?

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As far as Dubya in Houston goes, I guess I'll take your word for it Meanie. That airport he's named after says otherwise though.



To be fair, it's named after daddy Bush, not Dubya. Very few Houstonians will call it that, though. It's still Intercontinental to the most of us.

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R-Truth is the perfect guy for Bo to lose the streak to. They weren't Goldberg-ing Bo. Now he has a reason to act like the vicious, petty little prick he is inside despite the spa interludes and motivational speaking. He still needs to establish that part of his persona and he did that really well tonight by being such a sore loser.


Was I the only one bothered by the Cesaro promo? He actually went and said the World Champion couldn't wrestle. And then he went and lost a wrestling match to the guy who can't wrestle.


You might be "totes confused", but it was revealed in the Raw thread weeks back, that it is the job of a heel to bury opponents.


R-Truth is the perfect guy for Bo to lose the streak to. They weren't Goldberg-ing Bo. Now he has a reason to act like the vicious, petty little prick he is inside despite the spa interludes and motivational speaking. He still needs to establish that part of his persona and he did that really well tonight by being such a sore loser.


I agree with this.  Streaks are usually an albatross around the neck of a character.  I'm glad they got rid of this one in a way that was as ignominious as possible.



Was I the only one bothered by the Cesaro promo? He actually went and said the World Champion couldn't wrestle. And then he went and lost a wrestling match to the guy who can't wrestle.


You might be "totes confused", but it was revealed in the Raw thread weeks back, that it is the job of a heel to bury opponents.


Not like THAT.


Seriously this is what people were arguing weeks back, when someone was called out on cutting shitty promos that bury everybody. The guy who was "totes confused" popped in after it had been explained at least six times.

At some point that became the mentality of people who work heel,. To bury everyone because it gets heat. 



As far as Dubya in Houston goes, I guess I'll take your word for it Meanie. That airport he's named after says otherwise though.



To be fair, it's named after daddy Bush, not Dubya. Very few Houstonians will call it that, though. It's still Intercontinental to the most of us.



Any truth to the rumors that they may rename it "Michael Mizanin Intercontinental Championship Airport?" He is a big star, you know.

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Roman Reigns has gotten that great Kane/Orton rub...It gives you the power of invisibility from my DVR.

It took every shred of willpower I have not to blow all my likes in the TNA thread today.

And it just paid off.

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As far as Dubya in Houston goes, I guess I'll take your word for it Meanie. That airport he's named after says otherwise though.

To be fair, it's named after daddy Bush, not Dubya. Very few Houstonians will call it that, though. It's still Intercontinental to the most of us.

Any truth to the rumors that they may rename it "Michael Mizanin Intercontinental Championship Airport?" He is a big star, you know.

No, they're going to rename it after his dad.

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