bink_winkleman Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 I guess Dean Ambrose just became a little bit too popular for their liking, so they decided to not even put him on the show. Can't have people getting popular on their own terms. Really? Every booking for Dean since the breakup (and even before the breakup) has been designed to make him the most popular sympathetic character on the roster. Oh yeah? Like two weeks ago when he was taken out of the Six Man Tag Main Event by getting beat up by Orton, Kane and Rollins and then didn't come out in the Main Event to save the day? Because they were saving the run-ins for the PPV six days later? Ambrose will be fine. Reigns wasn't ready for the stage they were putting him on, but paring him with Kane and Orton isn't going to do the guy any favors into getting to that stage, either. Cena/Cesaro was great fun. I didn't like the promo either, though, or the awkward Heyman hug thing. Dude needs to work on his mic stuff.
NikoBaltimore Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 Watching certain parts of Raw again, I really liked this show. I could use more of serious Cena, that was awesome. Heyman was great, wasn't feeling Cesaro's promo. Slow, but great match. I fucking loved the Swagger segment. This has to lead to a flag match, hopefully for Summerslam. When Rusev stomps on the guy's back he should hold it there for a few seconds and scream. Miz backing up to save his face was hilarious, as was HHH fake laughing (the gif of him going across the screen as it zoomed in on Steph was top-notch) And for Goldust/Stardust, all this cosmic key stuff should hopefully lead to Neil Degrasse Tyson coming in for a segment.
John from Cincinnati Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 I want to come down hard on this show, but they didn't make me sit through Reigns vs Kane the Uncarriable. Gotta give them points for that.
Jamal Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 Paige/AJ continues to be great and should continue with Paige fucking with AJ's sanity. I dug the submission Naomi slapped on Cameron. She continues to be one to watch. It's been said before but I have to say it again. Stephanie and Brie ruled it. Damn have the Bellas come a long way!
Guest meowput Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 Reigns is just green, and I think expectations of him should be much lower. WWE needs to handle him much more carefully because having the look alone means potential revenue outside of wrestling. I think the amount he's improved in ring since his debut speaks volumes about how good a pro wrestler he is and can be. He has good chemistry with certain guys, and I think he'll do very well with Mark Henry, just based off the few matches that they have had together. A retweaked Shaemus is another possibility, and it'll freshen up his character if he turns heel. Orton and Kane are just toxic at the moment. They'll do much better as a tag team right now with the Usos.
Lo-Risk Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 I could only assume this "Cosmic Key" thing leads to the Dust Brothers vs. Julie Winston & Kevin Coorigan at Summerslam. Okay...this is a really low-percentage shot to take reference-wise, but fuck it. Obviously the cosmic key only leads you toward one guy: NIDUS, MOTHERFUCKERS!!!! I'm reminded only of this guy... Guess I should've gone for the Gwildor reference over Julie & Kevin. See, they should've kept Aksana around and made her the Dust Brothers' valet. She could go around putting collars on people in an attempt to find out where the Cosmic Key is.
OSJ Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 Other than Zeb flubbing his lines, an excellent show. Reigns is being portrayed perfectly, I don't get the negativity, a Reigns/Orton feud would be excellent for both parties. It would make Orton interesting again and Reigns could learn more than a bit from Orton (I know it is the fashion round these parts to hate on Orton, but the guy is excellent in the ring, every move means something and he does all the little things to put over what he's doing.) Anyway, Reigns only loses when he's outnumbered, which is exactly the way to book him. Have Lesnar beat Cena for the belts and then we have Reigns/Lesnar at WrestleMania. The divas are actually interesting for the first time in ages thanks in large part to Naomi, AJ, and Paige. Naomi is really the one to watch (for other than the obvious reasons), she's getting better and better as a wrestler. If her promo work gets in the level of Paige or AJ, she could be the focus of the division for a long time. Jericho needs to ramp up the dickishness a notch or two. He's the guy who has held the gold and due to age will likely never reach that level again. Study some El Samurai tapes from Japan. Sammy just oozes the hate for the younger generation. He knows he'll never be THE MAN again, and hates the universe for it. That's the direction Jericho needs to take. I may be the only one that appreciated R-Truth ending Bo's streak. I've always dug Ron's work and I hope he stays around. The dude has paid more dues in the biz than most and deserves a permanent spot in WWE.
John from Cincinnati Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 The best thing about Orton-Reigns is that it keeps Reigns from standing tall at the end of Raw for a month. Reigns is good and he's over, but some hyper-sensitive fans seem determined to complain about his push activating their gag reflex. Hiding him in the upper midcard with Orton should quiet some of those complaints for a little while.
Johnny Sorrow Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 Did they even ever mention that Bo had a winning streak, or is it just people thinking that was an active storyline?
Raziel Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 They did, but I think people's expectations were way too high. Bo's winning streak was basically Santino's "Honk-o-meter" Pt 2. People are being oversensitive to Bo losing.
John from Cincinnati Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 Serious question: Have you not watched a lot of WWE over the past couple months? JBL can't seem to shut up about the streak. Then again, I wouldn't hold it against you if you're watching Raw on mute. Still, it wasn't a huge deal. An undercard amusement. It means nothing.
Curt McGirt Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 The Cesaro "You can't wrestle" stuff didn't bother me because kayfabe-wise he was just trying to get in Cena's head by bringing up something the crowd used to chant at him. I don't remember the last time I heard a crowd actually chanting that at Cena, because nobody that pays attention could possibly still think that Cena isn't a great wrestler. Man Cena really needs a break, he's working at half-speed trying to do monkey flips and ranas and it just looks like shit. Cesaro is visibly slowing to keep him from completely gassing and this is like 1/3rd of the match they had earlier this year. Oh I never said Cena isn't a fine, nay even great wrestler; he is. But he shouldn't be trying to throw in highspots that he can't pull off. The matwork was fine but throwing those in like he's 175 lbs. lighter and not working injured 24/7 is just dumb and looks bad. The announcers even seemed to cover for it a bit when they said "he's brawling now, this is more to his favor".
Biz Smarkie Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 They did it all comical. "He just ended the greatest streak in sports history Maggle! " "I guess he didn't BOLIEVE in himself, John."
Pete Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 I just cracked up picturing Stephie getting delusional about her night in the hoosegow, thinking it makes her all street and shit. Like she grows out an Afro so she can hide razors in it. 2
Ramsey Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 On a side note, I'd like to thank Pete for teaching me how to spell "hoosegow." I'm a 41 year old man and my father was a city cop then a federal law enforcement agent for 30+ years and I've never known the proper spelling of that word.'s AWESOME! 1
Bourdain Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 Stephanie can crank it up as much as she wants, but she will never top Vince
Craig H Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 On a side note, I'd like to thank Pete for teaching me how to spell "hoosegow." I'm a 41 year old man and my father was a city cop then a federal law enforcement agent for 30+ years and I've never known the proper spelling of that word.'s AWESOME! Hah! I thought the same thing. It was one of those, "Oh, huh, so that's how it's spelled! Thanks, Pete!" 2
Patrick B. Posted July 29, 2014 Posted July 29, 2014 Me: "Chris, you know what's down this have only yourself to blame when you get left laying..." *Rollins cheapshot* "Yup."
Johnny Sorrow Posted July 30, 2014 Posted July 30, 2014 Serious question: Have you not watched a lot of WWE over the past couple months? JBL can't seem to shut up about the streak. Then again, I wouldn't hold it against you if you're watching Raw on mute. Still, it wasn't a huge deal. An undercard amusement. It means nothing. I've been watching the edited Hulu RAW. I just don't recall it being played up as a streak, more of a "He won again!" Deal.
Phantom Lord Posted July 30, 2014 Posted July 30, 2014 I just cracked up picturing Stephie getting delusional about her night in the hoosegow, thinking it makes her all street and shit. Like she grows out an Afro so she can hide razors in it. When my mother was going to high school here in Brooklyn in the late 60's, she told me some of the "bad" girls did that so you would never want to fight them cause if you grabbed their heads you'd get all cut up. Now that I'm thinking about it, Stephanie needs to do some Mean Streets of Greenwich promo's about how Brie don't want none of this. Great, now I'm picturing Soccer Mom Stephanie rolling up in her mini van with Power 105 blasting.
Pete Posted July 30, 2014 Posted July 30, 2014 I just cracked up picturing Stephie getting delusional about her night in the hoosegow, thinking it makes her all street and shit. Like she grows out an Afro so she can hide razors in it. When my mother was going to high school here in Brooklyn in the late 60's, she told me some of the "bad" girls did that so you would never want to fight them cause if you grabbed their heads you'd get all cut up. Now that I'm thinking about it, Stephanie needs to do some Mean Streets of Greenwich promo's about how Brie don't want none of this. Great, now I'm picturing Soccer Mom Stephanie rolling up in her mini van with Power 105 blasting. Now I want Stephie to bring back the Mean Street Posse. Someone make this shit happen yesterday. 1
jaedmc Posted July 30, 2014 Posted July 30, 2014 Holy crap how did we not get a Mean Street Posse vs. SHIELD match? 1
Rev Ray Posted July 30, 2014 Posted July 30, 2014 I'm picturing Steph doing the Hardknock Life video from Goldmember with the heel divas and Hornswaggle as Mini-Steph.
TerjeRUN Posted July 30, 2014 Posted July 30, 2014 The best thing about Orton-Reigns is that it keeps Reigns from standing tall at the end of Raw for a month. Reigns is good and he's over, but some hyper-sensitive fans seem determined to complain about his push activating their gag reflex. Hiding him in the upper midcard with Orton should quiet some of those complaints for a little while. I called this reaction MONTHS ago. Maybe 8 or 9 ago. Once everybody started saying he was going to be the second coming of Christ, I knew it was only a matter of time before there was a backlash.
CastleVania Rey Posted July 30, 2014 Posted July 30, 2014 Just appearing briefly to say the following four things: I liked the Cena promo and I like serious Cena. Cena/Cesaro was really good and perhaps their best match yet. WWE, please continue giving the divas so many simultaneous angles because I like it and I like the Stephanie/Brie angle. #1 priority is pleasing me and don't forget it. Which brings me to... NO Dean Ambrose on this show = (in Anise Tatlin voice) booooooo... *waits for Smackdown where Mox will no doubt own the place*
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