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WWE Presents Chicago Chants CM Punk for 3 Hours

Dolfan in NYC

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Coming off a stretch where several of the top Mania matches had multi-year builds, it's weird to think this year's could be a WM 16 level clusterfuck. Mind you, a WM 16 level clusterfuck would be preferable to sticking it out with Orton/Batista.


Bring on Punk/HHH and Bryan being thrown into the title match for no (kayfabe) reason!

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If Punk is going to be there, they almost have to bring him out during the opening segment, just to avoid the "hijacking" the crowd is going to do until they see him.

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If Punk is going to be there, they almost have to bring him out during the opening segment, just to avoid the "hijacking" the crowd is going to do until they see him.


You know that means they'll wait until the last segment because "what's common sense?"

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If Punk is going to be there, they almost have to bring him out during the opening segment, just to avoid the "hijacking" the crowd is going to do until they see him.


I disagree. I think you let the chaos build to a fever pitch and just let the inmates take over the asylum. I think WWE probably wants this to, if just to have the reference material for a Countdown show, or a video package, or a potential news bite, or whatever. If there's enough buzz too about the chaos that takes place, that's a few more subscribers for the Network.

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Between the higher quality of shows heading towards Wrestlemania, the complete unknown as it regards what CM Punk will do or say and the Chicago crowd craziness I am pumped for this weeks RAW. Good or bad it is shaping up to be a memorable one.

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Mania's been brutally boring for years, really. I know last year, I was looking forward to the night after Mania a lot more and I told people going to New Orleans that they should skip Mania altogether and just go to the raw the night after. So some chaos might be a good thing.

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I can't believe some assholes are watching for the crowd. Then again reality tv is filled with people wasting their parents' money on dumb shit.


When your audience is tuning in more for the audience than your product, it says a lot about your product, and less about your actual audience.

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No, fuck you lamerz. Wrestling should only ever be held in empty arenas or places where fans sit on their hands and don't dare to interrupt the artistry going on inside the squared circle.

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The best part about pro wrestling is the crowd is a character in the show. I can't get up and scream during Death of a Salesman and tell Willy Loman to put the gun down. But I can certainly do that when HHH has the sledgehammer or what not. That's what makes wrestling special. The crowd is and always has been part of the product. Working the crowd and getting them to respond to what you're doing has always been what wrestling is about, actually.



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No, fuck you lamerz. Wrestling should only ever be held in empty arenas or places where fans sit on their hands and don't dare to interrupt the artistry going on inside the squared circle.

There are bigger things to bitch about in Chicago. Shitty weather and how the crime rate *mysteriously* drops because of it, for example.

Gathering a bunch of losers to chant for a guy who is whiney, snarky and generally unhappy says more about the fans than the product. The biggest problem with wrestling is that the fans think they know more than the people writing the shit. But Vince already got their money so what difference does it make?

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Clearly you've never had my grandmother's stuffed potatoes.


I'm listening. What are they stuffed with? Are we talking cheese? Bacon? If cheese, what kind? Chives? Sour cream? Chili?


One day, I'm going to stuff a giant baked potato with bacon and potato soup. It'll be like a soup bread bowl, but better.

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After watching the Stone Cold Doc on the Network and listening to Austins podcast, I feel Punk has looked at Stone Cold as inspiration to not put up with BS. Even though Austin has said he regrets the way he handled the Brock thing, I still think all the stuff Austin (shit, even Cena) say about standing up the machine has resonated with Punk.


However, if he takes Bryan's Title shot/spot, i'll be pissed unless it leads to a war between those two.

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