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All of these Old School Raws are fun throwbacks. But they also show how friggin' awful so much of the WWE's peak era was. The Road Dogg and Billy Gunn did that never ending introduction EVERY SINGLE SHOW. Oh my god, it was so tiresome. Too Cool and Rikishi were just as bad with their dumb dance routines. So were all The Rock's catchphrases.

All of the guys who get stick time now don't do that. Does anyone even really have a catchphrase anymore other than "We The People?" Guys have varying degrees of success and skill but at least all of them at least try to advance a story in some fashion.

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I'm surprised there isn't more talk of WWE making a major announcement that will "change sports entertainment forever and ever, man"  I mean, I'm assuming it will be about the network, what with that awful logo being used.  But I figured someone might have mentioned it by now.


And I dunno, I find the random occasional "Lillian horse face" jokes to be out of line and uncalled for.  I'm a guy who isn't offended by much ever, and this doesn't actually "offend" me......it just seems mean spirited and pointless.  Be A Star....... Speaking of which, have they just abandoned that cause?  It just dawned on me that they haven't done those spots for awhile.  Although I seem to remember Ambrose actually saying "Be a star" to Michael Cole on Smackdown commentary.


All of these Old School Raws are fun throwbacks. But they also show how friggin' awful so much of the WWE's peak era was. The Road Dogg and Billy Gunn did that never ending introduction EVERY SINGLE SHOW. Oh my god, it was so tiresome. Too Cool and Rikishi were just as bad with their dumb dance routines. So were all The Rock's catchphrases.

All of the guys who get stick time now don't do that. Does anyone even really have a catchphrase anymore other than "We The People?" Guys have varying degrees of success and skill but at least all of them at least try to advance a story in some fashion.

This post is fucking terrible god damn it. So glad nobody these days is even remotely as over as Val, Godfather, 2 Cool and the other curtain jerkers from back in the day.

  • Like 5

I hope Piper is a prophet without knowing it and Ambrose Alley becomes a thing.

Not this year, probably not next year, but some time....the man is Midas on the mic, everything he says is golden.

It'd be so much better than Miz TV.


I'm surprised there isn't more talk of WWE making a major announcement that will "change sports entertainment forever and ever, man"  I mean, I'm assuming it will be about the network, what with that awful logo being used.  But I figured someone might have mentioned it by now.


And I dunno, I find the random occasional "Lillian horse face" jokes to be out of line and uncalled for.  I'm a guy who isn't offended by much ever, and this doesn't actually "offend" me......it just seems mean spirited and pointless.  Be A Star....... Speaking of which, have they just abandoned that cause?  It just dawned on me that they haven't done those spots for awhile.  Although I seem to remember Ambrose actually saying "Be a star" to Michael Cole on Smackdown commentary.


Be a Star seems to have run its course, and thank god for that.


And yes, the announcement is the network.


All of these Old School Raws are fun throwbacks. But they also show how friggin' awful so much of the WWE's peak era was. The Road Dogg and Billy Gunn did that never ending introduction EVERY SINGLE SHOW. Oh my god, it was so tiresome. Too Cool and Rikishi were just as bad with their dumb dance routines. So were all The Rock's catchphrases.

All of the guys who get stick time now don't do that. Does anyone even really have a catchphrase anymore other than "We The People?" Guys have varying degrees of success and skill but at least all of them at least try to advance a story in some fashion.

Thank you. FSW is right that everyone in the Attitude Era was over, but fuck I got bored with some of that stuff. It was the ultimate ADD era.



All of these Old School Raws are fun throwbacks. But they also show how friggin' awful so much of the WWE's peak era was. The Road Dogg and Billy Gunn did that never ending introduction EVERY SINGLE SHOW. Oh my god, it was so tiresome. Too Cool and Rikishi were just as bad with their dumb dance routines. So were all The Rock's catchphrases.

All of the guys who get stick time now don't do that. Does anyone even really have a catchphrase anymore other than "We The People?" Guys have varying degrees of success and skill but at least all of them at least try to advance a story in some fashion.

This post is fucking terrible god damn it. So glad nobody these days is even remotely as over as Val, Godfather, 2 Cool and the other curtain jerkers from back in the day.



It's funny. There's a lot of stuff I hated at the time, all the time. There's a lot of stuff from the 80s I hated at the time and i really like now. There's some stuff from the late 90s like that too. There's a lot of stuff I loved and can't stand now. There's a certain charm to the NAO routine now that they're old men and I'd probably have to revisit a lot of their matches because in 98 I think I hated them because they didn't have a flashy double team finisher or something. I appreciate 80s Hogan now more than I ever could when I was a kid or a teenager when I was so excited on the Unreal History of Pro Wrestling to hear Thesz or someone say that Hogan only knew three moves. That was so validating at 17 having grown up in the 80s and having been a completely unlikable snarky little kid on the playground putting my nose up at whatever was popular. It's also the stupidest thing in the world. 


So basically, while I can respect guys who have a catch phrase that gets over to some extent, I still can not enjoy them now relative to guys who do something I personally find more enjoyable, if I think they're not bringing a ton more than that to the table, no matter how much they were able to pop a crowd. On the other hand, if I revisit something and it has a lot more going for it than i appreciated at the time, like you can see in Hogan's selling and timing and how he controls a crowd, then I'm going to change my views accordingly.


And frankly, Gonzalez (and I've switched over to him from FSW's goofy tyranny of the masses dogmatism which is just as bad as my 11 year old playground elitism and almost two thirds as mature), that Mr. Positive over there can actually be negative about something once and a while means that he's actually earnest and honest about his views and not just playing a gimmick to try to get attention on the internet, but I don't think you'd be able to understand that as a poorly programmed and ultimately soulless bot sent to plague us by someone who got bored making Smackdown vs Raw Create a Wrestlers or something. That's your gimmick right? The only thing human about you is your generally unclever pettiness. 

  • Like 7

I'm surprised there isn't more talk of WWE making a major announcement that will "change sports entertainment forever and ever, man" I mean, I'm assuming it will be about the network, what with that awful logo being used. But I figured someone might have mentioned it by now.

And I dunno, I find the random occasional "Lillian horse face" jokes to be out of line and uncalled for. I'm a guy who isn't offended by much ever, and this doesn't actually "offend" me......it just seems mean spirited and pointless. Be A Star....... Speaking of which, have they just abandoned that cause? It just dawned on me that they haven't done those spots for awhile. Although I seem to remember Ambrose actually saying "Be a star" to Michael Cole on Smackdown commentary.

Be a Star seems to have run its course, and thank god for that.

And yes, the announcement is the network.

Be A Star may have run its course, but WWE missed a golden opportunity to have bully Ryback trying to lead crowds to chant Be A Star and chanting Be A Star when pinning his opponent.

Ambrose Alley sounds like where you would go to pick up heroin and transvestite hookers.

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I'm suprised the WWE officials didn't have an intern rush out, and buy a new Boa at some fly by night pet shop in Baltimore after they saw how small the Albino Burmese was.


What ring of hell do I get for agreeing with Gonzalez?


The one that ties you up to the Tree of Woe, and forces you to watch Jackie Gayda's debut.


I love how being positive and liking what you watch is somehow a bad thing.

Yes, I generally and genuinely like the WWE right now. There is a ridiculous amount of good wrestling and good talent right now. I like it a lot more than the Road Dogg every single week doing his spiel or watching Scotty 2 Hotty do the worm chop or listening to the crowd singalong with The Rock or Christian/Edge (who I loved) doing some sports-related cheap heat five seconds pose. That era had its good moments and it also had it's really bad stuff. I preferred the Eddie/Rey/Dean/etc. stuff going on literally the same exact time on another channel. The WWE's never ending garbage was better than the 98th week in a row the nWo spraypainted someone only for Sting to descend from the rafters with a bat attack. But there was a better option that I enjoyed more.

The nostalgia stuff is fine in limited amounts. But I am really glad I don't have to waddle through the same 30-45 minutes worth of catchphrases per episode of a show.

As far as now -- there's stuff I don't like. The Brodus stuff is terminally boring. But in this day of YouTube, I don't have to watch it. I just skip it when it's on and go on Facebook for a bit and then return to when I hear SIERRA HOTEL or what have you.

I also don't have to watch women getting beaten for face pops anymore. BIG PLUS.

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You guys are right Kofi, Miz, Truth, 3MB, Khali etc are far more entertaining than 2 Cool, Godfather, Val. I'm all for good wrestling but if we're being realistic this is the most vanilla, boring roster ever. I don't care about 80% of these guys. And crowds aren't exactly going nuts for CodyDust, the Usos or any of the other tag acts.


There's a balance, but right now they're vanilla as fuck. With good matches.

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You guys are right Kofi, Miz, Truth, 3MB, Khali etc are far more entertaining than 2 Cool, Godfather, Val. I'm all for good wrestling but if we're being realistic this is the most vanilla, boring roster ever. I don't care about 80% of these guys. And crowds aren't exactly going nuts for CodyDust, the Usos or any of the other tag acts.


I can't control what other people like and cheer for. I can only like what I like.


And the dregs of today (Kofi, Miz, Khali) are the same exact to me as 2 Cool and The Godfather. Man oh man did I hate The Godfather. The dude was pretty bad in the ring and did a spot that took 15 minutes where he was a guy pretending to be a pimp pretending to be a train.

I liked Val enough as a wrestler but they sure did some dumb stuff with him. The WWE hasn't done anything nearly as bad as "Me Choppy Choppy Your Pee Pee" recently.

If you don't care about 80% of these guys, then may I suggest you watch 80% less of Raw?


You guys are right Kofi, Miz, Truth, 3MB, Khali etc are far more entertaining than 2 Cool, Godfather, Val. I'm all for good wrestling but if we're being realistic this is the most vanilla, boring roster ever. I don't care about 80% of these guys. And crowds aren't exactly going nuts for CodyDust, the Usos or any of the other tag acts.


There's a balance, but right now they're vanilla as fuck. With good matches.

Val is a better wrestler than most of the roster. 


The nostalgia stuff is fine in limited amounts. But I am really glad I don't have to waddle through the same 30-45 minutes worth of catchphrases per episode of a show.

What if they replaced most backstage segments and HHH-style length in-ring promo segments with chant-along catchphrases and entrance routines?


I'd take "vanilla" over a fake pimp, a fake porn star, and 2 white dudes mocking hip hop.

My point is that they had charisma. NAO were more over than any tag teams today. 2 Cool were an opening act more over than any midcard act today. A lot of midcard guys back then were way more over than the main event guys of today. There's a black hole of charisma in the company today. You got Punk, Bryan, Cena and that's about it.

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