Charlie M. Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Aksana cracks me up. She's not a good wrestler by any means but she does stuff like covering her ears when the Bellas awful music plays instead of just standing there like a mannequin.
Playa Shunna Ver 3.0 Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Aksana cracks me up. She's not a good wrestler by any means but she does stuff like covering her ears when the Bellas awful music plays instead of just standing there like a mannequin. Yes. She would make a good manager/valet. Well maybe not, but it would be better than trying to shoehorn her in as a rassler.
OSJ Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 What worked: DB as a Wyatt The Rhodes Bros. (as always) Piper's Pit / Ambrose Alley (line of the night) Roman Reigns shows he's a main-eventer Jake the Snake!!!!
Raziel Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Aksana cracks me up. She's not a good wrestler by any means but she does stuff like covering her ears when the Bellas awful music plays instead of just standing there like a mannequin. Yes. She would make a good manager/valet. Well maybe not, but it would be better than trying to shoehorn her in as a rassler. She was pretty good as a valet when she was hanging with Cesaro. You didn't see it much because he got jobber introed a lot during the "... in Five Languages" gimmick, but in their FCW/NXT stuff she had the second down pat. 1
bink_winkleman Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Ryback on commentary was really great. So how about that VINTAGE Lilian Garcia horse joke? Maybe he was trying to put himself in HHH's good graces. a great joke delivered by a guy who looks like symmetrical Toxie. I really did think he was excellent. He and Barrett have the best wrestler voices in the company.
ultimoDANK Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 This thread. People actually like/liked Too Cool? They always have been utter shit and the worm is one of the worst things in WWE history. Also a big LOL at the guy who fucking cried for Jake the Snake. That is one sensitive man. I wasn't super into this show. The tag title match and Punk vs Reigns were both good not great. The rest of the show was kind of a snoozer. The nobody has ever tossed Lesnar around like that line was silly. Are we supposed to forget the long fued they had years ago? 1
Craig H Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Good show, except for Ryback on commentary. My God, he laughed after EVERYTHING he said, like he was channeling Jim Neidhart. The only thing he said that was remotely funny was saying that Big E should put a bra on and the announcers not knowing how to respond to that. 1
scraylo187 Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 The Wyatt stuff was a really interesting development. Daniel isn't brainwashed as much as he wants Bray to teach him how to unleash the monster. And, in return, he can teach The Wyatts how to win titles. That's some great hero's journey stuff there -- he has to band together with the rogues in order to get to his ultimate goal, which is to take down the machine. YES. Very into this. I love how well this actually fits his WWE character. You know, the anger fueled sociopathic wrestling prodigy goat monster. I can see how this guy would be like 'I want to be a Wyatt and I want to be the best Wyatt in the world.'
Patrick B. Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Some live comments say that Piper seemed really pissed at Barrett after the fact. Rumor did say they were looking for a Mania program for Piper. Also that Cody might have hurt his ankle. He had just been in Swagger's anklelock. Maybe we're just not used to anyone actually selling that hold after the fact.
Matt D Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Speaking of selling after the fact, Scotty did a great job selling for a bit after Too Cool won. There was really no reason for him to do that except for it was the right thing to do. EDIT: All of these are worth watching but Renee's reactions to Slaughter are great and Sandow's got a good line in there too. WARNING: There's a Steph milk commercial before most of these. It is surreal.
Craig H Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 It's because Scotty 2 Hotty is awesome. Ok class, now let's all watch Scotty 2 Hotty vs Dean Malenko from Backlash and see Scotty die for our sins taking a top rope DDT.
Victator Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Good show, except for Ryback on commentary. My God, he laughed after EVERYTHING he said, like he was channeling Jim Neidhart. The only thing he said that was remotely funny was saying that Big E should put a bra on and the announcers not knowing how to respond to that. He is not suppose to be funny. He is a middle school bully. 1
scraylo187 Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Does anyone else feel like the Authority was going to be this mega heel thing with HHH and Steph running the show with Randy as their champ and the Shield and the Wyatts handling business while Kane wears a suit? Like the Corporate Ministry but with Kane wearing a suit? But then they either bailed on it or I was way off. I dunno. I feel like all of their storylines would be a little more cohesive with THE AUTHORITY as the anchor for everything.
NikoBaltimore Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Was at the show last night. The crowd only reacted on the side the camera was facing them. Everywhere else it wasn't much of anything. I got the side with the hard camera stationed there, so no signs or anything like that. Just lots of sitting on hands. At the time you're just going to react as you would and enjoy it. But looking back it is kind of sad that some of the stuff they were doing and it didn't get much of any reaction. Anyway, thought it was a darn good show. Enjoyed seeing Flair and the tag match. Seeing Goldust being awesome in person was a sight to see. Think it's weird Brie seems not affected at all by Bryan's situation. The Wyatt thing is weird because why have tension already? A week or so of them trumpeting him as the chosen one would have been fine before doing that. It was insanity choosing Slaughter when Arn was there. But if they'd make Arn dance I'm not sure how I'd take that. I really enjoyed Piper's Pit. Dean trading verbal barbs with Piper was really great. Didn't expect to see NAO with Punk. Loved the Brock segment, was happy with the kimura spot and enjoyed the bit with Big Show. I'm not sold on Big Show/Lesnar though, but as a segment it was good for me. Got a laugh out of Bad News Barrett. Saw Rikishi at a local show in a flea market last month so that made me chuckle. Speaking of which Too Cool match was pretty fun. Rikishi did move better at the local indy show, but it was still good seeing them. Loved Mean Gene's bit with the hotline. The Punk/Reigns match started off slow but picked up near the end. Had a good buildup to it and it was a good idea having Reigns win. The dissension is going to escalate now with that. When Jake came out it was such an insane moment. The crowd didn't react as much as I hoped, but fuck it I enjoyed it immensely. Such a mark out moment seeing Jake. Didn't even notice DDP foreshadowing it earlier by subtly making a mention of his "disciple". Good for Ambrose smiling like a fool.
RIPPA Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Some live comments say that Piper seemed really pissed at Barrett after the fact. Rumor did say they were looking for a Mania program for Piper. Also that Cody might have hurt his ankle. He had just been in Swagger's anklelock. Maybe we're just not used to anyone actually selling that hold after the fact. Yeah - I think the whole CODY GOT INJURED thing came from Cody selling the Patriot Lock after the match and trying to take his boot off to check it, etc... BTW - that whole sequence was amazing. That got over the Patriot Lock as White Hot Death more than anything I have seen the WWE do in a few years.
sydneybrown Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Good show, except for Ryback on commentary. My God, he laughed after EVERYTHING he said, like he was channeling Jim Neidhart. The only thing he said that was remotely funny was saying that Big E should put a bra on and the announcers not knowing how to respond to that. He is not suppose to be funny. He is a middle school bully. Really? I don't recall the bullies in my middle school getting beaten up by smaller kids on a semi-monthly basis.
Victator Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Middle school bullies try to avoid fights for that reason. 1
Matt D Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Some live comments say that Piper seemed really pissed at Barrett after the fact. Rumor did say they were looking for a Mania program for Piper. Also that Cody might have hurt his ankle. He had just been in Swagger's anklelock. Maybe we're just not used to anyone actually selling that hold after the fact. Yeah - I think the whole CODY GOT INJURED thing came from Cody selling the Patriot Lock after the match and trying to take his boot off to check it, etc... BTW - that whole sequence was amazing. That got over the Patriot Lock as White Hot Death more than anything I have seen the WWE do in a few years. Cody's selling in general the last couple of weeks has been really good and yeah, the way he was trying to fight out was great. I thought that was the match ender til I saw Dustin come in off the side of the screen.
Lazlo Woodbine Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Cesaro's running boot to Goldust looked ace at the time. should be a gif.
Playa Shunna Ver 3.0 Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Arn did not have a cartoon in the eighties. To be fair..Arn was too busy handling Flair's leftovers/overflow to star in a cartoon. Whooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
Spontaneous Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Sad there wasn't as much love on here for Mean Gene's hotline bit. "One of you remembered!" It has been said by everyone on here, Jake Roberts coming out and looking healthy was enough of a moment but it was made even better seeing Ambrose get the Damien treatment. The Punk-Reigns match was a quality TV main event, I feel a bit better about a Roman Reigns singles run. Not really looking forward to Show-Lesnar, I get it that it has been about ten years since they last faced each other but it doesn't interest me. On the plus side, it'll be short. Was hoping for Henry-Lesnar in a big man brawl to wittle away the time for Lesnar while they set up his Mania match.
Gonzalez Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 Cesaro's running boot to Goldust looked ace at the time. should be a gif. Plus, the WCW apron cam returned once again. That shit needs to be permanent.
Cobra Commander Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 gotta wonder how much of the near-comatose crowd thought Jake the Snake was a new guy who was making a surprise debut to take on the Shield? 2
ultimoDANK Posted January 7, 2014 Posted January 7, 2014 It's because Scotty 2 Hotty is awesome. Ok class, now let's all watch Scotty 2 Hotty vs Dean Malenko from Backlash and see Scotty die for our sins taking a top rope DDT. He has one good match and it's with Dean Malenko. 1
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