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  • Holy fuck.  Rooooosh vs. Moxley was as violent as I hoped it might be.  Those guys beat the gorilla piss out of each other.  Mox cut a promo for the ages and I think he actually succeeded in lighting a fire under Jericho's ass.  
  • TRIOS TITLES~!  FUCK YEAH~!  I'd be more excited if this had happened at Dark Order's peak.  Now there are like four guys left in the faction.  No more Freebirds Rules defenses for their ninety man roster.   Those belts are House of Black's for the taking.
  • Ricky Starks coming out to a UFC style montage package was king sized.  Danhausen made a valiant attempt in a losing effort.  I figured that Hook would somehow end up walking out of the event with the FTW title, but I thought he would turn on Danhausen.  It is about damned time that Hook wore his dad's title.  It is only fitting.  The show of love at the end of the match was unexpected but cool.  The break-up of Team Taz totally punched me in the stomach.  So, Starks is a face now?  I can dig it.  Hobbs retains the role of monster heel and sneering reaper of souls? Even better.
  • Hey, Skye Blue is now a round the way girl!  Sammy vs. Dante in the Battle of the Flippy-dos started off hot but understandably slowed down when Dante tweaked his knee.  I was legit concerned when Dante took that cutter bump.  It looked like his knee buckled as he went down.  
  • Sonjay Dutt's mouth wrote a check his ass might not be able to cash.  FUCK YEAH~!  
  • Luchasaurus is still wearing his Vibora gear.  I am sensing a swerve.  NJPW is not for kids and neither is AEW.  CHRISTIAN CAGE IS A PUSSY~!  TALKING THAT BULLSHIT~!  YOUR WIFE DIVORCED YOUR BITCH ASS~!  Jungle Boy is spitting mad garbage.  Christian Cage interrupting Jungle Boy during the most emotional part of his promo was the best.  What a fucking shitbag.  Well, Luchasaurus did not smash Jungle Boy... yet..
  • DO vs. Young Bucks for the soul of Hangman Adam Page?  Sign me up.
  • The handicap match was what it was.  Sterling died on cue and we have a new tag-team in the form of Tony Nese and Josh Woods.  Josh won't be winning any big title matches against Swerve In Our Glory but at least he is not jobbing on Dark.  I was kinda hoping that Woods would push membership in the BCC, though.
  • I have some hope that the Darby Allin vs. Brody King coffin match will be decent.  I have only liked three coffin matches in my life.  Mil Muertes was in two of them and Darby was in the other.
  • Miyu Yamashita / Thunder Rosa starts off slightly botchy but not as botchy as their match in Japan.  The appreciative crowd blows off the minor flubs.  I think the story in the Japan upset match of women kicking each other in the spine was more compelling than the straight up rumble we saw tonight.  Things got better down the stretch and the finish was fairly solid.  
  • Jesus fuck.  Bryan Danielson is fucking killing Daniel Garcia.  Wait.  Garcia is not quite dead yet.  I am suddenly freaked out by Danielson's motionlessness.  I figure it is a work because no one would sign off on a hurt guy getting DDTed on concrete.  Even so, I am a bit uncomfortable watching the beating that DB is taking during picture in picture.  The ref is really stalling for time and selling what I hope is a worked concussion.  Garcia attacking the open wound appeals to my inner ghoul.  I am with Taz.  Why would a man whose bell is rung execute an avalanche back suplex?  A desperate decision made by a man whose head is not 100% in the game.  Well, those roundhouse kicks makes me think that maybe Bryan is okay.  The reversal of the RNC into the Cattle Mutilation maybe should have been the finish.  No, the badass capture suplex maybe.  Holy shit, they put Daniel Garcia over Bryan Danielson.  What a huge fucking win for DG, tainted though it may be.  Welcome to the big leagues, kid.  You are a walking dead man.  Healthy Bryan Danielson is going to fucking murder you.  The American Dragon will have his revenge.
Edited by J.T.
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Oh shit!  They are starting with Rush versus Mox!  RUSH IS SO FUCKING AWESOME!  MOX IS FUCKING AWESOME!  Picture in picture.  RUSH IS STILL AWESOME!  MOX IS STILL AWESOME!  This is fucking Stan Hansen versus Stan Hansen.  What a fucking match. They set up Jericho versus Moxley.   It's Danhausen!  It's Ricky Starks!  Danhausen hits a very nice Northern Lights Suplex!  That was about as long as it should have been.  Holy Shit!  HOOK!  NEW CHAMPION!  That was great.  HOBBS! TURNS ON RICKY STARKS!  Because Ricky was talking like a little bitch, I'm guessing.  It's Sammy Guevara!  With Tay Conti!  It's Dante Martin!  With Skye Blue!  (KAYFABE:  They are also a couple!  Young love....)  This match is great!  I love how they are doing all this athletic stuff without actually touching each other.  HOLY SHIT!  WHAT A FUCKING CRAZY DIVE BY MARTIN!  While in picture on picture, Martin take a Psicosis bump into the ringpost.  I am so into Tay and Skye fueding. Fun nearfalls!  This is a fucking crazy athletic match.  Very state of the art with a great finisher by Sammy.  Anna Jay!  Where is Ruby Soho?  Oh there she is!  Awesome!  HEAT THIS SHIT UP!   Is Luchasaurus going to turn on Jungle Boy so Luchasaurus can feud with Powerhouse Hobbs and Jungle Boy can feud with Ricky Starks!  Jungle Boy calls Christian Cage the P WORD!  THE P WORD!  He says the BS WORD! THE BS WORD!  Oh man, Luchasaurus is sooo turning on Jungle Boy.   Jungle Boy uses the B WORD!  THE B WORD!  Jungle Boy uses the OTHER P WORD!  THE OTHER P WORD!  Christian Cage!  HE IS SCARED OF WHAT HE WAS GOING TO DO TO HIM!  CAGE IS GOING TO KILL JUNGLE BOY!   So I guess Kenny Omega is ready to go since they are introducing the Trios Titles.  Shane Strickland and Tony Nese have the most Memphis match in the history of Boston as Nese is tagging with his manager.  Man, why does he tag in during picture in picture.  I await the international feed.  Smart Mark Sterling is channeling Jimmy Hart here as opposed to Bobby Heenan.  Hart would take some bumps just not the hellacious bumps that Heenan would take.  Oh cool!  Nese does the bump that El Desperado did at Forbidden Door.  Josh Woods and Tony Nese are going for the tag titles?  Sure, why not?  Holy Shit!  It's motherfucking Miyu Yamashita!  Thunder Rosa is wearing the cowboy hat again!  Thunder Rosa IS Bro Country!  They go all lucha early!  Then they start beating the fudge out of each other.  I love that this is a US Pro Style match.  I also love that they do a Miyu chant because Yamashita is too unwieldy.  Awesome EVEREST GERMAN SUPLEX by Miyu!  A callback to the first match!  Thunder Rosa wins with her K-Driller variation.  That was really good.   I dug that the crowd was into it.  Thunder Rosa is OVER in Worcestershire.  Miyu Yamashita got OVER in Worcestershire.  JESUS CHRIST!  Bryan Danielson is back, I see.  Jesus, this is an assbeating.  Garcia works on Danielson ACTUAL BRAIN!  DDT to the floor and we go to picture in picture!  We go to the big screen and Danielson is BLEEDING!  AWESOME!  Oh man, Daniel Garcia is so fucking awesome!  I love this match.  This match is fucking great.  OH MAN, THIS MATCH IS FUCKING GREAT!  HOLY SHIT!  

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I was like “man, shit, Hook is the future of the company, wait no Starks is the future of the company, shit wait, nope, Hobbs is the future of the company, oh fuck Jungle Boy with the promo of his life he’s the future of the company, shit man Dante Martin is good is he the future of the company? wait holy shit Daniel Garcia is the future of the company!”

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Dug Rosa vs Yamashita. The start scared me a little as they seemed a little off initially but, once they settled into kicking each other in the head, it was all good. 

I'm ready for Ruby vs Anna JAS

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Posted (edited)

The similarities between the main and the open are amusing. Both started with one guy completely running wild on the other, even including a rail ride and a chair-sit kick session in the exact same corner outside, and the face ended up bleeding in both with the heel biting the cut. But the open had more consistent intensity, and I haven't seen 1000 Roosh matches yet. The Miyu match was #2 between both. The start of that had some bomb technicality and the chop Rosa laid in on the outside was EVIL. HOWEVER! The double squash with Ricky was super super super cool. Let's put that as #1b. We talked about Garcia having matches with first Mox, then Punk, now Bryan. He is totally a made man now. There was really nothing sucky on this show at all, everything worked. 

Also, Anna Jay now looks exactly like Christina Applegate. 

EDIT: Oh! There was also interference in both matches! And the interference in the open had pretty much no use while the interference in the main led directly to the end. Well, actually both were kinda pointless. 

Edited by Curt McGirt
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Was super distracted by that Toronto announcement, but loved that main event once I started paying attention to it. I liked "guy under the ring grabs the leg" as a finish in EVIL vs. KENTA this week and I liked it just as much here. Frankly, with the state Danielson was in mid-match, I thought Garcia should win and so I was kind of rooting for him.

So many things hit this week.  I didn't think about it before tonight, but that was kind of a lot of pressure on Jungle Boy to fire back after weeks of Christian carving him up. He'd been improving on the mic but we'd never seen him deliver the kind of promo that he needed to. Well, he did it!

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1 hour ago, For Great Justice said:

I was like “man, shit, Hook is the future of the company, wait no Starks is the future of the company, shit wait, nope, Hobbs is the future of the company, oh fuck Jungle Boy with the promo of his life he’s the future of the company, shit man Dante Martin is good is he the future of the company? wait holy shit Daniel Garcia is the future of the company!”

This times a million. 

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Mox is basically making someone different a bigger AEW star every week, he's my WOTY.

This was the perfect way to get the FTW onto Hook and take Starks to the next level. Like @For Great Justicesaid, that was a perfect pro wrestling sequence.

Dante-Sammy was excellent but wasn't all it could be because of the injury, hope it's not serious. How about that huge air from the stage? Dante and Skye being a real-life couple is so cute I could scream. Hope she whoops Tay's ass.

They gave Jungle Boy all the swears. It's kind of weird to me how much good ol' JR loves Jungle Boy considering what he normally goes for. JB still really does nothing for me but the crowd loves him.

Thanks @DEANfor the Sterling/Jimmy Hart comparison. Fun match for what it was. Josh Woods is eh for me, so perfect for a tag team with Nese, who is still pretty eh for me. They will make good fodder for StrickLee Business's first defense. Need more non-DO JTTS.

I found the Rosa-Miyu match mighty awkward for huge stretches, I didn't hate it but I thought it only really gelled a couple of times.

Main was definitely something different and unexpected. I love Garcia, I love him as a foil for BCC since he's matching their style and intensity.

The backstage stuff moved pretty quick and set up some stuff.

Best thing tonight was NO BOOMER SOONER! 

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Mentioned in the Discord, but AEW does so few upsets that when something like tonight happens it really seems like a big deal.

Daniel Garcia is the absolute man

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Posted (edited)

Mox/Rush was the first Rush match I have ever seen. It shall not be the last. Dug him quite a bit. much more of a brawler than expected having seen what I have out of Andrade and LIJ. He and Mox worked pretty well together. Hope it they match up again at some point.

Rosa/Miyu was kind of sloppy and off half the time. Couldn't really get into it.

Bryan/Garcia was good. Dug Bryan being a house of fire early on only for past damage to rear its ugly head and leave him open for Garcia to finally capitalize. Thought the finish worked well enough.

Edited by Eivion
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This was a great show overall though putting a themed name on every episode of Dynamite is getting kind of old. If you try and make every episode special then no one is. That being said there was a lot of good wrestling here.

I'm not as high on Moxley as most people, but the bout with Rush was a fantastic piss beater of a match. Rush is such an incredibly physical guy and meshed well with Moxley's style. I'd like to see them wrestle in Mexico just to see what kind of reaction Moxley would get there. I hope they save the inevitable Lucha Bros/LFI match for a PPV so they get ample time. Or since the trios titles are a thing now maybe Pac and Dragon Lee get involved.

I like flippy shit but Sammy/Dante had almost too much flips for the sake of flips. They hit everything crisp and few people can pull off high flying moves with as much finesse as these guys can. Their partners being ringside brought another dimension to it without taking away from the match.

As much as I'd like Danhausen to get to actually wrestle as he's perfectly capable, I get why they booked this sequence the way they did. Is Starks supposed to be the face in all this? They did try and make him somewhat sympathetic with the post match promo and beatdown, but Starks is such a natural douchebag heel it's hard to take him seriously as a face.

The women's match started off pretty ugly and got a bit better, but wasn't as good as it probably could have been. That cyclone suplex Miyu hit was nice.

Bryan/Garcia was good though I would have liked it being longer. The injury spot kinda made it drag for me but I understand that was part of the story. Earlier today I finally finished watching this year's BOLA and that combined with the end of this match shows just what a future star Garcia is.

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Awesome night of wrestling. 

Mox is so great. I sorta want him to tone down the bleeding a bit to save it for when it really matters. But it doesn't matter because he knows how to make every move and gesture he does matter. I never saw Rush before but that was just spectacular.

I'm torn on the Starks/Danhausen/Hook/Hobbs angle. I think they told something in 15 minutes they could have built out over the course of a month and told a better story. Ricky's ridiculous promo video to start was fabulous. Good showing from Danhausen and I think that's actually the first time I've ever seen him wrestle. I think they moved too quickly into Hook challenging him for the belt. I think it could have been a better story if him and Hobbes laid the boots to Danhausen and Hook chases them off and gets a title shot you build to. Then Hook wins and Starks shows respect right before Hobbes is about to knock the new champ out. Then the next week Starks does his face-time promo and then Hobbes lays him out. 

It's just sorta silly to me that you have this well-done and intentionally pretentious "look at how cool Ricky Starks is" video start this thing and it ends with Starks doing a fired up babyface promo and getting knocked out by his partner. Starks did a great face promo, too. Just have to let that stuff breathe at times to have all the big moments shine. 

Jungle Boy gave an awesome promo. It's always shocked me that he's been a bad promo considering his dad was an actual actor. Not that acting ability is hereditary, but I'd imagine Jungle Boy has taken at least a few improv classes or was in a musical at whatever performance arts high school he went to. This was really heartfelt and natural. The Luchasaurus reverse-turn was well-explained. This is a nitpick but I wish they would have just let JB do the promo to completion without interruption (with a calculating Christian watching from the background) or Christian interrupted from a skybox or something. Christian's cut-in was a little awkward but it was still a really good segment.

I'm not a huge Thunder Rosa fan. She feels a little sloppy/awkward to me at times but that was a really good match. 

Tay Conti was born to be a heel valet second. She knows how to do it so well.

That main event was something special. I think it's a great comparison to the epic Mox/Yuta match that brought Wheeler to the BCC. Garcia is absolutely fantastic. Him getting an epic upset win (with some heel chikanery) over a returning Danielson was a great unexpected ending. That whole match was brilliantly put together from start-to-finish. 

BUT THE NUMBER ONE THING THAT STOOD OUT...  (Not sure why I put that in bold.)

Eddie Kingston has Austin right after the King of the Ring or early Yes! Movement vibes right now. He was the most over guy on the entire show. The crowd erupted when Jericho mentioned his name at the JAS segment up top. There was a deafening Eddie chant when he ran out with Ruby at the end of the Sami/Dante thriller. He is at a phase right now where he feels inevitable. It's his moment and we're about to see something really special.

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Guest Stefanie Without Stefanie

100% more Miyu Yamashita on my TV please and thank you. (Miyu Yamashita vs Kris Statlander? Dare I dream?)

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