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Someone called Lilith got gooified.


Managed to save everyone else.


Sent legion down the pipes, sent mordin back with the escapees.


had Garrus lead both teams and took kasumi and jack (least defensive out of the remainders, imo) with me to face the big bad.

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Lilith was part of the Horizon colony that was captured.


She is the person that the dude left on Horizon after the attack bemoans got taken


There is no way to save her

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I've always done the same setup for that final ME2 mission.  Really should try something different if I ever go back to play again, but at least I know this setup will keep everybody alive.


Tali down the pipes,

Garrus leads the second team both times. 

Mordin goes back with the crew.

Zaeed and Kasumi with me on all waves.  Their grenades make most of the fights almost too easy.

Only thing I ever vary is swapping between Samara and Jack for who does the biotic shield thing.

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Guest The Magnificent 7

I'm still mostly playing multiplayer, but have done a ton of the side quests before the next Priority mission.  It's kind of frustrating that I took such a huge break in time from ME2 to this, though, as I really couldn't recall who the hell this Batarian dude who stuck a gun in my back was on The Citadel.  I let him live, but I had this nagging feeling like a faded memory telling me that I probably should have shot him. 

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I beat the first game Saturday morning and started the second game this morning going with a new female Shepard (Tiffany) over Brisco from the first game. This game feels so different from the first and not having unlimited ammo sucks. Still it has been enjoyable thusfar and I am sure I will fall in love with the game at some point as I did raiding the base in the first installment.

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Honestly, the limited Ammo isn't as bad as you would thing.  There's more than enough scattered throughout that it never really becomes a problem, especially if you're not using a Solider.

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So I'm at close to the end. Only have Leviathan (which I need to pick up) and the Party to do before heading to Cerberus Headquarters. I dug the Rannoch missions quite a bit. It as nice getting a history on the Geth and Quarian conflict. Same with the Thessia mission which I took Javik on. It was very enlightening on the Asari's history and nice to see the cracks starting to break a bit on Javik's personality after the mission which then Horizon completed. Anyways I was curious if I should go ahead and download the extended cut scene for the endings.

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So I'm at close to the end. Only have Leviathan (which I need to pick up) and the Party to do before heading to Cerberus Headquarters. I dug the Rannoch missions quite a bit. It as nice getting a history on the Geth and Quarian conflict. Same with the Thessia mission which I took Javik on. It was very enlightening on the Asari's history and nice to see the cracks starting to break a bit on Javik's personality after the mission which then Horizon completed. Anyways I was curious if I should go ahead and download the extended cut scene for the endings.


Yes. The extended cut (I believe) is what gives you a third option for the ending. . .and, technically, a fourth, too. Without it, I'm pretty sure you only get two ending choices.


Someone can correct me if I'm wrong on that, but I'm pretty sure that's the case.

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So I'm at close to the end. Only have Leviathan (which I need to pick up) and the Party to do before heading to Cerberus Headquarters. I dug the Rannoch missions quite a bit. It as nice getting a history on the Geth and Quarian conflict. Same with the Thessia mission which I took Javik on. It was very enlightening on the Asari's history and nice to see the cracks starting to break a bit on Javik's personality after the mission which then Horizon completed. Anyways I was curious if I should go ahead and download the extended cut scene for the endings.


Yes. The extended cut (I believe) is what gives you a third option for the ending. . .and, technically, a fourth, too. Without it, I'm pretty sure you only get two ending choices.


Someone can correct me if I'm wrong on that, but I'm pretty sure that's the case.


That is what I was wondering about. Good to know, thanks.

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