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TNA Impact Wrestling Spoilers for 9/18

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*Taped for Xplosion: Gail Kim def. Brittany

*Taped for Xplosion: Austin Aries def. Knux after the brainbuster

*Taped for Xplosion: Crazzy Steve def. Rockstar Spud


*They retaped Chris Melendez debut defeating DJ Z which will air on 9/11


TNA Impact Wrestling - Airing September 18, 2014 from New York City, NY


*Bobby Roode opens the show as the new number one contender. Roode's promo is interrupted by MVP, Lashley, & Kenny King. Roode talks about facing Lashley next week until they attack him. Samoa Joe & Eric Young make the save.


*Velvet Sky & The BroMans def. The Menagerie (Knux, Crazzy Steve, & Rebel)


*Kurt Angle comes to the ring for a promo. Angle calls out Ethan Carter III. Angle tells him that he has a surprise and makes EC3 vs Rhino in an NYC Street Fight.


*Ethan Carter III def. Rhino in a NYC Street Fight.


*All of the knockouts are brought to the ring and it is announced that Velvet Sky will be the cover girl for the new TNA Calendar. Jessicka Havok interrupts and takes out Gail Kim & Brittany.


*James Storm & Sanada def. Austin Aries & Tajiri when Sanada pinned Tajiri


*Bram def. Gunner after Samuel Shaw's interference backfired. Gunner & Shaw argued afterwards and Gunner walked off on his own.


*The Wolves def. The Hardyz & Team 3D in a ladder match in the 3rd match of the tag championship series. Each team now has 1 win.


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Ladder match was great, easily worth the $33 I paid for a ticket. Only negative thing about tonight was that the tapings lasted close to 5 hours (and yes, I wish I had taken a 5 Hour Energy when the show started).

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The show was real fun. I didn't realize they were doing a retape of the match with DJ Z and Melendez. He wasn't bad. He's a rookie who shouldn't be on tv, but that aside he wasn't bad.


Aries vs. Knux was possibly in my top 3 of the night. Knux needs to be higher up in the card. Hell, have him vs. Joe or something. I thought the whole group was pretty great (minus the muscles guy). Crazy Steve is so awesome live. That match he had with Spud is easily one of the funniest matches I've ever seen.Spud is also so awesome live. They really need to do something with him.


The ladder match was the car wreck I expected it to be. Jeff Hardy's tattoo looks way worse in person.

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TNA is doing a 2015 calendar? That is hilarious.


Dixie: See everyone?  Business is clearly ok, or else we wouldn't be making a calendar for next year!  Also, I know what you think and what it may look like, but Mrs. May is NOT Vince Russo in drag.  Cross my heart.

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TNA is doing a 2015 calendar? That is hilarious.

Dixie: See everyone? Business is clearly ok, or else we wouldn't be making a calendar for next year! Also, I know what you think and what it may look like, but Mrs. May is NOT Vince Russo in drag. Cross my heart.

Only if she also hopes to die. I'd even take sticking a needle in her eye. Said needle can even be wielded by Jesse Sorensen's mom, to avoid cries of misogyny.

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Opening KOs battle royal was a fun different way to start things off. The MVP promo put Chris over as a hero, while King once again talked too much shit. This started off a bit weak, but got great when he kept doing it in the match and Taz was just outraged. He got even more pissed when King tried to take Chris's  leg off after the match. Anderson came out and felt relevant again - I guess we'll get a BFG tag with Chris and Anderson against King and MVP. Roode-Lashley hype video was just about perfect and showed each guy working out, working hard, and dominating as champion.


Joe-Homicide was a greatest hits version of their older TNA matches, but with a fantastic finish. I loved the cutter into the choke for the win. Post-match beating by the Redneck Revolution was a thing. I guess it sets up a tag match, although Manik's new outfit kind of sucks. The white, black, and gold mask doesn't match the dark blue outfit. The tag title match was just insane. Crazy video game spot after spot. Jeff damn near gutted himself on the ladder for the finish, while Davey's lucky he broke his leg on a baseball slide later and not doing this double stomp through a table on the floor off the top rope. The stupid Shaw-Gunner thing hurt the already-blah Gunner-Bram match. The main event was pretty good, but hurt by the overly-heel antics of MVP and King. The by-the-numbers setup for everything didn't help either. It did get really good by the end though, but was below-par for both guys until then.




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Yeah that Joe/Homicide finish ruled. Ladder match was super fun with lots of crazy spots. Loved the Hardyz double twist of fate followed by Swanton + Moonsault combo. Knockouts battle royal was a decent opener that put Havok over big, nice to see everyone get entrances. Pretty good main event as well.

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I was really into King and Melendez.  It was such a great way to piss people off, with the fans Taz getting pissed off it felt really effective.  No matter how jaded I can be with wrestling at times, I was full-on into this and getting annoyed.  After the show I looked back and just loved it.  If people want to see MVP's crew as a copy of Evolution, fine.  But they're miles more effective at what they do.  They are doing a great job.


Havok came off well to me, good to see her in that monster heel spot.  The ladder match was insane, really enjoyed it.  And I loved the title matches, Joe/Homicide was fun and the main event was so great.  I turned the corner, if they can keep delivering good to great shows I hope TNA survives like a cockroach.

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Yeah - his whole run has over-delivered big-time. MVP getting hurt was the best happy accident in company history since he can't go anymore, Lashley can, and MVP as his hype man is the perfect role for both guys. It's bizarre to see Lashley reach his peak at 38 after YEARS of just doing nothing, but hey, it's fun to watch and he's clearly enjoying the run based on interviews. The company's future isn't really bright right now, but I can honestly see Lashley being a bargaining chip that can keep TNA on Spike - his fight got the highest ratings of the head-to-head Bellator show, and I can see Spike offering TNA a year-long deal - or maybe the extension was the extent of that, and their way of going "okay, you fucked us with Russo - made good with Lashley - here's a minor extension.".

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