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Vikingo’s next big match, before facing Komander on the ROH PPV, is a trios match the day before, in Mexico. Vikingo vs Komander vs Black Taurus.

23 minutes ago, Dolphman 3000 said:

Wait until Nick Wayne and his shitty punches show up this summer

The truth is that there's a place for Ospreay clones like Andretti and Wayne, but it's NOT IN THE SAME COMPANY. If you already have one of them, you don't need two more.

I'm already scared enough at the prospect of Ospreay's fellow victim-denier-in-arns Gabriel Kidd showing up at some point. 


Anyone who talks shit about Nick Wayne can fuck off. Comparing him to Action Andretti is fucking stupid and short sighted and shows you haven't seen what the kid can do in the ring and on a microphone.

Action Andretti wishes he were Nick Wayne.

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Andretti's presentation was pretty weird. They were limiting him to 1999 juniors offense at first. He was like the world's best possible Evan Karagias. I wasn't sure if it was because what Jericho wanted to take or if he wanted to present him at only a certain level or what. I've seen him do more on Dark but not in every match. On some level, it might not have been the worst idea since it made him stand out by being different, but he wasn't different in a way that accentuated anything positive.

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In hindsight, we can now all see that Andretti's win over Jericho had more to do with making Jericho look vulnerable and beatable in his first match against Starks than it did about creating a new star in Andretti. But hey, at least it got Andretti a job and appearances on TV.

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It's funny because I almost always miss Dark but I managed to tune in once and it just happened to be his match with QT. And I absolutely hate QT and his weird "is this a match for an audience or are you watching me give a completely lifeless step-by-step enactment of what a pro wrestling match is for my trainees" style of pacing and execution. But I really liked the match! I thought: neat, so this Andretti guy is really solid at playing the sprightly, flippy underdog guy, too bad there's already like 20 guys like that on the main roster". Then I see him a few weeks later against Jericho and I start to realize what's about to happen and I'm like uh oh 😑...

3 minutes ago, Craig H said:

In hindsight, we can now all see that Andretti's win over Jericho had more to do with making Jericho look vulnerable and beatable in his first match against Starks than it did about creating a new star in Andretti. But hey, at least it got Andretti a job and appearances on TV.

Andretti's another guy who could really benefit from a manager/valet. I like him a ton in the ring, but I caught him on Hey! EW a couple weeks ago, and even in a loose, non-scripted setting, I think he's still finding his footing verbally.

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Merely from my perspective, isn't this the thing with AEW - that what's showcased in the ring is usually what garners the push? And by that, I mean the flashy moves, the wow factor, etc. Let's be honest, AEW isn't exactly a "skit" friendly company like WWE where you have to have some real acting chops or incredible mic work to necessarily get over. Couple that with the push of what I guess some would say is undersized wrestlers in comparison to the "golden" eras of professional wrestling and we're in a what you see is what you get time period. There isn't too many body guys that I can think of in AEW who are just menacing and look the part of what your traditional pro wrestler used to look like. I'm in no way saying anyone needs to be on the gas, but I think someone like Theory from WWE is a good example. He's a guy who has had aspirations of being in the WWE since he was young, and you know what he did? He was an amateur body builder that got a ridiculous physique. Probably because he knew that he would need that look. Same thing can even be said for Cody who gradually built himself up into a pretty sizeable guy. Take a guy like Ricky Starks for example. Imagine if he was just a little bit more muscular and I think he'd be a perfect front runner for the company.

Maybe I'm in the weeds on this, and very well could even be wrong, but take a snapshot of the four pillars of AEW. There's no Wardlow in there, or Powerhouse in there. Those are guys that absolutely would be WOW guys in any era because their physique is massively impressive. However in AEW, I think they get lost in the shuffle because they are the minority when an athletic competition like wrestling should more often than not (not always, but you'd think more often than not) favor these hosses. I in no way have a dog in the fight either way and if I was any anti-AEW I wouldn't be dropping $300+ to go and see Forbidden Door. But that's what AEW is built around is "stellar matches" and less the story that comes along with it. Mox even said as much about the story being THE MATCH and not all the extra stuff that comes with it, but isn't that extra stuff what really draws people in? "My Way" promo for WrestleMania X7 is held in such high regard because the story and everything just worked for it perfectly.

I guess my TL;DR would be that this is a company that prides itself on five star matches to keep the people coming back, and there's absolutely a market for that. But to really see some dramatic growth, I think it needs to be expanded into more outside stuff. Cody breaking into the Inner Circle's press area back on - what - the first or second Dynamite? Mox's Paradigm Shift through the glass table, IC breaking Dustin's arm in the door outside. Those are nice little tid bits, but on a show where every match has to have 10-15 minutes plus (and 5 matches per usual), there's 75 minutes if not more counting entrances, exits, etc. That's another reason by in large I said in the general discussion thread about BTE being on TV vs. All Access so you can actually get a sense for some of these guys characters beyond just in the ring. Give me the HOB torturing somebody ala Ministry, stuff like that. Maybe not as dark and evil, but you get the point. Give me some juice for some of these characters beyond just a guy.

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8 minutes ago, Krone said:

There isn't too many body guys that I can think of in AEW who are just menacing and look the part of what your traditional pro wrestler used to look like.

WWE doesn't do 50/50 booking when the size difference between two wrestlers is absurd

Big Bill losing to Orange Cassidy was stupid and never would have happened in WWE

  • Haha 3
15 minutes ago, Krone said:

I guess my TL;DR would be that this is a company that prides itself on five star matches to keep the people coming back, and there's absolutely a market for that. But to really see some dramatic growth, I think it needs to be expanded into more outside stuff. Cody breaking into the Inner Circle's press area back on - what - the first or second Dynamite? Mox's Paradigm Shift through the glass table, IC breaking Dustin's arm in the door outside. Those are nice little tid bits, but on a show where every match has to have 10-15 minutes plus (and 5 matches per usual), there's 75 minutes if not more counting entrances, exits, etc. That's another reason by in large I said in the general discussion thread about BTE being on TV vs. All Access so you can actually get a sense for some of these guys characters beyond just in the ring. Give me the HOB torturing somebody ala Ministry, stuff like that. Maybe not as dark and evil, but you get the point. Give me some juice for some of these characters beyond just a guy.

The thoughts you're turning over and wrestling with here pair nicely with a core part of what Dax got around to saying in his preamble on today's pod about Alvarez, re: cold matches vs something with some build and character invested into it. 

2 hours ago, Craig H said:

In hindsight, we can now all see that Andretti's win over Jericho had more to do with making Jericho look vulnerable and beatable in his first match against Starks than it did about creating a new star in Andretti. But hey, at least it got Andretti a job and appearances on TV.

It was about Jericho getting good press and pats on the back for putting over an unknown. Nothing to do with a long-term point.

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things I remember from this episode of Dynamite

Matt Hardy gets some offense in on Jack Perry, eventually Hook shows up, and Jack Perry wins a chance to have a long micwork segment with MJF

BCC just beats down Dalton/Boys

then BCC beats down Adam Page and Don Callis

then Kenny Omega faces Jeff Cobb. Cobb looks like a mix of Rhyno and Chumlee from Pawn Stars. The feat of strength at the end got an impressive pop. Then BCC shows up to attack Kenny, and Daniel Bryan comes out to turn heel and beat down Kenny too.

Of course, BCC might not get booed enough to officially be heels.

Orange Cassidy and The Butcher went on and on. Eventually Orange's lower card friends had to help deal with Blade/Butcher. Butcher has the look of a guy who was a biker gang rival of Bruiser Bedlam. But it's still hard to buy the Butcher as any sort of threat to win a title.

Felt like the first hour had a lot more stuff happening than the second hour.

Willow vs Ruby was fun. Then there was a heel beat down that was stopped by Hayter

FTR/Gunns next week! Other stuff next week!

Adam Cole wins the match, but he might be trapped on Jericho Island soon. Also, celebratory stuff in the ring and since there's a new show on after Dynamite, Adam and Britt can be on TV together.

AEW felt very heel heavy this week even with the return of Adam Cole.

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4 minutes ago, Cobra Commander said:

Also, celebratory stuff in the ring and since there's a new show on after Dynamite, Adam and Britt can be on TV together.

They've done a mixed tag before on Dynamite, but just now realizing the Britt-Anna Jay house show match may have been a practice round for a pairing that's coming to TV. 

Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, John from Cincinnati said:

They've done a mixed tag before on Dynamite, but just now realizing the Britt-Anna Jay house show match may have been a practice round for a pairing that's coming to TV. 

If so, they need more house shows. 

Edit: that’s too mean. It was 60% ok! It was just 40% not ok.

Edited by Matt D
  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

That was a boatload of good-to-great wrestling! Two hours just flew by. I particularly enjoyed Kenny vs Cobb. Size vs speed story and selling previous damage both giving the match some... structure. And the "shocking" heel turn sets up a ton of great matches leading into Blood and Guts. And Marina vs Taya could be great if they go full shoot style. And Sammy vs Takeshita!  But... Maybe it's just me? But.. Kenny not caring that Don was hurt seems a little... I don't know... Callous?

Edited by Gordlow
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JACK PERRY!  MATT HARDY!  Ethan Page is DANCING!  This is very face vs face until Ethan Page injects himself and then this HEATS UP!  Perry does the Volador Jr somersault over the guardrail!  This got good pretty quick.  I love that this stays face vs face but Page gets the crowd into it as a face vs heel match.  Great catapult thingy by Hardy that makes Perry's skull bounce between the ropes!  Nice Superplex by Hardy.  HOOK!  PAGE PUNCHES HARDY ACCIDENTALLY!  Jack Perry hits a MODIFIED Hidden Blade!  That was good.  MJF!  A lot of talking!  That was fun!  ANNA J IS OUTED!  DALTON CASTLE!  WITH Auxiliary BOYS!  BLACKPOOL COMBAT CLUB ATTACKS!  Jesus, Claudio is a ROBOT!  BCC ARE JERKS!  Very OVER jerks!  DON CALLIS BLADES LIKE A TOTAL KING!  AWESOME! JEFF COBB!  Talk about guy as strong as a ROBOT!  THE BEST BOUT MACHINE!  KENNY MOTHERFUCKING OMEGA!!!!  TOPE CON HILO!  Note that he is DDPing his ribs.  GREAT BRAINBUSTER by Cobb!  Omega is awesome selling the damage though it's pretty disjointed as we go to picture in picture.  Cobb makes with the Bearhug!  V-TRIGGER!  For two.  FABULOUS Dropkick by Cobb.  Giant Lariat by Cobb!  BEAUTIFUL TOPROPE DELAYED SUPLEX!  Standing Moonsault for two!  V-TRIGGER by Cobb and then V-TRIGGER by Omega!  ONE WINGED ANGEL!  FOR THE WIN!  That started out shaky but got good and then a thousand GIANT MOVES moved to the AWESOME column!  That was GREAT!  American DRAGON!  TURNS EVIL!  AWWWWWESOME!  MAN, the BLACKPOOL COMBAT CLUB RULE THE FUCKING WORLD!  The Ass Boys are fucking GREAT!  The BUTCHER!  ORANGE CASSIDY!  The question is HOW will Cassidy make this match rule?  The Butcher is slightly lesser Evil Uno so he is NOT QUITE the new Kendo Nagasaki.  Butcher slings Cassidy into the guardrails- a spot I first saw Johnny Gargano do to Gregory Irons in Pro Wrestling Ohio, the moment I KNEW Gargano was going to be special.  Irons wrestles while being afflicted with Cerebral Palsy.  That was so fucking great.  Anyway, the Butcher takes it back to 1974, applying a backbreaker and a Bearhug!  BIG LARIAT BY BUTCHER into a Texas Cloverleaf!  The Butcher IS the new Dean Malenko!  Cassidy hits a very convoluted DDT!  The BLADE with a CROWBAR for two!  The Best Friends hit ringside!  Crowbar to the Butcher!  Orange Punch!  Beach Break!  That was good.  Not transcendent like the usual Cassidy match has been, but it was good. It's Willow Nightingale!  RUBY SOHO!  Willow is despondent.  Willow beats the living hell out of Ruby!  They're telling a story!  SARAYA CHEATS!  Ringside Saraya rules. This match is great!  Evil Ruby is so fucking GREAT.  Ruby is right behind ATHENA! in the best heel turn in AEW/ROH Umbrella Women.  She's such a JERK now!  GNARLY DEATH VALLEY DRIVER BY WILLOW!  Two kicks to the head!  FOR TWO! POUNCE! Toni Storm CHEATS!  RUBY CHEATS!  RUBY WINS!  BY CHEATING!  Willow should have won but that was some quality wrestling.  RIHO IS PIPELESS!  So she and Skye Blue get beaten down!  JAMIE MOTHERFUCKING HAYTER MAKES THE SAVE OF THE SAVE! So now RIHO has a CHANCE to turn heel!  But we have to wait....  It's ADAM COLE! It's DANIEL GARCIA!  Adam Cole is OVER in Kansas City!  Cole does a very extended Headlock!  Garcia MAKES WITH THE PILEDRIVER!  In picture in picture, Garcia tries to KILL Adam Cole by Piledriving him on the concrete but Cole fights out!  Garcia is such an awesome little punk.  Cole is great working from underneath.  EVEREST GERMAN SUPLEX by Garcia!  Volk Han Scorpion Deathlock!  Cole makes the ropes!  ANOTHER PILEDRIVER!  Jesus!  PANAMA SUNRISE!  SHINING WIZARD!  COLE WINS!  Britt Baker comes out!  HEEL TURN!  Oh.  Well, that was sweet!  There he is, our new number one babyface!   Jericho comes out!  That was sweet.  AEW RULES THE MOTHERFUCKING WORLD!

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They're making changes. The long in-ring talking segment with MJF and Jungle Boy, and even the Kenny-Vikingo recap package, are not things we would have seen 3 or 4 months ago.

Was certain that the payoff to the BCC stuff would be Omega losing his US title to Cobb. Then when Bryan showed up, I was expecting the BCC to turn on him. But yeah, that was a good, self-contained, multi-part story they told on this show. Wonder if Bischoff will give them credit for it.

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3 minutes ago, Gordlow said:

That was a boatload of good-to-great wrestling! Two hours just flew by. I particularly enjoyed Kenny vs Cobb. Size vs speed story giving the match some... structure. But... Maybe it's just me? But.. Kenny not caring that Don was hurt seems a little... I don't know... Callous?


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