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Big AEW Dynamite, the post AEW Full Gear 2022 edition. We'll find out why William Regal did what he did (for the Rock), a Best of Seven pitting Death Triangle vs. The Elite and Chris Jericho defending the ROH World Championship against Tomohiro Ishii.

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This is what you get when you make The Elite miss two months of TV (on top of all the months Kenny missed before that for injury rehab). The biggest fear I have for this is that something inside Fenix goes pop or snap or rippp again, before they finish the series. Death Triangle will live by the hammer and eventually die by the hammer. What if there will end up being only like 5 matches (4-1)? You would imagine even this group would have trouble upping the ante until the match #7, without someone dying or getting crippled. Nonetheless, I'm looking forward to this. A bit horrified, sure, but definitely up for it.

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Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, Shartnado said:

This is what you get when you make The Elite miss two months of TV (on top of all the months Kenny missed before that for injury rehab). The biggest fear I have for this is that something inside Fenix goes pop or snap or rippp again, before they finish the series. Death Triangle will live by the hammer and eventually die by the hammer. What if there will end up being only like 5 matches (4-1)? You would imagine even this group would have trouble upping the ante until the match #7, without someone dying or getting crippled. Nonetheless, I'm looking forward to this. A bit horrified, sure, but definitely up for it.

Yeah of all the matches to make a Best of 7 Series you select a combo of guys who already went all out on the first one.  The PPV match was awesome and I'm sure the live crowds will love it each time but I can't imagine how I'll feel when we reach number 7.

Tonight should be fun just based on seeing The Elite and the Chicago crowd.

Edited by eikerir
53 minutes ago, eikerir said:

Yeah of all the matches to make a Best of 7 Series you select a combo of guys who already went all out on the first one.  The PPV match was awesome and I'm sure the live crowds will love it each time but I can't imagine how I'll feel when we reach number 7.

Tonight should be fun just based on seeing The Elite and the Chicago crowd.

It's kinda like you saying "can I get a couple of drinks over here" and they bring out a couple of trays full of shots. You look at what's coming and think "there's just NO way this can end well..."

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They have an opportunity to do some interesting stuff by having seven matches together. Personally, I'm assuming they'll go to the full seven since, as someone else pointed out here, the seventh match will be in Cali. Like, they can have a more mat-based match, a southern tag, etc. They can mix up styles and formats and finishes since they'll be facing so much. They don't have to put it all out there in every single one.


5 minutes ago, Curt McGirt said:

Do you trust them to do that though? They are all talented workers but "turn down" is not very apparent in their vocabulary. 

I think somebody will get injured halfway through and 2 to 4 of the matches won't be what's booked.

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26 minutes ago, Curt McGirt said:

Do you trust them to do that though? They are all talented workers but "turn down" is not very apparent in their vocabulary. 

Oh, god no. 

Posted (edited)

So we get DT vs The Wayward Sons match #2 of 7. It's obviously gonna be fast-paced and exciting. What really has me intrigued, though, is whether - and how - they might make each of the seven matches distinct. Will they escalate? It's not really possible to escalate from their PPV match, is it? Will they work a little differently in each iteration? Will the finishes be unique? Just to be different, will they try a match with two or three miedos rather than cero? 

Jericho vs Ishii!!!


I am a flat-out mark for the Stone Pitbull. I am not saying that Bryan vs SUZUKI was the BEST AEW match ever or the best match of the last few years. I am saying it is my favourite AEW match and my favourite match of the last few years. So I like strong style guys showing up in AEW. And even though my friend Matt might disagree, Ishii vs Kingston is right up there for me as well. So I am stoked. I am ready. Maybe a smidge less stoked than I was for Kingston vs Akiyama, but still pretty darned stoked.

Starksy vs All Ego to see which one (Starks) will get to fight the new champ! I'm looking for this to maybe be Ethan's best match in AEW so far.

Speaking of which... I am expecting Orange vs Hager to be Hager's best AEW singles match so far.

Lotta high expectations on Gordlow's part here.

And Regal gonna explain why oh why he broke our hearts. 

What else we gonna get? I don't even know if a ladies' match has been announced. I'm like a kid heading out for Halloween wondering what candy I'm gonna get. 



Edited by Gordlow
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I'm looking forward to Jericho/Ishii probably more than any other Jericho match in recent memory. I'm not that into Jericho vs. young guys because he has a tendency to want to go, go, go and can't really keep up at his age. With Ishii, I'm hoping he leans into the stiffness and we get an old man slugfest.

  • Like 5

I'm hoping Regal's explanation whatever it will be doesn't align him with MJF more than just that slipping of the knucks. MJF does not need a mouthpiece and I'd be more interested in a story where Regal is doing this to test Mox/BCC or brings up a new BCC full of younger talent to test them, something like that.

  • Like 3
23 minutes ago, Leonidas said:

I'm hoping Regal's explanation whatever it will be doesn't align him with MJF more than just that slipping of the knucks. MJF does not need a mouthpiece and I'd be more interested in a story where Regal is doing this to test Mox/BCC or brings up a new BCC full of younger talent to test them, something like that.

I agree. I don't want a straight-up heel turn for Regal. If anyone can pull off something more nuanced than that, it's him.

  • Like 2
27 minutes ago, Leonidas said:

I'm hoping Regal's explanation whatever it will be doesn't align him with MJF more than just that slipping of the knucks. MJF does not need a mouthpiece and I'd be more interested in a story where Regal is doing this to test Mox/BCC or brings up a new BCC full of younger talent to test them, something like that.


3 minutes ago, Log said:

I agree. I don't want a straight-up heel turn for Regal. If anyone can pull off something more nuanced than that, it's him.


  • Like 1
  • Looking for some clues on where things are heading next. Again, the MJF/Regal thing should be able to pass the smell test and there are a few ways to do that. Most have been mentioned. Hopefully they don't go the lazy route.
  • Jericho vs Ishii has had a fun build with the really insulting "young boy from WAR" talk. It should be a different sort of match for Jericho's. He's had quite the year so let's see what he can do with it. Coming out of this, I expect some direction towards Final Battle which is just a couple of weeks away. That could be Claudio who never got a one-on-one rematch but since he ate the pin at the PPV it could be virtually anyone.
  • Looking forward to the second match of the series. You won't want to miss it.
  • Page and Starks have every incentive to wrestle the match of their lives. The guy who loses this should still come off as better and now they have the full spotlight instead of getting buried midway through a PPV.
  • Watching Cassidy run around Hager like Bugs Bunny vs Crusher should be fun.
  • Other bits of ROH build will be coming, either here or on Rampage. FTR vs Gunns or Kingdom. Joe vs... someone? Mercedes vs Athena~!
  • Like 7
2 hours ago, Gordlow said:


What else we gonna get? I don't even know if a ladies' match has been announced. I'm like a kid heading out for Halloween wondering what candy I'm gonna get. 


The real main event!


(Also no pic of you in the Stone Pitbull shorts?)

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What if Morrissey costs Starks the win, thus having MJF's first title match not be against someone you are building to future superstardom, and giving Starks another feud in the interim?

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Nothing on this show that's announced really has me excited.

  • Ethan Page/Ricky Starks: Page finally getting his moment in the sun is awesome. But then he'll probably lay down for MJF or something, so it'll all be for nothing. Whatever.
  • The Elite/Death Triangle (Match #1): It'll be bonkers, of course. And I'll watch it, because it involves PAC, Fenix and Omega. I'm not actively annoyed watching the Bucks or Pentagon like some are, but they aren't my favorites either (doesn't change the fact that all three are massively talented, over as fuck and entertaining). If Chicago chants Fuck CM Punk, well, I might cry a little bit. I'm in the minority about is that Punk, the Bucks, Omega and AEW as a whole can all somehow get past the Gripebomb and move forward together, but that looks less likely every day.
  • Orange Cassidy/Jake Hager: Wish it was on Rampage, since I'm at work on the weekends and never watch that show. Guess I'll be looking at my phone during that one.
  • Jericho/Ishii: I'm the only one that feels this way, but whatever. I've said it before, but I'm so tired of Ishii in AEW. Ishii & Suzuki have popped up more than anyone else on the New Japan roster. And don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of the Murder Grandpa (currently wearing his Beyond Gorilla collab shirt actually) but I mean... jesus fuckin' christ, it's diminishing returns (for me) at this point. Also I'm just not really into Ishii, but again, that's probably me alone on an island here. Kind of wish Akiyama would have stayed in the US for a little bit longer and we got Jericho versus Akiyama or something. But anyway...
  • Jade & BowWow: Fels like he'll introduced another (failed) challenger for Jade eventually. Jamie Hayter & Toni Storm just put on a fuckin' banger on Saturday, Jamie finally wins the title, and the only announced women's segment so far is Jade Cargill and a hip-hop artist that hasn't had a song chart in over a decade. We went from Rick Ross, to this.
  • We'll hear from William Regal: I don't care about Regal's explanation for the turn, or the World title right now. Probably won't care for the majority of 2023, since the whole "Bidding War of 2024" is likely to play a big part in MJF's title reign.

I don't mean to be so negative, I really don't. I still enjoy AEW way more than anything else out there, even if their current stories don't do a damn thing for me.

AEW is a dead company~!!!!

  • Sad 1
10 minutes ago, JLowe said:

What if Morrissey costs Starks the win, thus having MJF's first title match not be against someone you are building to future superstardom, and giving Starks another feud in the interim?

Leads to MJF being magnanimous in granting Starks an Eliminator match later on that Starks then picks up a win and a future shot? I like it.

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