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I can only offer my perspective. What I have seen of Davey Richards in the ring reminds me of Benoit on steroids. Look, I love Daniel Bryan, but I have a hard time watching him do some of the stuff he does in the ring. Davey Richards is almost impossible for me to watch considering his style and the pace at which he wrestles that style. I'm not against stiff wrestling - I spent thirty minutes last week watching Kevin Sullivan jobber squashes on DailyMotion - but something about Richards' style does bother me. Gonzales might have a good point about it being a bit too reminiscent of Benoit, at least for me.


Beyond that, I'm just not a fan of workrate-style matches. I like the occasional match like this, but those are few and far between for me, and they typically don't age well. For example, I enjoyed that Benoit/Angle match at the 2003 Royal Rumble the first couple of times around, and at the time it happened, it stood out as a really go-go-go match for someone like me that doesn't watch lots of Japan or workrate-style indies. But it sort of wears off after awhile as overkill for me. I tried watching some Tanahashi matches from the past couple of years after reading lots of stuff about how awesome a worker he is, and I think that he's really great at the style he wrestles, but it isn't for me. 

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Tanahashi isn't loved on this board and I agree.. I always come away being more impressed with the guy he is facing.

That's kind of how I feel with Okada. He's okay. Cool personality. But I don't really care for what he adds to matches.


I love Tanahashi though. Not enough to say he should be in the Hall of Fame RIGHT NOW, but I totally dig whatever he's up to.

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Tanahashi isn't loved on this board and I agree.. I always come away being more impressed with the guy he is facing.


I still can't believe people around the net, and here claimed Suzuki was the reason their Title match was so good. Look I like Suzuki's look, and character, but he's a fucking bore to watch in the ring. And he's been a fucking bore since that match.

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Maybe my favorite match of his was against Colt Cabana of all people and they combined goofy shit and with his serious bizness stuff and it totally worked. You had some schtick with Kozina running around and tripping over himself, and a "faux-legit" looking finish with Cabana knocking Davey out with a knee counter. 


And it wasn't just Cabana that made it work. It was Davey, who actually sold the knee perfect, and allowed himself to be the butt of jokes, even playing it up. I thoroughly enjoyed not just the match, but him specifically. So it's not like I'm some crazy hater who can't do anything but hate on the guy. 


Generico is better than Davey at a lot of stuff though. If I want sprinty moves stuff I want Generico playing face and selling his ass off for sympathy than and showing a tad bit of restraint in his build to the finish.


That sounds like how I would want him used.  Davey Richards as the "wrestling is serious bizness" guy who looks down on a goofball babyface opponent.  Richards should be getting Cobra'ed by the Calabrian Crippler, Santino Marella.

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That sounds like how I would want him used.  Davey Richards as the "wrestling is serious bizness" guy who looks down on a goofball babyface opponent.



You can tell that most people here have never really watched Richards, and are judging him by one gif and a handful of matches, because that's the character he's been playing for fucking years. 

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I try to avoid him, but if someone were to say "Hey, Jae here are some Davey Richards matches that aren't stupid watch them and see for your self!" I totally would. 


But no one does. So I don't.

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I have seen exactly ZERO of Davey Richards beyond that Superplex clip. That totally doesn't look like something I'd like but to each their own.I also saw next to nothing of Generico. Sami Zayn absolutely rules, though. I'm still a total high-spot mark. He has all those but they absolutely work in the style of what looks like an actual athletic contest. That through-the-corner tornado DDT thing he broke out on Cesaro was one of the best spots in years. So crazy but it was great -- it was a surprise move on a more experienced guy and almost got him a countout win.I wasn't a huge fan of women being pummeled in ECW myself but that was ripe for that audience. There were a lot of ECW shows I went to where I'm pretty sure I was the only person who could read.

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That sounds like how I would want him used.  Davey Richards as the "wrestling is serious bizness" guy who looks down on a goofball babyface opponent.



You can tell that most people here have never really watched Richards, and are judging him by one gif and a handful of matches, because that's the character he's been playing for fucking years. 



Has he been habitually losing to goofballs who "can't wrestle"?  If he is in WWE-land, he needs to be jobbing to the Santino/Ryder type guys.

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First order of business if Richards gets hired is X-Pac needs to get signed to drop a deuce in Richards bag, while Orton follows it up with one of his own, while Lawler chains it to something that belongs to Vince.

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You guys here also hated Rollins before he became a member of the Shield with the usual "MOVEZ~!" response. Because nobody here really watched Rollins. They never really saw what he was capable of doing, even back to when he used to work IWA-MS shows. Sure he still had goofy mannerisms, and he had trouble on the mic, but there was enough talent there to mold it into something. It's the same shit with Richards. But everybody here would rather point and laugh at an old gif because "MOVEZ~!". 

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Rollins is a fantastic bumper. That's about it, which is okay, because I LOOOOVE bumping. But really I can't say he's done much else to make me think he'll be more than third best guy in a three man group. Which isn't so bad. Some one has to be that guy and he plays it really well.

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Rollins is a fantastic bumper. That's about it, which is okay, because I LOOOOVE bumping. But really I can't say he's done much else to make me think he'll be more than third best guy in a three man group. Which isn't so bad. Some one has to be that guy and he plays it really well.

...And yet you were all over Ziggler's shinny nuts as the next great star.


I can assure you Rollins isn't going to be another Ziggler. You know because he actually has offense that looks like it hurts.

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I saw Richards on an indy show and he was SO much better than anyone else, it wasn't even funny. I'm not sure I'd like him as much if he were paired with an opponent that could hang with him. I'm sure the WWE would NXT some of the goofiness out of him and turn him into a Malenko "serious"-type wrestler.

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Dusty will always have my commentary love for thinking La Parka was a ghost.

What proof do you have that La Parka isn't a ghost?

1. Heels attempting to call timeout to stem the onslaught of the babyfaces needs to come back

I used to do this. I would bail after the baby got his shine, and then walk about halfway around the ring. When the ref started to count, I would make a "T" with my hands and call a time out. When the ref denied me the TO and the fans started to give me shit for asking, I would then look at the ref and tap my shoulders, and say "I only need a 20"... Which really seemed to piss folks off.
Kudos. Also, please tell me that after pulling off a clever move on a face, that you used to tap your head to show how smart you were. I always got a kick out of that.
Hell yes I did that. And I would look at a fan and go "smaaaaaaaaaart" while doing so.
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Tanahashi isn't loved on this board and I agree.. I always come away being more impressed with the guy he is facing.


I still can't believe people around the net, and here claimed Suzuki was the reason their Title match was so good. Look I like Suzuki's look, and character, but he's a fucking bore to watch in the ring. And he's been a fucking bore since that match.


I'm in the same boat with Minoru.  I love the IDEA of Suzuki, but the execution is typically lacking, unless he is in there with someone that can really work with him.  He and Nagata usually work well together, the Tanahashi match worked because Tanahashi can carry just about anyone, and oddly enough, I liked the Yano matches.  I can't stand Yano, but I found myself liking those matches just because of how absurd they were.

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I've watched plenty of Davey in ROH and NJPW and other indies and I've never seen one of these "serious wrestler jobs to goofy face" matches. Maybe someone can give an example of this. Also, I love Rollins. His bumping is great but he has a lot of awesome looking offense...  I wouldn't say he's the third wheel. Every member of The Shield is unique and brings something to the table. They will be missed.

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No Remorse Corp, his PWG stuff, TPI... Was he a jobber? No, but his gimmick most of the time was "Guy who takes himself too serious, and gets into fights with more colorful characters". Sure since American Wolves started he's been playing more of serious character, but when you become a main eventer on the indy scene you kind of have to play a character like that.

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