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The only thing other than Fire Pro I played lately was finishing up Tomb Raider Anniversary. Having never played the classic Tomb Raider games (I was a Nintendo house in those days) I can't really say what changed from the original but this was overall a far more satisfying puzzle game than I expected to be honest. A lot of the puzzles are really well thought out and make you work. The combat kind of sucks, which means the last couple combat heavy chapters suck. But overall that's not nearly enough to diminish that this was a fun one. This is basically the best Spider Man game. Also colour me shocked this was quite playable using a keyboard setup, which I would not have guessed. There is no minimap and no waypoints flashing GO HERE STUPID which is really jarring in a sense, but really puts into perspective how much handholding we are all used to now and it was refreshing to play a game without it.

The Remake of an Original being 10 years old really puts the stamp on how old I am in gaming terms though. Jesus.

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3 hours ago, Death From Above said:

The only thing other than Fire Pro I played lately was finishing up Tomb Raider Anniversary. Having never played the classic Tomb Raider games (I was a Nintendo house in those days) I can't really say what changed from the original but this was overall a far more satisfying puzzle game than I expected to be honest. A lot of the puzzles are really well thought out and make you work. The combat kind of sucks, which means the last couple combat heavy chapters suck. But overall that's not nearly enough to diminish that this was a fun one. This is basically the best Spider Man game. Also colour me shocked this was quite playable using a keyboard setup, which I would not have guessed. There is no minimap and no waypoints flashing GO HERE STUPID which is really jarring in a sense, but really puts into perspective how much handholding we are all used to now and it was refreshing to play a game without it.

The Remake of an Original being 10 years old really puts the stamp on how old I am in gaming terms though. Jesus.

I remember it being a big deal that Gametap got that very soon after its launch. It was the first time I really paid any attention to TR and I loved nearly every minute of it.

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22 hours ago, Oyaji said:

I always get assassinated by an economically conservative backed sniper. Fuck that game. I've legit played it at least 5 times and every time it ends the same god damn way.

Played again today. Won two elections, then got obliterated in the third election (worldwide recession killed my unemployment rates, and racked up massive debt). So not being murdered is progress? :)

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I was a little more moderate, spent more money on police things (like drones and wire tapping) so I would not die. Once the big recession hit during my 3rd term, I said fuck it and started spending on science research and a space program. And a MONORAIL.

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Got assassinated twice again yesterday, once right before the first election, and once right after I had won my first election. I'm going to try and play a couple of times with assassinations turned off before I give it the official Oyaji "FUCK THIS GAME!!!!!" rating.

Not sure why the game creator thought Canadians were so into assassinations, but it's getting a bit old. :)

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How fast do they try to off you if you go totally batshit wingnut crazy in any direction. Like giving citizenship to walruses or defunding the entire government to build yourself a water park.

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I wish there was a less ridiculous version of Politics The Video Game. I need some escapist fiction in my life. The thing would sell like hot cakes to disillusioned Dems in the States too.

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So I've been playing the Game of Thrones mod on Crusader Kings II after months of trying to get into it and failing.  I'm on my third run in the same starting position - using House Customizer and Ruler Designer to place my character as lord of Crown Crag, under Strongsong and the Eyrie in the Vale, a legitimized bastard.  

I'll toss it in spoilers because the third run got interesting and long...


Jacen of House Skygarden, son of Jon Arryn, heir to the Vale.  Immediately became betrothed to the one-year-old Daenerys Targaryen, but wasted no time falling in love and siring a daughter with a courtier (thankfully, she was able to be heir to Crown Crag) while waiting for Jon Arryn to die.  The problem is, even through the Greyjoy Rebellion, Jon didn't die.  Eventually, Daenerys became of age and was shipped to Crown Crag, where she married Jacen and quickly became pregnant.  Eventually, the Greyjoy Rebellion was quelled, and King Robert found out about Daenerys, demanding Jacen turn his pregnant wife over.  He refused, and subsequently pissed off everybody in the Seven Kingdoms.  Daenerys got away, unborn child intact, but Jacen and his daughter were arrested and thrown in the dungeons in King's Landing to rot, with Jacen stripped of all titles and claims.

Brycen, also of House Skygarden, also son of Jon Arryn, heir to the Vale.  His brain didn't quite land on the right spot of the wheel, and he was half-mad, but a brilliant strategist, and a far more interesting play.  It came in handy, because this time, Jon Arryn died within six months, making Brycen Lord of the Vale, and in dire need of a wife and an heir.  

  1. Don't marry a Targaryen.  
  2. Marry the now-widowed Lysa Arryn.
  3. Have a daughter, Robyn, with your stepmother wife.  

I really don't know why I somehow expected it to not let me do that.

On the homefront, he joined in the war against the Greyjoys, even plotting with Euron to kidnap Balon and bring him to the king in chains.  The plot never succeeded, but Brycen earned a knighthood out of nowhere.  Due to negative vassal opinion, revolts were inevitable, and each one was met with the same course of action:

  1. Send three times their troops over to pound their piddly army into pudding.
  2. Imprison the bozo that started it.  
  3. Tell him to go pound sand when he demands better accomodations.
  4. He demands trial by combat.
  5. His unknown sellsword champion is cut down where he stands by my Master-in-Arms, who isn't paid by the hour.
  6. "I want to see him fly!"

Lather, rinse, repeat.  One time, the instigator actually asked for a trial, and this time, it was Petyr Baelish that smacked him down, verbally.  He still went out the Moon Door.  

Ultimately, and I know this will completely shock people, Baelish turned on me and triggered his own attempt at the Vale.  Ser Brycen was in the middle of smacking his army down when he went head to head with another commander in the field, losing the duel and his life.  With no heir, the Vale reverted to King Robert.

Alesandor of House Galvayn, bastard brother of Petry Baelish, heir to Midlor Point.  Skilled commander, lustful hedonist, cruel to his enemies.  Intended to be the bastard son of Baelish and Lysa Arryn, but I miscalculated and made him six years older than Petyr, thus the change.  Decided to start slower, which is good, because it'll take a lot of help to overcome all these negative vibes.  This time, he was able to find a suitable bride that was just as lustful as he was, and they quickly produced a son named Lyonel, heir to Crown Crag.

Alesandor celebrated by riding out with a bunch of his knights and slaughtering a raiding party, killing a chief in his first duel.  Unfortunately, only having two thousand troops total limited Alesandor's battle prowess, and although he helped defend the Eyrie from siege, he could do little but watch as his liege lord declared against the Vale, inciting attack on both of them.  Alesandor led the Strongsong troops to save the two castles from siege, but the revolt ended in a draw due to the death of Jon Arryn, succeeded by his son, who had little interest in continuing the fight.

By the time of his death at age 37 from an old wound suffered in the siege on Crown Crag, he had sired a total of five sons.  Lyonel took over as Lord of Crown Crag at the age of 10.  He kept his father's brilliance and, unfortunately, his sadistic streak as well, torturing rats for fun before his mother slapped him.  To rebel, he asked for Daenerys Stormborn's hand in marriage; while he waited for a woman seven years his senior, he had to deal with his first internal scandal - embezzlement and a plot for the lordship by Lyonel's own cupbearer and regent, appointed by his father before his death.  The regent made his move at a tournament at Newkeep, but Lyonel was able to withstand the poison.  Following the execution of the traitor, Lyonel's mother Perra was named regent.  

Lyonel was able to accomplish the impossible and have a child with Daenerys, named Maegor after much complaint from the mother.   She was barely out of childbirth when King Stannis had her arrested for plotting to overtake the Throne; Lyonel simply hid Maegor from Stannis and let them take the last Targaryen away to be banished to exile.  But the quiet in the castle drove him crazy - Daenerys was *his* and he was taking her back.  He quickly began a plot to kidnap her and bring her back home, but lo and behold, Daenerys had become a spymaster and simply used her connections to come back to court.  Reunited, Daenerys and Lyonel withstood an attempted kidnapping by Robb Stark's forces and others attempting to steal her back... and along the way, Daenerys and Lyonel truly fell in love.

The idea of the Targaryen dynasty returning under the nose of the Iron Throne thrilled Lyonel, especially when Aegon Targaryen returned with an attempted invasion of Westeros.  As if spurred on by the sighting of another Targaryen, Daenerys became pregnant twice more, birthing a daughter and son - both with silver Valyrian hair.  

As of now, Lyonel and Daenerys still live in Crown Crag, as Lyonel tries to continue the family legacy and possibly restore another, while fortifying his cities for the future.

As for the other Super Galvayn Bros:

  • Olryn: Married with one daughter, Arya, before dying from illness at 24.  Olryn's wife Lelya continues to be a Sworn Shield, because why not.
  • Galen: Deceit is the name of his game, to the point he convinced Lyonel to let him leave for Snakewood to become a septon.. only to use his new position to attempt to investigate Lyonel's legitimacy.  
  • Triston: The shiftless dreamer of the group.  A good diplomat when pushed, but currently happy to marry a random courtier and hang around Crown Crag.
  • Gelion: By far the best fighter in the family, Ser Gelion was recently named to King Stannis' Kingsguard, unfortunately eliminating him as an heir. 


The best part about it is, I only very slightly embellished the above.  Almost all of it just sorta happened.

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On 7/19/2017 at 8:33 AM, JLSigman said:

I'm now about 25 hours in, heading to Archadia. The difficulty has been massively lowered, as near as I can tell. During Belias' fight, his Firaja never put oil on the characters, and I'm pretty easily dealing with rank III marks at level 30. If this continues, I might actually get some of those level VII+ clan hunts done.

Not sure how many hours (40ish?) but I'm up to the next to last dungeon (the Pharos at Ridorana) now. One thing I definitely do not like is that some spells you cannot buy, only find. Haste, Hastega, Bravery, Faith, and some others take exploring, and not realizing that until this far in is a bit of a backtracking chore. Also, Bravery seems to only last 60 seconds which makes it basically useless outside of boss fights unless you want your White Mage to be doing nothing but casting spells.

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PYRE [4] - I like how this year is about me wanting to play long singleplayer games with four letter names- Nier, Prey, Eitr, and now this. Pyre is basically Powerball from American Gladiators (the one with the hoops and the soccer balls) with a visual novel between each match. The style of it is amazing, the game works better than you think it will while watching it, and the characterization is great. Really, really enjoying my time with it.

MIITOPIA [3] - Exactly what you think it is- Tomodachi Quest. It is, if anything, making me self-conscious of my friend group and how to utilize them, but on the other hand, Markiplier and Jake Paul are arguing for the love of the daughter of King Octodad, who happens to be a human-sized locust. So it's pretty alright.

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I am sad.


Game developer Corey Gaspur, who worked at BioWare for nine years, has passed away. BioWare announced his passing in a blog post today. "It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our friend and colleague Corey Gaspur. Corey was a talented designer and an even better person. We offer our condolences to Corey's family and everyone that knew him. We will miss you."

Gaspur's design credits include Mass Effect 2 & 3, Dragon Age:  Origins, and the upcoming game, Anthem.

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15 hours ago, Andrew POE! said:

Oh shit -- I have a guess what happened, given the guy's age but won't speculate here.

No need to speculate.  When the news doesn't immediately name the cause of death, the other thing is usually the most likely given the geopolitics going on at Bioware / EA right now.

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I played Yonder for like two hours the first night I got it and already owned a farm, a pet fox, and found a bunch of cats.  I give it a million billion stars.


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Lode Runner Legacy stage 23 is making me crazy. I understand the physics of how to get all the gold, but the AI is getting in the way; I haven't figured out a way to get the Monks in a position to actually carry out the actions needed to get one gold piece in particular and then escape.

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21 hours ago, Andrew POE! said:

Platinum that shit (if you got it on PSN).

Eh, I don't really care about trophies and I think playing it so deliberately would take away some of its charm.  A lot of its allure is in just wandering around and discovering.

After several more hours my only real beef with the game is the inventory/trading system.  You start with a moderately generous number of inventory slots in your back pack, and you pretty quickly get a storage chest when you build your first farm.  But neither are upgradeable.  It's especially fucked up because you can collect new backpacks, but they're just decorative. And worse yet, there's no money in the game, everything is on a barter system, so there's no real way to convert excess items into something useful.  As a result I end up dumping a bunch of stuff when my inventory fills up.

Other than that I love it.

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Hollow Knight is great so far, but it can and will beat your ass. Very cool looking game, absolutely great soundtrack and ambient sound effects, interesting world to play in and explore. But it's definitely a very tough Metroidvania. I've been stuck on the second boss of the game for a bit.



This game doesn't screw around. Even if I am stuck here at the moment, I really like it so far. It has a really good combo of imagination wonder, and challenge.

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