Cristobal Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Am I the only one who wants to see Ambrose-HHH and not Reigns-HHH? No, I'd be way more interested in that than Reigns vs HHH. And how the hell does anyone see what happened tonight and think that Ambrose is getting buried? Jesus Christ. No one is saying "Ambrose is getting buried", they're saying "Ambrose is possibly the most over guy out there not named Cena, and they're pushing a match at a PPV that DIDN'T HAPPEN"
mattdangerously Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Sorry, "close to getting buried." Big fucking difference. 2
Cristobal Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Ok, fine, ONE person is saying Ambrose is close to getting buried. As you say, big fucking difference.
ingrsco Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Hey did you guys know that Ambrose is a lunatic? I know because JBL said fifty fucking times. Also, Cena's post game comment that he "wasn't supposed to win" made me laugh out loud. 1
hammerva Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 I have never seen these Taki's chips that they are promoting for this PPV but the fact that you want to guzzle windshield wiper fluid after eating them doesn't give me much hope 3
mattdangerously Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Ok, fine, ONE person is saying Ambrose is close to getting buried. As you say, big fucking difference. Also, it was a rhetorical question, but thanks for your input anyways.
Hollywood Cibernetico Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Watching Cameron and Namoi tonight got me thinking how WWE goes completely out of its way to make black women look as natural as possible. I know all Divas were extensions in the ring, but its BEYOND obvious Cameron, Namoi, and Fox wear weaves - and they are pretty bad/tacky. Not as bad as Sojo Bolt's dollar store fake hair, but still silly. I would like to see this eliminated as this practice usually leads to tasteless fan remarks. A few weeks ago Alicia Fox was complaining that her hair was pulled by her opponent. This lead to someone in the crowd yelling out 'Its not your real hair!'. I'm not saying WWE needs to go all afrocentric with women of color, but I would like WWE to fully embrace the fact that they have a diverse roster of women and allow it to shine through in all aspects - hair included. If WWE wants long haired- blonde women, then why not just hire 10 Summer Raes and be done with it?
Tim Evans Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 I'm glad they gave Miz the IC title. It's the title that kills careers and I hope it continues that tradition. That battle royal made me want to see a Sheamus/Big E match on Main event sometime soon. Rest of the show was pretty dreadful except for the opener. I don't know what they can do for Summeslam/NOC that will get people energized to renew. I don't even think Lesnar/Cena can do it. Maybe if Bryan pulls a Kurt Angle? 1
The Nature Boy Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Am I alone in being able to tolerate heel Miz? 1
The Man Known as Dan Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 I don't think there is anything they can do to save it for me personally. It's just buried.
Cristobal Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Ok, fine, ONE person is saying Ambrose is close to getting buried. As you say, big fucking difference. Also, it was a rhetorical question, but thanks for your input anyways. So you're saying that bitching about people's nonexistent complaints is "rhetoric"? That's an...interesting defense.
ebbie Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 1) Usos are the best way to open a show. But when the opening match is the only thing that sticks.. 2) Lana mentioning the plane crash was like, "Wow." moment. Not the good kind, but the kind that justifies why you don't talk about wrestling to people you know aren't wrestling fans. 3) I only caught half of it, but I hope Kane said "Love means never having to say you're sorry." 4) The IC thingy started off weird. Like, someone lost track of time and they needed to get all entrances in within 2 minutes. Then Wade cut a great promo by pretty much going "You're a dead man when I get back." Then the Miz won and I remembered his cheap ass sunglasses and thought "I so hope Wade breaks his fucking jaw. when he comes back." 5) Kofi has had his working boots on this year and I was hoping he would win the match.
The Man Known as Dan Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 You know a shows bad when ebbies post is one of the more positive ones. 1
Cristobal Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Kane said "Being the Devil's favorite demon means never having to say you're sorry." Which, as punchlines go, sums up the writing talent squirreled away in Stamford. And Wade literally compared winning the IC belt to moving to Florida and waiting to die.
Cristobal Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Not interested in arguing with you. Sorry. Yes, you'd much rather argue with people who say what you can imagine them saying. Much easier to win that argument, I'd imagine.
mattdangerously Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 3) I only caught half of it, but I hope Kane said "Love means never having to say you're sorry." ( He said "being the devil's favorite demon means never having to say you're sorry." But I think we all know what he really meant.
mattdangerously Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Not interested in arguing with you. Sorry.Yes, you'd much rather argue with people who say what you can imagine them saying.Much easier to win that argument, I'd imagine. Move along, please.
Parties Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Someone teach Cole how to tie his tie. That limp knot gets an F. Same people loathing this show/calling it unwatchable will be the same people who watch Summerslam next month, and RAW tomorrow night. And would have been in the same hysterics during every era in company history, especially the successful ones. Those in disbelief over the nature of "B" PPVs know that this has been the way of WWE PPVs for at least the last 5-7 years. These aren't built to blow off feuds or blow your mind. That's Wrestlemania. They're built to be passable and move things forward to the next week of TV. Jericho-Wyatt will have at least one more PPV match, probably two. Usos-Wyatts isn't done either. Rollins-Ambrose may have been to cover an injury, but even if it wasn't (and I don't think it was), it was fine. If you hate it, join the millions of fans who've stopped watching. If you can tolerate it, find the small joys. And if the small joy is bitching about it, then more power to you, as long as you're self-aware. But the days of Jim Ross screaming "Stone Cold! Stone Cold!" at the end of some climactic PPV moment aren't what you'll be getting for your $10 a month on Battleground 2014. You get that with Mania and about two other shows a year. It's a company that can creatively sustain about four PPVs a year, while financially required to put on twelve. Welcome to capitalism, or as I like to call it: Battleground 2014. First show where the Network felt like something I could take or leave. Since Feb it's been an asset to caring about the company and following along week to week. They have a hurdle in getting people to buy the thing, but easy access to live PPVs, NXT and all the TV has made me much more of a fan. I'm on their site several times a week after having gone to it maybe five times ever previously. Just attended my first ever house show, first live WWE event in years. I'm even perusing the merch just to make sure it's all still too embarrassing to wear in public. This wasn't a terrible show, but a boring one. Only good thing on the preshow was the Ambrose/Rollins hype video. Two bad matches and really bad commentary from all sides. Tag Title near falls and double suplex were all fantastic. Harper's face after the third powerbomb was great, and they all seemed to be feeding off the crowd. Surprised by the Uso win as they now wrap up a fifth month as champs. Wyatts actually needed the win to maintain credibility here, but this was quite a match and I would hope that both teams come away better off for it. This is the kind of thing that gets Harper a job for life and makes him the Kane/Big Show of the year 2022, rather than anything that makes or breaks anyone. More bad commentary during the women's match. AJ's okay by Diva standards, but she's bush league compared to the incoming NXT gang. Story sucked, match sucked, bad botched finish, wrong time for Paige to go heel, wrong time for AJ to go face, wrong time for her to be champ. Get Sasha Banks, Charlotte and heel Summer Rae on RAW immediately. Serious Kane is a terrible actor, Comedy Kane a decent one. Demon Kane is the worst character in the company, and having him quote Love Story to Orton was really something. Based on the MSG house show and Monday's RAW, Rusev-Swagger is the hottest feud in the company. Maybe second hottest after Ambrose-Rollins, but this was still such a bigger deal than anyone would have predicted. Lana is awesome. "War mongoling" was great, as was that entire promo. People complaining about the use of the phrase "current events" would have been the same rubes screaming for the Freebirds' blood when they put the flag on the Cowboy. I love that I can actually kind of agree with the points that the heels are making and still mark out for the jingoistic USA chants and excitement around Swagger, who I've always liked. Match was solid, and I liked the finish even if Swagger looked a bit oafish being KO'ed by the post. They're trying to get another month out of it, perhaps with a new stip. Thought Rollins/Ambrose was OK, esp. in the vein of this show being a Clash of the Champions ad for Summerslam. Decent pull apart, both guys got how to do it even if the setup could have been more creative. Bray's black eye was impressive. Weird match that never came together, but like so many things here it felt like the beginning of a feud rather than the end of one. I've been enjoying Jericho more than usual lately after his very good house show match in MSG with Orton, and there was little wrong or right with this one. Longterm Wyatt wins the feud. This was Chapter 1, and a predictable Chapter 1 at that. I liked the beatdown in the parking lot, but there seemed a glaring kayfabe misfire: if you're the MITB briefcase holder, why are you leaving before the main event, where in theory you'd have the opportunity to pick off the emerging champion with more ease than ever? HHH understands Attitude era Crash TV and how to do it well. Whether he chooses to do it well with Ambrose by giving him an Austin-level push is another story. Weird that the Dust Brothers weren't in the battle royal. Odd how bad some guys (Khali, Sin Cara, Slater) looked in their entrances. Liked that they had Barrett do a promo to keep him in the picture. But this sucked: total contrast from the really fun Mania's battle royal midcard spotlight. I do like that Ryback has become the exact middle of the road at the line of "lower tier" and "upper tier" guys. If you're higher on the food chain than Ryback, you're doing well. If you're lower, you're doing bad. And by being the line, Ryback'll probably have a job for the next 10 years. I would say Kofi used to hold this spot, but that he's actually below Ryback these days in terms of push. I did like that between Miz, Bo, Cesaro, Sheamus, and even Dolph, there felt like five guys who had a real chance of winning. Didn't like the cooperative Kofi-Cesaro spots. And I've come to hate the dumb, overused finish where a heel hides for the entirety of the match and then sneaks in to win, especially the equally overused part of the finish where they make you think the guy who everyone wants to win (Ziggler) might pull it off. So lame. They're accidentally showing useless-assed Miz lying on the ground in their cutaways to the belt. It's too far-fetched in the bad, over-suspension of disbelief way for no ref outside to tell him to get in the ring, but I do like that they at least did the bit where JBL said that he'd seen him there the whole time but intentionally didn't say anything because he liked Miz's strategy. Should lead to a Ziggler feud (but won't), and I wonder if you'd have heard the crowd shitting all over it they hadn't cranked Miz's music up to 11 and had the announcers screaming over it to boot. Surprising number of slow spots/botches in the four-way. Crowd was dead for a lot of the match, though I'm sure one "This is Awesome" chant will erase that for many. The whole point of a match like that is to keep it action-packed with guys, but it seemed the gimmick actually slowed everyone down as they had to stumble around each other. I'm not someone who cares about physiques at all, but I agree that Reigns doesn't look like a power guy, in stature or move set. Didn't give a shit at all about the finish as it was clear Cena was winning, but it would have been good to see at least a tease of Brock's arrival to pay off the bad show and give people a reason to watch RAW. 6
piranesi Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 I did enjoy that Ambrose has apparently still not changed his clothes since mid June. I'd like to think he just strips down and puts them in a bucket of soapy water in the trunk of his car between cities. But that may just be a thing I like to think about more than a viable laundering scheme. 4
ebbie Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Was anyone else disappointed that the bull wasn't in the battle royal? 1
The Man Known as Dan Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Kane said "Being the Devil's favorite demon means never having to say you're sorry." Which, as punchlines go, sums up the writing talent squirreled away in Stamford.And Wade literally compared winning the IC belt to moving to Florida and waiting to die. I actually have some special notes from tonight, and this reminded me of that. It's a fucking shame everything else was so bad, because Luke Harper was on fucking point tonight. He managed to be hold his partner back to make sure they didn't get DQed, while still coming across totally nuts. That's amazing. That backstage segment with Kane and Orton was the fucking worst thing ever. Like... Could that have been worse acted? Or wrote for? Or... Anything? Just so much awful.
Cristobal Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 I did enjoy that Ambrose has apparently still not changed his clothes since mid June. I'd like to think he just strips down and puts them in a bucket of soapy water in the trunk of his car between cities. But that may just be a thing I like to think about more than a viable laundering scheme. He actually cleans his clothes with pumice. ... ... Because he is the Gritty Master. 5
Hollywood Cibernetico Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 -Hassan gets fired after WWE draws strong comparisons to the London Terrorist attacks. -Washington gets fired after making an out-dated Kobe joke. -Bryan gets his walking papers after choking Roberts out with a tie. I assume NOTHING is going to happen to Lana and WWE is going to keep trucking along. #Lana was trending on worldwide on Twitter and WWE made sure to brag about it...#Lana wasn't trending for GOOD REASONS.
piranesi Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 I did enjoy that Ambrose has apparently still not changed his clothes since mid June. I'd like to think he just strips down and puts them in a bucket of soapy water in the trunk of his car between cities. But that may just be a thing I like to think about more than a viable laundering scheme. He actually cleans his clothes with pumice. ... ... Because he is the Gritty Master. Appalling. 1
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