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Pre-show matches sucked. The tag title match ruled! The first two falls were nothing, but the third fall was amazing. AJ-Paige told a good story, but wasn't much of a match. Orton and Kane were terrible backstage. Rusev-Swagger was dreadful, with nerve pinches, DOUBLE NERVE PINCHES, and other stupid shit.  This Stardust character can fuck right off. Bray-Jericho underdelivered. Normally, I'm all for a single finisher getting a win - but the Codebreaker's been a setup move for years now and tends to only be a finish as a counter. I don't like them not doing Ambrose-Rollins tonight since it was one of about three matches hyped up for it seriously, but I liked the stuff they did instead. IC Title battle royal sucked. The main event had way too many saves, but Reigns looked fairly impressive at times. I still worry about him in long matches through - Bray's struggled with them, and he's worlds better than Roman in every way. This show looked decent on paper, but fell apart outside of the tag title match. That was one of WWE's best tag matches of the year, and the third fall is a must-watch.


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I'm not as bothered by the bait and switch of Rollins vs Ambrose since I watch on the network, but if I paid $50 or whatever the hell PPVs cost these days I would be seething, because that would have been the number 1 reason I ordered it.


Once again Battleground provides a rockin tag match and Jack all else.

This was terrible after Usos-Wyatt's. How could they screw this up? And f them for the Russia BS. Pure garbage.


Tag titles match was good. Everything else ranged from ehhhh to fucking awful. Definitely one of the worst PPVs I've seen in a while. So many terrible botches too. From Paige/AJ to whatever Sheamus and Dolph were trying to do..  everything was off.


Plus, no Ambrose/Rollins...  Not good.


That show peaked with the 2/3 falls match (and even that didn't get going until the third fall and starting with when it was Jimmy/Harper alone) and just was steadily down hill since then. The Ambrose/Rollins stuff was good for the most part but doing it three times felt like overkill. Really sloppy wrestling tonight too with a lot of botches. I guess I had too high of hopes for this show as it looked like a definite candidate for sleeper show of the year on paper, but the execution was pretty dreadful. 


So, the Wyatts are pretty much dead in the water.  The Dust Brothers ruled though.


They're going to leave so much fucking money on the table with Ambrose for no reason whatsoever.


Okay... Okay.

the opener as worth my 10 dollar subscription to the Network. The rest of it was worth me wanting my money back. You don't give me Rollins/Ambrose, you put Jericho over Wyatt clean as a sheet because.... Reasons or something, CENA OVERCOMES THE ODDS, Cesaro and Kofi have a great thing in the battle royal, and Cesaro who won the Andre memorial battle royal is eliminated by HEATH SLATER, and I just can't fucking believe this is the same company that 4 months ago had me thinking the changing of the guard was actually happening. Just fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck this show, this company, these bookers, fuck it all.

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So after a week of arguments and speculation, I guess Rollins did injure himself after all.

Otherwise, postponing Rollins-Ambrose was dumb cause as cool as the attack segments were, this show really needed one hot match.


Remember a few months ago when the Shield squashed Kane and the Outlaws, Cesaro won the Andre battle royal, and HHH had probably the match of his career since it wasn't a bloated mess putting over Bryan, who then went on to win the title.


Good times.


Cena absolutely should have won, but I'd have liked to see Brock pop in. Maybe tomorrow. Fatal four ways are shit in general, and this cast put on about what you'd expect.

I'm still clueless as to how people are supposed to buy in to Reigns as a power guy. Just no.

The Battle Royal was great. Wish it had been someone other than Miz with the bullshit ending, but that's smart booking. Let Ziggler or another face chase the title and then get it just as Barrett is healing up.

I rolled my eyes at everyone bitching Monday about Ambrose not making the run in, and I was right. They were saving it for a bigger stage. Or Ambrose was hurt. Regardless, don't waste that match on this card.

Another Wyatts/Usos clinic.


This is going to sound like the internet whining that people always talk about but man so much bullshit on this show:


1. Cesaro has been completely buried.   We expected that all of these losses on RAW and Smackdown were done so he gets the IC belt.  Instead he gets eliminated by Heath fucking Slater.   Just baffling what is going on there

2.  Bray Wyatt has been completely buried.  No reason for him to lose clean to Jericho.  Jericho is not a main eventer and shouldn't be one.  The idea that "well he had a good match so that is enough" doesn't work given the Cena program

3.  Dean Ambrose is close to being buried.   I would have a lot more faith in this angle  if it wasn't for the fact that Dean has been losing constantly on RAW and Smackdown.  Hell they wouldn't even put him in the main event of the last RAW.


Tag match was great.  Rest of the show was pure crap.  Battleground is the PPV equivalent of the Divas match before the main event apparently 

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I really don't care about SummerSlam right now. We know he top of the card and after the build hat started here, I don't care. How can you? This is not even watchable.


According to Cena, tonight was A BATTLEFIELD OF CHANGE! I have no idea what that means or how that could be true.


Change was fighting against the status quo.  It lost.

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I like the Usos, but christ almighty how many times are the Wyatts going to to job to them? What else is there to do with the Usos as tag champs right now? Give Harper/Rowan the belts so people will actually think they can win a big match.

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a.) If Brock's coming back, why shouldn't Cena win? I don't want Reigns to win to immediately lose.


b.) It's funny how the IC title is a death sentence around here until Cesaro is denied it. And I love Cesaro... but it's not like the IC Title of all things is the demarcation line of "just a guy" or not...

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