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I loved the goat thrower Judgement. There is only one that might be funnier depending on how you handle the Orlesian ball.




I think the Fade decision is interesting because, at least for me, it was Hawke and Loghain.

Hawke's story involves bad shit happening because of the Wardens, I mean a Warden started the Mage-Templar War right in her new hometown where she became the Champion.

Loghain's story involves the Wardens leading him to redemption. From believing the Wardens are irrelevant to knowing why they're needed to save his home country.

So it makes sense that these two butt heads once they're forced to work together after seeing the creature Hawke allowed escape corrupt the Wardens. Hawke blames the actions of a group she feels has no concept of morality and Loghain blames the actions of the Wardens on the creature Hawke allowed to escape.

Now you have to leave one behind, do you leave Verric's friend behind whom most of your party has knowledge of or do you go with the former King-Regent and father of the Queen of Ferelden.

I went with Loghain. I get why Hawke had the feelings she did but I went with the fourth wall breaking reason that I, Brysynner, had more of a connection with Loghain's character throughout the series than I did Hawke.

That kind of sums up the problem with the decision. Its a fourth wall breaking choice that doesn't really blend well into the gameplay/story.


I actually wasn't fond of how Hawke was written. They pretty much ignored whatever personality you chose for the character and went with someone pissed off at everything blood magic related despite the fact that Hawke was good friends with a blood mage. That by the way is why Hawke was pissed off at the Wardens, not so much because of Anders' actions in DA2 as much as using blood magic and sacrifices.


Oh and The Mage-Templar war was coming regardless of Anders actions. It had just gotten so bad in general between the groups (secret murders/tortures of mages were happening right in the center of the Chantry at Val Royaeux), and Corytheus just being in the general vicinity of Kirkwall seemed to be screwing with peoples' head even when he was imprisoned.

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So I thought this was interesting. Don't look if haven't beaten the game yet, but its a nice little extra link between DA2 and DAI.

Okay, well that kicks ass.

and yeah, I will say that my Merrill loving Hawke having a thing against blood magic felt out of place. This is a fair point. Honestly, my main problem with the game is that it went so far to to address the concerns of DA2 that DA2's strengths became there weaknesses. It can lack in "grounding" IMO. They don't do enough to connect you to the story at times. I think they should have gone with a more traditional narrative to a degree. If they had you do missions in a certain order, with maps coming available that related to that setup, I think it would have kept things more driven. Give you the 4 you get early then, then go Emerald Graves/Exalted Planes cleaned up a bit leading to the Ball, and Crestwood and the other area you go with Hawke which name escapes me in build up to the Wardens. Toss on the maps with the Venatori and Templars before you go into the end game.

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Dagna: I can't believe you came back from the fade. Can I have a sample?

Me: A sample?

Dagna: Oh that sounded sinister. What I meant was can I take a bit of you and do things to it?

I swear I love that little Dwarf.

Seriously, between Dagna, Harding and Varric (for the ladies) it seems to be killing people there are no romancable dwarves in this game.

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From Prima Guide.This was taken from a post on gamefaqs message board. Multiple levels mean you will have to come back later.

Haven - L1-4

Hinterlands - L4-7, L8-11, L12+

Val Royeaux - L4-6

Fallow Mire - L8-10, L12-15

Storm Coast - L7-11, L13-15+

Forbidden Oasis - L8-12, L5-15, L18-20

Skyhold - L10-12

Crestwood - L10-12, L13+

The Western Approach - L10-13, L14+

The Exalted Plains - L10-13, L13-16

Emerald Graves - L14-16, L16-20

Emprise du Lion - L16-19, L19-22

The Hissing Wastes - L19-23



Also has anyone noticed that Vivienne's starting gear makes her look like Maleficent?  The personal quests are something else and I've only done a couple.  The writers are amazing.  Dorian's quest goes from really serious when you finish it to hilarious when you hear him talk to one of the Mothers.  If all Bioware games are this good with dialogue I will have to play more of their games. 

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Started Inquisition today, having not played more than 20% of the first and none of the second. I let my girlfriend set up the story in the Keep and create my character. Ended up with an Elvin Mage. I'm guessing that she'll make the bulk of the conversation decisions as well.

I've never played an RPG collaboratively, so it'll be an interesting few months of gaming. Especially since she generally sticks to Lego games. I don't think she's played an RPG outside of the Pokemon universe.

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That guide looks about right, from what I've seen so far. I know there are a couple of rifts that I've wandered into that turned into a straight-up ass kicking.

Yep. This game is quite good at deciding to take your ego down a few notches. "Brave Ser Robin ran away!"

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I'm playing this as well. Ego-bruising isn't getting your ass kicked by a rift. Ego-bruising is getting your ass kicked by a

druffalo that it turns out is part of a side quest you're supposed to lead home while it follows you docilely.

Of course I also wandered into THAT valley in the Hinterlands and turned right the fuck around at "SHE'S TAKING FLIGHT!"

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How to cheese your way to victory 99% of the time in 4 easy steps:


1. Cassandra/You if you're a warrior, tank, rogue, mage, mage.

2. Set both mages casting preference to barrier preferred.

3. Craft gear that has an added health bonus.  Pyrophite has the highest +health that I've seen so far.

4. In the Inquisition Perks menu there are several bonuses that help but since I was hunting dragons the +4 potions you can carry helped the most.

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My suggestion: once you have hit Skyfold, you can pick which main mission you want to do next. If you want Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts, stick to the Exalted Planes and Emerald Graves, as they have more to do with the plot your going down. If you are going the other direction, stick to the areas that build to the mission IMO.

Some discussion for a main mid to late game mission

so how did you guys resolve Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts. It was able to pull off reconciling Celene and Briala, which seemed like the best ending by far.

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I chose to force Celene, Gaspard, & Briala to work together. I didn't realize I could even reconcile Briala and Celene until it was too late. I plan to try it on another play through. Honestly though how easily you can reconcile the two or really fix the throne situation in general is disappointing considering all the heavy shit that is actually involved. I still think they went the wrong direction with this particular story as there was a lot of complexity they dropped by going the route they did. It really made the game feel too small to me which is sad considering how much they boasted about its size. Even saying all that I still enjoyed the political intrigue of Orlais's Game.

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so how did you guys resolve Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts. It was able to pull off reconciling Celene and Briala, which seemed like the best ending by far.

I haven't figured out how to get all three working together. Usually Gaspard gets the boot and Briala gets exiled. I need to look up some hints.

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