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The thing about relief at his passing is... weird.

I'm not going to go into details, but he was a complicated man, and his whole ordeal since he tried to kill himself has seen him get pneumonia several times, decide that he was done fighting and got his breathing tubes removed before starting to make a rally back to health. Meanwhile, my wife was on a rope with the ups-and-downs of the process, and his care in the future (if he survived, 24-hour-care was a given), and then the matters of financing it...

I know it makes me sound like a piece of shit, but the relief of this ordeal ending is almost as much about being one less major hurdle we'll have to jump as it is about his suffering ending.

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I know it makes me sound like a piece of shit, but the relief of this ordeal ending is almost as much about being one less major hurdle we'll have to jump as it is about his suffering ending.

Anybody who's been there understands, man.  Anyone who hasn't been there... their opinion ain't worth shit anyway.  



On a lighter note, FUCK YOU to whoever tore down all the flyers I so painstakingly posted in this one particular building, advertising my college's Creative Writing Club's once-a-semester public reading.  Me and seven other Aspergers-riddled wallflowers manage to summon up the courage to stand up at a podium and pour our heart's blood out into the blindingly bright darkness of the footlights, and behind all that glaring shit is mostly a roomful of empty chairs.  It was indeed the dreaded "small but spirited house", to the point where I was self-consciously overreacting to everything just to make some goddamn noise in that tomb so other people wouldn't feel bad.  This wasn't QUITE as terrible as my lowest-attended-ever wrestling show (23 asses in seats) which was so fucking silent that the wrestlers couldn't even call anything in the ring because the fans would plainly hear them, but man it pissed me off.  Yeah, I know there's a goddamn J. Cole concert in town tonight and it sucks to be us, but you'd think ONE motherfucker out of the HUNDRED I invited woulda shown up.  

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I'm not sure if this fits, but I'll put it here.


I hate when you hear that someone is sick/dying/in a bad way and someone else says "I don't like them in their professional capacity, but I wish them the best."


What a backhanded get well soon response. Just because you don't mean it as an insult doesn't mean it isn't an insult. It's annoying.


If you can't just say "I hope they get better soon," then drink a glass of STFU.  Whether you like them as an athlete/actor/musician/politician/animal balloon artist is of no matter in this case.  


Damning with faint praise is a dick move.  I have more respect for people that just come out and say you're an asshole so you can confess that you think they are an asshole too.


Fuck you to Toll Brothers Mortgage Company. If you can't on don't want to cut a deal for my girlfriend and me to get a townhouse, just come out and say it.  Stop wasting our time.

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The thing about relief at his passing is... weird.

I'm not going to go into details, but he was a complicated man, and his whole ordeal since he tried to kill himself has seen him get pneumonia several times, decide that he was done fighting and got his breathing tubes removed before starting to make a rally back to health. Meanwhile, my wife was on a rope with the ups-and-downs of the process, and his care in the future (if he survived, 24-hour-care was a given), and then the matters of financing it...

I know it makes me sound like a piece of shit, but the relief of this ordeal ending is almost as much about being one less major hurdle we'll have to jump as it is about his suffering ending.

Dude it doesn't make you sound bad at all. My parents almost lost their house providing 24/7 medical care for my Grandfather. It was a huge strain on their finances, marriage and health.

People have this romantic idea of "I'd do anything for family" and that's great...but that shit takes a toll on you in every possible way. To feel relief at avoiding that doesn't make you a shitty person. It just means you're a rational person.

Sorry for your loss but don't beat yourself up for feeling the way anyone else would in those circumstances.

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My cousin passed away today. She really took the death of her mother (my great-aunt who in many ways was like my grandmother) a few years back really hard, and she never got over it.

A few months back, she had a stroke and an epileptic seizure. I got a call yesterday from one of her sisters that she had another stroke and fell into a coma. Due to her signing a DNR, there was nothing that could be done, and she was essentially in hospice care in her own home.

She was the youngest of 6 sisters and it's hitting my mom pretty hard as well. Rest in peace, Laurie.

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An F-U to myself.  Some backstory:


My brother-in-law is an alcoholic, maybe bipolar, jerk.  He has (mostly) lived with my in-laws (his parents) since coming to Spokane in 2006.  During that time he got fired from a gas station job for being drunk, got married (but never divorced - hasn't seen or spoken to his wife in 4 years), completed pharmacy tech school #1 in his class but never got a job interview, completed a 50k race, and never gotten another job.  The relationship with his parents is a difficult one and he is a jerk to them.  Never physically violent but aggressive and loud and...jerkish.  My father-in-law's health has deteriorated over the last year or two and he now struggles with day-to-day tasks, while living with an alcoholic jerk.  It all came to a head this weekend when something (not abuse) happened and Dad ended up in the ER.  They finally made the decision to kick out my brother-in-law and so my wife (his sister), her brother, and their mom went to him and kicked him out.  They got him settled in a hotel for a couple nights.  He has some money left from an injury settlement (he was hit by a drunk driver while walking on the road and messed up pretty good) and food stamps so he can survive for awhile with no job.


So why the F-U to myself?  Because I don't want to help him.  I spent a fair amount of time yesterday reading up on disability eligibility so he could maybe get assistance.  I read ads on Craigslist for room rentals to get him a place to live.  I did these things because I love my wife and she asked that I do them.  We all know that he won't do them for himself and that he'll end up living on the street somewhere if we don't.  But I don't want to do these things.  He's been such an intolerable jerk for so long that I resent helping him.  I resent the idea of him getting disability because he can't hold a job because he's a drunk.  I resent the way he's treated his parents.  And I find myself not caring (much) what would happen to him if I didn't help him.  Hence the F-U to myself.  Know how I feel isn't "right" and isn't compassionate but can't help it.

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And a milder F-U:


Video Games Live came to Spokane last week.  I'd kicked around the idea of going but didn't want to pay $50-$70 for a decent ticket.  Last Thursday, though, I decided to check Craigslist and see if I could find any tickets.  Found a woman selling a pair for $35 each or $60 for the pair.  Called and she agreed to sell me one for $35 and to meet after lunch.  She called and said she'd gone home sick but we could meet after I left work at 4:30.  No problem.  4:30 comes and I'm driving to meet her.  I get a voicemail from her saying she'd sold the pair to somebody else.  Hey, I get it, you wanted to sell both and not be stuck with one.  I get it.  But to agree to sell to me without any "hey, I'm gonna sell the pair if I find somebody before you buy this one" warning and then sell to somebody else?  F-U.

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You know, Tabe, I think you can give yourself somewhat of a break on the brother-in-law thing. I too have a fucking prick of a brother-in-law. He's a holier than thou, bible thumper/tea party type who has gone after my wife (his younger sister) over her lack of faith, "sinful life choices," not raising our kids in the church etc. etc. He's made her cry on more than one occasion. She has a masters degree, he's a fucking handy man. I gave myself permission years ago to say "fuck that guy." You can do the same.


Seriously, fuck that guy.

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Once an alcoholic has it called to their attention that they have a drinking problem there are no more excuses. Bi-polar is not an excuse, not being able to find a job is not an excuse, (I've only had two job offers come my way when sitting on a bar-stool and both were because I was drinking coffee!) He needs to put his big boy pants on and the family (AND YOU) need to stop enabling him. It's tough to do, we had to pretty much cut my step-son off entirely. In fact, that was a part of the reason for moving to NM. He can't come over drunk and being a nuisance when we're 2,000 miles away. And guess what, within three months of our departure he straightened his act up. Don't beat yourself up for not wanting to enable a drunk. In June I celebrate 26 years sober, would never have happened if people kept buying my act. I ended up going to AA because I had nowhere else to go.

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As soon as I read the magic words "I went to check on Craigslist", I knew the story would not have a happy ending...

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F car repairs.  Took my car for a routine oil change on Monday(had the day off work).  They said I needed a timing belt replacement which would be REALLY expensive.  After about an hour, they called me in and said I ALSO needed some sort of pulley replacement for the front passenger-side wheel.  I had to get a rental for a day that my car insurance didn't cover(they only cover rentals in the event of an accident).  That wasn't TOO expensive, but my Firestone card got maxed out on the repairs and I had to pay out of pocket(or bank account) for the difference.  Hey, more debt...yay.  That on top of my recent hospital visit(still waiting for the post-insurance bill on that) and having to get a new cellphone after my previous one gave up the ghost...joy.

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A good thing and a bad thing, my old desktop is limping along and has decided it wants to act ornery.  In order for me to stay productive while I put it in the shop, I decided to get a laptop which I have wanted for a while but didn't want to swap everything all over.  More of a big FU to the hassle of getting my computing life back in shape

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Fuck you Idaho politics.


I love my state. My family has been in Idaho for a century. Two of my great-grandfathers served as mayor of the town I live in. My great, great-grandmother is buried in my home town. With that said, my state makes Mississippi look fucking cosmopolitan. We rank last in expenditures per student in public education yet our fucking governor "Butch" Otter (yes, that's his fucking name)m has pledged two million dollars to kill as many wolves in the state as he can (livestock in more important than school children in Idaho) and has also said the state will spend "whatever it takes" to fight gay marriage.



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My wife is seeing a cancer specialist next week. Got a "fuck you" in the chamber....


Fingers crossed for a good outcome, drew.


Yup, I'll second that one. Best wishes, man.

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My wife is seeing a cancer specialist next week. Got a "fuck you" in the chamber....

Been there bro.  Pulling for you and here if you need it.

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