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Yeah, Reading the Observer was awesome, standing in line at the ECW Arena in 1997.  This is 2014, the entire accumlated knowledge of the human race is literally at your fingertips.  If you want news, you can get it free *anywhere* for about 1-2 minutes of work.  The only reason Meltzer is still relevant is because rubes such as you continue to pay him.


There's a reason other guys from the heyday of Dirt Sheets either got real jobs and dissappeared, or got a job with a promotion.  People stopped paying them.

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Yeah, Reading the Observer was awesome, standing in line at the ECW Arena in 1997.  This is 2014, the entire accumlated knowledge of the human race is literally at your fingertips.  If you want news, you can get it free *anywhere* for about 1-2 minutes of work.  The only reason Meltzer is still relevant is because rubes such as you continue to pay him.


There's a reason other guys from the heyday of Dirt Sheets either got real jobs and dissappeared, or got a job with a promotion.  People stopped paying them.


The Observer is just news. Tell me more.


Dirtsheets are apparently a standalone product. Not bundled with a website, podcasts etc either. Do go on. 

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Yeah, Reading the Observer was awesome, standing in line at the ECW Arena in 1997.  This is 2014, the entire accumlated knowledge of the human race is literally at your fingertips.  If you want news, you can get it free *anywhere* for about 1-2 minutes of work.  The only reason Meltzer is still relevant is because rubes such as you continue to pay him.


There's a reason other guys from the heyday of Dirt Sheets either got real jobs and dissappeared, or got a job with a promotion.  People stopped paying them.


The Observer is just news. Tell me more.


Dirtsheets are apparently a standalone product. Not bundled with a website, podcasts etc either. Do go on. 


Your money dude, your choice how to waste it.

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Your money dude, your choice how to waste it.


You seem to think I pay to have scoops in my letterbox or something. Is this really your understand of what is in the Observer? Genuine question.


Here we go again. 


I am learning a lot here, Fredo. Newzsite reader people are giving me the full shoot on dirtsheets, Meltzer and the Wrestling Journalism industry.


They don't believe the news until the Bleacher Report posts it via WrestlingInc via the Wrestling Observer. That's confirmation.

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(hey, you're welcome)


I think the flip side is that HHH obviously didn't think Dave had the clout or authority to get these answers from him.


Fairly certain HHH knows who Dave Meltzer is.



Yeah, that where I was going. Trips knows who Meltzer is and he purposefully gave him a jerkier response because he was him and not some guy from the AP or Yahoo or what not. I think traditionally WWE has had a sort of love/hate relationship with him, but the days of Vince calling him up at 2 am to try to sell him on their steroid policy are probably long over.


It was a kind of crappy thing for Hunter to do, to be honest given that I think Dave's been pretty kind to him over the last many months about his role and how it's perceived. 


But again, knowing Dave it's not about being kind or fair, but just reporting what he hears, at least when it comes to the non-aesthetic side of the wrestling.


Also, I'm not responding to rovert with the really funny "too much MMA" answer. I'm not. It's a lowball. 

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Its the end of the month. Good time to reboot the thread. :)


Given that Hunter and the company have an outlet/mouthpiece with Grantland, no need to play along with Dave.

That's what I said! Rovey shot it down though seeming to not realize that half the point is having someone with a: more reach and b: that wouldn't call him on his bs. 

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Its the end of the month. Good time to reboot the thread. :)


Given that Hunter and the company have an outlet/mouthpiece with Grantland, no need to play along with Dave.

That's what I said! Rovey shot it down though seeming to not realize that half the point is having someone with a: more reach and b: that wouldn't call him on his bs. 


Matt I got your point perfectly. I didn't shoot anything down either if anything I further supported your point.



Also, I'm not responding to rovert with the really funny "too much MMA" answer. I'm not. It's a lowball. 


I asked people not to give Raziel403 any help.


Although a full and frank the discussion about too much MMA in the Observer is something this thread should re-explore.

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Look at me, coming back for a third reply on a doomed thread.



Its the end of the month. Good time to reboot the thread. :)


Given that Hunter and the company have an outlet/mouthpiece with Grantland, no need to play along with Dave.

That's what I said! Rovey shot it down though seeming to not realize that half the point is having someone with a: more reach and b: that wouldn't call him on his bs. 



Which makes a lot of sense for WWE, but then they might as well not waste anyone's time with the "open" conference calls and such. Do exactly what they were doing with those Cole and HHH sitdowns with someone outside sitting in Cole's chair and be done with it.


Dave's arugement isn't really arguing for more openess specifically, but for WWE to pick a lane here.

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Referring to Dave as a dumb yokel is something I would expect to read on Wrestlezone or TNAsylum or something. I know the composition of posters has changed a lot on here the past few years but lads come on now.



He's stupid. This is how I feel deep in my heart. The dirtsheet 'industry' is self important and misguided, and entertaining in a fun sad sort of way. These are my opinions, which inform why I think the idea that someone CHALLENGED KAYFABE by asking about Prince Devitt is hilarious and sad.


For every 'scoop' the guy gets, he makes money on his own marks (and I use mark because it's applicable. He's a man selling snake oil at a fair in the 1800's.) by tossing out 800 number psychic level stories: 'Daniel Bryan being asked to shave his beard.' Beard doesn't get shaved. 'WWE decides beard is the way to go.'


I'll restate: they are an entertainment company, and they choose what information to hand out and not hand out. Either way, they win. For every 'we're very excited to have signed Dick 'The Beanpole' Gulcher, star of the hit reality TV show Steamboat Bully Challenge series to a developmental contract' they're gonna give a few no comments to someone asking about KENTA. And the news sites will run with both of them: Triple H offers no details on KENTA! HAS THE JAPANESE STAR FAILED A WELLNESS TEST? Dick Gulcher reportedly Triple H's newest workout buddy! IS THERE A NEW KLIQ BACKSTAGE AT NXT?


All of this is beside the point. A reporter asked about some guys being signed, Triple H sarcastically asked 'who?' and the guy explained who they were and it was pretty funny. How was the joke there on Triple H?

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Honestly this annoys me more than most people on this board because I've been in the new industry for nigh on 20 years now, and there's nothing worse than some asshole sandbagging you when you're just trying to do your goddamn job.

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About the Stossel/Dr. D incident: 

My view of it is that Mr. McMahon made a spontaneous decision ("Blast him") to an old school guy who he knew would follow through. It's Schultz, fer cryin' out loud. In the territory days they could have gotten away with it, in the sense that the "bad" publicity fallout would have boosted interest and attendance and legitimacy. It was the last olde tyme thing VKM would do. Afterwards, he hung the good Doctor out to dry, which was no big deal to his vision - Schultz was a loose cannon, too independent and anti-authoritarian. He made Hogan nervous too. Mr. McMahon realized it was a big world, media wise, nation-wide in fact and kay fabe could be sacrificed for more revenue in the long run. If he and his company could become dominant enough, he would not have to answer to the traditional ways of The Business, nor the veteran wrestlers still around, nor to the appearance of "realness". He could create what he wanted, and he would only have to placate the media to get his share of thee Cultural Moneypie. Later, after much success, he realized he had to play within the rules of Big Business, and that has proved much harder.

I still have my transcript of that 20/20 episode that I sent away for ($5.95, please allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery).That whole early Hogan WWF expansion time period is truly fascinating. VKM played by a different (more modern, media savvy, corporate mentality) set of rules and totally took over while the traditional territory owners and promoters were completely flummoxed and out-gunned. Obviously the WWF has made more correct choices than bad ones, but they really were operating with a purpose but in uncharted landscapes. There was much throwing stuff out there and seeing what stuck. Aaah, the 80s...

If Meltzer is your only source and you haven't learned how to "read" him, that's kinda silly, but to discount his ability, past influence and current pertinence is out and out dumb. At the very least, he has provided the most reliable record of the most tumultuous era of pro wrestling. It is impossible to ever get the whole story of any wrestling news event, past or present (and that's beautiful), but his input/reading/opinion was and is important. Do you have to read the WON in this day and age? No, but it's still entertaining.

Mr. McMahon and HHH have learned that the worlds of corporate and rassling kay fabe are not too different. It's as far as you can get away with.


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Am I the only guy who listened to that and


A) Didn't think HHH was being a jerk or had any personal vendetta against Dave


B ) Meltzer didn't come off bad




C) It was a lighthearted "Who?", that due to the lack of face-to-face interaction on this call, was initially missed by Dave. HHH then explained it and said he wasn't going to comment.




Putting aside any sort of opinion of whether WWE holding conference calls where they don't want to go off-script is good or bad, I don't see how this 20 second interaction proves or disproves that Meltzer SUX and that HHH thinks he's stupid.

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