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If you had "Aaron denies he said what he said then unloads on ESPN Execs on an ESPN show" on your betting card, YOU WIN!

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On a somewhat lighter note,  has anyone confirmed at AJ Hawk is actually on this show.  I mean he literally does nothing except smirk and light cigars.   Someone needs to be tell him to put a newspaper in front of him because at this point you could just use a video from 4 months ago and I am not sure people would notice


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Someone said that AJ Hawk looks like he's waiting for you to pick a dialog option in a Bethesda game and it makes total sense.

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16 hours ago, Raziel said:

If you had "Aaron denies he said what he said then unloads on ESPN Execs on an ESPN show" on your betting card, YOU WIN!

I'm just glad that so many others are getting the opportunity to feel about Aaron Rodgers the way some of us have felt for years.

For different reasons, obviously, but everyone's still welcome to join the club.

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39 minutes ago, odessasteps said:

I mean, I figured his judgment has been questionable ever since he dated Olivia Munn. 😉

Umm... if dating Olivia Munn is questionable, I hope to be questionable.

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12 minutes ago, odessasteps said:


I'm going to use the same logic I used when a bunch of dudes said they wouldn't date Giselle Bundchen after she divorced Tom Brady. I know the women I've dated.  I know a lot of women these dudes have dated. Most of them are perfectly decent people, but some of them are total assholes. Olivia Munn and Giselle Bundchen are going to have to prove to me they are assholes. Because I've dated some assholes who brought little else to table,  and i was able to tolerate them for a while. Dating Olivia Munn or Giselle would come with a pretty hefty lifestyle upgrade, so I think I'd tolerate some extra asshoolery.

Edited by supremebve
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I am actually surprised that McAfee said enough was enough for Rodgers.  I figure he will spend a lot of time that a 'rat" made him do it.  

In other news (as if today needed more),  Stephen A said he was finally going to talk about that "fat bastard" and yes it is was who he thought it was in Jason Whitlock.  and holy shit did he ever.  Yeah it was the usual overblown way talking about having to warn his pastor but he took him to the streets.  

Edited by hammerva
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I have no idea (and don't much care to be honest) what specifically set this off, but Stephen A went full Ether on Jason Whitlock.




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What set it off was Whitlock deciding to claim SAS's memoir was entirely made up (where Whitlock somehow used the Katt Williams interview as the reason)


If someone wants an actual summary of SAS's rant


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"He's a dude who's going to have a funeral and ain't going to have any pallbearers" is probably one of the greatest things ever said.

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58 minutes ago, Raziel said:

"He's a dude who's going to have a funeral and ain't going to have any pallbearers" is probably one of the greatest things ever said.

Stephen A. built his entire career on screaming into a microphone,  him calmly calling Whitlock the worst human being he has ever met,  is so fucking hilarious. He wants us all to understand that this ain't part of the show,  he legitimately hates this piece of shit. 

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36 minutes ago, supremebve said:

Stephen A. built his entire career on screaming into a microphone,  him calmly calling Whitlock the worst human being he has ever met,  is so fucking hilarious. He wants us all to understand that this ain't part of the show,  he legitimately hates this piece of shit. 

I am trying to figure out why people still don't know Whitlock cannot be anything other than a troll. And Stephen A should know that cause part of his whole existence at various times at being one. However, Whitlock has a chosen a space where he's choosing to alienate an entire class of people based on who he has chosen to side with and/or his political beliefs whereas SAS picks and chooses cause his fanbase is decidedly black. Therefore, SAS can only be but so much against the grain before he gets serious pushback affecting his bottom line. Same way when Barkley went from apolitical the entire time he was famous to somehow how having these weird, undeveloped and uninformed political stances to back to apolitical so that money can keep rolling in. Whitlock has made the decision to eschew any fighting against pushback by just burning down the entire goddamn bridge. It's over for him cause too much damage has been done to any type of credibility ESPECIALLY with African-American sports fans. 

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It seems that some of the issues between them were off air as well.  So unless Whitlock is a troll 24/7 and doesn't when to turn off the gimmick I am not sure

And yes the only people supporting Whitlock are exactly the people you would expect.  And it isn't many of them


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1 minute ago, hammerva said:

It seems that some of the issues between them were off air as well.  So unless Whitlock is a troll 24/7 and doesn't when to turn off the gimmick I am not sure

And yes the only people supporting Whitlock are exactly the people you would expect.  And it isn't many of them


From the little I've heard about the off-air person, Whitlock is the guy who does the about face and does the "what's up, bro" to the same folks he's trying to diss or start shit with. To be fair (and I dunno why I am trying to be fair to fucking Jason Whitlock fwiw), SAS is the same way and that's why I am baffled why he's even addressing anything regarding Whitlock. He knows the game. I get it that part of the allure or appeal is he (SAS) will address anyone, but Whitlock has shown he will drag anyone into the dirt cause he has very little to lose. He doesn't have a real fanbase. You might as well be starting a Twitter feud with someone with 3 followers. 

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8 minutes ago, Gorman said:

I read this as "full Esther," so I expected SAS to call Whitlock "an evil heathen."

My respect for SAS would have went up a little if he called him a fish eyed fool.

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