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On my older devices (2012 Nexus 7, Samsung Galaxy Nexus), I run (ran, in the case of the GNex) the Vanir roms because they're by far the fastest I've ever used. They don't have as many features as some of the other roms, but they're stable and smooth. I've never run Slim but those roms always seem to be extremely popular.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Anyone willing to let us in on how much data you use up on your home internet connection?  I was a little surprised to check my stats and see that we're somehow chewing through over 100GB/month and I'm wondering if it's a mistake.  Somehow we hit 170GB in March.


We do Netflix a lot, and youtube a regular amount.  Lots of streaming audio.  But no online gaming and no file sharing, which I always thought was necessary to be a "big user."


I see days on there with like 15GB used up and it seems like a lot for two people just doing normal internet stuff part of the day.  Like even if you watch two movies on Netflix in HD that should be nowhere near correct, right?



Another note:  A lot of the Netflix streaming is on an Ipad, which I think should use less data than on a t.v., right?

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Anyone willing to let us in on how much data you use up on your home internet connection?  I was a little surprised to check my stats and see that we're somehow chewing through over 100GB/month and I'm wondering if it's a mistake.  Somehow we hit 170GB in March.


We do Netflix a lot, and youtube a regular amount.  Lots of streaming audio.  But no online gaming and no file sharing, which I always thought was necessary to be a "big user."


I see days on there with like 15GB used up and it seems like a lot for two people just doing normal internet stuff part of the day.  Like even if you watch two movies on Netflix in HD that should be nowhere near correct, right?



Another note:  A lot of the Netflix streaming is on an Ipad, which I think should use less data than on a t.v., right?


I hover between 250 and 300 gigs per month, that is me with a roommate.  Mine is high partly do to netflix and partly from downloading lots of puroresu every month (no idea what my roommate does).  So its possible.  Netflix says one hour of an HD movie is about 3 GB so in theory if you watched two movies in HD of decent length in a given day that is ~12 GB.  I could see with a few Netflix movies, some youtubing, and some audio streaming that you could hit 15 GB.


To test it out, you guys could try going a few days without any video streaming at all.  If it is still multiple GBs then either the ISP is doing something weird or someone is ganking your connection.

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Comcast has a little graph that shows how much you've used in the billing period. 


When they first implemented it (along with a 250GB cap, which has since gone away) I tried my damndest to hit 250GB a month, but non-streaming shows are just so damn tiny compared to streaming shows they only months I got close was when I got the complete Doctor Who ('63-'09) and some other month when I found a site that had at least one of every Toku show ever made.

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Breaking out since Data transmission and Internets are my wheelhouse (and my ass just spent a week in Santa Clara doing Video Conferencing Codec training to get part one of my CCNA-Video)...


It depends on how much Netflix you're using.  Netflix's HD stuff streams out at roughly 4.8Mbps, which hovers around 2.2 GB of data streamed per hour (at HD levels, around 1 GB for older sub 480p30 stuff) if you're binge watching.  They're using the H.264 codec, which is the Blu-Ray standard (1080p30), so its running the best compression available.  That said, It doesn't matter which device you're watching on, its the same amount of data regardless if you're watching it on your iPad or your 40" TV.  My personal usage hovers around 250-300 GB a month, but that's because between Netflix, WWE Network, PSN, SWTOR, and Jabber Video use for some calls adds up.  Toss in FiOS uses data over IP for everything sans the actual live channels (which still uses QAM on the 3rd band) and that I have a couple On Demand purchaces (which stores on Verizon's servers as VOD content that comes in as data) and On Demand, like the channels, still uses H.262, which is why the data rate of their HD On Demand is higher than Netflix with lesser quality and why they're out of QAM space for HD Channels.  But I digress...


Unless you're using a lot of data, something's jacking your connection if you're using 100 GB a month with just Netflix and YouTube (YouTube uses H.264 as well, so rates should be similar at full 1080p30 quality).  Audio streaming is nothing.    I'd suggest logging into your router and counting devices, (I'll assume novice still at best, and not direct you to WiFI Spy's or Analyzer's)

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Comcast are, but its not that bad.  Bandwidth costs money, and contrary to popular opinion, the Internet is not a public thing.  Its a privately owned enterprise.  Comcast also doesn't own its backbone, it only owns the infrastructure in the areas they operate in.  To get out, they have to lease lines off one of the 7 Telco's that own the backbone (Level 3, TeliaSonara, CenturyLInk, Vodafone, Verizon, Sprint, and AT&T)  That costs them money.  The thing about it, what I read, is that they're doing it like Mobile companies are doing, and you just go for the tier you pay for.  Seriously, if you're a bandwidth hog, you pay more than someone that only checks email.

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Time Warner shows you your usages by month, day, and if you want, by hour.  I doubt it's someone using our wifi.  We're in a pretty sparse area and no one has our wifi password.  It's WPA2 and I don't see our little town as a haven for skilled hackers.  Machines are all clean too so far as I know and when when aren't home, use is negligible.  It's all, like 5:00 to midnight which is prime Netflix time.


So it's probably just streaming t.v. shows and movies since it seems to plateau around 1-2 GB an hour at the high spots.  I was just a bit surprised as I've heard the "average" user only goes through like 10-25 GB a month, and I consider us pretty average.  Certainly not 4-10X average!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Does anyone have an iPhone 5c? My 4S is a good bit shattered, and I am too broke to go for a 32 GB 5s at the moment, but the $100 off would make the 5c $99.99. I am thinking about getting one, using it for a few months, and then selling it whenever the iPhone 6 comes out later this fall. I just need something to hold me over until that point.

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My wife has one and loves it.


That is my biggest hangup with it is the fact that it is plastic and it is obviously more geared towards women.


I guess I need to get past that misogynist aspect of things.

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My wife has one and loves it.


That is my biggest hangup with it is the fact that it is plastic and it is obviously more geared towards women.


I guess I need to get past that misogynist aspect of things.


Wouldn't an inexpensive case largely solve that problem?

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My wife has one and loves it.


That is my biggest hangup with it is the fact that it is plastic and it is obviously more geared towards women.


I guess I need to get past that misogynist aspect of things.


Wouldn't an inexpensive case largely solve that problem?




Yeah, I quit using the case after I broke the front of my screen. It sucks because I had the phone for almost two years before I broke it.


Heck, even in its current condition, I could throw it on ebay and still get $100 for it after getting another phone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lol amazon.

They launched their Amazon Fire Phone. Has all sorts of nice features most of which make it easy to shop on amazon. The reason it's LOL?

$199 subsidized, $649 off contract and AT&T exclusive. DOA like a muhfucker.

(Disclaimer: I work for Sprint. The views expressed in this post are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of Sprint Corporation or Softbank.)

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My twitter feed is generally tech savvy, and they stopped talking about it within half an hour of its launch.

"It looks like something I might consider when my contract is up in 2016" Was the best positive reaction it got.

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What is the point of the phone? Like it's great that it'll be super easy to buy from Amazon, but how frequently do people buy from the company that they'll greatly benefit by having a phone custom designed for easy purchases?


Maybe if the phone also had across the board top tier specs it'd be more intriguing, but I just don't see how Amazon expects this to be successful.

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