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Phil Schneider

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He can have 50 "high end solo matches", but until he develops a character beyond that dude who used to be in the Shield no one is going to give a rat's ass. He doesn't have a connection with any part of the audience that isn't women who want to f#ck him.


He's a natural heel to me, and will shine in that role if given the chance. His current character as a top babyface isn't going to cut it.


It was pretty obvious to me Reigns would get kinda lost when in the ring more than a few minutes early on in The Shield's run. They made a pretty big mistake not letting him work a bunch of singles matches on the house show circuit before the breakup. He's doing the best he can, but he should be the one beating Rusev this year not Brock.

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He can have 50 "high end solo matches", but until he develops a character beyond that dude who used to be in the Shield no one is going to give a rat's ass. He doesn't have a connection with any part of the audience that isn't women who want to f#ck him.


He's a natural heel to me, and will shine in that role if given the chance. His current character as a top babyface isn't going to cut it.


Gotcha. You want him to be one way so that's INHERENTLY WRONG!

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It doesn't really count as revisionist history if that's what everyone was saying WHILE it was happening. That's just regular history.


Except no one was saying that since everyone (rightfully) loved everything The Shield did.

Everyone loved what the Shield did...while also acknowledging that the big guy was a project who was being helped out tremendously by being able to stand on the apron while Ambrose and Rollins did most of the work and he got to shine in the spots layed out for him.

I can't believe this is something at all up for debate.

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It doesn't really count as revisionist history if that's what everyone was saying WHILE it was happening. That's just regular history.


Except no one was saying that since everyone (rightfully) loved everything The Shield did.

Everyone loved what the Shield did...while also acknowledging that the big guy was a project who was being helped out tremendously by being able to stand on the apron while Ambrose and Rollins did most of the work and he got to shine in the spots layed out for him.

I can't believe this is something at all up for debate.



I can't either.

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It doesn't really count as revisionist history if that's what everyone was saying WHILE it was happening. That's just regular history.


Except no one was saying that since everyone (rightfully) loved everything The Shield did.

Everyone loved what the Shield did...while also acknowledging that the big guy was a project who was being helped out tremendously by being able to stand on the apron while Ambrose and Rollins did most of the work and he got to shine in the spots layed out for him.

I can't believe this is something at all up for debate.


I can't either.

Welcome back, Greg.

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I love Bryan as much as anyone on the current roster, but he's just such a bad gamble for the future at this point, you have to diversify your options with Reigns and build him up to the main event. You can't put your whole company on the back of a guy who is one more neck injury away from ending his career, and is still a bit of a question mark.

Worked for Austin.

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It doesn't really count as revisionist history if that's what everyone was saying WHILE it was happening. That's just regular history.


Except no one was saying that since everyone (rightfully) loved everything The Shield did.

Everyone loved what the Shield did...while also acknowledging that the big guy was a project who was being helped out tremendously by being able to stand on the apron while Ambrose and Rollins did most of the work and he got to shine in the spots layed out for him.

I can't believe this is something at all up for debate.


I can't either.

Welcome back, Greg.



Check out last year's March Madness to see how utterly and completely wrong you are. Dude advanced FAR because, uhm, everyone loved him.

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They could have absolutely made Bryan the new face of the company. They didn't want to. That's Vince's choice and I don't have an issue with Reigns but I don't feel he is ready and I think this whole thing will backfire on them. I don't think your new top babyface should be receiving such little support. I'd be shocked if Lesnar isn't way over at Mania.


They did a terrible job booking Reigns since the Rumble.

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It doesn't really count as revisionist history if that's what everyone was saying WHILE it was happening. That's just regular history.

Except no one was saying that since everyone (rightfully) loved everything The Shield did.

Everyone loved what the Shield did...while also acknowledging that the big guy was a project who was being helped out tremendously by being able to stand on the apron while Ambrose and Rollins did most of the work and he got to shine in the spots layed out for him.

I can't believe this is something at all up for debate.

I can't either.

Welcome back, Greg.

Check out last year's March Madness to see how utterly and completely wrong you are. Dude advanced FAR because, uhm, everyone loved him.

Last year's tournament drove Jae to madness and early retirement. I'm saying it was Roman Reigns' fault, but it was definitely his fault.
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I love Bryan as much as anyone on the current roster, but he's just such a bad gamble for the future at this point, you have to diversify your options with Reigns and build him up to the main event. You can't put your whole company on the back of a guy who is one more neck injury away from ending his career, and is still a bit of a question mark.

Worked for Austin.


I was thinking of him while typing that as well.  But Austin is way different than Daniel Bryan, business wise, character wise and in-ring.  He's only one of the all time greats and like the top WWE box office draw ever.  WWE needed Austin to save the entire company.  Daniel Bryan is like a very high end William Regal.  And when Austin came back he could rely on his promos and character development (and PEDs, and a loose drug testing policy) for months before he had to get back to in-ring shape, Bryan doesn't have that kind of skill set to rely on.

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Here! I'll do the work for everyone! This is what was said about Reigns in the March Madness, starting with Cena.




I like Cena and everything but Roman's been in a ton of OH F I HAVE TO WATCH WRESTLING RIGHT NOW! stuff this past year. - Me

Cena's injury and the fact that I didn't think he had a particularly strong tv match year but his standards hurt him here.  I could see a case for Cena, but I voted for Reigns - Dylan Waco

Everything Reigns has been involved in has been consistently awesome. - Just Drew

Roman's in my favorite match of 2013 (Rhodes/Shield) and probably of 2014 (Wyatts/Shield), and he's a central part of why for both. Cena didn't have a down year from March to March, but Roman had a career-making one. - BL88

If there was no shield this last year...imagine how excruciating it would have been to get through week after week. Imagine there's no Cena for the year.  I'd miss seeing Bryan beat him with that kick, but apart from that  's pretty good. 's pretty. good. - Piranesi

Reigns hit super man punches and flipped his hair in ways that made us all feel funny and it was leaps and bounds better than more Cena matches. - Scraylo

Cena has many great singles matches (and some good tag matches as well) and thus Reigns would need to have a ridiculous amount of high-end tag matches to balance and surpass Cena's workload. Considering Roman Reigns would be in 42 of the 50* best television matches of the past 12 months, I think that he's got the volume and quality to do it. - The Damn Yeti

Reigns' work in the Survivor Series match was pretty damn boss. Go back and watch him sell the situation and then immediately game plan a way to protect himself and win the match. It really shows that he has an awareness for telling a story and he utilizes his body language and wrestling to enhance that story, really well. He also does this in tag matches where he is constantly engaged and reacting to what's happening in the ring. He's not just an improviser sitting on the back line waiting to tag in and start his scene. He's always apart of the scene, and always "Yes And'ing" - Jaedmc

It really comes down to who would I rather watch right now. Reigns is fresh, and he had a breakout year this year. Cena had a good year too, but Reigns simply had a better one. -E.J.





Casas matches I have watched this year have all met my already high expectations. Reigns repeatedly exceeded low ones. I think it's really amazing to watch someone improve literally every week before our eyes, but just because someone is constantly getting better, it doesn't mean they are already great. I wouldn't begrudge a person voting for Reigns by any means because he has had a tremendous year, and I have a feel that next year he will cruise through this round if he keeps on his current trajectory.  This matchup is kind of like the 89 Pistons vs. young Jordan. It's not quite there yet for Jordan, but once it happens, it's over.  - J.R. Goldman

Objectively, Roman should not win this. But Roman has been part of so many matches I loved, and got so many cool moments, I can't stay objective on him. - El Dragon

I have liked what youtube has to offer on Sombra, but you could probably count on one hand the number of guys that could believably pull off the Royal Rumble performance.  - JR


I'd say that Roman does just about everything well. We had a discussion on here awhile back about working for the cheap seats and how Cena is the master of that. I'd say Daniel Bryan is in that conversation as well, but Roman is getting to that point. Any time that dude is in the ring, I am captivated. - Craig H

What I saw of La Sombra made him seem like a good wrestler! However, Reigns has been in about eight or ten great trios matches plus that awesome Rumble performance, so I'm going with him. - Smelly McUgly

don't hate Sombra, though he's not really my favorite kind of Lucha worker.  I honestly don't recall a single match or performance out of him in the last twelve months that I thought was better than pretty good, though I recognize that some people absolutely loved the Volador Jr. match.  Honestly there are (literally) 64 luchadores I like better than him in the relevant period. Meanwhile Reigns is probably one of my three or four favorite guys in wrestling, a guy who's natural charisma can carry him even when he gets a bit lost on offense, a guy who made the spear not look shitty again, a guy who mastered the art of the slugfest an exceeded all of our expectations for him, a guy who made the crowd go "oh shit, here we go!" when he stepped into the ring with....Titus O'neil.  So yeah, Reigns wins this for me easy.  - Dylan Waco

Roman Reigns is on par with Bryan for being "The Best Hot Tag in Wrestling" right now, which is amazing, since the SHIELD have only really been faces since, what the show after the Rumble? - El Dragon


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Honestly, the revisionist history is saying that a bunch of people weren't super-high on Reigns at the time. I know, because I wasn't one of them, and I was swimming upstream when saying so.

Check out last year's March Madness to see how utterly and completely wrong you are. Dude advanced FAR because, uhm, everyone loved him.

He had a bit of an easy route for the first three rounds, (non-US wrestlers all,) but him over Cena in the E8 was a travesty.

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Honestly, the revisionist history is saying that a bunch of people weren't super-high on Reigns at the time. I know, because I wasn't one of them, and I was swimming upstream when saying so.


Check out last year's March Madness to see how utterly and completely wrong you are. Dude advanced FAR because, uhm, everyone loved him.

He had a bit of an easy route for the first three rounds, (non-US wrestlers all,) but him over Cena in the E8 was a travesty.



Over the course of a career, yeah. But Cena was injured for so much of that time period. And he had the Orton stuff that sucked while Reigns was bringing it every week in whatever he was doing.

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The Reigns backlash didn't start until everyone's hero Daniel Bryan came back, then suddenly Reigns was shit and didn't deserve Bryan's spot.


They it became thinking because Vince caved last year, if they bitched, fantasy booked, and hashtag'ed enough, they could get what they want again.

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The Reigns backlash didn't start until everyone's hero Daniel Bryan came back, then suddenly Reigns was shit and didn't deserve Bryan's spot.

The Reigns backlash pretty much started right away with the Orton feud, when his matches were bad and his promos stunk on ice.

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The Reigns backlash didn't start until everyone's hero Daniel Bryan came back, then suddenly Reigns was shit and didn't deserve Bryan's spot.

The Reigns backlash pretty much started right away with the Orton feud, when his matches were bad and his promos stunk on ice.


I'll give you the promos


But shit if you can find more than 2 guys that can have decent matches with Orton.

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The Reigns backlash didn't start until everyone's hero Daniel Bryan came back, then suddenly Reigns was shit and didn't deserve Bryan's spot.

The Reigns backlash pretty much started right away with the Orton feud, when his matches were bad and his promos stunk on ice.

I'll give you the promos


But shit if you can find more than 2 guys that can have decent matches with Orton.

One year ago in the run up to Elimination Chamber. Orton vs Cena. Orton vs Bryan. Orton vs Cesaro. Orton vs Sheamus. Orton vs Christian. All of them pretty much amazing.

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Ha, now I definitely remember Craig being desperate to get Roman's dick in his life.


This is a crass way of saying "Oh, wait, only a few people didn't like Reigns last year."

No, it means you reminded me of something funny. Thanks.

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The Reigns backlash didn't start until everyone's hero Daniel Bryan came back, then suddenly Reigns was shit and didn't deserve Bryan's spot.

The Reigns backlash pretty much started right away with the Orton feud, when his matches were bad and his promos stunk on ice.


I'll give you the promos


But shit if you can find more than 2 guys that can have decent matches with Orton.


One year ago in the run up to Elimination Chamber. Orton vs Cena. Orton vs Bryan. Orton vs Cesaro. Orton vs Sheamus. Orton vs Christian. All of them pretty much amazing.


Yeah, um, no.

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