victor Posted September 10, 2014 Posted September 10, 2014 Heyman is awesome, but Cena opponents all fall into trying to lure Cena over to the dark side of the force, Bray Wyatt, now Heyman. A heel Cena would bring that purple heart out that guy gave him and destroy it. I fast forwarded the Diva's stuff, not at all interested in it. They claimed they stopped the cage when Rollins went under, but they didn't not until Rollins was already out. That would have been some headline if Rollins had gotten impaled. Sorry to hear about the death of Sean O'Haire, I thought he was good on Nitro, until WWE got a hold of him and took away all of his high flying offense. Jeff Hardy was the flyer of the company at the time. R.I.P. Sean.
Phantom Lord Posted September 10, 2014 Posted September 10, 2014 I watched the rest of RAW earlier. Sheamus really is becoming the pale Randy Orton. He has good enough matches, but no one cares when they are on. I really hope Cesaro wins the title and injects some life back into it and himself while he's at it. The Bellas segment was hilarious for all the wrong reasons. But what made me laugh the most is they hyped that Springer had his personal bodyguard with him. Where the hell was he was when Jerry was in the middle of all that? The best part had to be Stephanie being all "Oh my God nothing like this has ever happened before...I'm soooo sorry". The bunny thing was amusing. I want to believe the bunny fighting is a result of somehow Vince seeing a CP Munk video on youtube. Again if there were ever a reason for them to do a reality show on creative on the network this is it. Vince spending hours on plans for the bunny. It would be amazing to watch.
bink_winkleman Posted September 10, 2014 Posted September 10, 2014 Orton's matches don't work for me because he's got skills but no ring presence and corny mannerisms. Sheamus's matches don't work for me because of the character. I enjoy what he's doing, I just don't give a shit. But a gimmick update would be an easy fix. Speaking of which, Cesaro was pretty badass out there holding up the belt and all. He needs to be the Euro-cool King of Swing face out there battling the brutal heel Irishman. I think the big title being off of TV is already helping the smaller titles. Too bad it won't last.
Dolfan in NYC Posted September 10, 2014 Posted September 10, 2014 Chris Jericho was injured in the cage match last night. Not from the cage dive, but he broke his toe doing the lionsault. Well, then he's officially done for this run. Fozzy is starting a tour on Friday. Hope he's not too banged up to do that.
PuroresuFan Posted September 10, 2014 Posted September 10, 2014 I'm all for Cesaro getting the belt as long as they use it to rebuild him and not just another run where he has to make their scrubs look like they deserve a paycheck. I hated how he had to make Santino look credible. And ditch the bathrobe entrance attire with that crappy theme song.
Patrick B. Posted September 10, 2014 Posted September 10, 2014 Jericho worked the SD taping and is scheduled to face Orton at NOC, so he's not QUITE done.
bink_winkleman Posted September 10, 2014 Posted September 10, 2014 I'm not huge in Cesaro's theme, but I really dig the robe.
PuroresuFan Posted September 10, 2014 Posted September 10, 2014 I haven't seen this week's Main Event yet but I did catch this screencap in the that thread: This isn't bad at all. I wouldn't have a problem with a robe with a towel tucked in the front if Sandow hadn't already done that. I wish he would have stuck with the beret/mirrored sunglasses look. I thought that suited him very well.
Victator Posted September 10, 2014 Posted September 10, 2014 It makes me angry WWE did more for Joan Rivers than they did Viscera who worked for them for more than a decade.
Spontaneous Posted September 10, 2014 Posted September 10, 2014 PAC and El Generico tagged on Raw. Fairly sure it was Adrian Neville and Sami Zayn. Ah yes, easy mistake to make. Shame Zayn and Generico cannot reform 2 Skinny Black Guys again I wonder if it is really worth it to bring Jericho and RVD back in six months or whenever. Seems like the Law of Diminishing Returns is really kicking in on them
AxB Posted September 11, 2014 Posted September 11, 2014 I think Jericho has a job in WWE for as long as he wants one. RVD, probably not so much. But he wasn't bought back because of his match quality, he was bought back because he somehow managed to stay over in WWE while being off TV and disappearing into total obscurity*. * As TNA World Heavyweight Champion.
Go2Sleep Posted September 11, 2014 Posted September 11, 2014 Dolph Ziggler's promo was painful to watch. The Jericho circa 2000 reject material that was reminiscent of the time they tried to turn Sheamus into a wise-cracking face was bad enough, but listening to Dolph have to fake laugh after each terrible joke in a dead-silent arena was what really sealed it. Hopefully being able to win matches for the first time in over a year numbed him to that embarrassment. 1
ebbie Posted September 11, 2014 Posted September 11, 2014 Honestly, there are at least 10 things about Ziggles promos that make them terrible: he's uncharismatic, he's not funny, the crowd doesn't fucking care, no facial expressions, HE YELLS TO PROVE HIS POINT(S), there are at least 6 divas who could cut better promos than him, his girly man voice, he sprays it while he says it, he can't make terrible content sound good, and most of all, he's Dolph Ziggler. 1
Go2Sleep Posted September 12, 2014 Posted September 12, 2014 Actually I think worst part of that promo might have been making fun of Miz for spray-tanning while he's standing there all Hulk-Hogan-Orange.
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