MGFanJay Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 I liked the opening focusing on the cage, then the hype video hyped it up more - it's a shame the cage stip itself wasn't really built up well. Jericho's cage dive was insane - Kurt's career is pretty much over after a moonsault off the cage, and Jericho landed right on his knee. Dolph's Miz bit was a slightly different change of pace compared to the Photoshop crap I was expecting. Divas tag was pretty memorable thanks to the titty tag. Heyman and Cena were fantastic for the first half, but when it got Cena-dominated, it started to suck a bit because Cena just came off like a giant sap, and if he can't get Brock, he'll kick Heyman's ass. So Cena basically wants to get what he wants, or he'll throw a tantrum. Sheamus-Seth was nothing. Mr. MITB can't even beat the U.S. Champ clean. I loved them hyping up NXT on Raw, but not even doing a graphic for the NXT match hurts it. The Bella-Springer thing was terrible, but at least had some butt crack and gave me some time to edit KENTA and Tyson Kidd in FPR with their new attire. Dust Bros. beat Los Matadores, and got a new name - The Cosmic Twins. Usos beat up the heels from behind. More stupid shit with the Bunny, who did a suprkick to Slater and a splash to the Gator. Orton is. The Viper. He is. The Venom. But Roman Reigns. Is the Antidote. Roman needs unscripted promos. Hour 3 dragged terribly. Orton-Reigns was a boring, paint by numbers match. DQ ending was weak. SETH DIVES OFF THE CAGE...just like we saw in the opener. What is this? Impact? This show was honest to God exhausting to get through. Screens - JJ Bella Fake Wrestling is Real
pipGofern Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 Despite the endless amount of corny nonsense, I got to see Prince Pretty on Raw so for that alone this was a pretty good show. 2
Hooks Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 It's a shame that JJ Bella couldn't find a sport coat that fit for the season premiere. 2
piranesi Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 Miz has facials. They fucking took our fourth or fifth best running joke from seven months ago. That's some Carlos Mencia level bullshit, Dolph. 1
Skelemania Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 The Detroit Lions looked pretty good. The new offense New York Giants? Not so much. This Arizona/Chargers game so far has been the pits. 2
NintendoLogic Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 "What can I say, Chris? It's the season premiere." "Guess what? Today just isn't your day!" Orton sounded like the main villain in a direct-to-video Van Damme movie. Raul Julia is rolling over in his grave. Also, did some vet really give Cena his Purple Heart? What a mark. 1
The Comedian Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 Cena taking a shot at Taker in his promo makes me wonder if they've figured out a way out of Cena-Brock 3 by having Taker show up and attack Cena. Of course that's heavily predicated on the notion that Taker isn't satisfied going out in a match he was half-conscious for and is willing to come back and work Cena at Mania next year, which is a somewhat iffy prospect...
piranesi Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 Really, though.PAUL FUCKING HEYMAN.There was this magical break in that sequence. It started as just a normal Heyman/Cena promo...and then it was over, right? And Cena was leaving and the music was ready to cue...but then...Heyman laughed. He laughed that laugh that was just other worldly. And it was like a second curtain rose and we were going into a new place all of the sudden.A place where Brock Lesnar only hears three things: "One, the referee who has the power to disqualify him. Two, Paul Heyman who strategizes his greatest victories, and Three....the suffering of his victims."And then a place where this happens:"CenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksCenasucksOH SEE IT GETS TO YOU!!!! Don't you just want, one time to tap into that hatred and that disease and that rage in your soul and turn to that fat unemployed drunk slob in the sixth row ONE TIME and say SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!! One time. One moment. That's all it takes and it turns forever...Do it with me! and then when you give in to that hatred...THEN you CAN BE THE ONE!!!!"Fucking hell!The best thing about that promo is that it essentially was the pitch that Heyman would make to Cena if he actually wanted to turn him and represent him. It was Palpatine trying to turn Luke right in front of the guy he would replace. It was the speech that we never got to see Heenan give to Andre but was only implied. But here we got to see it, sort of. Heyman was just playing, but he was also practicing for when he makes that pitch for real.And then at the end moving form baiting him into turning, to daring him:"Because, John Cena, I believe in you. I believe you have it in you...But My client thinks you just don't have it in you." Goddamn I love that man. 16
ebbie Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 Springer doing a stretcher job was the most bizarre thing to me. And is Orton/Reigns the one match up that won't die this year?
hammerva Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 Miz has facials. From looking at those photos with Sandow, I would be more worried that Miz gets facials AMIRITE GUYS I hope I wasn't the only one who hoped that Springer broke an arm in the segment. More than a few times his shoulder seemed to be stuck in all that Bella crap
Eivion Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 The show dragged and I didn't really care about any of the matches choosing to focus on SMT IV while watching. That said that Heyman/Cena promo was fantastic and made the show for me.
piranesi Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 During their celebration was anyone else hoping the rabbit would superkick Adam Rose, pick up a mic and say "I may be a screwy rabbit, but at least I'm not laying in a pool of my own piss. IT'S DUCK SEASON, MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!" 1
Charlie M. Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 The Bellas mother basically confirmed that Brie was her favourite daughter. Poor Nikki.
JCM Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 Cena called Taker a quitter, used his charity work with dying kids and injured veterans to put himself over, and threatened to beat up a non wrestler for no reason seconds after putting himself over as the greatest guy who ever lived. Hogan would be proud. From what I saw the cage match was decent, Heyman was in god mode, and the NXT match was cool. I can't wait for Zayn's singles run. I fail to see anything in Reigns. The guy just gets more exposed every week. 1
Ligerbusa Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 I thought it was a fun show and was paced well, much better than the past few weeks. The NXT match was great because it felt different. Like when the Luchadores first appeared in WCW, I didn't know who Rey was but Tenay was talking about the moves he does and everything. Hopefully it was like that for some kid who just saw the Red Arrow. 1
Hollywood Cibernetico Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 Rosita sighting~! Did she fly all the way down to BALT from NYC just to dance with Adam Rose for a bit? WWE needs to get rid of Rosa and replace her with Rosita. Rosita will at least be able to get over with the crowd. It was sad how Nattie tried to get a 'Rosa' chant going. No one was buying it.
piranesi Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 Goddammit fuck this Paige/AJ feud. Why does everything have to be so "weird"? Why can't this just be two girls hating each other and bumping like mad and stiffing the shit out of each other until I drown in my own titillated blood-lust drool? You know, normal stuff like that.I'M READY TO CASH IN MY FLOP SWEAT, WWWEE!!!!! I"M READY TO OWN UP TO THE DARKEST CORNERS OF MY SOUL!!!! WHY WON'T YOU LET ME?????? 2
Nice Guy Eddie Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 Orton/Reigns is The Warlord/British Bulldog of 2014. The only difference is that I was 10 in 1991 and enjoyed the Warlord and Davey Boy. Shit, I'd still rather watch Warlord/Bulldog over Reigns/Orton. I enjoyed the cage match with Bray and Jericho. Paul Heyman was gold, as always. Seeing the former El Generico and Pac on Raw was a fucking trip. The rest of the show was just there. Nothing else stands out. They've managed to make Seth Rollins look unimportant by saddling him with Kane and Orton. I didn't watch the Bellas/Springer segment. At least I've got baseball games with playoff implications, fantasy baseball playoffs, and Seinfeld repeats to distract me from Raw, otherwise I'd be a grumpy fuck right now.
hammerva Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 Rosita seems to be the East Coast president of the Adam Rose Rosebuds because she is always shown in this area shows. I can't figure out why they haven't brought her full time except that she is really short or she doesn't want to
Rev Ray Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 I think the important thing we learned from the show is that Paul Heyman got the devil to sell him his soul. 3
The Comedian Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 I think the important thing we learned from the show is that Paul Heyman got the devil to sell him his soul. Heyman biting lines from DMC and shit...
piranesi Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 I think the important thing we learned from the show is that Paul Heyman got the devil to sell him his soul. Heyman biting lines from DMC and shit... Well since he delivered the undead to him after 22 years, he was owed something, no? 1
A Guy Named Tracy Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 Did you hear the oohs and aahs during Neville's offfense? By the time the match was over, the babyfaces were over with the casual fans in Baltimore. That is a good indicator for the eventual full-time promotion of both guys.
pipGofern Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 They were Ole Ole Oleing which shocked me, especially when five guys attempting to get an NXT! NXT! chant were met with total silence.
E.J. Posted September 9, 2014 Posted September 9, 2014 John Cena pretty much acknowledging that there is a "Being John Cena" title was pretty cool.
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