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WWE did a good job with the NXT guys. Good stuff all around from everyone involved. The commentators didn't bury any of the work in-the-ring and actually made the WWE Network seem like a solid buy. SHOW people want they are missing instead of TELLING them. I hope this featured NXT match isn't the last.


I wonder if Jerry is shoot hurt. The guy is old as hell and he was acting just like Vince when Vince tore two quads at RR. The fact that Jerry sold it like Vince did has me questioning everything. Good job WWE???


Miz fashion watch:

This Week:

Your high school drama club teacher "reluctantly" stepping in to sing "Beauty School Dropout" when the kid who was supposed to sing it got detention.

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There's a lot of talk about if Springer was hurt or not but there were a couple times when he and Stephanie both seemed to be trying to not openly laugh. They seemed to be enjoying themselves.


Bella Intervention was hilarious, my favorite part was the introduction of JJ Bella. Loved his intro to the Total Divas theme while JBL questions JJ having entrance music. Great Cena/Heyman segment as well. Thought Orton/Reigns was solid even if a bit long.


Yeah, the fact Jerry and Steph were openly laughing as he laid there led me to believe he got shoot hurt. If it was an angle, they probably would've told him to sell it before he went out. I think he just took an awkward bump when the Bellas took him out.


Also, JJ Bella needs to take some acting lessons from Dominic.


So, I guess Jericho is on his leave of absence again, right? Speaking of Jericho, why the hell did they repeat his cage spot in the main event? What the fuck.


Only bright spot of the show was the opener, the Cena/Heyman segment and the NXT tag match.


I worked tonight, but I can't wait to see the Heyman promo.


AMC should start a show called "Better Call Paul," where Heyman sits in an office and cuts promos on the different wrestlers who walk in.

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Raw is Heyman.

Jericho's shrug before he jumped off the cage. Way to get the spot over, Chris.

Papa Bella seemed like he was about to break up laughing when his bit cut off.

They tried to do the "catfighting women rolling over the guy on the ground" spot with Springer TWICE and failed both times.

I think Rollins very nearly got impaled by that metal spike as the cage was coming down.



"Guess what? Today just isn't your day!"


Orton sounded like the main villain in a direct-to-video Van Damme movie. Raul Julia is rolling over in his grave.


Actually, it was "tonight just isn't your day" so it was even worse than you thought.


So, I guess Jericho is on his leave of absence again, right? Speaking of Jericho, why the hell did they repeat his cage spot in the main event? What the fuck.


Only bright spot of the show was the opener, the Cena/Heyman segment and the NXT tag match.


I liked that a lot, by having Jericho get seriously hurt doing his, it reinforced how crazy and desperate of a move it is when Rollins did it.


Anyway, I thought it was a solid show, pretty much all the lower card in-ring stuff was on point. Most randomly amusing bit was Sandow working damn hard trying to keep up on the hand movement mimicry.


The NXT tag match was a fun sprint and really got the four guys, Neville especially, over with a crowd that might not have been too familiar with them.  I just wish they'd given them a chance to get promos in before or after the match.  Even showing some pre-taped bits would have been nice to help better establish what their characters are all about.  It was also a nice surprise to hear all the commentators focusing on the match the whole time and really selling all the wrestlers.


Heyman's trolling promos are getting better and better every week.


It's good to see the feuds around the IC and US titles getting a consistent amount of time built around them.  As much as I wish Miz would stick to making straight-to-Redbox movies he and Ziggler are at least making the title seem important to the two of them.


The pop Ambrose gets when he finally returns to save Reigns from another Authority beatdown is going to be epic.


So, I guess Jericho is on his leave of absence again, right? Speaking of Jericho, why the hell did they repeat his cage spot in the main event? What the fuck.


Only bright spot of the show was the opener, the Cena/Heyman segment and the NXT tag match.


Trying to one-up a face like Jericho would be perfectly in line with Rollins' character, plus doing crazy dives has been well established as part of his style so it makes sense.


"What can I say, Chris? It's the season premiere."

"Guess what? Today just isn't your day!"


Orton sounded like the main villain in a direct-to-video Van Damme movie. Raul Julia is rolling over in his grave.


Also, did some vet really give Cena his Purple Heart? What a mark.


Tonight just isn't your day!

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Neville is pretty useless outside of a five minute spotfest unfortunately.


To be fair - he is perfectly fine taking an ass-kicking too


I think I would rather see him as a douchebag Wade Barrett lackey who just comes in and hits his finish during beat downs, but I do sort of think he was born to play FIP for over the hill RVD during Rob's next run.

I guess he could do it for Kofi too.


PAC and El Generico tagged on Raw. I'll forgive them for Reigns-Orton then. Guys, Orton is VICIOUS. He attacked Jericho. In the the trainer's room.

Why do all the faces have Justice pain's gimmick? I'm a face but I act like a heel.

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John Cena is so Hulk Hogan circa 1995 right now. I think Heyman really got him annoyed when he was like "those guys in the sixth row who say you suck".  I made the joke last night on twitter that I thought poor Mr. Meeseeks had it bad. Existence is pain. Being John Cena must be a hell we can't possibly imagine.


I have the second half of the show on the dvr since I was too tired to make it through the rest without falling asleep. But the announcers putting over what was going on in the ring? That's a novel enough concept that could just work.


I think I would rather see him as a douchebag Wade Barrett lackey who just comes in and hits his finish during beat downs, but I do sort of think he was born to play FIP for over the hill RVD during Rob's next run.

I guess he could do it for Kofi too.


So he'd be the new Justin Gabriel?

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