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What did everyone think of the first episode?


I reviewed the first episode here:


Overall thoughts: The backstage clips were cool but the company and all of the girls came off pretty badly here. I thought they rushed too many angles here and really gave away too much. The show was what it was and isn't really my type of show.


Some shots from the show:

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I thought it was a great unintentional comedy. There were a ton of continuity errors which were really glaring. At one point they clearly show 7 days before Wrestlemania on the screen and then they cut to a shot of Nattie telling Stephanie she's sorry she missed the HOF which would be six days later. So going by that, it was filmed during the next day before Wrestlemania. There was another one where The Funkettes were in their gear and then a few minutes later we see them waiting around because it wasn't done yet.


I got a good laugh at how Eve stood up to the machine. If they didn't cast her on this show, we all know she would have been fired right on the spot for disobeying the VP when she told her to go blonde. She was lucky it wasn't Stephanie. I don't think she would be so understanding. The coming soon clips had a line with Stephanie telling her "don't embarass us". That sums it all up.


Since this is a completely superficial show I will ask a superficial question:   Is anyone else not surprised that John Cena is dating the Bella with the fake tits and Daniel Bryan isn't.  Seems right doesn't it  ^_^


from the previews looks like the storyline relationships for the new girls will be Jo Jo/Justin Gabriel and Eva Marie/Fandango.Eva Marie is almost 29.  Kind of suprised they signed someone that close to 30.  She's incredibly hot but don't know if she can get over in a PG environment


DVDVR reviewing a reality show is going to make me so sad.




The show was boring, for a reality program - if it wasn't wrestling-related I'd have bailed. It pains me to say that, but I know it'll get better as the season progresses - this kind of trash always does.

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Cena was smooth in that restaurant scene.  I wanted to see that one Funkadactyle's boyfriend confront Brodus.you know Kevin Dunn has to be busting a nut watching this


I caught some of it. There is definitely some staged bullshit like the part with the Bella asking Cena to marry her or whatever but I did get a kick out of Brodus being a dick apparently...  Cameron's man who would have definitely caught a fade from Brodus if they scrapped and Nikki Bella thinking that she looks anything like Eva Marie (who is insanely hot btw)


I may put this on DVR. Looks like it could be comical.


I would agree that everyone came off poorly here but it's freaking reality TV so...if the WWE's goal was to make their performers as irritating as possible they really hit a homerun. 


Yup as I mentioned earlier Eva Marie is out of this world hot. But she might be wasted in a PG environment


Cena was smooth in that restaurant scene.  I wanted to see that one Funkadactyle's boyfriend confront Brodus.you know Kevin Dunn has to be busting a nut watching this


You know if there were ever a thing made for reality tv, the boyfriend going after Brodus would be it. I guess that was an actual unscripted moment, otherwise he would have found Brodus and they would of had words.


Eva Marie is indeed hot but I get a serious psycho vibe from her. Not AJ "she's crazy" vibe but a "I have a knife and I'm not afraid to use it" vibe. Her going against management is fine by me since I'm not too convinced any of them know what they are doing anymore. Their VP of talent relations is even more clueless than Johnny Ace and she looks like Jane Lynch but really old.


Nikki & John's 'moments' annoyed me quite a bit - I can just see Cena dumping her because he's playing her.


JoJo is way too tiny and small to be a wrestler. Just have her be a backstage interviewer and sing the National Anthem.


I'm hoping the WWE crowds will let Vince & co. know to push Natalya.



Cena was smooth in that restaurant scene.  I wanted to see that one Funkadactyle's boyfriend confront Brodus.you know Kevin Dunn has to be busting a nut watching this


You know if there were ever a thing made for reality tv, the boyfriend going after Brodus would be it. I guess that was an actual unscripted moment, otherwise he would have found Brodus and they would of had words.



And Ariane's boyfriend would have ended up in the hospital. Brodus would have taken the guy to school.


I'm hoping the WWE crowds will let Vince & co. know to push Natalya.


If they just let her wrestler in shorts, instead of pants, they'd have a new star on their hands.

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I'm hoping the WWE crowds will let Vince & co. know to push Natalya.


If they just let her wrestler in shorts, instead of pants, they'd have a new star on their hands.


Well there's that scene from the coming soon clips of her and Tyson at home. That should make for some good screen cap material.


I hate myself for liking the show at all, but I did.  For starters, you can't go wrong with Daniel Bryan being featured on a pop culture show which amuses me to no end.  Cool that they're a hippie couple and he is pretty much a normal guy.  Then there's Jim Neidhart being simply "Nattie's Dad" which made me chuckle.  Cena actually seemed kinda likeable when fishing, but the restaurant scene reset the good that would have done.  He legit is too wrapped up with WWE to really function as a human being.  As for the Bellas, no matter how nice they are their voices are extremely irritating.  But they had some nice moments.  And holy hell I'm not sure how much of Cameron is real with the psycho attitude, but she came across as mental.  I'm sure the match was cut for time reasons (oh, wait, it was) but if the stuff beforehand that happened was real then why would they put it on WM?  As for Natalya she was the only one consistently likeable and seemed sympathetic.


As for Jojo I don't see her doing anything special but it's amusing she's with Justin Gabriel.  Then there's Eve Marie who is too damn hot for PG WWE.  I don't know or care how she is a wrestler.  Hell, even if after the show she left WWE and did all kinds of modeling I'd be fine with that.  I just can't see her fitting in at all, but damn I'd love to see lots more of her.  Just have her as a manager, to hell with the wrestling part.


It's by no means the best show in the world, but I've seen much worse.  I'll probably stick around.  You get tiny glimpses of the political nature of WWE and that is interesting to see.

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Who the fuck is Trinity? And is her boyfriend one of the Usos?

First thing I think of when hearing the name is this:


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Looking back, damn she was ugly.



I'm hoping the WWE crowds will let Vince & co. know to push Natalya.


If they just let her wrestler in shorts, instead of pants, they'd have a new star on their hands.


You don't say:

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One thing I forgot to say was when they showed Nattie training. I didn't realize she was that athletic, damn. She's going to make me a huge fan with this. The best parts of the show were all of the parts that did not feature the Bellas. I liked seeing some backstage content and Daniel Bryan and the one Uso seemed like cool guys. No question Eva Marie is going to be the breakout.


Enjoyed the show a lot.. looking forward to the next episodes. The what's to come teaser at the end looked like lots of entertainment. This episode was pretty interesting and had tons going on.. flew by pretty fast. The way they showed their match being cut was exactly how it came off at Mania, expecting to see that match and then all of a sudden Cena just comes out with no special WM entrance. Hadn't realized Justin Gabriel was 32 til they mentioned him being with 19 year old Jojo.


 As for Natalya she was the only one consistently likeable and seemed sympathetic.


I thought she came across as bitter and whiny. I mean, she does have some good reasons to be bitter, but it doesn't seem like a good idea to make her the main character if that's the case. Trinity/Naomi came across as the real winner to me. The Bellas seemed nice and cool when they were at home, but they really looked like they were living the gimmick on the road. I'm sure there are plenty of people who think that's a good thing, though. Bryan and Brie were really cute together, but that whole Cena thing looks like it could end real bad for Nikki. Agreed that Ariane/Cameron seemed crazy, and that dude she's with seemed like a real loser. I kinda wanted Brodus to beat him up. Jojo didn't get much time this week, but Eva did stand out. Had she not been on Raw with her flaming red hair last week, I would've guessed she'd be fired for not going blonde. It did give some pretty good insight as to why character development for new talent is often shite, though. 


"We think you need to be blonde."

*Does something completely different*

"That's... actually a lot better... But don't do that shit again!"


Alright show. It's pretty much your standard over-produced "reality" tv affair, but with characters I'm already somewhat interested in and cameos from characters I'm very interested in. I'm sure I'll stick it out to the bitter end.


Did they sign those two girls just for this show?

I woudn't be surprised, if they end up the same way as the Silent Rage guy.

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