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Wasn't really trying to involve the internet, hell, I wouldn't even call it a dispute. I was venting a little because I came away from a crazy shit show of an evening. I'm disappointed and frustrated with both these guys (especially the one about to get married) but under no delusion that I can do a damned thing.

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BIG ASS leaks in the kitchen ceiling AND seeping into the carpet in my daughter's room.  The landlords are looking at it, but the missus brought up the topic of moving out.  We were already going to move in a few years to a neighborhood with better public schools, but we're looking anywhere we can reasonably hang our hats, even if we move out again come time for our kid to go to school.  Though she did open up the possibility of putting her in a private school if need be.


But we just lost a shitload of cookbooks and recipe collections.  FUCK.

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SA: My condolences. Renter's insurance ain't all that great, but it's better than nothing. We have it as my book collection is valuable enough to keep the Mrs comfortably well-off for years after I'm gone. We're also lucky enough to have a landlord who really digs us and keeps the place in top shape.

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Yeah, we don't have anything really worth insuring (maybe the laptop and the video games, but our recipe collection is really just a bunch of recipe cards and dollar-store cookbooks, and it's not like I'm a chef or anything), but I'm just mad.

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Damn cats, it's 4:30 in the fucking morning and they're doing their version of a Battle Royale with falls counting anywhere, and by anywhere I mean the damn bed! Of the nine of them, only the three oldest are sleeping, the rest are running fucking amok. Yes, I love them all, but damn, 4:30 in the fucking morning?

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Well, the Battle Royale has subsided and now it's seemingly time for The Breakfast Club... Fuck this shit, I might as well stay up because I know that about half and hour to forty-five minutes after Breakfast Club they will start howling to go outside. Setting clocks back means nothing to this bunch. Mrs OSJ is sleeping comfortably through all this which is even more annoying. Yep, not even 6:00 am Twister starts the howling. Go on, it's freezing out there, you stupid cat. I shall take some solace in the fact that with the colder weather Seven won't be bringing in any lizards to chase around the house...

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You are a wise man. It's way too late for that, Nemo has crawled into the space between our pillows every night for 15 years and it is impossible to take a nap without Nikola, Jackpot and Seven joining in. Now that we have Newt (8 weeks old) he's figured out how to climb up the blanket and get on the bed, so it's pretty much a lost cause. (And no, closing the door doesn't help unless we're,uh, busy and ignore them, as they'll do the group howl thing to come in.)


I have to be grateful for the small things such as only one lizard left on my pillow all summer. Bringing them to my desk is a whole different story...

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Damn cats, it's 4:30 in the fucking morning and they're doing their version of a Battle Royale with falls counting anywhere, and by anywhere I mean the damn bed! Of the nine of them, only the three oldest are sleeping, the rest are running fucking amok. Yes, I love them all, but damn, 4:30 in the fucking morning?


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Now that it's cold both cats always want to sleep with us.  And they can't just sleep at the end of the bed like normal cats, they want to be right up by me under the covers.  So between them and my girlfriend I get about 6 inches of bed on which to sleep.

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Nope, here's the roster, gender, ages and sources... Pics as soon as Mrs OSJ uploads her camera.


Medea (f) 17 Greek Mythology

Nemo (m) 15 (After the Jules Verne super villain)

Nikola (m) 15 (After the Guy Boothby super villain)

Jorkens (f) 10 (After the Lord Dunsany character, unfortunately, we discovered he was a she far too late...)

Sumuru (f) 7 (from the Sax Rohmer femme fatale)

Twister (m) 1 (That was the name the HS gave him and we kept it, it's appropriate for all sorts of reasons)

Jackpot & Seven  (m) 8 mths (Next door neighbor gave them to us. They were born on a road trip to Las Vegas.)

Newt (m) 8 weeks (wife named him after the kid in Aliens. Dogs killed his mom when he was 3 wks old, so my sister-in-law dumped him on us, we had to bottle feed him.)

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Awww, fuck, Tom Magliozzi, who was half of the Tappett brothers on Car Talk, has died.  I used to listen to them every Saturday morning running errands with my dad.  They were pretty much peak Dad Humor.

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Awww, fuck, Tom Magliozzi, who was half of the Tappett brothers on Car Talk, has died.  I used to listen to them every Saturday morning running errands with my dad.  They were pretty much peak Dad Humor.


I heard about this on the radio during the drive to work.  I am sad.  I have been listening to that show for over two decades now.  My dad called in once and with their help, we got this old Datsun B210 running that we bought from an old man for like $200 and the repair part cost ten dollars.


I miss the days when it was easy to work on your own car..



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Just writing all of this down because it's the closest to a non-public location that I can find and yet still get feedback from people.


I have a strange family - raised by my grandparents, both parents dead. Only one still left, my paternal grandfather.


He lives with my sister, who is 35 and with three children by two different dudes. My grandpa and my sister have a pretty co-dependant relationship. My sister is also bi-polar as fuck and won't get help. Somehow, her children (ages 17, 14 and 12) are all amazing.


About a month ago my sister calls me crying, saying she's driving out to my house (I live about 35 miles away). When she gets here I find out that she's been lying to me about working. She hasn't had a job in the last 6 months. I also find out that the house that her and my grandfather live in is in forclosure. They have to be out by the end of the week.


So I'm angry, and the whole thing doesn't seem right. My sister is too catatonic to make a plan and so I start scrambling. I get my grandfather to go live with one of my uncles, my nephews (the 14 year old and the 12 year old) to live with their father. My niece comes to live with me. I offer a place to my sister on the condition that she finds a job and is into a new place by Christmas. She balks at this idea and tells me that I'm an asshole. She says she'd rather be homeless.


Some more drama happens, and nobody ever comes to take possession of the house. My sister and grandfather find out that the home's mortgage was sold a few times and for the last year they had been paying the wrong mortgage company. I find out then that they aren't paying with a check but with a Western Union Moneygram. I'm amazed by the sheer amount of incompetence, but I bit my tongue.


My sister decides to move all of the family's things back into the house and to do some work to try to get the house back. During this, her car gets reposessed. So that sucks. She eventually finds out that the money that they had been sending the previous mortgage company is just sitting out in the ether, and Western Union gives it back to her and my grandfather in the form of a check for about $7000. I talk to my sister and my grandfather. I tell them to offer that $7000 to the mortgage company as some sort of way to make things right, and then work on making sure that they are financially stable. I tell them that this whole thing sucks, but it can be fixed and this money is an amazing start to all of this.


So I actually don't hear anything about it for a little while.Until last week.


My sister is in a manic phase right now and for the past week she has been texting me a lot about my niece. My niece is amazing, and I guess I am some sort of father figure-type for her. We've long established that my wife and I are a safe place for her and she can talk to us about whatever. My sister is obsessed with my niece going to college after she graduates high school in the spring. Last week, those texts came increasingly often and more and more rambling. By Thursday I was getting them starting at around 5 AM and about every hour on the hour until around 10 PM. It was exhausting, and I began to ignore them.


Sunday morning at 6 AM I get a text from my sister. She tells me that my niece is rude and that she wishes that she never had a daughter. She tells me that Tori (that's my niece) has to leave the house and that she is dead to her. I tell her that this is incredibly childish and to stop, but sister blows up at me. Tells me that I am now dead to her also and to have a nice life.


I get in touch with my niece later to try to find out what's going on. She tells me that she just told my sister to relax about the college thing. My sister exploded at her, calling her a cunt and pushing her. She also tells me that they have to be out of the house on Monday (yesterday).


I head over to see my sister and she's gone. I call her. No answer. I call my grandfather, no answer. All of the things have been moved out of the house except for my niece's. She was at work while this is going on. I finally gets in touch with my nephews' father and find out that the boys are staying with him. I get a text from my sister informing me that she will no longer respond to my calls and that my grandfather is off limits.

I call my uncles, and neither one of them knew this was going on. The uncle that my grandpa was staying with is out of town, and apparently he moved out while my uncle was gone.


So I pack up my niece's things and bring her to my house. I'm completely fine with this. She's one of my favorite people in the world.


Yesterday I go to her high school to give them my contact information, and to let them know my neice's situation. As I'm pulling into the parking lot my sister drives by on the road. I find out that once I got to the school that my sister had arrived to try to sign "an Emancipation Proclaimation" about my niece. The guidance counselor tells her that she can't do this and my sister makes a huge scene, eventually telling the school that she'd rather have my niece live on the street than with me. She also causes such a scene that the school cop shows up and tells her to come pack when she's calm.


I talk to the Counselor about my options with my niece. She tells me that I am find to keep her with me, and they even arrange a ride share with a faculty member so that I don't have to drive the full 35 miles to drop her off in the mornings and pick her up in the afternoons. My niece tells me last night that as of right now she wants to finish her senior year staying with me because I'm a much calmer person.


I still haven't been able to get in touch with my grandfather, and nobody has any idea as to where he or my sister are living.


So yeah. All that happened.


I'm confused as to how I came from all that white trash and I'm basically just a normal, boring dude.

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Jesus, man.  I hope things work out.


If it is possible, you need to somehow get Power of Attorney over your niece.  It sounds like you'll be making the important decisions from here on out for her until she turns 18. 


Your niece should definitely pursue emancipation if your sister is that volatile.  Both of you should talk to a lawyer about it.  If you don't have the cash for a formal attorney's retainer, there is probably some sort of Legal Aid Clinic close to you and they usually take cases pro bono and offer advice for free over a hotline.


I may be overreacting or at least overstepping my boundary but if it were me, I'd call the cops and file a missing persons report for your grandfather.  


No offense, but there is no telling what state of mind your sister is in and adults should be in the position of protecting those who can't protect themselves, namely kids and old people.  Having an extended period of absolutely no contact is a bad sign.  Go and see about him yourself or contact someone who can find out where he is.


It is a longshot, but contact the Post Office to see if he has filed for a forwarding address or has at least gotten a PO Box.  His mail has gotta go someplace, bro.

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I have a lawyer friend who is looking into the power of attorney thing for my niece. As for my grandfather and my sister, I'm just going to let a day or two more pass before I start looking. I want to see if time will calm my sister down.


My wife pointed out to me that the relationship that those two have is a very toxic and co-dependant one, so I'm just going to give them some space and move on from there. If there's one thing that I know about my sister it's that the crash from the mania will happen soon enough. And then she'll want to be "normal" with my wife and I again.


I guess right now I'm just mad, and I need some space because as of right now I just don't want her around me, for my own stress and well-being. I also am really pissed that my grandpa (who is in great shape for an 81 year-old man and has all of his faculties) is just letting this happen.


Also, I just found this out this morning: that check for $7000? My grandpa bought two cars with the money. One for him and one for my sister.

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Also, I just found this out this morning: that check for $7000? My grandpa bought two cars with the money. One for him and one for my sister.


That is fucking crazy.  That loot could've at least bought a reprieve if it had been sent to the mortgage company. 


In their insanity, they seem to be willing to let their credit scores go down the tubes.  Don't let this spill over into your financial situation.  Don't co-sign anything and for the love of God, don't give them any money unless the situation is super dire.


The niece should really pursue emancipation now.  I don't think she should go back to her mother.  If she does, your sister could hang her over your head like the Sword of Damoclese by hitching her financial fate to her daughter's and you'd be pouring money down a black hole trying to make sure your niece was taken care of.


Keep your niece under your roof until she is 18,

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