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  2. Nöthin' But a Good Time: The Uncensored Story of '80s Hair Metal | Full Episode | Paramount+ (youtube.com)
  3. Going through Kingdom Hearts 2 and as someone who played the original version on PS2 when it came out, this Final Mix version has some tweaks I like. The extra content is hit or miss with the extra battles and forms being a hit and the extra cut scenes being a miss for me.
  4. Today
  5. Bischoff wasn’t even a middle manager. He was a hustler. He sold meat and ninja star games, parlayed that into an announcer role in the AWA because he looked nice on camera, then moved up from there because he had a background in sales and nobody else was hungry in a failing, family-run organization. He used that to get to WCW, another failing company filled with people just passing time. His whole career is that of a schmoozer and hustler with not a lot of real talent, but a lot of drive. You can actually coast pretty far on that. Bischoff is like if the Peter Principle and the Dunning-Kruger Effect had a good looking baby.
  6. Yesterday
  7. Years ago, my wife and I lived in an apartment for exactly one day. After moving out, we got a bill from the utility company for 11 cents. On a postcard that cost them 13 cents to mail. I paid it in-person but resisted the urge to use 11 pennies and did a dime and penny instead.
  8. Show #225 – 31 January 2000 “The one that inflicts Mark Madden on the home audience for the first time, but unfortunately not for the last time” I really do love my job, but if someone would like to pay me about a fourth of my salary to write about pro wrestling instead, I’d love to go back and do a fuller Mid-South watch-through series, get started on my Clash series that I have planned, complete the rest of this Nitro Era series…I have so many thread ideas. Alas, let’s Nitro now that I’ve got some time after getting the bills paid. Recap: Sid Vicious cannot be denied by Kevin Nash and his flunkies. Earlier today, the nWo calls Kevin Nash on the phone; Nash isn’t at the arena, but Jarrett’s side of the conversation seems to indicate that Nash has named Jarrett acting commissioner. Hall takes the phone back to see if that’s what Nash actually said, but Nash apparently has hung up already. OH NO. OH. NOOOOOOOOOO. We are joined on commentary by Tony S., Mike Tenay, and MARK FUCKING MADDEN. EVERY DEROGATORY THING THAT I EVER SAID ABOUT BOBBY HEENAN’S WCW-ERA COMMENTARY, I TAKE BACK. I TAKE IT ALL BACK. DAMMIT. FUCK! Tony S. says that Heenan is just “under the weather.” He’d better be back here next week. I’m trying to hold off on this Mark Madden run for as long as possible. Madden desperately tries to heel it up on commentary, and it sucks. Jarrett and the nWo join us in the arena to chat for a bit. Jarrett is calling the shots tonight! Scott Steiner has the ladies take off their nWo t-shirts to show their well-framed boobs that are emphasized by their carefully chosen outfits because he’s not into the “cornfed heifers” in Wilkes-Barre. He calls everyone “white trash,” which is okay if he says it. The Messrs. Scott induct the Harris Boys into the nWo, and I’m glad that they aren’t making the mistake of watering this elite stable down like they did in 1996 and 1997. WCW’s bookers: always learning, always growing! We’re in WWF country, so the crowd chants ASSHOLE at Jarrett even though Jarrett’s heeling is frankly mediocre. Jarrett books Sid’s first PPV title defense against, wow, never saw this coming, Jeff Jarrett! He then books a six-man tag for later tonight: Jeff Jarrett and the Harris Boys against Sid and two secret opponents partners (his mistake, not mine). He says CHIZZAMP. He declares that he is open to being bribed by wrestlers if they want certain matches made. He was VERY BAD at this promo role. Other matches for tonight: The Mamalukes defend the tag titles against David Flair and Crowbar in a Bensonhurst Street Fight; Booker T. vs. Big T. Also, Ric Flair will be in the building, but not necessarily in a match [Editor's note: That's a technically incorrect statement about Flair's involvement, but in practice, this ends up being accurate]. Sid and Ric Flair show up to the arena. Separately, not together. J. Biggs is pitching Stevie Ray and Big T. on something in the backstage area. Stevie is engaged, but T. looks skeptical, which is actually a nice callback to ol’ Ahmed Johnson not trusting the former legal counsel for the Nation of Domination. Arn Anderson and Terry Funk talk, also in the backstage area; Arn wants to hit the nWo tonight while they’re down a man, but Funk is more interested in Ric Flair's whereabouts. Arn is not nearly as interested in talking about Flair's location and just sort of points Funk down a hall. Uh, that was heelish. Don’t tell me Flair is going to come back, but he and Arn are turning heel almost immediately. Lash LeRoux is in our first match of the night; he enters the ring about fourteen-and-a-quarter minutes into the show, annoyingly enough. LeRoux wrestles Evan Karagias (w/Shane Helms and Shannon Moore), who comes out to his old rock theme and not the much better ‘90s pop theme that should be playing now. LeRoux jumps Three Count before they can dance, but Karagias comes back with a power slam. LeRoux gets some control, but Helms and Moore yank him outside and allow Karagias to land a springboard crossbody. Karagias follows up with a shouler to the gut, but he gets punched away while trying a superplex or Latino Frankensteiner and is summarily dropkicked. LeRoux tries a Bourbon Street Blues, but bounces off the ropes before landing his punch and gets dumped outside by Helms and Moore. The interfering Three Count members hold Lash for a baseball slide, but he moves and Karagias hits them instead. LeRoux follows up with a dive that clears out Moore and helms, but Karagias hides behind them and gets back in the ring so he can meet Lash with boots when LeRoux finally slides back into the ring. For some reason, the ref just lets the heels cheat in full view, but it doesn’t matter, as Lash lands a head-cradled side Russian leg sweep that he's named the Whiplash 2000 for the win. That match was very bad. Holy shit, it was clunky and awkward. How about letting the good members in Three Count wrestle instead next time? Da/oR berates catering for serving sandwiches rather than lobster and steak. These dopes are already too big for their britches. PSA: Dustin Rhodes cuts a DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME PSA, WCW style. Okerlund tries to interview David Flair and Crowbar backstage. Flair is on freak-out mode, but Crowbar does some ridiculous old-timey hype for the match and calls them SUPLAYS, Gordon Solie-style. The Mamalukes run up and start the tag match right there in the interview. They brawl outside into the snow, then back inside. It sucks, man; this booking committee must have borrowed the snow shovel that Davey attacks Vito with because each week, they just dig deeper and deeper. Disco Inferno is on commentary for this one, by the way. They brawl into the ring. There’s a lot of plunder. I don’t care. Disco talks about how great a manager he is and insists on being called a “paisan” rather than a “mamaluke.” Apparently, the latter term describes what we would call a “knucklehead.” Finally, something good happens during this match, and by that, I mean that Miss Hancock walks out holding a clipboard and wearing a short skirt. I also get a kick out of Daffney laughing at Vito or the Bull whiffing on moves. Crowbar does deserve better, though. He’s a fun worker who actually does wrestling moves in a hardcore wrestling match because he understands that it is still a WRESTLING match. Disco quotes Mighty Mouse and/or Andy Kaufman, then jumps in the ring to save the Mamalukes from certain defeat. That goes well for Vito, who uses the help to land a diving elbow on Crowbar through a table. This move gets three. The poor, poor tag titles. Brian Knobbs knocks on the nWo's locker room door and waves a bunch of money at Jarrett, who actually makes me laugh by deadpanning, “I guess you know the password” before inviting Knobbs in to do some under-the-table dealing. Well, over-the-table dealing, since he said he was going to take bribes openly. You get the idea. There’s a break, and after that break, Knobbs asks if he’s got enough money to get Fit Finlay booked against the Total Package. Jarrett accepts the money and then uses this wording: “Fit Finlay and Total Package, they’ll be in the same ring tonight.” He did not specify that they'd be wrestling one another in that ring, so let’s see if that wording was deliberate or not. Booker T. comes to the ring, but his music cuts out suddenly. *sigh*, let’s hurry up and do this dumb shit. J. Biggs shows up at the top of the ramp and explains that Book's theme is the property of Harlem Heat Incorporated, but if that’s true, someone should sue HHI for illegal sampling. Anyway, they’re stripping Booker of his music and soon enough his T. GOD, WCW FUCKING SUCKS. Ahmed Big T. hand cranks a middle finger at a fan in the crowd; the camera slowly pans away before he fully extends his finger. Biggs has some new jobber music play in place of Booker’s theme instead. On top of that, he claims that the “T” in Booker T. is also owned by Harlem Heat even though the T. stands for TIO, AS IN BOOKER’S LEGAL MIDDLE NAME, GODDAMMIT THIS ANGLE FUCKING SUCKS, IT'S GODDAM NONSENSE EVEN FOR PRO WRESTLING. This show sucks. Hurry up and fuck off with this segment. Why the fuck are we doing this to Booker? He’s over, he has some great fiery babyface offense, and you’re making him feud with the 2000 version of Ahmed Johnson? Biggs runs down Booker some more, and I don’t even give one tiny pebbly shit. Midnight comes up behind him and marches him to the ring – Stevie and Big T. left the stage in the meantime – and she tosses him to Booker in the ring. Booker bats him around a bit until Stevie and Big T. come to the ring for the heel save. Stevie said that Booker would have to go back to the G.I. Bro gimmick in this segment, and that is actually going to happen. Insane. Isn’t Booker in that G.I. Bro role, once he loses his “T” in the next few weeks, up until the point he wins the world title? If so, what the fuck?! Three Count attacks Norman Smiley backstage. Jarrett did in fact word things very specifically; he makes Fit Finlay the special referee for a Knobbs/TTP match later tonight. Scott Steiner: “HE’S FAT, don’t trust him,” about Knobbs, I think. Jarrett basically claims that he didn't get quite enough bribe money to make the exact match that Knobbs wanted. Knobbs sees all this on a monitor in the locker room and goes ballistic. Uh, wouldn’t this just deter other wrestlers from trying to bribe Jarrett? If he’s just going to cosplay a malicious djinn when he grants wishes, why bother paying him in the first place? Smiley tries to hide in the KISS Demon’s casket, but it closes on him. Whatever. Billy Kidman (w/Torrie Wilson) is obviously over in Pennsylvania tonight, considering he's originally from here. Then again, you can't say the same for Brian Knobbs's sorry ass. Kidman has a return match with THE WALL, BROTHER because Kidman is getting a push as a legit star to keep him from trying to leave WCW. He’s not a legit star in that way, unfortunately. He’s a key part of the roster who should absolutely be U.S. Champion at some point this year, but that's his ceiling. TW,B hits a press slam and a mediocre backbreaker in slow motion. Kidman tries a sunset flip and gets choke bombed, sort of. It was more of a choke powerdrop. TW,B scores a series of two counts, but he tries to play Kidman’s game by setting Kidman up for a superplex and Kidman fights him off with punches, a missile dropkick, and a rana for two. Kidman tries a top-rope crossbody next, but gets caught and front slammed. TW,B signals for the goozle, but Vampiro runs down as Torrie draws the ref’s attention. In a TERRIBLE finish, TW,B lifts Kidman in the goozle. Vampiro lands a diving back kick on Kidman, and that somehow knocks TW,B out for three seconds as Kidman falls backward on top of him. These Nitros might be somehow worse than the Nash or Russo-Ferrara Nitros. They’re just so bad, but on top of it, everything on these Nitros is bad for longer. Again, Russo at least rushes through bad stuff. If the show is ALL bad stuff, that means the show just feels like you got a hundred bad segments, which makes it feel worse in the moment. However, with some distance, I think I prefer that to fifteen bad segments, each of which goes on forever. At least some of these Nash shows had something cool in them. Team Madness and heel champ DDP were highlights. There are no highlights in the Sullivan Redux Era. I guess Gene Okerlund has theme music now? He gets played to the ring so that he can introduce Ric Flair. Flair decided not to run for governor of North Carolina, quite possibly because of his checkered background. I judge this to be a good decision that more candidates for the governorship of North Carolina should consider making both now and in the future! Flair does some sports-team cheap pop stuff to start his promo. Well, he does say that he’s better than a bunch of Pittsburgh-area athletes and threatens to bang some fan’s significant other, so maybe he’s a tweener? I don’t know. Flair does boilerplate old man Flair stuff in this promo for longer than I’m interested in it. Flair complains that Russo and Ferrara wanted him to be a barely-wrestling commissioner character, which is true, actually. Flair wants to wrestle until he’s decrepit even if it’s not a great idea for him to do that, so he declined said television role. He wants to wrestle, dammit! And also he wants to talk a whole lot, but not at the level of sheer entertainment that ‘80s Flair once reached. Next, Ric Flair calls out Terry Funk for some reason. Well, I guess it’s because they have beef on sight after 1989 and the table piledriver incident. That’s probably it. Flair is not a fan of Funk, is the long and short of it, and he’s fiending for a confrontation. Flair blasphemes a bit while we wait for Funk, who gets booed when he shows up because Flair is an eternal babyface in this company. Funk: FLAAAAAAAAAAIR, YOU BANANA-NOSED, HORSE-TOOTHED EVIL BASTARD. Funk thinks that Flair is jealous of him even though Flair is well-known, a decorated champ, etc., and then he says why he thinks that Flair is jealous of him, and the reason surprised me. Funk, of all things, quotes Mick Foley in Have a Nice Day as heavily preferring Funk to Flair. He thinks that’s the center of Flair’s beef with him. Funk pretty much says that just because another world champ prefers Funk to Flair, Ric would rather beef with Funk instead of joining up to fight the nWo. Then he points out Ric Flair’s questionable parenting of that nutbar David by, uh, proposing some alternate questionable parenting techniques. Let’s have a mic battle! Flair is like FUCK MICK FOLEY ANY-FUCKIN-WAY, I HEADLINED A LOT OF BIG SHOWS, and he calls Funk’s ranch a “chicken ranch,” and further than that, he threatens to “slap the shit” out of Funk before pointing out the disparity in the number of world title reigns each man has had. Funk slowly walks down to the ring. Flair laughs at Funk’s t-shirt, which declares the latter a living legend. Funk punches Flair and locks on a spinning toehold, and I’m with Funk, personally. Fuck Ric Flair from a kayfabe standpoint at the very least. He's in the wrong for being a dick and instigating this argument. Anyway, this is unfortunately a heatless brawl because Funk isn’t over at all with WCW crowds, which is wild to me. You’d think that Funk would get some heat or pops in Pennsylvania as a former ECW alum, at least. Jeff Jarrett, watching this segment in the back, comments, “Looks like we just found Sid two partners.” Gene Okerlund interviews Sid Vicious in the back, who is annoyed by how Jarrett is booking him tonight. He plans to work out this annoyance by powerbombing at least one person and maybe even multiple people should we all be so lucky. Miss Hancock is chilling out as we get a Hitchcockian slow pan up her bare legs and torso before we finally settle the shot on her face. Lenny and Lodi pop up in their regular clothing and pretty much tell her that now that they got her over, they’re done with this dumb gimmick. Hancock says they should be lucky to even have a job after “that stunt they pulled” what with pretending to be gay lovers-slash-brothers, but Lenny is like WOW, SO LUCKY TO BE WORKING IN THIS SHITTY COMPANY, SUUUUURE and Lodi hates every gimmick he gets, and what in fuck was the point of this segment, really? WCW sucks and WCW creative comes up with bad gimmicks, and oh yeah, in case you were starting to suspend disbelief, this is a booked show and not a legit competition. This was a Ferrara segment, I just know it. I still am glad that I get to sit down and write about pro wrestling, but man, what is up with these Nitros? I thought that these Nitros would be an oasis between Russo runs, and I’m shocked at how abject they are. The Total Package and Liz hit the ring. After some posing from Package, Fit Finlay enters in his ref shirt, and black hole of suck Brian Knobbs follows. Finlay indicates that the Pit Stop is an illegal move in between some bad brawling, but Knobbs scores one anyway. There’s an obligabrawl. There are chokes. Why is this match so long? It’s maybe six minutes with entrances, but I think the workers did everything they needed to do in half that time. The crowd’s intermittent BORING chant means that they agree with me. Tony S.: “Knobbs…almost blew himself up with those three legdrops.” Almost, Tony? So, Finlay just watches Liz hit Knobbs with a bat, then decides to stroll out and let Package and Liz Pillmanize Knobbs’s wrist. The match mercifully ends. Package threatens Sting and Hulk Hogan both on his way out of the ring. Norman Smiley exits the coffin, and he’s dressed as the KISS Demon. Sure. Why not. The mysterious and otherworldly KISS Demon, uh, complains to some cops about his gear being stolen from his coffin in a regular dude voice. Well, that certainly takes the mystery and otherworldliness out of the character! Norman Smiley, dressed in the Demon garb, is attacked by Three Count as soon as he hits the ring. Helms lands a Frog Splash for two, then a side Russian for another two – he’s actually the legal guy in the ring. Helms does a shitty dancing falling chop. I mean that the dancing is shitty (on purpose), not the chop. Smiley and his Big Wiggle are over, and he teases it while Tony S. promises that Hulk Hogan will be on Thunder this Wednesday. I just deeply sighed after hearing that news. Anyway, Helms manages an airplane spin on Norm, but Norm dizzily topples into the ropes when Helms tries to go to the air to follow up. Norm lands a giant swing in this utterly bizarre match that is a good finish away from being a Charming Uniquity. Smiley wiggles, then knocks Karagias and Moore off the apron. Helms jumps him with a boot, but runs himself into a Norman Conquest and has no choice but to tap out. Dale Torborg leads the cops out to arrest Norm for larceny; Norm tosses Shannon Moore onto Helms and Karagias, then escapes pursuit by running into the crowd. Not good enough for the list, but definitely the first time all show that I’ve perked up a bit. Okerlund, in an interview backstage, says that Dallas and Kim can move on with their lives. Not if you keep bringing up their marital problems, Okerlund. Disco and the Mamalukes walk up behind them, and Disco may or may not have pinched Kim’s ass. Kim slaps Disco after Disco calls her a “bimbo,” and Page follows up with an attack of his own. After a commercial break, Page is supposed to come out for a match against Disco, but Disco is busy having a conversation with someone in the back about how Kim's not attractive enough to get her ass pinched by him. I guess the story that the commentators want to tell is that Vito or the Bull actually did it, and not Disco, but I don’t care. Why is every feud that DDP has about someone harassing, sleeping with, or otherwise having a questionable interaction with Kimberly? So, Page attacks Disco while he denies touching Kim, and they brawl from the back and into the ring. Page dominates until Disco finagles a back kick to the balls; he follows up with a swinging neckbreaker for two. Disco hits a side Russian and an elbowdrop for two; he takes off his shirt and tosses it in Kimberly’s face in between those moves. Disco controls for a short while, but he gets lax in his serious approach to the match, and Page makes a comeback. DDP lands a sit-out powerbomb, then calls for a Diamond Cutter that Disco blocks with a jawbreaker. Disco runs the ropes and is able to also block an arm drag, but Page transitions into a Diamond Cutter for three. The Mamalukes march down and check on Disco as the Pages leave the ring. Thankfully, it’s main event time. There is supposed to be intrigue here about whether Arn will side with Flair or Funk, but I just don’t give a shit. Sorry, but Funk/Flair in 2000 doesn’t excite me. Funny enough, as I’ve said before, I am looking forward to Dusty/Flair in 2001. I’m not entirely against the over-fifty set wrestling one another. This particular burgeoning feud just feels ice cold in every way. In a funny spot, Sid is basking in the adulation of the crowd and momentarily has his back turned in the aisle as Jarrett and the Harrises run down and attack poor Terry Funk. Sid eventually turns back around and pairs off with Jarrett, but then he switches off with Da/oR as Jarrett and Ra/oD attack Funk, and look, it’s an aisle brawl and Ric Flair is nowhere to be seen. That's all you need to know about this part of the match. A chair gets involved in the proceedings. Sid is very over, at least. Funk gets clattered onto the announcer’s desk while Sid fights off Da/oR and Jarrett in the ring. Sid tries a powerbomb, but a Harris Boy breaks it up. The match actually reformulates into a standard tag match with three or four minutes to go with Funk as FIP. Funk finally fights through a bunch of heel offense and gets a hot tag to Sid, which is when Ric Flair runs out and attacks Funk. That leaves Sid alone with three opponents. That doesn’t keep Sid from hitting Ra/oD with a powerbomb, but it does keep him from winning the match because Jarrett clocks Sid with a guitar shortly afterward and gets three. Bad match. How can a show so ordinary be so bad? I can’t point to one thing that was especially egregious, but it was all quite dire television except for the part where I wanted a longer Norman Smiley/Shane Helms bout, which I hope happens in the next few months. -40 out of 5 Stinger Splashes.
  9. No, no, see Rodgers just wasn't expecting a hug from Saleh. There was totally no animosity behind him shoving his coach away.
  10. Hey everyone. I know a few of you have already seen the 80s Joshi videos I've been posting on YouTube, so firstly this is a bit of an explanation. I was a bit too late in becoming a wrestling super-nerd to participate in real time, but I'm a big fan of the 80s projects. I've watched them all except for the WWF one, which I've been would be a bit redundant. So it was very much in the spirit of those sets and DVDVR that I decided I'd try to fix there not being an 80s Joshi set. I've put together the footage a little differently to the 'classic' 80s sets. It's not really 'the best matches', the approach is somewhere in between the 80s sets and the 1990s Yearbooks. The best matches are all there, but I've also included some matches with are important for developing angles/historically significant, or just help make it feel more representative of the vibe of the promotion (e.g. including more trios matches than a 'best of' would have included). And because it's Joshi, there's also a bunch of songs and on-location skits layered in. I have translated and put in English subtitles in important parts so you can follow the angles without understanding Japanese. So altogether, it's 18 videos of just under 4 hours long. 183 matches. The easiest place to find them all currently is here: https://vk.com/video/@kadaveri If anyone wants access to downloadable versions, feel free to DM me. If anyone still wants physical discs, maybe that could be arranged... So, who's down for one more 80s project?
  11. Also lost is that Detroit has the best record in the majors over the last 35 games.
  12. I don't teach math anymore but I'm pretty sure that's a large salary.
  13. "I will only speak well about Company X if they pay me" is such a pathetic and obnoxious way of viewing the business from so many folks that currently add NOTHING.
  14. MLB the show added an Ohtani 50/50 mission today.
  15. So skipped hitting the good junkstore today. Saw she had two 3DS,no cords no idea if they work,but asked 19 for the two. Skipped it cause today was the twice a year 18 mile yard sale. Not including the books,painting and other stuff I got. BLU USED 25 cents each 21 Jump Street Horrible Bosses Totally Inappropriate edition Project X #xtended edition Sausage Party R rated Xmen Days of future past DVDs Used 2 for a quarter 8 Mile 300 Angel Wars Guardian Force Apollo 18 Bibleman Lambasting the Legions of Laziness Blankman Chop Constantine Don't Speak Howard the Duck Insidious Chapter 3 Labyrinth Land of the Dead The Replacements Rumble in teh Bronx Rush Hour three pack Speed Racer Speed Racer the next gen Fast track the movie Spider-man 1,2,-Rami Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II TMNT Xmen Origins Wolverine TV SHOW SETS DVD 50 cents each Big Bang Theory Season 1-For her collection Chapplle Show Season 2 Reba Seasons 2,3,4,5,6-For her collection. Then get home and my blu order wass in Trick R Treat Wishmaster Collection Terrorvision/The Video Dead
  16. Hell no,50 years old bad knee bad shoulders and nah. I will sell the gimmick to some rookie for 20 bucks.
  17. One of the best things about the Jemas era.
  18. Unless Bischoff is talking television production or cutting TV deals, he's out of his depth. He's not any good as a creative and mostly just signed off on the creative ideas of others (for good and ill). He's not knowledgeable about running a wrestling company because he never did. He's just good at bleeding the lines so that he starts out talking about television production and subtly crosses over into talking about running a wrestling business within the same breath, and it's easy to not pay close attention as he moves from discussing something he has expertise in to something he doesn't really know enough about to be taken as an authority in it.
  19. Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 1 - I purposely avoided getting individual issues of this, opting for the trade. It arriVed on my porch at 3:25PM this afternoon. I made myself an eggcream, opped down on the sofa and was reading at exactly 3:30PM. One hour and twenty minutes later abd I'm blown away. This is a totally different Spider-Man but the way it reads is like I've reconnected with an old friend. The moment I started reading I had questions about specific Spidey characters and those questions were answered almost right away. I really enjoyed this and eagerly await Volume 2! James
  20. The Khans (and others that deserve immense respect like Jeff Jarrett) bootstrapped and ran startups as CEO. 100% of their personal skin is/was in the game, and they functioned as business owners: understanding balance sheet, EBITDA, etc. Eric Bischoff was a middle manager. A successful one for a time that should be commended for all he did launching Nitro and the NWO, but he’s out of his depth when it comes to discussing running a business. He’s not that guy.
  21. BODY COUNT - Comfortably Numb (VISUALIZER VIDEO) (youtube.com) ICE T and David Gilmour...
  22. Weirdly the only time I've caught him live was during his ill advised vanity tour
  23. Ohtani yesterday really brings home the point about how Ohtani would just completely obliterate a bunch of random dudes if they had non-major league baseball players pitching to him
  24. Howard Finkel and Minoru Tanaka in the same place: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPf8yXzSUKQ Also, Christopher Daniels
  25. I cannot remember the last time I saw Taz break this bad:
  26. The bigger picture was that if they renewing under their current structure - read, no Max, no streaming, two shows in two dead zones for ads - then there was no way they were doubling their rights fees. Max likely engaged justifies the higher rights fees due to streaming's higher CPMs. Cancelling Rampage and putting a show on TruTV at a better timeslot also helps, but the streaming platform is the key to the higher rates, not anything to do with cable.
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