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  2. Marvel used time travel for the Ultimate Cap of Earth 6160. With Frozen Ice. Some powers are just generic. As time goes on, more of the early Superman comics will go into the public domain. And more of those comics that were published can be used to mine later on. He started flying in the radio version before the comics in 1940, but that's another version of Superman. There are contested other appearances of Superman flying in the comics in the 40's. Kryptonians were shown to have powers on Krypton before it blew up. They later changed the Kryptonians were ordinary on Krypton like Humans, and Superman had powers because of the differences of gravitational pull and atmospheric conditions of the planet Krypton and those of Earth. The Earth-Two Superman lacked the solar explanation for his powers. The solar powers explanation was made during the Silver Age/and for the Earth-One Superman. The no powers under Red Suns reason too, to explain no powers for Kryptonians on Krypton or under Red Sons. They still used the gravitational pull and atmospheric conditions but now in conjuction with the yellow sun solar reason for how Superman's powers work. Will be decades anyone can use the full silver age, derivative (yellow sun solar) reasons how Superman and his race powers work. They also kept at changing how Superman's powers work over time. There was a change Post-Crisis and there was a change Pre-Flashpoint that didn't stick, but I don't remember what it was. Should be noted that the Golden Age Superman and the Earth 2 Superman are separate characters to some, because some things don't just match up even with retcons. And there was the Fleischer Superman too.
  3. Today
  4. If you want to keep on feeling not great about Ric Flair, the Grantland archives are still up - including this article: https://grantland.com/features/the-wrestler-real-life/ It solidifies that he became the character a long time ago. Also pretty gross that he lived so fast and loose with his money - as the character demanded - that financial "advisors" were able to fleece him and his wife/wives out of a whole lot of it. I found this article right around when I started studying for some securities licenses years ago, and the actions taken by one of his advisors as described in the article are just shocking in their blatant abuse of client trust. Churn, baby, churn.
  5. I wouldn't mind this either, but which one gets to be Sting after the match?
  6. Yesterday
  7. Maybe D1 strikes being in D2 was the wrong idea… but I’m playing through the expansions now and I swear some of these places are in D2 in some way. Maybe not strikes per se, but yeah. A lot of it looks like very familiar places. Either way, D1 is more of a complete game in 2024 for a new player than D2 is, but they’re also wildly different formatted games at this point too. I guess I’m still salty about D2 sunsetting actual story content, because it doesn’t let new players get the full scope of everything. Whether it was “good” content or not isn’t the point, but I would’ve liked to have played the Red War stuff, and Warmind etc. Cayde still sucks, though. I hate that character so much.
  8. I went on a date in college to see Fantasia and didn't know the bases had stopped running, so we had like an hour walk home where I got the cold shoulder. There was the time my GF insisted on coming with me to a screening of The Wild Bunch for film class. But that was on her as I tried to talk her out of it.
  9. I'd like that for both of them. I don't want Willow to drop the title but you obviously don't want Mercedes not to win her first match. Willow has really shown up in this feud. I think they should have built up to her TBS title shot more as far as this being in her first match.
  10. I really hope that Willow/Mone steals the whole show because that would be a massive homerun for the company.
  11. Kind of worry for Cozmo as I have little to no faith in Marathon succeeding.
  12. I actually jogged for the first time in probably 2+ years the other day. Part of that is because it's a deload cycle right now anyway, but also because I wanted to see if I still could, given my hip situation. I just did a couple of 3-minute 5 MPH bursts, if you can call them bursts, but given how my hips have felt, that feels like an achievement. I kind of wonder, though, if I'm not potentially a bit faster now than I was when I was younger. I know that sounds nuts. But I never took weightlifting all that seriously until I was in my early 30s anyway, and I usually cycled rather than ever running. But I get the impression that my hamstrings and glutes are in so much better functional condition now than they ever were that it may be helping with how this particular run felt. I didn't expect it, because literally whenever I run I feel like I'm just dogging it - smack-smack-smack-smack, my feet are just pounding the surface all the time, like I run too flat-footed or something. But that second stretch, I felt really...springy? Like I wasn't even going all that hard, and keeping stride with that pace was more like a little jump with each step rather than having to labor through it. So it makes me wonder if I should keep at it just to see if I can, I dunno, do something nuts like run an 8-minute mile by the end of the year (which I don't think I've ever done because I've never stuck with it enough). But, the runners among you probably have better perspective on this than I do.
  13. It feels so weird that we're long enough into AEW to be seeing guys basically have 5-year arcs ending in retirement. I swear this ride just started.
  14. Man... do not make retell the story of my Dad taking my Mom to see The Birds on their 2nd date and then trying to walk through Central Park afterwards James
  15. Alternating weights days and cardio days since Sunday, my normal schedule. Pyramids for lifting each day…really loved those. Ran 6 miles Monday, 7 Wednesday, 6 today. Ready for a day off!
  16. I dropped my Xbox for a PS5 so I lost all my progress. If they sold a version of Fight Forever with everything up to now unlocked and all DLC, I’d probably buy it. I’m curious about all the new stuff but I don’t feel like replaying story mode 12 times to unlock everything again.
  17. I’d tell you it was good but I don’t trust 10 year old me’s taste. Thinking more about it, that’s up there with The Thing and various horror films on the “why the fuck was I allowed to see that shit?” list that I, now a father of a 9 year old, think about sometimes.
  18. Meltzer made a point, many times, about Flair and other athletes at his level. And really, it applies to damn near any walk of life. Being driven to that level, to be the absolute best in your field, goes hand in hand with at least some level of mental issues. Because good enough can never be good enough, you are always pushing, etc. Healthy people understand limitations and boundaries. Overachievers relentlessly drive themselves, to their own detriment and others around them.
  19. I think this question and the can Superman fly question will depend on how it’s done. Obviously Captain America being found and thawed out by the Avengers wouldn’t be PD yet, but if you found another way to bring him into the modern day, like say time travel versus being thawed out of ice, then you might be ok, but then again you likely couldn't do the whole man out of time angle. Similarly with Superman, if you tell a story where he develops the power to fly, it couldn’t be because of his powers coming from the sun, nor could you do his iconic pose while he’s flying. Basically you’d have to argue flying is a generic enough power that you’re developing your Superman down an entirely different path from DC, and of course even then you’re probably getting sued.
  20. I didn't think he that bad. I mean PJ Washington scored 29 too. Doncic was much better about finding the open man when he was getting doubled, and getting it out. His worst possessions were the ones that last a couple of seconds and consisted of "dance dance step back 3". When it goes in, he's a legend, when it bricks, it's just the worst. Like why settle for that? The real mystery is the unnamed Mav who played this prank during the presser. NSFW It's the playoffs indeed.
  21. The blocked Armdrag is a pretty recent thing (or possibly an old thing that's been brought back recently). Krule does it quite a lot. It's strange that it hasn't been done more, back in the day. It's such an obvious "I'm a big strong monster" spot.
  22. I was 3rd wheel on a date with a couple to see Happiness and boy howdy she did not enjoy that at all. And it wasn't really a weird choice but taking my girlfriend to see Message in a Bottle prevented me from losing my virginity in high school.
  23. I know the discussion is about Black Saturday but I just went nuts catching up on DSOTR the past couple weeks. I picked right back up with the Kanyon episode and went all the way up to the Earthquake episode. I've seen every episode except for ones with Russo and the steroid trial. But of all the episodes my favorite by far has nothing dark at all about it. The Earthquake episode was just proof of what we knew in how great of a guy Tenta was. It also further showed how great a guy Ottman is who took The Shockmaster and everything else in stride. Knowing they would just chill in a hotel room while the rest were partying elsewhere put a huge smile on my face. I just think the world of them both. And my goodness Haku's laugh at the Shockmaster incident! That shit had me in stitches. But the end with him having cancer just fucking wrecked me. The bedside stuff felt very close to home especially when they said if he had it checked sooner the success rate would have been higher. My father in law put off whatever he was feeling and didn't see a doctor until it was way too late. And I just realized they said he died at 42 which is especially fucking me up right now. Between that and the talk about the last time they saw him I am gonna need a bit to calm down. I am thankfully healthy at 41 all things considered but this was another example of why I need to schedule my check-up. I would say fuck cancer but it's such a huge understatement it almost doesn't need to be said. Nah, fuck it. Fuck cancer. I think I'm good on this show for a while. I saw the Sandman and Sherri ones where were great. But I'm stopping my watching on a high note and will likely watch the others later on when it hits Disney+/Hulu.
  24. The fact that I liked Showgirls makes me wonder if I have problems.
  25. I haven't gone on many dates (last time I took a girl on a date for a movie, we saw Skyfall), but I would think Trash Humpers or Tideland would be a weird/bad choice.
  26. When did Vince Jr finally decide that wrestlers had to work for him exclusively? Because, weren't WWF guys still territory hopping for a while when he was in charge? Or am I wrong and that stopped as soon as he took over?
  27. Well that's a first In my very last match to finish my Shaxx quest - I got teammed with True Vanguard (not sure if he was duo or solo queing) We won and in one match - I was last man standing and I revived both teammates so I actually contributed for once
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