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Just watched the new trailer for Bravely Default. It's crazy with the next gen stuff coming an old school turn based JRPG is maybe the game I'm most excited for. Wish they wouldn't jerk me around so much with the release but I guess that's at least building anticipation.

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background: i work in an electronics store.


had a lady yell at me today for not selling her an X-Box One.

despite it not having released yet, and despite not actually getting any yet. She was furious and said that she knows of "numerous other people that got them here".

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background: i work in an electronics store.had a lady yell at me today for not selling her an X-Box One.despite it not having released yet, and despite not actually getting any yet. She was furious and said that she knows of "numerous other people that got them here".

I've field SO many calls from people that expect me to tell them at it they come in on launch day that we will have either system, like I have some magic wand that I can even begin to know how many we will have.
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Stuff like that is why I am so glad I don't work retail anymore.


I used to work the electronics counter at Target and I would get stuff like people wondering why Nintendo 64 cartridges didn't work on their Playstations.


The customer is always right, my ass.

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Stuff like that is why I am so glad I don't work retail anymore.I used to work the electronics counter at Target and I would get stuff like people wondering why Nintendo 64 cartridges didn't work on their Playstations.The customer is always right, my ass.

The customer is always right, doesn't mean they are correct.
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I've had some fun Black Fridays working retail, but I think it's even worse working retail clothing during back to school tax free weekend.


Both years I did that, it looked like a nuclear bomb went off that left fully in tact clothing.

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I used to like going to Black Fridays when the stores would open at 5 a.m.


Now, this whole thing of stretching out the hours is a bit much. I doubt I will venture out at all.


Supposedly, Toys R Us will be open at 5 pm on Thursday, which is just unacceptable. These people working there are human beings, not machines.

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We are a week away from the next gen. Is anyone here getting the PS4 and/or X-Box One at launch?  I thought about preordering the PS4 right after it became available on Amazon but I canceled out on it. $400 sounded like a fucking steal but I had so many PS3 games I had barely touched and then real life hit and I haven't been able to play much of anything. On PS3 there's still GTA 5 and even The Last of Us which I have barely played..


Then, I'm looking at the launch titles and maybe it's a good thing I decided to wait? AC: Black Flag looks good and I think the new Killzone looks cool also but it's not enough. I'm not a big FPS guy. I couldn't care less about COD. Battlefield looks cool but I didn't love 3.


Who is moving into the next gen?

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I preordered a ps4 when it was announced. Had originally planned on getting killzone and watchdogs but with watchdogs being delayed I'm not sure what second game I will get. I enjoy sports games so I may get madden or nba2k.

My ps3 isn't going anywhere. I'm sure I'll still be putting hours into GTA.

Also I read that they're including $10 credit to the PlayStation store, 30 days free trial to PS+, and a free trial to their music service in every launch unit.

In really pumped for this. It's been seven years since we've had new next gen systems (I don't count wiiU). And even though the launch doesn't include watchdogs which I was most excited for, it's still awesome this is only a week away now and there's still plenty to keep me busy.

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I'm with punk, I'm a mark for console launches. Picking a PS4 up on the way home from work Friday and I've pre-ordered NBA, FIFA, Watch Dogs (whoops), and BF4. I think I'll be spending most of my time with NBA and the association mode.

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Awesome. Report back to us, guys. I could see myself getting a PS4 sooner than later. I can't say I have much interest in the XBOX One. A hundred dollars more, less powerful and a Kinect that I will never play...  no thanks.


However, if someone here is getting the One, I wouldn't mind reading about that either.

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I can see myself getting an Xbox one a few years down the line the same way I did with the 360. I'm sure it will be a good system but if I'm only getting one at launch it won't be the one that's a hundred bucks more and that can't do what the other one can do on top of the head people behind it can't even get together and agree on the direction they want to go in.

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Right now I'm getting Call of Duty Ghosts (already have it from Amazon) and FIFA 14. I also might get NBA2k14 as well. I haven't decided as of yet.


I thought about getting Killzone but never played the others. Battlefield looks good, but I've always heard they're more involved than your average shooter and I'm a casual shooter player at best.


I'll probably create a gamefly account for a couple of months to try other games on the console.

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The Evil Within looks soooo fucking good. A return to actually having a feeling of helplessness in survivor horror games is a good thing.


Also, amazon shipped out my PS4 controller last week for some reason. Feels good man. Better grip, the analog sticks are so much nicer, the shoulder buttons are much more responsive feeling, but it's weird not having a "start" button.

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Ugh, I was psyched when I received an email from Amazon stating they'd give me a free PS4 game because I had already preordered a game from them. I was less psyched to find out that it's only the American website that honors this deal and that they don't ship games internationally. Why would they do this to me? I ordered the games originally from the Canadian website. Backwards ass sheeet.

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Ugh, I was psyched when I received an email from Amazon stating they'd give me a free PS4 game because I had already preordered a game from them. I was less psyched to find out that it's only the American website that honors this deal and that they don't ship games internationally. Why would they do this to me? I ordered the games originally from the Canadian website. Backwards ass sheeet.


I canceled the two games I had at Gamestop today because Amazon offered me a B1G1 code. The only downside is they apparently are already out of NBA 2K14, but I guess I don't mind waiting an extra day or two for that one.

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Bravely Default and Professor Layton & The Azran Legacies have US release dates. Bravely Default on February 7th and Professor Layton on February 28th.


It's rumored heavily that Infamous: Second Son will also come out on February 7th, at least in Europe. I don't know about the States or worldwide.

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Hmmmm, FFX and FFX-2 HD Editions are announced for March 18th...

I liked them, but I'm not sure if I really want to go through and replay them.

What's odd is there isn't a vita release date yet. I got stuck at this stupid ass part in that game and eventually just quit. Words can't express how much I loathe that part.

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