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Just now, Raziel said:

Would it have killed Tony to let Vikingo's superstar making performance breath instead of taking all the heat off for "The Elite is NOT FINE" pt 90000?

Agreed. Said same:

3 minutes ago, The Natural said:

Insane match by Kenny Omega and El Hijo Del Vikingo. A MOTYC. Leave the post match angle between BCC and Omega/Page/Callis for next time. Let Vikingo get his well deserved ovation and flowers from the crowd.



Starting off surprisingly because @Matt D books DYNAMITE NOW!  - as the Young Bucks and Hangman Page are carted off to hospital!  To be operated on by Doctor Konosuke Takeshita!  NOW!  It's Orange Cassidy!  Darby Allin!  STING!  The Butcher and the Blade!  Kip Sabian is added because someone has to lose!  Tony Schiavonne has to be reminded by TAZ that Tony is a dope some times.  STING takes a back bump at his age.  Sting rules.  Allin tags in, Penelope Ford distracts the ref and Allin assumes the role of our face in peril!  I await the International Feed because Kip Sabian appears to be a total HEAT MACHINE in picture in picture.  The Butcher sinks in a Texas Cloverleaf as we are distracted by the Big New Yorker Pizza.  Orange Hot Tag!  STING channels Orange Cassidy!  Allin goes CRAZY on Butcher and the Blade!  STING hits a Scorpion Death Drop on Kip Sabian!  That was a hoot!  Dante Martin!  Darius Martin!  Colton Gunn!  Austin Gunn!  Colton is sporting a Pretty Deadly-esque top!  AWESOME!  The Ass Boys are FUCKING AWESOME bumping for Top Flight.  Colton CHEATS to get Dante to assume our face in peril.  Colton CHEATS even more in picture in picture!  The Gunns are great heels, cutting off the ring!  Darius is waaaaay fun as a house afire!  GREAT NEARFALL ON THE NOSEDIVE!  THE KINGDOM!  DANTE DIVES ON THEM!  310 TO YUMA!  GUNNS WIN! GUNNS WIN!  FTR!  DID THEY SIGN OR DIDN'T THEY!  This is fun.  FTR versus Pretty Deadly!  Coming soon!  OR FTR versus the AEW Pretty Deadly, the Gunns, for eternity!  Stokely Hathaway takes on Hook!  How can Stokely win?  Stokely is a BUMP MACHINE!  Stokely with a fire extinguisher!  Hook with a Exploider onto the guardrail!  Red Rum!  Next up- Hook versus Ethan Page!  Adam Cole is the most over guy in AEW!  Daniel Garcia is a HEAT MACHINE!  LOCKER ROOM LEADER!  Well THAT'LL be fun!  I LOVE that the more evil and bastardly the Blackpool Combat Club becomes, the more OVER they become.  They ARE the new Four Horsemen!  Stu Grayson!  This is quite the slobberknocker!  MAN!  GREAT GOTCH STYLE PILEDRIVER in picture in picture.  JESUS!  MOX is fucking LAYING IT IN!  GRAYSON is AWESOME on his comeback!  450 by STU! FOR TWO!  MOX counters into a Bulldog Choke!  STU with a Cannonball into the corner!  TOPROPE DEATHRIDER!  That was fucking great!   BCC is EEEEVIL!  PENTA!  versus POWERHOUSE HOBBS!  Many on the board will be ANNOYED!  It's Skye Blue! She gets to get the hell beaten out of her by Toni Storm!  Ruby Soho wearing leather paunts!  SO EVIL!  Soho and Saraya CHEAT at ringside!  Toni Storm is so fucking AWESOME.  She is totally laying it in and alos making Skye Blue look like a threat on offense.  GREAT punch by Skye onto the face of Ruby Soho.  Storm beats on Skye to get the crowd behind her STRUGGLE to escape the IMMENSE STIFFNESS of Toni Storm!  Skye has a good comeback!  VISUAL PIN BY SKYE!  WRECKED EM!  GERMAN!  STORM ZERO!  RIHO WITH A PIPE!  HOLY SHIT!  JAKE HAGAR vs BRODIE KING!  MOX ATTACKS STU!   AGAIN!  El Hijo del Vikingo is wearing a GREAT helmet!  I'm so glad Kenny Omega is back to being a singles wrestler.  Well THIS is going to RULE!  Kenny gives Vikingo EVERYTHING to start.  FISHERMAN BUSTER by Kenny!  Kenny is all about the backbreakers!  Kenny is redoing his Will Ospreay match by beating the shit out of Vikingo!  Crazy Monkey Flip onto the apron.  So that is called a Dragon Rana?  THIS MATCH HAS GONE FUCKING INSANE!  V TRIGGER! SNAP DRAGON!  INSANEST POISON RANA EVER!  HOLY FUCK!  360 THROUGH THE TABLE!  GREAT FUCKING NEARFALLS!  V TRIGGER!  ONE WING ANGEL!  So. Fucking. GREAT.  BCC ATTACKS KENNY!  HANGMAN!  Kenny has a Mr Furley moment!   AEW RULES THE MOTHERFUCKING WORLD!

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1 minute ago, John from Cincinnati said:

Busting out the corkboard and red string to explain how I'm definitely gonna get what I want out of this Young Bucks business. 

Mox, Claudio, Yuta, Danielson, and 95 William Regal vs Hangman, Omega, the Young Bucks, and Cody?


oh yeah, the hospital nearest to the Cable Dahmer Arena is 6 minutes away (a few extra minutes are added to get over the Interstate), so it wouldn't take long if anybody ever needed to go from the arena to the hospital.

Also, Vikingo looks like a guy who could kill you in several ways, but he prefers to flip a few times in the process of trying to kill you

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

My top three MOTY looks like:

3. Kenny Omega vs. El Hijo Del Vikingo. AEW Dynamite, 22nd March. *****.

2. MJF vs. Bryan Danielson. AEW Revolution, 5th March. *****.

1. Kenny Omega vs. Will Ospreay. NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 17, 4th January. *****.

Might switch #1 and #2 round.

Edited by The Natural
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12 minutes ago, For Great Justice said:

Sheesh, Vikingo with strong “seeing Rey Mysterio for the first time in 1995” vibes 

Wow, that’s a spot on description for how I’m feeling. Just unreal.

  • Like 10
1 minute ago, JLowe said:

Wow, that’s a spot on description for how I’m feeling. Just unreal.

Without going back to look at a photo of 95 Rey, I think that Vikingo is a little heavier than 95 Rey. Maybe not taller or much taller but a little thicker.

So the size difference between Vikingo/Omega wasn't that glaring since Vikingo set a quick precedent that he's going to do crazy shit to try and beat Omega.

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Very different opening, really liked the chaotic aspect of it.

Loved the red white and blue ring ropes!

Super fun 6 man. Every appearance of Sting is a treat and blessing. 

Stoke's note was hilarious. He took his beating like a man.

Solow hacking Meltzer's Twitter was timely and hilarious. 

Glad to see Stu back. Him and Mox had a really fun match. 

Main event was the bees knees. So freaking good. EHDV made quite the statement in his first AEW match. Some breathtaking spots and it was great seeing Kenny in a singles match again being Kenny. 

LOVE BCC as monster bully heels. Popped huge for Hangman coming back in the ambulance like Sting at the Clash. And Callis is such a magnificent piece of shit. Can't wait to see where this goes.

2 amazing hours of pro wres! Saturday Rampage is looking pretty dope too.


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I'm not huge on spotfests but if you're gonna do one...  then fuck it,  go all out.  Vikingo was bringing the early ECW/WCW Mysterio feelings back.  Great to see Omega back in singles action again too.  

I've enjoyed the last two Dynamites.  They are setting up some longterm stories too. 

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Also hella props to Kenny for basing perfectly for every one of Vikingo’s wild spots, he made it all look super fluid and smooth. I was honestly buying for a minute that Vikingo might get the win.

Storm-Skye was a great match as well, Skye added a few new tricks and Toni made her look like a legit threat. I actually think they could’ve given Skye a win there, they need to have one of these up-and-comers a big TV win.

Everything overall was good and enjoyable, especially since I leaned on that FFWD for QTV.

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I know it's a trope to be a grouch and hate on crazy matches with lots of flips these days but I was really stunned at how much I thought the main sucked. Most of Vikingo's "insane" dives and spots required Omega standing there waiting while Vikingo got his footing or gauging his positioning or something. I wasn't feeling any emotion or story or chemistry between them, it was just like let's run though as much crazy, contrived shit as we can in 20 minutes. I like Omega a lot too and wasn't expecting to hate this (as I do with, say, his matches with Ospreay), but I gotta believe the hype around Vikingo is based around a body of work with more substance to it than was indicated by this match. 

Also for the people defending QTV last week because "it's just a fun goofy ol' fashioned wrasslin angle"--the jokes on you! It got shooty this week!! Now we can all hate it equally. 

Overall just wasn't a big fan of the show. Really liked the opener though, and was glad to see Sabian doing the job instead of Butcher or Blade.

Daniel Garcia was tremendous even if I'm not super interested in him vs Cole. 

Stokely was incredible and Hook should maybe be the guy to beat MJF for the belt a year from now. 

Moxley vs Stu was very good but never quite clicked. Maybe just overshadowed by the incredible six man on last week's show.

Not gonna lie, I kind of wanted Goldberg to be the one driving the ambulance at the end. 

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I probably underrate Kenny as an all timer if I’m honest with myself. Dude can go have this match, go have a Frank Gotch match with Danielson, can go bleed with Mox, can go do a five star tag. His greatness doesn’t give a shit what kind of match it is.

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21 minutes ago, The Natural said:

Agreed. Said same:


Yes, but at the same time, the Elite are under contract to AEW while Vikingo is not. It makes more sense to push an angle with your guys as opposed to celebrating a guy who might be jumping to WWE next week for all we know. That's not taking away how good the match was and how good Vikingo looked. 

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17 minutes ago, For Great Justice said:

I thought Daniel Garcia was good tonight. That guy has really found his character as the cocky on the outside / insecure on the inside jock asshole. 

I thought so too. I mentioned last year how Mox was starting to sound more and more like Dice Clay but Garcia is starting to even get the look down. 

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Toni Storm and Skye Blue could easily be the face of the division along with Jade and a few others.  Toni Storm has been hit or miss the last two years but lately she's looked great and Skye Blue is quickly becoming a damn good underdog babyface.  Let them cook. 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, DEAN said:

Kenny is all about the backbreakers!

Man, that one, out of all the craziness (because the match was fucking CRAZY, and also because that moment was simple and awesome) made so much sense. What a great match. And I was never on the Kenny bandwagon, but him playing under-acting, stiff-ass heel the entire match and then face getting jumped, was perfect work. 

Vikingo is absolutely MADE in North America now. No question. And he deserves it. 

Edited by Curt McGirt
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