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  2. it looks about the same as Winnipeg last week. Set up for 4200 and there were just less than 300 tickets left as of this morning
  3. Atticus Cogar after winning the ICW American Deathmatch title, his face is somewhere under all that blood. Hard to find a better shot of it. He took a face first bump into barbed wire, followed by Tremont ripping the board away which surely took some of his hair and god knows what else with it
  4. Not going to the show tonight because doctor's appointments and general life shittiness have just overwhelmingly got in the way, but I can't imagine it's going to be a large crowd. The arena in Edmonton is beautiful but putting it smack in the middle of downtown makes actually going there a complete pain in the ass, on top of all the general "AEW doesn't actually market their next show that well" issues.
  5. Tom Cruise as Superior Iron Man is something I hope still happens tbh.
  6. Got my Blu Ray in the mail. Just some beautiful DVDVR art, that cover. It will sit in a place of honor on my Shelf of Cool Shit with Primus albums, the old school Alien films, Breaking Bad, and the complete book series of Stephen King's The Dark Tower.
  7. i'm guessing a combination of her being really old and maybe they filmed her stuff a few years ago
  8. I have depression too. Been taking paxil for nearly 20 years, the pills have somewhat reduced the depression.
  9. https://youtu.be/8Q6y1waxlTY?si=EGomsfivzebOiCuS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggB8pZWZuss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmPPiLaiN8g More movies probably only I care about that won't play in Atlanta.
  10. Slightly off topic: Known hellcat Mima Shimoda did a wacky Japanese game show years back. There was a clip I saw where they had these Japanese guys in a ring trying to wrestle these women from AJW 1:1 (Shimoda along with Manami Toyota and Kyoko Inoue). This crazy guy is in there trying to wrestle Mima Shimoda like it's a shoot, and she's in there throwing WORKING slaps. It's probably one of the funniest videos I've have ever saw in my entire lifetime.
  11. What was up with the secretary's mask? Is she just one of those chin-wearers who never figured out your nose needs covering or did she have some nasty surgery she didn't want on the air?
  12. Today
  13. I got a lot of words about this later. For right now I'm just hoping work is... okay, I guess. RIP
  14. He’s arguing with the bartender while using insider terms (“I put this place over!”)…so yeah, he’d probably step outside and try to call spots during a real fight and get killed. “OW!! Lizzighten up, kid, it’s a wizzork! OW! FUCK!”
  15. At minimum I'm letting him call the fight. "Ok, kid, I'm climbing the bar. Gimme the toss so I can sell, then get in place for the nut shot." I'd sell that figure four like a stab wound, too.
  16. guessing they couldn't just use AI to recreate Ole's voice and have AI Ole read from his book
  17. Paul Skenes is getting his call up to Pittsburgh. Here's why that's a big deal:
  18. I had a fun time last weekend realizing my PS5 controller had developed stick drift. I had a slightly more stressful but also slightly more fun time just now learning how to fix it.
  19. I miss the 90s, except for high school. Going through high school with undiagnosed depression sucked.
  20. Amazing that Rivals on A&E this weekend is about Flair/Dusty, unless they've changed order since the ad last night on NXT
  21. Haven't watched the episode yet but just finished Ole's book and he goes into great detail about Black Saturday and Jim Barrnett
  22. I wonder if the Woooo Energy sponsorship placement will be removed for at least this week.
  23. Promos where I'd understand every third or fourth word despite ostensibly speaking the same language!
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