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2 hours ago, MORELOCK said:





Time to either raise or lower the dose, Vic.

I feel pretty confident you don't know what I'm referring to, so post a picture of you shutting up. 

Edit: Oh wait, do you have a high opinion of Bruce Mitchell? Oh my God now that is funny. 

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4 hours ago, Victator said:

I feel pretty confident you don't know what I'm referring to, so post a picture of you shutting up. 

I feel pretty confident in saying that no one on this board ever knows what the hell you're talking about - just that you always manage to sound like a lunatic when you're talking.





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Right so its probably best for you to shut up. A few people here are know me fairly well and could guess I was joking. Actually anyone with moderate common sense could guess I was joking. 

But you're a myopic cretin and its probably not your fault, so I should pity you. 

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10 hours ago, Marty Sugar said:

I don't know what it will look like, but it will be fun when we stop having trolls on this board.

Yes, because someone saying something you disagree with = trolling.  :rolleyes:  The go-to response of a poster who has been gotten to but can't figure out anything else to say.  It's like a surly tween calling anyone with a critical opinion a "hater."  Try harder; you're better than that.


12 hours ago, Victator said:

Well one, you do know the further wrestling gets away from its roots, the worse it has gotten? Like seriously, modern wrestling blows and it will be worse in five years. As the collective of idiots who promote and buy tickets strain more of what makes wrestling unique out it. 

But I'm going to take a shot at this.

1. Nobody is going to buy a ticket to see Cass period. 

2. Braun having his pic taken next to a regular tall guy is not going to hurt Braun. Neither is being on social media too much. But it chips away at his aura and makes him less special. But I suspect you already knew that. 

You're right on all counts.  My feeling is that wrestling has to do something different to come kicking and screaming into this century.  Kayfabe is long dead but Vince selectively acts like it's not.  WWE is so awful right now because its head is a guy who vacillates between the late 70s and the late 90s.  The answer is most certainly not a Russo "everybody knows this is fake bro so who cares?" approach, but it's also not "let's strictly keep kayfabe," because that just insults fans' intelligence and keeps wrestling in the same box it's always been in: "the people who like it are too dumb to realize it's fake."  

As I said, I don't know what it's going to look like and we'll probably have to wait until Vince shuffles off this mortal coil to find out.  But wrestling is in this weird place because it started as a con and then everyone figured it out, but it still somewhat conducts itself as a con, which is ridiculous.  I have no idea what the answer is but just keeping on keeping on and standing this year's Andre on a box and telling wrestlers to act like they hate each other IRL is not it.

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@Technico Support ... John Cena lying about his height (if he's ever done such a thing), isn't affecting ticket sales...so why should Cass burying the "7 feet tall" gimmick affect tickets?

First off, John Cena's height has never been a part of his gimmick. Ever.

He's never had a  catchphrase that mentioned his height. Ever.

Big Cass literally had only one thing going for him when he debuted: "He's seven feet tall, and you Cant. Teach. That."  We've seen the dude wrestle, and it isn't workrate that's getting him over.

LITERALLY the only fucking thing and the first thing the not-so-big--as-advertised dummy does when he gets to sit down with Stone Cold? He marks the fuck out because he's being interviewed by a legend and shyly buries THE ONE FUCKING THING THAT THEY ARE USING TO GET HIM OVER. When Big Show used to be asked how tall he really was, do you know his standard response? "Once you're over seven feet tall, does it really matter if you're 7-1 or 7-3?"

I'm sure it never crossed Andre The Giant's mind to say "Hey, I'm actually only 6-9 but the giantism is kinda creating this optical illusion type of thing and thus since I'm so monstrously big all over you'll easily buy that I'm 7-5...and I'm sure one day Hulk Hogan will even over-exaggerate that to the point of the absurdity."

This is a company that insisted that Eugene behave "like Eugene" when in public, and he got fired when he got drunk and acted like your standard drunk asshole and not the special fella that Eugene was portrayed to be. It is the company that insisted The Boogeyman wear a half-mask in public so as not to ruin the gimmick. The same company that fired "straight-edge" Serena when she got drunk on the road in public. It might be 2017 and Vince McMahon might not call it wrestling, but he expects his sports entertainers to still protect their gimmicks.

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13 minutes ago, Technico Support said:

Yes, because someone saying something you disagree with = trolling.  :rolleyes:  The go-to response of a poster who has been gotten to but can't figure out anything else to say.  It's like a surly tween calling anyone with a critical opinion a "hater."  Try harder; you're better than that.


You're right on all counts.  My feeling is that wrestling has to do something different to come kicking and screaming into this century.  Kayfabe is long dead but Vince selectively acts like it's not.  WWE is so awful right now because its head is a guy who vacillates between the late 70s and the late 90s.  The answer is most certainly not a Russo "everybody knows this is fake bro so who cares?" approach, but it's also not "let's strictly keep kayfabe," because that just insults fans' intelligence and keeps wrestling in the same box it's always been in: "the people who like it are too dumb to realize it's fake."  

As I said, I don't know what it's going to look like and we'll probably have to wait until Vince shuffles off this mortal coil to find out.  But wrestling is in this weird place because it started as a con and then everyone figured it out, but it still somewhat conducts itself as a con, which is ridiculous.  I have no idea what the answer is but just keeping on keeping on and standing this year's Andre on a box and telling wrestlers to act like they hate each other IRL is not it.

Shane Helms said "kayfabe is dead, but their is no need to desecrate the corpse."

I'm not saying for people not to be seen in public together or anything extreme. Just chill on social media stuff. I know the company wants most of the roster to have a presence online. Just if possible keep it in line with their characters. You know Braun eats a lot and lifts weights or whatever. I think his presence should be made special. The fear is he becomes like Homer Simpson after he bowled a 300 game and folks get sick of him. 

I think the girls are way too buddy buddy. But I think its some meta deal their fan base enjoys. So if it works it works, 

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9 minutes ago, Marty Sugar said:


This is a company that insisted that Eugene behave "like Eugene" when in public, and he got fired when he got drunk and acted like your standard drunk asshole and not the special fella that Eugene was portrayed to be. It is the company that insisted The Boogeyman wear a half-mask in public so as not to ruin the gimmick. The same company that fired "straight-edge" Serena when she got drunk on the road in public. It might be 2017 and Vince McMahon might not call it wrestling, but he expects his sports entertainers to still protect their gimmicks.

You know, you might be somewhat right about Cass.  But all these things?  They're ridiculous and you'd be hard press to find a rational person who thought otherwise.  Everyone knows wrestling isn't real and it looks like an absolute joke when Nick Dinsmore has to pretend to be a shoot retard in public.  Bryan Cranston isn't out cooking meth because not doing so would hurt Breaking Bad DVD sales.

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Just now, Marty Sugar said:

What's funny is I was thinking that as I typed it, and left it in anyway. What a weirdo.

I think that is why I loved him. He believed so I believed. 

Also Cass answer about his height should be "Tall enough". 

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2 minutes ago, Technico Support said:

You know, you might be somewhat right about Cass.  But all these things?  They're ridiculous and you'd be hard press to find a rational person who thought otherwise.  Everyone knows wrestling isn't real and it looks like an absolute joke when Nick Dinsmore has to pretend to be a shoot retard in public.  Bryan Cranston isn't out cooking meth because not doing so would hurt Breaking Bad DVD sales.

You can't compare what pro wrestling is doing with movies and TV. That's ridiculous. Wrestling has ALWAYS been this way, in some form. Come on, now.

You do realize I have spent the last 15 years of my life working in the wrestling industry, right? To make piddling comments like this, dismissing wrestling as stupid because BRYAN FUCKING CRANSTON doesn't act like Walter White is an insult.

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13 minutes ago, Marty Sugar said:

You can't compare what pro wrestling is doing with movies and TV. That's ridiculous. Wrestling has ALWAYS been this way, in some form. Come on, now.

You do realize I have spent the last 15 years of my life working in the wrestling industry, right? To make piddling comments like this, dismissing wrestling as stupid because BRYAN FUCKING CRANSTON doesn't act like Walter White is an insult.

I understand all that.  But wrestling is not a legit sport and it's closer to acting or performance art.  The Cranston analogy was intended to show the abject absurdity or the Eugene, Serena, etc stuff.  I know you're a worker but somehow I doubt you're going to chase down your storyline rivals and piledrive them in the food court if you see them at the mall in order to keep the illusion alive to any marks who might spot you.  It's not disrespectful of wrestling or wrestlers to suggest that keeping kayfabe -- literally pretending it's real when in public -- is a ridiculous concept in 2017.

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Should've listened to @RIPPA in the first place.

New topic. Did we skip Hulk Hogan's birthday last week? I always remember it's August 11 because it's also my Baba's birthday  (not the Giant version who also never broke kayfabe on his height, but my Ukranian grandmother). Although it might be easier these days to get Hogan to accept "Happy Birthday" phone calls from me.




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12 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

Francesca probably likes not being simulcast anymore. We can't see him sleeping on air anymore.

Isn't Francesa retiring in like 4 months?


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3 hours ago, Victator said:

Also Cass answer about his height should be "Tall enough". 

Reminds me of the old Rolls-Royce owner's manual that listed the horsepower as "sufficient."

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