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I bought this game and I have no idea what I'm doing. These are some things that have happened though...


I don't know why, but for as janky as it is, and it's REALLY damn janky, the Minecraft-ish town building mode in Fallout 4 is addicting. I spent another 2 pointless hours re-building my town. I was 400!!! lbs. over the amount of weight I could normally carry because of all the junk, weapons and other shit I collected. And that town building mode is so addicting that I fucking walked from that bluff where you talk to that couple who needs help from the Minutemen killing all the way to Sanctuary because I you need all of that junk to make shit in your town. I scavenged for way to damn long to find the mats to make a radio beacon. When I made the radio beacon, I learned I needed to make a power generator, so I used my mats to make that. Then I had to wire all that shit together so it would work. After I did that, people started showing up in Sanctuary, which meant I needed more beds. I proceeded to spend 30 goddamn minutes using one of the jankiest mechanics ever to build a house with beds for the people coming to my town. And for those people that came, I robbed them of their money (Bottlecaps), weapons, and other goods and put them to work farming my crops. Somehow, Bethesda stealthily made a post-apocalyptic Sim City and slave owning sim, and a bad one at that, but it's one that I've invested more time into than anything else in Fallout 4 and I don't know why.


Also, I nearly had the shit scared out of me when walking along the shore of a lake when I happened upon some mirelurk eggs that started hatching Alien style. As if that wasn't bad enough, two giant mirelurks walked up out of the water at that moment and nearly one shotted me. I somehow survived, I train-ed them back to my town where I had some security turrets setup, and the people in my town with weapons along with the turrets killed the giant mirelurks which gained me nearly 2 levels of experience because I was so underleveled for them.


I later realized that my character had no armor on and was only in his tighty whities. I had power armor on earlier that I removed and exited. You can just exit the power armor, but I guess if you remove the armor from your body in your Pipboy first, you're left naked. So here's my naked ass self, in his tighty whities, running up to the town I basically founded, with two monsters chasing me. Also, I made my character look like Walter White, so it was basically the Walter White in his tighty whities running up to the town.

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Yeah. I'm going through this thread now and that's pretty amusing. A couple more things...


It's a good game despite the jank. I never remember shit being so broken in Skyrim, Oblivion, or Morrowind, but it doesn't bother me much in Fallout because everything is broken in this universe anyway.


My biggest annoyance is that Codsworth is an unstoppable killing machine and if you don't get a hit in on an enemy, then you get no experience. This is a problem because anyone or anything that is not an NPC is something he just charges at to kill. Even creatures like those 2-headed deer that aren't aggressive at all he is just like KIIIIIILLLLLLL and then he's chopping up the deer or torching it with his flame thrower. That entire mechanic is especially problematic when you're sneaking around in stealth mode because your murderous robot housekeeper tends to blow your cover 100% of the time due to his insatiable bloodlust. But when you decide to kill an unarmed synth being held at gunpoint because he was going to kill the human he's a copy of, Codsworth's bloodlust is just totally ignored as he holds that one innocent death over your head as a reason for why your relationship with this robot has deteriorated.


"Codsworth doesn't like this."


Oh, fuck off, Codsworth. Do as your told and speak when spoken to.

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A few things Craig... If you aren't aware, your companion can carry a lot of your junk. Also, you can really lighten your load if you come across a settlement with an accessible workshop. Access your inventory and then drop some of your junk. Enter workshop mode, then highlight and scrap the junk on the ground. That 5 pound microscope will now become a series of gears, glass, crystal, and fiber optics which weigh practically nothing. Just remember to retrieve it from the workshop.

Better yet, store some of your junk in any container you come across. Fast travel back to Sanctuary and drop off a load. Fast travel back to the place where you stored the junk. It will still be there. Make multiple trips. Sure beats the heck out of walking at a snail's pace.

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Get all of the Radstag meat you can. Grill it up. Grilled Radstag allows you to carry 25 more pounds of stuff for an hour. Very handy for when you've cleared out a building or something and go back to loot the place.

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Had my first synth infiltrator. I fast traveled to the Castle only to see everyone shooting up the place. I see no obvious enemies and had no settlement attack warning. When its finally quiet I find I'm missing a settler in the workshop and eventually find said settler dead with a synth component. I kind love the infiltrator aspect. I only wish there was mission of some sort based around it.

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Is anybody having issues with companions? I can finally talk to people again, and they agree to follow me, but I never see them. I hear them talking once in a blue moon, and the game asks me where I want to send them if I meet up with someone else, so I know they're there. I just can't see or do anything with them.

I saw a few posts about the issue, and it looks like the only solution is to load an old save. The only problem is the save that I'd have to load is so far back that I'd lose way too much progress. Looks like I need to invest into the Lone Wanderer perk or whatever it's called.

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I've heard something about companions occasionally getting stuck depending on where you send them from. If you are certain they are supposed to be there you should make a siren/bell at you're settlement if you haven't already. Its call everyone in the settlement to you.

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Is anybody having issues with companions? I can finally talk to people again, and they agree to follow me, but I never see them. I hear them talking once in a blue moon, and the game asks me where I want to send them if I meet up with someone else, so I know they're there. I just can't see or do anything with them.

I saw a few posts about the issue, and it looks like the only solution is to load an old save. The only problem is the save that I'd have to load is so far back that I'd lose way too much progress. Looks like I need to invest into the Lone Wanderer perk or whatever it's called.

The problem there is that if you can't see or talk to them, you can't dismiss them. Which means the game still thinks you have a companion, which I assume would mean that the Lone Wanderer benefits wouldn't kick in.

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I can see him, but when I hit "talk" he just sits there.

I rang the bell once and everyone showed up....except Piper. I fast traveled out of Sanctuary and randomly heard her say something, but couldn't see her. When I met Hancock, I asked him to travel with me and sent Piper back to Sanctuary. I then sent Hancock there too while the option presented itself.

When I went back to Sanctuary, Piper was there. I asked her to travel with me, and it seemed to work. Fast traveled and she was nowhere to be found again.

I did all that once again and, this time, she agreed to go with me, then turned and just started walking off. I followed her for a while, thinking that she might be walking back to Diamond City and I could talk to her there and fix the problem, but I got bored just walking and gave up.

And yeah Rippa, I heard the warnings about saving and chose to not listen. Stupid me.

I'm already at the Institute now. The last time I remember companions working was back around the time I met the Railroad people. No way in hell I'm going back that far.

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Yup - definitely had to scrap all my recruitment signals


Started playing again yesterday for the first time in a week and every place had at least 14 people with some places having up to 18


I populated Hangman's Alley just by sending extra folks there and I am going to have to take the 2nd Local Leader perk just to be able to set up shops so I can assign folks to work them


I actually have more settlements than I probably should have because I have run out of materials to make turrets.

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I bought this game a few days ago after swearing I wouldn't, and now I roam through dilapidated buildings like a meth head looking for copper. I built one generator, and the game started hounding the shit out of me to BUILD A GENERATOR! YOU SHOULD BUILD A GENERATOR! despite the fact that I JUST built one. So it's off to the copper mines I go.


I'm probably going to spend the vast majority of my day off tomorrow building houses for imaginary people. I'm like the Jimmy Carter of XBox One.


Did you guys really get the first settlement humming before you started working on other settlements? I've got my main one in my old neighborhood, and three more I could be working on, but I really want to improve the first one quite a bit more first.

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You're already doing better than me, Stout. I'm level 35 and pretty sure I'm near the end of the main story and I haven't built shit.

I have built recruitment beacons when the game specifically asks me, but other than that, everyone gets sent to Sanctuary and I just throw beds in random houses until the "happy meter" turns green.

I have some tato plants and a couple water pumps, and that's it. I basically have everyone living in the equivalent of those refugee camps under the highway in the opening scene of Scarface.

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I tried to build a spiffy house in Sanctuary, put down flooring, walls, all that bullshit, then the roof didn't go on right at all, so I said "screw it" and built one of those prefab metal buildings. Friend of mine told me I needed to try to build some water-purification facilities - first you get the water, then you get the power, then you get the women, apparently. I can apparently produce excess amounts of water and get paid for it somehow, he said.

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Any water production over what the settlers need will generate purified water in your workshop.  Fill the river with industrial purifiers, get tons of water, use it to barter, own the wasteland.


This..  Also, I have a protectron that serves me ice cold beer at Sanctuary now, so I've gone into the beverage industry.

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