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Grand Theft Auto V Talk.

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So me and Cris got into a war in Freemode with a couple of guys who were in a crew tagged TLDM. Which we guessed stood for Too Lame Don't Matter... they thought they were real hot shit, but they weren't in our class. They just burned money shooting rockets to where they thought we were, and then got shot. Or moved in so close to get a Sniper angle I could just rifle them with auto-aim. Then went off the radar to run away, or went into passive so they could come out of passive and shoot us as we ran them over. At one point, I noticed someone had called for a Hydra Jump Jet, so I started sniping the engines (intending for it to be damaged when they eventually took off, like). But then it blew up, and took the lesser of the TLDM guys with it. And they ran, they ran so far away... But then I checked what their crew was actually called: Trolling Dominators. So I messaged them: Trolling Dominators? MY ARSE!


I don't think they liked it. We drove them out of the airport, so they regrouped to pick on some low leveller by the LS Customs. So we rolled up anddrive them away from there too. They ran and hid in the bridge glitch by Lester's Factory (we think one of them was inside the building, or under it. His blip said he was on the roof, but if he was he was invisible up there. We drove away and killed some other guys instead. They set bounties on one another and didn't move, but nobody bit, because we were still fighting the other guys. So they left, and the guys we were fighting left, and then one of them invited us to a heist set-up. And we joined, in the spirit of the Triple H handshake.


Was going pretty well until my modem disconnected. Which I took as a sign from the gaming gods, it's time to turn the PS3 off and have some food or sleep or something. So goodnight then.

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So me and Cris got into a war in Freemode with a couple of guys who were in a crew tagged TLDM. Which we guessed stood for Too Lame Don't Matter... they thought they were real hot shit, but they weren't in our class. They just burned money shooting rockets to where they thought we were, and then got shot. Or moved in so close to get a Sniper angle I could just rifle them with auto-aim. Then went off the radar to run away, or went into passive so they could come out of passive and shoot us as we ran them over. At one point, I noticed someone had called for a Hydra Jump Jet, so I started sniping the engines (intending for it to be damaged when they eventually took off, like). But then it blew up, and took the lesser of the TLDM guys with it. And they ran, they ran so far away... But then I checked what their crew was actually called: Trolling Dominators. So I messaged them: Trolling Dominators? MY ARSE!


I don't think they liked it. We drove them out of the airport, so they regrouped to pick on some low leveller by the LS Customs. So we rolled up anddrive them away from there too. They ran and hid in the bridge glitch by Lester's Factory (we think one of them was inside the building, or under it. His blip said he was on the roof, but if he was he was invisible up there. We drove away and killed some other guys instead. They set bounties on one another and didn't move, but nobody bit, because we were still fighting the other guys. So they left, and the guys we were fighting left, and then one of them invited us to a heist set-up. And we joined, in the spirit of the Triple H handshake.

I messaged the one of them that kept calling muggers "Bounty on someone in glitch? 2013 wants its trolling back."

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Just tried Prison Break finale with randoms. I was pilot. We'd basically finished... I'd got them in the plane, lost the wanted level, we'd parachuted out, two of us were already in the chopper... and then the third guy parachuted face-first into the side of the cliff and died, costing us the only team life and failing the mission for us.


Fucking randoms.


Also, it pisses me off when you get Killed a Revealed Player as a daily, and the only Deathmatches you can find are the bullshit ones called HACK RP 999.999.999 where you're going fist to fist against guys with Miniguns. Although I was on call to Mansion with seven other guys, until I accidentally drove through a gang attack circle and the game decided I'd rather be doing that instead.

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Stout, if i ever saw you on I wouldnt mind helping put a foot in some asses, but you are perpetually offline on my list.

I just tried to catch robert, but my xbox decided to uodate the second he joined the party, when it was done he was gone.


Sorry about that man.  The baby started melting down, and I was dead tired, so I figured I'd better get him settled and get some sleep.

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And I was having some kind of (now fixed, I think) problem with my privacy settings. One thing said I was online, while another said something different.


I've had decent luck trying to host things I need for daily objectives. Usually if you're on at a crowded time of day, there's somebody out there who needs to do the same thing you do.


I also have been more open to accepting people's requests to do weird crap, because I then message them and say "daily objective?" When they say "yeah," then I ask if they'll trade me a (whatever I need) after we get done with theirs.

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It's probably just confirmation bias but I like how the store looks like Ammunation.  Needs "Battle Hymn of the Republic" playing over the speakers.

Did anyone say "You need a receipt? For tax purposes? Huh huh."

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I did get on a few decent runs last night, despite my son being really fussy for some reason.


First room I managed a two for one kill with a sticky bomb.  Hit a bounty with one just as a white dot was converging on him in a Zentorno.


Second room cleared out really quickly.  Only one guy wanted to fight, and getting killed repeatedly without getting me once cured him of that.


Third room looked promising.  Got 3 player X killed player Y messages before I finished loading in.  There was a huge scrum of dots around the downtown pay and spray.  3 guys were on the roof holding off everybody.  I got on a building nearby and sniped one.  Second came over to his fallen comrade to investigate and ate another sniper round.  Third guy came charging over, and met the same fate as the other two.  Then they all left the room.  Highlight of the night may have been the game telling me that MagnificentLesbian had just killed sharknado. 

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I caught Gabriel on last night and joined his game and started killing him some more while asking him if he'd done his homework or practiced his recorder yet. Rest of the guys in the room were calling me "Gabriel's dad."


At one point, Gabriel said he didn't know why I was following him around. I didn't bother pointing out "BECAUSE YOU SENT ME A FRIEND REQUEST, DIPSHIT."


I unfriended him after I got tired of beating on him. You gotta let the baby birds fly out of the nest eventually.


Also, some guys had me 3 on 1 and called mercs on me. I had to message them and say "3 on 1? with mercs? really?"


Then later, Roast and I reminded a room that this was, indeed, our house. We got into a spirited fight with three dudes (one was horrible), but they eventually found somewhere else to be. The fight with the other two was as close to an even matchup as I've had in months. Either someone's way better or way worse than me, usually.

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Rest of the guys in the room were calling me "Gabriel's dad."

This might have made me laugh more than anything else in this thread.

I hope to get back on some time in the near future. If people don't stop coming to stay at my damn house, I'm installing a No Vacancy sign on the roof.

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Ah dalm burke guess i'll just turn around

If i ever can stay awake again past 11 i will.be back too. Been goin to bed with the mrs and actually workin days which is a rarity on the railroad. The song usually goes ive been workin on the railroad all the live long night.

Got up at 6 this am so probably wont make it on tonight either but imma try.

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Mel and I are coming over for a weekend. Party at RUkered's house, everybody!


One of my daily objectives today was "kill 20 people." Can do. One handy bit of advice: Allah Akbars don't count as kills. No problem.


I killed a dude and he wanted a one-on-one deathmatch. Uh, OK, I needed the kills. So I beat him 5-0, and at the end of the deathmatch, he wanted another deathmatch. I'm like "fuck yeah," and accepted it. He then realized what he had done, stole a car while I was trying like hell to snipe him, got as far away as possible until he abandoned the deathmatch, then quit the game 30 seconds later. Was it something I said?

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Then later, Roast and I reminded a room that this was, indeed, our house. We got into a spirited fight with three dudes (one was horrible), but they eventually found somewhere else to be. The fight with the other two was as close to an even matchup as I've had in months. Either someone's way better or way worse than me, usually.

That was fun.   Most practice I've had sniping in a long, long time. I was particularly proud of firebombing them off a roof like it was London in the 1940's.  They were on a roof near Lester's and had camped out on the roof and were at sniping me and stout.  I got a pretty decent spawn on the bridge, far enough away to not be a distraction, picked up the heavy sniper, found them fighting off cops, and changed my mind, RPG and both of them went up as kills. 


I managed to fire off a rocket while getting killed that caught one of them trying to escape in a car too.  


Ah, just like the good ol' days.  

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It kinda had these cool momentum shifts. I'd be struggling a bit, then start to get the upper hand, then struggle a bit, then turn it around. They had one roof particularly covered - I had ran out of anything even vaguely explosive, so I needed to go to the AmmuNation and was kinda hoping for a venue change.


They obliged by going to the beach, to the right of the pier. Not good, fellas. One of them could pop that moving sniper. I hate that damn thing.

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I cannot get used to the change in how to zoom (from the left stick to the D pad on XBox, because the left stick controls movement).


I couldn't handle it. I turned the movement off. I dunno that I've seen anyone (as far as I can tell) moving with a heavy sniper yet. That marksman rifle is my kryptonite, I've had my ass whooped by so many players who can really use that thing. I've told really low-level players to get it and get good at using it. My big problem is I've settled into how the sniper works and I can't change now.

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Last night, we had a guy who spawn suicided about 50 times in a row to stop us from killing him. Not even exaggerating. He was 'Leave Britney Alone!' level upset, all crying and shit. At one point, I even felt slightly guilty. Then he went in passive and climbed up a billboard, and got decapitated by a helicopter, and it was back to being funny.


Stealth Mission? Sticky Bombs! Pillock.

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