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Grand Theft Auto V Talk.

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Did the last navy seal send you pissy messages like he did to me after I killed him?  I think he may actually have been a seal - the aquatic mammal kind of course.  He was about as dangerous as one.


I think the other guy was WARFIGHTER or something like that.  He and the seal were on the receiving end of a bunch of sniper shots right before I dropped off.


I'd never seen that beach house glitch before last night.

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On the good news front, I think I'm finally getting more comfortable moving around with the heavy sniper. I know you hate it, Stout, but you really ought to take the time to get used to it. Once I got used to zooming with the D-pad, it wasn't bad at all.


The thing about the moving Sniper is, if you find yourself in a Sniper Battle where one guy is moving and the other is stationary, the one who's moving gets the kill almost every time. If you're both moving (or neither of you is moving), then it's more of a 'who can get an accurate shot off quickest?' competition. But if one guy is rooted while the other isn't, he'll be a dead tree in no time.


It's also very useful for taking out guys who camp on rooftops and the like. Get eyes on them and retreat around a corner, zoom in on the corner, then advance around it (at a different height or distance) and kill them.

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Robert, I'm getting pretty hurt that everyone's directing all the butthurt messages to you instead of me. This tells me that I'm not doing a good-enough job making them suffer and need to increase my efforts.


Bought the pickup truck with the gun in the back. We're gonna raise hell next time the Horsemen are on. Seems like there are more tanks in freemode than usual, and I wonder if it's got something to do with the new weaponry.


I gotta practice the moving heavy sniper. I have a hard enough time getting a beat on a target as is.

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 Doing the Prison Break as Prison Officer and fighting all the way through, getting Rashkovsky out and then failing because the Plane is so damaged it can't take off is bad. Not as bad as completing 98% of it and then failing when someone parachutes into the cliff wall and dies, but I was Demolition when that happened. It's not really an achievement to complete it as Demolition, you're never in any danger at any point.

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That was something. Not as bad as the Station setup that Cristobal and I did. That was quite possibly the lousiest effort that I've ever seen two people offer for that mission (or any in general), ever.

That was just bizarre all over. It was me, you, and two guys named morenorodrigo (level 125ish) and MrPwnz (level three hundred something). Me and pownz are the cargo ship team. We go to the cargo ship in separate vehicles. Moreno and Petrol get into the same car, and Moreno...drives them both over to the cargo ship.

I get the car the quick way, (climb up the crane, parachute down onto the top of the containers) while MrPwnz is off fighting people at the other side of the boat. Moreno and Petrol appear to be having trouble finding pedestrians to run over. I get in the car and, recognizing that the cop team is having issues, take the long way, getting onto the railroad tracks (which basically totally avoids you having to deal with enemy cars) and taking a windy but safe route to the drop off.

At this point the cop team has a cop car, (which Petrol is driving) but are unable to lose their wanted level despite being in the tunnels. When I get there, MrPwnz in his Kuruma is ramming their cop car for who fucking knows what reason? I try to shield them from him, with varying degrees of success. We get in and out of cars (giving me a wanted level as well) but maybe it triggers something because eventually the cop team finally loses their stars.

After shouting at moreno to get in the fucking cop car, they finally get to the police station. Petrol goes into the station while moreno...just sits in the car. Ok, whatever, still works, he comes out and Moreno proceeds to drive...in the wrong direction. After some more yelling, Petrol gets out of the cop car, into my insurgent, and we drive back to my place.

It must have taken over 20 minutes.

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We've ran into a glitch before recently playing missions where multiple people in the same car cannot lose a wanted level.


Everyone can bail and lose their wanted levels individually, but as long as everyone stays in the car, you always stay in the cops' sight (little map flashing) even if the cops are nowhere around. As soon as I stepped out of the car, the map went back to normal and I lost my wanted level in about 45 seconds.

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Moreno took that dress-down like a champ though. No communication, other than a "good genius XD" text after I managed to get that car in the tunnels and lose our wanted level. All of this after he had tried to lose them in the canals and submerged the cruiser, which forced me to just run into the LSPD wasp nest at the beach to procure a car.

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I did Cop Station with Randoms once and delivered the bus timetable while they were still driving around the city trying to lose their wanted level. Me and other cop got into my Zentorno and drove up after them to kill cops, running a distraction like (it was harder because we only had pistols and pump shotguns... I thought we'd get our own guns back after finishing, but we didn't). It took so long and we killed so many that we got Platinum and Gold for it, when usually the Cop Station guys always get Bronze and Silver, what with only having to kill 2 guys and all.


EDIT: It sucks when you've got 'Deliver a car to Simeon' as a Daily Objective and you're in one of those lobbies where every car is an Issi or a Tornado. Although thinking about it, the best/easiest possible stack of Dailies is Simeon Car, Mod a Car, Lose two stars. Because you can't do the first without doing the other two.


Has anyone unlocked any Chrome wheels yet? I didn't know that was even a thing. I might have to spam captures to get the easy ones. Luke's been wondering around in the I've Got 30 Custom Vehicles shirt for weeks and I never realised.

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You'll generally always find one of the cars on Simeon's list of 5-6 cars at either the golf course parking lot, the parking lot at the far end of the beach near the bike rental place or in the far parking lot of the horse track. No control over which one, but one of them should be there.


And I'm not sure painting counts as a mod - I know it doesn't increase the value of a car like upgrades do. You can take a $7,000 car and paint it gold and it'll still sell for $7,000.


Wonder if my stash of gang cars counts as custom vehicles? They are customized, just not by me.

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Hmmm, maybe. The one time I had 'mod a car' I just stole a Baller, drove it to LS Custom, and put a new exhaust on it before I sold it (for very slightly more than $9000).

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Mine yesterday were all easy. Gun range, golf, and survival. Burke was on with me while we were doin these. When we got to the survival we broke out the old trusty golf club. I think we beat down 9 of them bastards before we met out maker. When its just us 2 on we usually do more stupid shit than when other crew is with us that might be hard for some of yall to believe.

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I figured as much but i dont think we have intentionally failed a mission with yall on, if its jumpin out of the driver seat in a vehicle for Trevor while the other is still inside as it jumps over the pier and into the ocean .01 miles from the drop off, or playin chicken (neither moves and both explode) on the runway with the titan and crop duster while deliverin the titan on titan of a job or makin Anna jump out of a helicopter 1000 ft above martins house and try to make her splatter in his driveway. Pullin into the barn with the van that has the paintin in the back just to go BOOM from a sticky thats been on the front for 4 miles. Probably a lot more but cant remember em all for some reason.

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Lemme practice my new gig as the Jeff Foxworthy of GTA Online:


"When you see a Level 4 with an 18.0 kill/death ratio, he might be a God moder."


That whole room seemed to be full of people that were trying to get into bad sport ASAP.  There was the one guy that was just a disembodied head, and the other that was invisible and off radar for the longest time.  I honestly don't think I've seen worse modding than that room.  My sticky bombs kept going off before I had even thrown them as well.


The level 4 took the cake though.  I was parachuting out of a fighter to help Stout with a white dot, when some blonde woman in a bikini kept repeatedly falling out of my ass - like 5-10 times a second.  Then I just died for no reason.  Respawned near another white dot.  Charged in on em, and it turned out to be the bikini woman.  She shrugged off 5 shotgun rounds and took me out.  Respawned again, started running, and then just died again.  Respawned one more time and tracked down our white dot.  Sticky bombed her car, and she just climbed out of the wreckage like a fucking terminator.  Unloaded an entire clip from the combat shotgun into her face before getting gunned down again. 


At that point I figured it was 4 AM and I needed to go to bed.  Went into my apartment to hang out for a bit before logging off.  Level 4 went off to kill a bunch of other people, and Stout said everybody just kept dying periodically. 

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I don't know if we ever accomplish what we set out to do when it's just the two of us. If one says we need money, let's do a mission, we come out in the hole because we decided to do dumb shit halfway through.

Basically like the time four or five of us broke into Zancudo by jumping the wall with an ambulance and everybody was standing on top with miniguns. We've just been doing this so long we have to get creative.

And speaking of getting sidetracked, Mel needed to do golf as an objective. It took us at least 45 minutes to get to the course because we couldn't stay out of scrums.

We were in the middle of four or five dots at all times. Mel just kept yelling "ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS PLAY GOLF YOU BASTARDS!!!" while sniping and RPG'ing half the map.

And a word of advice to the 360 crew. If you run into a dot named mexicankid1234 (something like that), do yourself a favor and haul ass. He was a beast. I think he finished 18-8 on me. He was a motherfucker with Stout's favorite weapon - the original moving sniper. When he wasn't kicking my ass with that, he was getting me with rockets. Mel fared better than me, but he still got his money's worth too.

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Yeah that mexicankid feller..... Yes, but there's just something about him. Something around the eyes, I don't know, reminds me of... me. No. I'm sure of it, I hate him.

That bastard had my high ground shootin my rockets at corners.

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You constantly get reminded in Freemode that you're not as good as you think you are. The next dot you mess with could be The Hammer, and I ain't talkin' about Greg Valentine.


I generally seem to run into one of those for every session - the one that you just can't seem to get an advantage on no matter how hard you try. Usually it's ones who are good with the moving sniper and RPGs. I keep thinking "damn, I've gotta get better at defending against these fuckers," and then I think "you play this game too much anyway, fuck it."


A couple of weeks ago, I was on by myself and had some guy kill me three times ASAP. When he came around a corner Mary Louing with an RPG in his hands and shot me, I knew my goose was cooked and changed rooms.

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Some of these fuckers we run into are amazing.  The guys that can consistently out Mary Lou me are few, but they're still out there.  Fortunately they're vastly outnumbered by the guys that are all but harmless.


The big bunch we ran into down by the heliport last time we were all on were pretty much helpless against us.  I got my first ever legit freemode knife kill on one of em.  Also managed a second ever bicycle allah akbar. 

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I think "Cancel [insert thing we just destroyed]" is my favorite running gag.

A close second is "To the Mini Cooper!" Speaking of those, that's about all we used yesterday. I think it's now the official "be an asshole in freemode" vehicle. We beat one to shit so badly that it wouldn't start anymore. Trying to go offroad in the Hollywood hills with a 4 star wanted level when the damn thing won't even steer anymore is some of the most fun I've had in the game.

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Mini Coopers are some of my favorite Allah Akbar cars in the game - once they start spawning, they're everywhere and they're reasonably fast and reasonably driveable.


I also love the Fusilade for the same reason. SUVs may go for more money at the Custom Shop, but they're shitty car bombing cars. I never turn down any car, pretty much, but MIni Coopers are one of my favorites.


The Futo is too wild to drive to make it a favorite Allah Akbar car, but I love its four-door brother, the Sultan. I've got three in one garage and am looking for a fourth. Completely unmodded, the Sultan is a great balance of speed and driveability and does well on all kinds of roads. Mod it and it starts fishtailing when you look at it funny.

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