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Grand Theft Auto V Talk.

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Speaking of shooting people in the head, Mark and I discovered that having a motorcycle helmet actually does save your ass.  You can survive one sniper rifle bullet that does not hit you head on in the faceplate.  The second shot will do the job, though.

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I am not sure how to feel about a YouTube series that verifies game physics.


I am happy to see the base infiltration myth debunked.  Saves me the trouble of not having to buy a military vehicle from Warstock that I would only use as a Trojan Horse.

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I'm definitely going to need to blow up some stuff tonight after fighting my way downtown to take my wife to the doctor, then all the way back home.  Austin traffic is hideous at the best of times.  Throw in everybody panicking about a possible ice storm tonight, and new construction that started today on one of the two major highways through town, and I'm going to be a big bag of hate by the time I get home.  I may spend most of my time running over cars in a giant dump truck

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Yeah if someone gets shot by me or Melraz, rest assured it was an accident, although we'll probably be on chat already apologizing profusely. I really despise trying to shoot the police, flicking my thumbstick back and forth quickly to hit them all, and have it snap onto a player I don't want to kill before I know what's happening.


And I already can't remember if J.T. or Stout said it, but yes - Melraz and I throw away so much money in hospital bills it's ridiculous. We'll do missions for a while, play golf, maybe mess with some players who've come at us earlier - but the end of our nights are for slaughtering one another. Much like we used to decompress with golf when I was playing with J.T., Mel and I decompress via violent stab wounds.


We started the tradition playing Red Dead. The game was "run really far away from each other and see who can lob enough throwing knives and/or dynamite to kill one another." I have a picture somewhere of my avatar with knives sticking out of every limb.


Anyway, if you see Mel and I killing each other (xThundercats and Anthony4286 will likely also be involved if they're on), don't worry about getting shot if you come near. We all know each other in real life, therefore we're inevitably going to be assholes to each other.

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And either Reggie or Neil is Hannibal, except usually neither of them is about. We are undisciplined due to our lack of leadership.

I follow around DVDVR members, while they do the bulk of the killing, and am always willing to tag along to whatever DeathMatch I will inevitably be grossly outgunned in.


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I used to call a couple of dudes in my late-night playing party Chester and Spike because wherever one went the other would follow. I had to explain the reference to another guy in the party. I hate being old.


It's about time for the night shift - I'm carbin' up on Frosted Chocolate Vanilla Cream Pop-Tarts as I type. The day job types have tagged out, it's time for third shift, baby~!

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I've reviewed the crew hierarchy and there are a lot of names in the Muscle tier whose gametags I don't recognize. Some may be PSN guys or folks who have moved onto soemthing else, whether that be another game on their Pile of Shame or now own new gen consoles..

I am fine with randoms coming in so long as there are no crew attacks on other crew members without consent, provocation, or in the course of a deathmatch or something. Unsanctioned crew on crew violence could get you the boot. HockeyShotST has already had his flag stripped due to multiple attacks against crew.

If you are a Rep or higher, then cop for some of these guys or the Lieutenants and Commisioners repping both consoles will start pruning.

If you have issues with crew on crew nonsense, post here or message one of the crew capos at R* Social Club and tell us the gamer tag of the offending party.

El Dragon

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Are we still abiding by the rule that a crew member with a bounty should allow a crew member to cap them, so the money stays in the family?

That is usually sanctioned as well so yeah, I think it is best that the cash stays in-house.

I tend to tell you guys in advance that I have a bounty on my head that needs collecting, so i know the bullet is coming from somewhere and I know that a crew member will be the one pulling the trigger..

I had to make that policy to make sure there are no mixed signals. One session, I had a bounty on my head that I didn't want collected and there were some sarcastic yet sinister overtones from Fresh and El Dragon that I misinterpreted as serious..... so I shot Dragon at the graveyard when I thought he was coming after me.... and I got his truck impounded.

That sucked and I fault myself for the miscue. So from now on, if there is a bounty on my head and I say come get me, then it is cool to shoot me. If I want to keep the bounty for myself, then it is on me to either make that known to everybody or stay in a solo session until the bounty clock expires.

Man, I was pleased with myself after that.

Does the "no shooting other crew" rule apply to throwing elbows too??

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I've reviewed the crew hierarchy and there are a lot of names in the Muscle tier whose gametags I don't recognize. Some may be PSN guys or folks who have moved onto soemthing else, whether that be another game on their Pile of Shame or now own new gen consoles..

I am fine with randoms coming in so long as there are no crew attacks on other crew members without consent, provocation, or in the course of a deathmatch or something. Unsanctioned crew on crew violence could get you the boot. HockeyShotST has already had his flag stripped due to multiple attacks against crew.

If you are a Rep or higher, then cop for some of these guys or the Lieutenants and Commisioners repping both consoles will start pruning.

If you have issues with crew on crew nonsense, post here or message one of the crew capos at R* Social Club and tell us the gamer tag of the offending party.

El Dragon



The next time you find a bullet in the back of your head from my gun, remember that you posted this.


This is your trolling area, GTA Online is, on occasion, mine. I tone it down when it matters.

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Anyway, if you see Mel and I killing each other (xThundercats and Anthony4286 will likely also be involved if they're on), don't worry about getting shot if you come near. We all know each other in real life, therefore we're inevitably going to be assholes to each other.


You can usually tell when folks are just messing around.  When I drop into your session and see you guys shooting at each other, it is obvious that it is all fun and games and if I join in, I am fair game.


So, i was talking to this girl with the gamertag RockingR6Chick last night and she is currently in search of a crew so.....

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I have never met this person, man.  She could be in high school and I am like pushing fifty. 


She was one of a couple of Rank 7 on a public server getting shot at by some Rank 80 guy, so I opened fire.


R6Chick messaged me later on, so we started talking while I was watching RAW. 

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Mark's deathmatch map is coming along nicely.


Some comments and suggestions:


1. I know why the motorcycle and the ramp are strategically placed where they are, but no one will make the jump to the roof of the clubhouse.  You may want to move those someplace else.


2. Not sure if you are in control of this, but there seems to be a lot of health and weapons situated near the clubhouse.  If you can, distribute more, longer range weapons and health boxes throughout the golf course to give players incentive to fight out on the golf course.  Keep the area around the clubhouse sparse except for the occasional health box or pistol pick-up.


3. Only making pistols available at the clubhouse is a nice touch.  Make gamers have to decide when is the best time to camp and when they should make a move to better weapons.


4. Totally agree that golf clubs should be default starting weapons and that they should be locked.


5. Swap out the golf club pick-ups for other melee or different pistols.


With a bit more fine tuning, that is going to be a great map!

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Bow chikka bow wow


It's not like that at all. :lol:


I just told her that hitting the Pause menu while you are out in the open on a public server was a really bad idea and told her not to forget to cash in on her free stuff from the Social Club and the Beach Bum DLC (so many new players sleep on the free shotgun, free pistol upgrade, and free vehicles), so she picked my brain for more tips and I pitched the crew.

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1. I know. Its a false tease. :)

2. Things are placed incorrectly. I still dont understand why sniper rifles and the rpg are spawning as pistols.

3. Now that i know players keep their weqpons when reapawning, there needs to be some tinkering with number of options.

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Yeah, I'd only keep short to medium range weapons at the clubhouse. 


If gamers want longer range guns, make them venture out onto the golf course.  That will cause them to utilize the golf carts or the limo.


Clubhouse offers the most protection, so you want to reward the guys that make the risk to run the gauntlet through the golf course in search of firearms.


If you want to make the golf course not so much of a killzone (that'd take the fun out of it, IMO), then situate the occasional crate or obstacle to serve as hard cover.

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I am one bounty shy of a Silver medal and one melee attack shy of a Platinum medal.  If one of you guys gets a bounty on you, you might get shivved.


My Endurex racing bike was a good investment!


Chopper Tail has become my new favorite mission.  I am ashamed to say that after watching Fruitvale Station yesterday afternoon, venting my spleen on virtual cops with Rippa and Mark was cathartic.  My Flying Skill finally ranked up to Level 2 at the end of that mission when Rippa and I made our getaway in the Police Maverick.


My new thing now is to call Lester to request jobs in the hope that he will give me Stocks & Scares.  I am jazzed to test out Robert's plan and see if I can actually keep a Camus Off-Road Mesa if I fit it with a tracker even though the game won't let me put one in my garage.  Hopefully the 1.09 Patch allows me to drive one into LSC for modding.

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FYI - I am sure you realize this already but you don't need the cycle and ramp for roof access.


I climbed up there on my own and found the sniper rifle. My problem just became I fell off the roof as I was trying to line up a shot and then I was boned.


And as we mentioned last night - once we all bunched up around the clubhouse, it made the rest of the course meaningless. I mean Dan and I spent a couple of minutes trying to run each over with the golf cart but other than that... yeah.


Oh and I know you said they were there but I didn't find any weapons in any of the bushes.

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FYI - I am sure you realize this already but you don't need the cycle and ramp for roof access.


Oh, I know.  Mark was just following my suggestion of having obvious, not so obvious, and absolutely GTA fucking insane routes to the top of the clubhouse. 


If you put a motorcycle and a ramp in plain view, some asshole will try to Evel Knieval to the upper patio.  The key is to position the ramp to cause a gamer to use the ramp thinking it is a reasonable jump, when in actuality he will most likely overthrottle or underthrottle and crash.


If he makes it, sweet!  If not, the epic wipe-out vid makes it to YouTube and the map gets publicity.


Weapons definitely need to be spread out over the entire course to keep all of the fighting from going down around the clubhouse.  Maybe more spawns points set out on the golf course at the hole marker signs?

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I got on about 30 minutes after y'all dropped off and wound up doing a bunch of user created deathmatches.


Some of these things other people have done are better in theory than in actual practice.  Did one called Grenade Dodgeball last night.  Basically stick a bunch of people in the university stadium and have the only weapon be grenades.  Fun in theory, really boring in reality.


Did another all melee one near Grove St with a huge crowd.  For some reason all the projects had securicars on their roofs.  Got my ass kicked, but at least I'm getting my strength stats up.  I can't tell if there's a glitch, or if people know how to do things I don't, but I swear some people throw one punch and hit me about 6 times. 

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