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Raw - 26 January 2015

Dolfan in NYC

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Guest announcer for tonight's show.  Melet-zer says they're going to push Reigns hard tonight.  Vince is really desperate for Reigns' push to get over.


So Vince's solution to make the fans like Reigns more is to do more of the things that made people turn on him in the first place.



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Eh. I mean, the finest potato of all, the Yukon Gold, was developed in Canada. I'm not a snob who turns his nose up at a nicely fried or mashed Russet, but Idaho is outshined on the potato front. 

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Allow me to retort.


The Idaho russet or "Idaho Baker" is the most sought after potato in the world. We don't even see the good ones in restaurants here because the always go to restaurants on the coasts.


Mind you, we still get ZERO wrestling. None. Zero. Nada.


Yukon golds....get the fuck out of here with with that...

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Yukon Golds make the creamiest mashed potatoes. The skin is like velvet. 


I'm sorry, but the Idaho Russet, while a solid potato, wishes that it had the flavor profile. In fact, I'm going to fry some bacon right now and then fry up a sliced Yukon Gold in the fat with rosemary and shallots.


The Idaho Russet is like Roman Reigns: Pushed beyond its abilities because it has "the look." 


(By the way, I wanted to like your post, but I am at my quota for the first time ever. While we disagree on potatoes, I really enjoyed your response.)

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The Idaho russet is like the Harley Race of potatoes. It goes everywhere and it makes everything it works with look good. Yukon Golds are the Miz of the potato world.


In all seriousness, despite the absolute lack of wrestling, Idaho is a decent place to live. I hate the politics (we make Texas look like San Francisco) but it's absolutely gorgeous. Even the desert is neato because it's the high desert. Plus, where I live, I'm surrounded by farmland and if I want to be, I'm in the Sawtooth mountains OR Boise inside of two hours.

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Hey guys, sorry to interupt...but I'm a little hungry here because I haven't eaten lunch yet today (@work still).  


Could we get back to hating on WWE, please?  The hate is the only thing that's keeping me going until I get some form of sustenance in me, and all this goddamn talk about potatoes and bacon and shit....


*deep breath*


is just a bit much right now.

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Nikki throwing that nasty forearm to get the pin on Nattie was pretty fantastic, to be honest. She might be a top-three striker in the company at this point, no kidding.

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Time for Lana to post on Instagram about how weak Americans are for canceling events due to snow and that would never happen in Russia


Only as long as she also mentions that Vladimir Putin has developed a Weather Machine anyway, so soon Russia will control the world. 

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