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So I decided that for today I was just going to go to luchawiki and hit "random page" and that would be who the WOTD would be.


First time - Fight Panther




Second time - Bunker


Okay - seriously, when neither Ed or I have ever fucking heard of you....


So of course on the third try I get Chuck Palumbo because clearly the lucha gods have a sense of humor


So anyway - Just as proof - here is Palumbo's luchawiki page


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I remember being a really huge Chucky P fan back in 07-08 when Smackdown was really hitting it's stride as a show full of asskicking dudes.




Here he is squashing poor Luke Hawx, which is what got me into the dude for the short time he was back with the WWE. I remember he was saddled with some horrible boyfriend gimmick and after that..nothing.


I just recently saw him on that tv show he has on discovery..and it's pretty terrible reality stuff.

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Matt, You really need to watch all of the SD/ECW from that time period because it was mostly good stuff. Matt Hardy, Finlay, Big Daddy V, and a few others made that time really really fun.


Matt Hardy and MVP had the best variation of the fueding tag partners angle I have ever seen.

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Fight Panther and Bunker? WTF? I've never heard of them either. Palumbo looked like a guy that could go places, surprised that he just faded away. His car show, like most car shows is bloody awful.

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I had a weekly Custom Chucky P update I was running here when he first showed up at that point, there were at least two Palumbo v Finlay matches...how is that period a black hole for anyone.

I'd also reccomend people watch all the Chuck Palumbo Voodoo Murders stuff...as Palumbo was really great and pretty much post-Muta All Japan has really no IWC coverage (feels like a project for Matt or Paul Cooke).
Pretty much post 02 Palumbo is all killer.

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He and Sean O'Haire were the two guys from the NBTs that I thought had great potential and was really glad when they put the two of them together and were seemingly getting a push over Stasiak and GymTrack. Of course then WCW went all cattywampus and he kind of got lost in the shuffle.  Palumbo was one of those guys who had talent but kept getting saddled with lame gimmick after lame gimmick that never went anywhere or were really given a chance to catch on.  I'm wondering if he would have been more successful had he come around a few years later when there were less big guys around and found a better niche then.

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My lasting memory of Chuck Palumbo for better or worse was Lilian Garcia announcing O'Haire and him as "The WCW Tag Team Champions, Chuck O'Haire".


Also, I think they may have been the first WCW guys to get their asses beat by the WWF when they tried to invade.


What a strange path his character took from WCW through WWE in something like a 5-year period.  Went from being a jungle man to a fake Lex Luger to finally getting to be himself a little and then he got kicked out of The Alliance and fell in love with Billy Gunn and then he became super straight by wearing jeans with no shirt and then he became a Full Blooded Italian and then he started carrying a big wrench because he thought he was a motorcycle and then he tried to take the little redneck's girlfriend.

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