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NFL 2013: WEEK 2


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I cannot fucking take this for another 14 games. It is not a good sign when the Saints' offence is being outperformed by the D. Have to give at least some credit to Tampa but a lot of the issues were there last week as well.


I'm optimistically chalking it up to us playing two division opponents.  And today with the delay and the shitty field and the wind and such.  Also to Mark Ingram being FUCKING GODDAMN GARBAGE WHY THE FUCK DID THEY HAND IT OFF TO HIM TWICE ON THAT FUCKING DRIVE WHEN PT OR SPROLES WOULD HAVE RUN IT RIGHT THE FUCK IN!?!?  Between my Ags losing and this son of a bitch damn near giving me a heart attack today, I'm ready to light Nick Saban on fire.  

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I said it last week, the Eagles Offense would be awesome with a young, mobile QB that has good decision making capibilities, consistant recievers,  and a well-conditioned line.


Too bad they have none of these



Um, I'm not sure what games you've been watching from the Eagles the last two weeks but there is nothing wrong with their offense.  You might want to point some fingers at their defense though. 

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Yeah because that is what the NFL needs right now, a Jim Cantaore update on the weather. I hope he isn't in Seattle because then we will get a flash food or tornado

My wife and I simultaneously OH NO'D at the mention of Jim Cantore.
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The thing that gets me is, that it's apparently too dangerous for the players to be on the field, but they keep the fans in the stands. Being a dick aside, I'm actually fine with the delay, but it seems to me that the chances of a lightning strike in the stands in nearly as much as a lightning strike on the field.

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In Edmonton I can only recall one major lightning delay in 5 years and they did ask the fans to clear into the concourse or at least into the lower bowl seats that are under the second deck overhang. Obviously that was a fun day of crossing public showers, moshing, and football into an entirely new social experience.


I do think it's kind of silly to run the players off and not bother with that step, agreed. I understand when you're talking an NFL stadium with 60-80K this isn't exactly a comfortable (or even practical) request in some cases, but still.

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