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Grand Theft Auto V Talk.

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Craziest thing last night - I needed a team deathmatch for my daily objectives, so I joined a random one from the phone. I landed in one with auto aim turned off, and I was GOLDEN against the Mary Lou. Guy would roll, pop back up, and I'd shotgun him in the chest every time. Problem was, I couldn't hit him when we'd go straight at each other. Everything you gain, you lose.

I was in a room last night with three other dudes. One wants to be my associate. OK, fine. I message him and ask "ideas?" He says he wants to kill everyone in the room. OK, fine. We rush into these two guys going back and forth. One guy immediately leaves. The other doesn't, and proceeds to whip our asses. Sigh. I eventually cowered under the desk in my office until the bad man went away. I committed suicide several times trying to bank shot grenades off walls and ending up bank shotting them right into my lap. Not good. Guy could work that marksman rifle.

Between this and Rocket League, I'm getting very tired of being bad at video games.

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2 hours ago, Robert C said:

Watched a video yesterday of a guy doing some cheat thing.  Don't even remember what the cheat was, but after he did it, he started Mary Louing while in the first person view.  Damn if I didn't about puke from watching it and getting motion sickness.  No first person for me, because the alternative is unthinkable.  Taking away my Mary Lou would be like taking away Melraz's heavy sniper or Stout's sticky bombs.  Such a thing cannot be.

You can shut off the first person effects of rolling, rag dolling, hiding in cover, head bobbing and also "in-game depth effects" which blurs your vision while scoping. Hit pause, settings, display, and switch what you want off. Makes it much, much easier if you're in first person. 

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On 6/10/2016 at 3:27 PM, PetrolCB said:

You can shut off the first person effects of rolling, rag dolling, hiding in cover, head bobbing and also "in-game depth effects" which blurs your vision while scoping. Hit pause, settings, display, and switch what you want off. Makes it much, much easier if you're in first person. 

Holy shit - thanks for this info. I had no idea you could turn the blur effect off while scoping. Why the hell is that even the default setting?

I'm all for immersion, but I can blur my own vision just fine.

*This message is brought to you by the Council for Two Beer

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So maybe the game just hates me and Kelvin then.  

I gotta try that router setup stuff, but I'll probably wait till I have the week of July 4 off.  My wife and I rely on the network too much for work, and I don't wanna risk fucking it up till I have time to fix it if I do.

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I tried to get on last night and kept getting put into rooms by myself. Finally managed to get in a room with one other person. 

Decided to forget freemode and do Titan of a Job because it's been a while. That failed for one reason or another - can't remember - so I just gave up.

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Dalm, sounds like y'all havin the trouble I've had for the longest time. Hope they get it fixed soon! My shit stayed in strict. Even with the router set up. I didn't put the ones stout mentioned 5 pages back or so in though. I will try those if I ever get back on. 



And Burke glad to see the council still keepin it's good name. Keep up the good work my brother!

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Try Googling Rockstar's instructions on the ports to open - there's more than just the Xbox ports.

Last session was odd. Needed five kills for daily objectives, so I went Allah Akbaring to try to goad folks into a fight, right? Everyone in the room, even VIPs and bodyguards ran from me. I got 3 kills killing people who were AFK. Weird.

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Strict NAT will fuck up your connection and also if you are unfortunate enough to still have an old school Xfinity Technicolor gateway, those things have always had a software compatibility issue with Xbox that wasn't addressed until the most recent firmware update.

If you have a Technicolor internet gateway and Comcast / Xfinity is your service provider, I'd suggest swapping it out for an Arris.

I have no problems with multiplayer or co-op via my FiOS gateway.  Connection Is always steady.

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I guarantee you, though, that everyone having a connection problem with GTA Online doesn't have a single problem playing another game online.

GTA Online has always been a whole 'nother animal when it comes to getting and staying online.

One thing I found about my setup is that if I'm freaking SURE my NAT type is open, it'll still somehow get closed again and I have to open it back up.


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Good god do CEO missions stink solo. Nobody was on when I was, at least anyone who'd help me. I got my ass handed to me in one session. I deserve it though. Last time I was on I/we pretty much layed the smacketh down. I consider myself a good player in free roam, but I was getting double-teamed like crazy, and didn't have a hot tag in my corner. Pretty much had to do the thing I hate the most and switch sessions.

After a bit of time though, I had some of my cohorts join and I went back to my usual dickish nature in the Buzzard and on the streets. Still though, it was a real bastard of a start. 

All in all, some healthy combat. 

**post script** 

I forgot to add this. Anybody who has done freeroam, once in a blue moon runs into a person or people who are non-aggressive. Ever since the CEO update, there seems to be a mutual respect amongst other CEOs. We all want to get our shit done. "Stay away from me, I'll stay away from you." 

So, I'm up between the mountains and Sandy Shores getting the final third of my crates, by myself. Low level white dot is coming up. All out of "ghost", and Lester OTR. I'm not looking forward to it. Here comes a red jet CEO. Fuck. I'm scrambling through the hills with this dot after me. Jet lights him up. Play it nice and text him "thanks, brother". He replies, "I've got you, man." 

Assists me, by destroying this white dot for 20 mins in his jet while I make my journey back towards my LSIA warehouse. Solidarity is rare in this game, but when it happens, it's pretty awesome.


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It is. You can tell when a room has a friendly vibe - we'll do our thing, you do yours - and it's fun. The crate shit SUUUUUUUUCKKKKKS with people screwing with you, it's not worth doing. Especially delivering.

I leave people alone if they're doing crate work, screw it, that stuff's hard. It's like Rockstar said "we need to give the game's dicks more opportunities to be dicks." I mean, I've been an asshole in this game for a while, and my prison record shows it, but there's a time and a place for everything. I don't like costing people thousands just to be a dick.

I still say crates aren't as profitable as spending the time spamming heists or missions. I'll do crate work if I happen to be by myself in a public session or the room is so small and I get the feeling the other folks in the room are being friendly. Otherwise, hell no.

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You probably haven't fooled with this VIP stuff much since you can't get on. It can be hours of hassle collecting even just a few crates, all undone in five seconds by some asshole with a Buzzard. You're trying to drive this slow-as-hell truck out of the way while someone who can lock on to you completely destroys your hours of running around the map like a loon.

There's being a dick, then there's fucking with hours of people's work for a few thousand dollars.

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10 hours ago, jstout said:

There's being a dick, then there's fucking with hours of people's work for a few thousand dollars.

Yeah, that does sound like us.

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I'll second that. I was voted to be, and was eventually kicked out of a lobby this morning while doing stuff with my CEO group. They were in their jets, griefing another groups CEO crate attempt. While I was ghosting off radar on another's attempt at Headhunter. Both opposing CEOs and their cronies initiated it early on and assumed we'd forgotten about it...


It was some enjoyable combat. 

Then you get the CEOs who start shit with their gang, which results in heavy warfare. Only for their teammates to get tired and leave them, while they stay to do VIP work, assuming that we'll let them be. 

...yeah, that's not going to happen. 

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I don't mind getting screwed with during VIP work, it's just the damn crates. They're such a huge investment in time. Especially the delivery. In a lot of cases, you're trying to tool around town in a huge truck that makes the box trucks seem fast while every other VIP and bodyguard on the map has access to Buzzards on a whim. It's damn near impossible to start out with, and could lead to hours of work going down the drain. At least messing with me during Headhunter isn't gonna mess with hours of work and cost me thousands of dollars.

There's being a dick to players, then there's being a colossal dick, and I think the crates kinda crosses that line. That said, if somebody draws first blood with me, they get what they get. I'm just not gonna go over and start screwing with them just because I can.

I also leave people alone if they're trying to play a minigame, unless there's a tactical advantage for me. If someone's trying to fly a plane under bridges, why should I be a dick and shoot them out of the sky even though it'd be real easy for me to?

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Yeah, mini game stuff is usually a no-go for me. I'm borderline first blood and starting it. Starting it, for me, is if I see someone heading down my street driving, then they're gonna eat some carbine. Other way is my proxy setup that glitches, while I'm off doing something else. 

Other than that, it's mostly business. 

I am aware I look like a jerk. 

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