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Grand Theft Auto V Talk.

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Last night, me and Cris ran into some bitches who were trying to do something they called a Spawn Trap to us. It involved putting bounties on each other to lure us to the beach and having a Sniper Battle, only there were seven of them and two of us (later four, Wardy and his mate Kannabis King turned up). But apparently they had (or thought they had) figured out a way to kill people where they always respawn on the beach and you can spawn snipe them. It also involved hiding behind dunes like pussies, and using the Karl Marxman rifle a lot. And what was either luck or a good connection speed.


Then a hacker showed up. Who was probably allied with them, because they'd kill us while we were reporting and kicking him. The guys we were fighting all left but the hacker was still there, and then I spotted a white, borderless dot next to me and shot it... and killed Cristobal. Who suffers from permanent red dot disorder, and has a blue and green border at all times.


Fucking hackers.


We did some missions later. Cris needed money, as he was down to his last $1000 or so. I was down to my last $3,5000,000. I bought an Adder last week. I didn't really want one, I just had so much money it made no sense not to.

Spawn raping people @ the beach?  Yeah, that's a thing we do on 360, but with the heavy sniper like civilized folk.

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I just saw some 4k screenshots from the PC version, jesus on a hot rod it does look pretty. It'd probably blow up my laptop if I tried to play it though.


Hopefully there are options to turn all of the pc "enhancements" off for those of us not fond of forced obsolescence before its time.

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Really wanted to get online to pay forward the shower of bastards that life has given me recently, but my online connection goes from worse to hell no so that wasn't happening.

Tried going into a solo session and drove around and waited a bit, but no luck.

May try again in a few as a last ditch effort before hitting the sack.

As for the PC version, if I had had the extra cash to upgrade my ancient system my online worries would at least be over.

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Last night, me and Cris ran into some bitches who were trying to do something they called a Spawn Trap to us. It involved putting bounties on each other to lure us to the beach and having a Sniper Battle, only there were seven of them and two of us (later four, Wardy and his mate Kannabis King turned up). But apparently they had (or thought they had) figured out a way to kill people where they always respawn on the beach and you can spawn snipe them. It also involved hiding behind dunes like pussies, and using the Karl Marxman rifle a lot. And what was either luck or a good connection speed.


Then a hacker showed up. Who was probably allied with them, because they'd kill us while we were reporting and kicking him. The guys we were fighting all left but the hacker was still there, and then I spotted a white, borderless dot next to me and shot it... and killed Cristobal. Who suffers from permanent red dot disorder, and has a blue and green border at all times.


Fucking hackers.


We did some missions later. Cris needed money, as he was down to his last $1000 or so. I was down to my last $3,5000,000. I bought an Adder last week. I didn't really want one, I just had so much money it made no sense not to.

Spawn raping people @ the beach?  Yeah, that's a thing we do on 360, but with the heavy sniper like civilized folk.



Yeah anytime somebody announces dots by the beach, it's the unspoken rule that everybody heads there immediately, heavy snipers at the ready.  We've also been known to attempt killing somebody across the map till they wind up on the beach.

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The beach is where memories are made, Yeah, it was especially fun when we were punishing multiple dots at the beach once and here came RUkered in a helicopter with sticky bombs attached to take out a couple who thought they were being rescued. He was in the game chat with them at the time and they were understandably not pleased.


Then there was some poor clud down there with four or five of us who must've gotten spawn sniped 40 times in a row while we were begging him to leave over and over again in the XBox chat. He was a persistent cuss. We were having sniping races to see who killed him first on the spawn. "There he is ... there he was."

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I got spawn sniped by someone a while back, leading to this conversation with Robert:


Me: Man, I just got spawn sniped. I hate that shit.

Robert: Yeah, but it's fun when we do it to someone.

Me: Yeah, well, that goes without saying.

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Damn, but it felt good to get back into Los Santos.  Dan and I ruined a bunch of fools' days.  Many a whiny message was received.  Many a sticky bomb was used. 


Got my first ever proximity mine kill, and my first two kills with the new RPG as well.  Kill of the night may've been the guy I sniped through a van just as Dan was about to run him over in the guy's own POV.

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Got back on later and melraz and I threw a beach party.  A few unfortunate souls decided to attend, and paid the price.  My boy Matthew made a guest appearance and provided the ear piercing cries.  Heavy sniper was working a charm tonight.  Apparently the secret is to hold a crying infant while you're shooting.

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Yeah we cleared em outta the city they run to the beach for protection what the hell were they thinkin??? Dalm half my secret is now out. Gotta learn to play with yer feet. Many years of practice and discipline are required. Now all my secret is out.

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Well, presumably the actual glitch space is pretty small, because the French lad didn't move about in it very much (and because you would then be in Ammu-Nation). Also, he didn't blow the car up, which implies you can't get out of the blast radius of that explosion (and really, if the only way in is with a car, the first thing you should do when you get in is blow the car up, so nobody can passive in wearing a Sticky).


But I'm pretty sure you can get on the roof of that Ammu-Nation (or a roof that overlooks it at least), from a ladder around the back. And then drop or fire explosives down from there.

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Oh hell, J.T., you're too stuck up Uranus to come back to Los Santos, even though Delta Victor Delta Romeo crew could use its general.

This one's not bad. AxB, you're right - the "platform space" is so tiny that you're not blowing up the car because you'll take yourself out. You can also walk out of the front of the glitch, so if you don't stand stock still (pretty much), you're doomed.

Anyone should be able to get wired up with a sticky and charge in there and detonate basically as soon as one lands and get whoever's in the glitch.

Robert and I cleared a room before I got incredibly sleepy at 2 a.m. like a wuss and tapped out. Was asleep by 2:15. We had a couple last night who could hang with us, for some reason - they didn't seem outstandingly good, but I think both of them were up on me slightly.

I Allah Akbared one guy about 6-7 times while he basically did nothing. I figured he was of such a low level that he didn't have his RPG. Then from out of nowhere, he blows my car up with a minigun. Yeah, he had his RPG, he just never thought to use it, I guess.

Also ran into a Level 605 who basically didn't have a torso - you could see his head, arms and legs, but no middle. He looked like he folded up when he Mary Lou'ed. Glad he left early.

My favorite kill - dude comes at me in a Zentorno, gets shot. I put a proximity mine on his car. Here comes his buddy in another Zentorno and plows into the mined Zentorno, blowing both up. I'm going back to juvie.

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The level 605 guy was weird.  I could see his head and torso, but no legs.  Been a very long time since I saw something like that.


Wish I could've seen the double Zentorno takedown.  I was dead at that point after being run over by a backwards driving chrome/green Zentorno being driven by weedhogger.  Pretty much the most GTA death ever.

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