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Grand Theft Auto V Talk.

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Two versions of a car I don't want,  Plus a gun I already own and would love to get rid of.  No thanks.


The shark card stuff has always made me curious.  Not questioning the overall business model.  They've obviously made a shit ton of money this way.  I just wonder if they could've made more if the cards weren't so insanely expensive.  $100 for $8 million in game money guarantees they'll never get a penny from me.  If it was $10, I probably would've bought one or two.  It seems to me that the number of additional sales they would make from lowering the price might more than make up for the price drop,


Would also love to know how sales have been doing recently.  They've added a bunch of new stuff.  Most people probably can't afford all if it without paying real money.  However, the number of people that are playing enough to pay real money for this must have dropped off significantly by now.  The few times I've been on recently, I've had a hard time finding a room with more than 1-2 people in it, and I've not seen any of the new shit, outside of Benny's.


What I really want to know though, like I mentioned in the general video game thread, is how they're gonna do this for Red Dead.  Are they gonna have a special horse named Zentorno that has up-gradable legs, can be painted lime green, and that makes you invulnerable if you ride it backwards?  I have no clue how they're gonna monetize online for that game, but I'm damn sure they're gonna try.  When it does come out, it better let us hijack trains, so that melraz can drive us around.

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How to monetize Red Dead Online: Make bullets really rare and really expensive. So most online Deathmatches are machete vs bullwhip.

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The only good thing about the first Roosevelt is the horn.


I bought both of those Halloween cars, and they suuuuuuuuuuck. They're gone sooner than later. I like that pimped-up Sultan quite a bit, but they moved it to the Super class, which it is not. I need to see it, but I'm not liking my chances of buying the Roosevelt limo.


The new stuff they add is hit and miss. They blew it on that "high-rise apartment," featuring "customizable interiors," which was the same interior turned different colors. They've blown it by not giving people the ability to spend HYOOOGE money on mansions - you know kids would buy them.


Hopefully they've turned their attention to the next big thing, be it RDR or GTA 6 or whatever. Time for something new.

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GTAV was the 5th best selling game last year. I suspect a lot of that was on PS4/X1 and people double dipping.

Rockstar has no reason to lower Shark card prices. They make around $50 million per quarter on them. It's the F2P model where 95% of the players will never pay anything but the "whales" spend a ton. There was a story not too long ago about a kid spending $6000 in one month on FIFA card packs.

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Remembered to get on to get my Valentine's masks back this year. I mean, I had to buy them again, but it's not like there's anything else to spend money on.


Did a heist set-up or two with some randoms for no real reason. Series A-Coke. Me (level 375) and a level 70-something were in the boat, the chopper team was a level 24 and a level 23.


They never landed the chopper. Flew around the yacht while the boat crew did all the killing and looting, then landed on the beach to fly us back to the warehouse. Never seen it done like that before - is that the way everyone does it now?

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Level 200!  


FINALLY hit it last night!

TIme to start a second character.



You can join the bikini squad.  You just have to be of with knowing that all the guys prefer Burke.


I already told you trollops that wouldn't happen if YOU'D PUT ON SOME DAMN CLOTHES, YOU FLOOZIES.

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Popped on quick for the first time in months, just because I wanted to grab the Roosevelt, Street Sweeper and some long sleeved shirts that I can only get around Valentine's Day to complete my old school gangster ensemble.

If I happen to eventually upgrade to GTA on PS4, all that shit will come with me yeah?

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Yes, it's yours for life now. Although I lost my Valentine's masks in the Christmas 2014 update and only just got them back (which I should have done a year ago, but I wasn't playing the game at that point).


Did you hear about the guys who are getting banned for hacking? The ones who made it all the way to their third strike are getting banned from GTA online for quite a while. First strike, two weeks. Second strike, two months. Third strike, TWENTY YEARS~! 

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I actually got on and shot some dots last night, at least as much as the damn game let me.  I at least managed to stay on long enough to take somebody up on two ill advised 1 on 1 deathmatch requests.  I won the first one 5-0, despite being distracted by other people targeting me since I had a bounty.  Second one I got one quick kill, then let the other people that were circling me wear him out, while I hunkered down and concentrated on surviving the guys I couldn't see on radar.


Game was acting flaky as shit, though. I could never manage more than 10-15 minutes without getting hit by a room dump.  Also found a new bug - trying on the new Valentines Day clothes removed all the tattoos that had to be unlocked.  I still have the ones anybody can buy, but that's it.  If I go to the tattoo parlor it shows that I still have them all but nothing is visible.  I worked hard for that fucking burning heart, stupid game.

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If you take away Robert's tattoos, does he cease to exist?


I'd never thought of tattoos as some sort of weird camo - I don't think Robert had a face, just a black spot.


I saw you on last night, but I couldn't bear it. This game's kinda gotten hot and cold for me, mostly cold. Plus, I've been having tons of connection troubles, too. Lots of room dumps like Robert described.

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In a way, I think I might just cease to exist if that happens permanently - might piss me off enough to avoid the game at least for a while.


Of course, after having to deal with the Whole Foods parking lot twice already today, I might need to get back on to take out my frustrations on virtual cars and people.

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My driver's side front door is busted and will take $600 to fix on a car I paid $1,000 for. It'll shut from the outside, but not the inside.


So of course, what do I do? I get in and out through the passenger's door like in the game. Life imitates art.


Friend suggested welding it shut and going through the window like the Duke boys. That's actually a good idea, as long as someone's around to video it for America's Funniest Home Videos. "And the $100,000 winner is 'No, Don't, Fatty,' sent in by this fat bastard here."

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It's my first arrest. Went dodgy last night, shrugged it off with a Million Dollar Man laugh. Woke up this morning and within 5 minutes, I had the book being thrown my way. Managed to stave it off for about 4-5 hours on the lam in free roam. During which, I said 'fuck it', and went full Unibomber because what am I, gonna serve MORE time?

I probably would've stayed a free man though, had the guy I kept killing not A: repeatedly gone back to MMI; B: had his mic on, so I could hear his sorry ass complaining.

I'm still gonna play the same way afterwards, I don't care. As Cristobal is aware of, unfortunately, I'm a fan of the proxies.

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It's my first arrest. Went dodgy last night, shrugged it off with a Million Dollar Man laugh. Woke up this morning and within 5 minutes, I had the book being thrown my way. Managed to stave it off for about 4-5 hours on the lam in free roam. During which, I said 'fuck it', and went full Unibomber because what am I, gonna serve MORE time?

I probably would've stayed a free man though, had the guy I kept killing not A: repeatedly gone back to MMI; B: had his mic on, so I could hear his sorry ass complaining.

I'm still gonna play the same way afterwards, I don't care. As Cristobal is aware of, unfortunately, I'm a fan of the proxies.


Reminds me of an old Louis CK bit where he's talking about driving around without a license. Something like - "I'm not worried when the cops pull me over because I know I'm going to jail. The pressure is off. I just say whatever I want to the cops. I don't give a shit. What - are they gonna send me to extra jail??"

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Thursday only, double cash and double RP for all missions.


Gas up the Kuruma and do Pier Pressure a billion times. Your wallet will thank you later.


I'm spamming missions now with a kid who was level 10 when we started, and he jumps a level a mission. It's cute.


Makin' bank, y'all~!


EDIT: I liked the randoms I was playing with - two were 180-somethings, solid, could carry the kid no prob, didn't wanna talk about it - but I went to the University of Melraz when it comes to doing missions: First question is always "will sniping help this mission?" I'm sniping like mad in Chop Chop and Chumash and Grab and they're rushing in. Chumash (kill a bunch of guys on a pier, then kill guys in a boat, then deliver boat) is practically MADE for sniping, and Chop Chop is much safer sniping.


Then again, I sniped like mad in one of them and forgot my teammates were down blasting away in a Kuruma taking care of business while I tried to line up headshots on dead guys. The Kuruma was very literally a game-changer in the truest sense of the word.

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The Kuruma made it so you can solo Titan of a Job and Rooftop Rumble, easily by yourself on any difficulty.  It's incredibly unfair to the cpu. (Not that I'm complaining.)


The nearly $40k you made with a double payout on RR makes it worth the 5 minutes of effort. 


Gerald missions are that much easier since you just have to kill whoever has the coke/meth/whatever, pick it up, get back in your (essentially) bullet-proof car and count your money on the way to Gerald's. 

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