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I did a deathmatch once with a level 50-something guy, who didn't have maxed out driving skill (He had full everything else except flying). I didn't know you could make it to double figures without getting 100% driving. He was very good at Deathmatches though. He came second ;)

Did Compound a couple of times with a level 323 (I'm at 203) and a random third guy each time. The first time he came second and a level 70-ish came last. The second time, a level 27 came second and 323 was 3-10. Other than that, I spent most of the session complaining that whenever you quickstart a Deathmatch it's always teams, and whenever you host a solo one and people spawn into it, they quit before it starts.

Then I jumped into Havoc's Coveted x 16 playlist. We failed 4 times. Once the Helicopter didn't land, once Zoe flipped the container trying to pick it up, once Havoc was running around inside the chopper, glitched onto the roof and made it drop the container, and once he was piloting, came in too low and bounced the container off a fence, swinging it up into the Chopper and destroying it.

Then I did a race and a deathmatch with Cris and some randoms, but he doesn't want me to tell you about that.

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I never really pay attention to how the absurdly higher-level guys do in deathmatches, though I know they always seem to do well. There'll always be some dark horse who does well out of the blue, like a level 34 guy.


When I first started playing the game, I did a non-teams deathmatch and just got CREAMED - it really got absurd. So i didn't play another for literally months until the guys here pushed me into them really recently.


That said, Robert and I were on the same team for one at the power station (the one with all the transformers inside the building) last night, and it occurred to me that "I know Robert really doesn't care, but I'd think these other two guys on my team would like to win, and if I continue to participate in this deathmatch, we won't win."


Two guys were pullin' that Mary Lou crap on me hard, and I was sufferin'. Occasionally when you die, you spawn outside, and have to go through a door to get back into the actual deathmatch. I just stayed outside for the last 4 minutes or so, stared at the traffic. Our team came back and won, as expected.


I do wonder if a "tie goes to the runner" situation exists in deathmatches where if two people are firing on each other equally, advantage goes to the one with the higher level, which could benefit cheaters.

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The spawns in that deathmatch with the transformers are really awful if you happen to spawn outside.  Every time that happened to me I would get killed again before I got to cover. 


I have no idea how deathmatch winners get chosen if there is a tie.  I did one the other day that was the most boring one ever.  I was never able to find a member of the other team until the 30 second warning, and by then he was too far off to reach.  It started 3 on 3, and ended up 1 on 1 after 4 guys quit.  There were no kills, and I don't think anybody even fired a shot in anger.  It ended up giving me the win. I can think of the possible reasons:

  1 - random chance

  2 - I was a higher level than the guy that lost

  3 - I did kill a few random civilians after I got really, really bored


The weirdest one I've seen was one with a 40 kill limit.  It was neck and neck.  At the end of the match, the other team had 40 kills, and my team had 41.  They got the win.  The only thing I could think of there was that our last 2 kills came in the last second or 2 after they got to 40, but before the match really ended.

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I still haven't figured out that one deathmatch where we all ended in a flat 30-30 tie - since the team K/D ratio was exactly the same


Unless there was some suicides to mess up the ratio but I dont think so.


I hope I can get my wireless to be more stable so I feel more comfortable playing again. I think I have completed like two ME3 games over the last two nights

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Two of the Mary Lous rushed me at one point and I thought "it takes two of you to kill me? Isn't that kind of a waste of resources on a four-man team?"


Then there was a point where I came through that door next to two guys, and it was literally a decision of "can't shoot both, need to shoot somebody." Problem was, I don't think I killed the guy I was shooting at before the other guy wasted me.


Deathmatches are pretty much a source of constant disappointment. I love doing them when when it's all crew, because screw it. I hate the idea that I might be on a team with someone who is competitive and gives a crap about winning, 'cause I'm gonna be an anchor around your neck.


I'll do OK (and by OK, I mean a kill/death ratio of 1.0) in about one out of every 10 deathmatches. Otherwise, I'm gonna get my ass handed to me, either 0 kills or 1 kill and at least 7-8 deaths. Certain deathmatches lend themselves to me doing better, like Paintball. I can occasionally do OK at Paradise Alley. The cemetery's not so bad. That powerstation one was just a nightmare for me. Damn Mary Lous. Maybe Rockstar can do a setting for that the way they're gonna do contact in racing. I'd love to be able to turn those damn things off.

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Then you and I should always team up Stout. I consider myself pretty competitive in general, but I don't mind losing to crew. I only care because, like you said, I hate to be an anchor for my team.

I have also ran and hid like you mentioned because most of the team deaths were on me. Maybe we should team up and go cower in the bushes together. Be the team cheerleaders or something. I'll work on my backflip.


I think a big reason I suck so much is because I'm terrible at aiming at someone and then bumping the crosshairs up for a headshot. So even if I get the jump on someone, I'm standing there pelting them in the body armor and they crack off a one-shot kill.

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i tend to either:


1. Underestimate the range of my machine gun and try to snipe someone I could just machine gun down, leaving myself way open for someone to kill me.

2. Overestimate the range of my machine gun and fire shots at someone too far away to hit, giving my exact position up and opening myself up for a good killin'.


Plus, I swear, half my deaths are people who don't pop up on my map until they've already killed me, even with the big map. Hard to defend against what you can't see. 


I played that electrical station one this afternoon and did OK, I think I killed four folks and got killed four times. Two of my four teammates left the match when it started, so it was 4-on-2. Can't be too mad about losing in those circumstances.


Then I did that Paradise Alley one and just got freakin' destroyed. No kills, eight deaths. My team was so far down, though, all match long that it just didn't matter. I think it was 11-2 at one point early in the match and I thought "miracle comeback highly unlikely."


I've got no competition in me, I really don't care whether I win or lose - it's like a pleasant little surprise if I do win. I try to win, don't get me wrong, but I'm not mad if I don't. I go in expecting to lose, and if I do better, hooray! But I know that everyone else in the game doesn't share my little worldview, and they'd prefer winning. And I hate knowing that I'm the guy that they're grumbling about. "If that stupid bastard would quit getting killed, we might be able to win." 


Actually, there's almost always someone on my team who gets killed more than me because they're constantly on the attack. It's attack-get killed-attack-get killed-attack-get killed, etc. I start out conservative, taking lots of cover, and hunker down even more as I start getting killed and get even more conservative.

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I think I've played too much Red Dead...


I just spent the last 20 minutes climbing a mountain expecting to find SOMETHING cool up there.  Blah nothing but at least a nice view.

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Y'all are in trouble now. I'm getting my PhD in GTA as we speak. Melraz is sitting in my house playing my character so I can watch his methods.

"OK, first I get out the heavy sniper, then I shoot this dumb bastard right in the head."


And we were all such fans of the last motorcycle race you suggested, Kelvin, I'm sure everyone's ready to do this one. Actually, I wanna see a race up Mt. Chilliad on motorcycles. Talk about babying it.


The Austrian Sensation Herby~! made a great off-road race, but the problem is, he put in these "gates," which are just road signs, that you're supposed to go through for maximum effect. But since he couldn't put checkpoints between the gates, there's nothing stopping anyone from ignoring the gates. But if you go through the gates like you're supposed to, a less than 2 mile race can take about 10 minutes or so.


I bookmarked a fun race that's a straight line, basically, with jumps, including some that's wiser to skip and some that are hyoooge - two ramps stacked so there's a seam between the two, and if you don't hit the ramp just right, you'll smack that seam and come to a complete halt. It struck me as funner than Jumps Jumps Jumps, because you had to put some thought into whether it was worth taking the smaller jumps. But bring the Adder, for steering's not much of a consideration.


Is anyone else already forming their shortlists of cars/motorcycles they wanna get when we get more garage space? I gotta get a revvved-up street motorcycle, for sure. Thinking about a Carbonizzare - I've liked all the ones I've driven. Thought about a Lampdati Felon GT. Also stole and really, really dug driving a Dewbachee Exemplar today. It's got four doors and everything. Even though it has the worst brakes in the game, apparently, I'd like to have an Obey Rocoto SUV to complete my Obey collection.

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"Hey. (30-second pause) Hey. (30-second pause) Hey. I'm too drunk to Freemode. Let's do a mission."


You've only had two beers, you damn lightweight.


Herby~! gets me for a long run of Rooftop Rumble last night (he's on vacation soon, fellas, watch out), and he's got either one of these $500,000 new Supers or one of the new $200,000 Sports cars and he's making his getaway when he blows a damn tire! I'm like "dood, you don't have bulletproof tires on this freaking thing? Why do you not have bulletproof tires?"


He's such a car spaz, he's constantly taking in these wayward cars. It's funny, but it's how he wants to play. He wanted to put a tracker on a Imponte Ruiner (I'm pretty sure), which is one of the lower-end muscle cars, for some reason, so I modded it up to high hell for him (including buying him the bulletproof tires) and let him put a tracker on it. He'll sell it in a week when something else catches his eye, but, it's his game. And he wonders why he never has much money ...


Edit: Things I will never get tired of hearing:

* "It's not the size of the gun in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the ... fuck it, it's the size of the gun."

* "You gonna want your receipt? For tax purposes? Huh huh." (It's the laugh that gets me)

* "You're dead, dead, dead!"

* "Shitdick!"

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Well, I haven't been regularly online for about a week now following my girlfriend's knee surgery.  I will try to get back to being a murdering thief on a regular basis.  I am really close to Rank 100 and definitely want to pass that milestone.

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I am home all day dealing with some family stuff but I am on and off - doing the usual playing both ME3 and GTA V - so if I am on just shoot me an invite to something

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I wish i could bail to see Cap this afternoon.  Weather is rainy and shitty and perfect for a matinee, but I have meetings up the wazoo today.

I was so happy the rain i expected to drive thru from NOLA to MD never materialized. It was sunny and warm going from NOLA to TN on Saturday and cool and overcast from TN to MD. I stopped at White Marsh around 1900 and it was chilly enough for me to need a sweatshirt

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Hey, J.T., I saw Moongirl playing GTA real late a couple of nights ago, and I'm kicking myself hard for not doing any of the invites she sent me. One was for a race and one was for Boneyard. I was kinda tied up being Herby's Rooftop Rumble partner and couldn't break free. Pisser, too, I was so tickled to see her back playing the game. 


Robert and I were telling Herby the legend of Moongirl, the baddest-assed motorcycle driver in all of GTA.


Then I think it was last night, Robert invites me to deathmatches so he can get me on the other team and win every time. His kill-death ratio in one of them was a staggering 7.0 (14 kills, 2 deaths). 


We all need nicknames. Melraz is Private Pyle, and I suggest Robert's be Dr. Deathmatch. The alliteration goes out the window, but I've always thought of Misanthrope as Crazy Harry (the explosives fan from the Muppet Show).

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I haven't fired a shot in anger in GTA Online in over a week. I am not looking forward to being rusty when Rob is in the deathmatch lobby with me.


I send a PM to Moongirl every so often.  She logged on long enough to get some of the t-shirts from the Valentine's Day update, but her clan has been pretty busy in all of the CoD games lately. I think she still plays GTA Online long enough to keep her racing skills sharp but she's a bit out of practice.  If you ever wanted the bragging rights of beating her in a motorcycle race, now's the time.


She still wants to make it through all ten waves of Survival for the achievement so if someone can help her with that and run through the Boneyard / White Trailer scenario if I am not around, I'd be grateful.

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Just one and Boneyard is the easiest map to get the achievement / platinum medal for Surviving 10 Waves. 


I dragged Fresh and Mark kicking and screaming to victory huddling in fear behind the white trailer while hillbillies in helicopters tried to kill us.

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Hey, J.T., I saw Moongirl playing GTA real late a couple of nights ago, and I'm kicking myself hard for not doing any of the invites she sent me. One was for a race and one was for Boneyard. I was kinda tied up being Herby's Rooftop Rumble partner and couldn't break free. Pisser, too, I was so tickled to see her back playing the game. 


Robert and I were telling Herby the legend of Moongirl, the baddest-assed motorcycle driver in all of GTA.


Then I think it was last night, Robert invites me to deathmatches so he can get me on the other team and win every time. His kill-death ratio in one of them was a staggering 7.0 (14 kills, 2 deaths). 


We all need nicknames. Melraz is Private Pyle, and I suggest Robert's be Dr. Deathmatch. The alliteration goes out the window, but I've always thought of Misanthrope as Crazy Harry (the explosives fan from the Muppet Show).


Those two back to deathmatches pretty much came down to 2 things. 

I've played those two enough times to have them figured out pretty well, and know where to go.  I haven't mastered free roaming combat well enough, so it all comes down to positioning for me a lot of times.

The other thing is that you had a bunch of witless idiots on your team, especially for the Getaway match.  I was set up at the end of a narrow alleyway that provides no cover for anybody coming through.  I must've kill 9 or 10 people in there in about 2 minutes.  After a while I stopped even bothering to aim and just fired blindly down the alleyway.  I'm still trying to figure out the thought process.  Who looks at a space like that, with a couple of dead bodies already in it, and bloodstains where others had been and thinks that looks "Hmm.  That looks safe.  I'll run right down that directly towards that spot that provides perfect cover for a hidden opponent."?

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